Population Health academic staff
Below are the names and contact details of staff in the Division of Population Health. If you aren’t sure who to contact then get in touch using our general contact details.
Staff A-Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address | Telephone | Surname |
A |
Ablard, Suzanne | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.ablard@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2422 | A |
Adewo, Dr Debebe Shaweno | Research Associate in Infectious Disease modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.shaweno@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0713 | A |
Akparibo, Dr Robert | Associate Professor/Snr Lecturer, in Global Health and Nutrition | School of Medicine and Population Health | R.Akparibo@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4269 | A |
Ali, Aisha | Trials Support Officer | School of Medicine and Population Health | Aisha.Ali@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0678 | A |
Angus, Mr Colin | Professor of Alcohol Policy | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.r.angus@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0686 | A |
Apekey, Dr Tanefa A. | Senior Lecturer in Human Nutrition | School of Medicine and Population Health | t.apekey@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0789 | A |
Ariss, Dr Steven | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.ariss@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5426 | A |
B |
Baird, Professor Wendy | Director of NIHR Research Design Service for Yorkshire and the Humber | School of Medicine and Population Health | w.o.baird@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0819 | B |
Barnes, Dr Sarah | Public Health Section Director | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.barnes@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0727 | B |
Bastounis, Dr Anastasios | Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.bastounis@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0739 | B |
Bates, Sarah | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.e.bates@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0716 | B |
Beecroft, Claire | University Teacher | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.beecroft@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0701 | B |
Bell Gorrod, Helen | Research Associate in Health Economics | School of Medicine and Population Health | helen.bellgorrod@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0890 | B |
Bell, Dr Fiona | Honorary Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | fiona.bell7@nhs.net | +44 7905952791 | B |
Berntsson, Hannah | Study Manager/Quality Assurance Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | h.berntsson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 8278 | B |
Biggs, Katie | CTRU Assistant Director | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.e.biggs@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6128 | B |
Bishop-Edwards, Lindsey | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.j.bishop-edwards@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0845 | B |
Biz, Aline Navega | Research Fellow in Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.navega-biz@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6300 | B |
Blackmore, Dr Chris | Senior University Teacher | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.m.blackmore@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0848 | B |
Blank, Dr Lindsay | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.blank@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0853 | B |
Booth, Professor Andrew | Professor in Evidence Synthesis | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.booth@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0705 | B |
Bradley, Dr Stephen | Senior Clinical Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | Stephen.Bradley@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0697 | B |
Brazier, Professor John E | Emeritus Professor | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.e.brazier@sheffield.ac.uk | B | |
Breeze, Penny | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | p.breeze@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5429 | B |
Brennan, Professor Alan | Professor of Health Economics and Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.brennan@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0684 | B |
Burr, Dr Jennifer | Senior University Teacher in Medical Sociology | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.a.burr@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0792 | B |
Burton, Professor Chris | Professor of Primary Medical Care | School of Medicine and Population Health | chris.burton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0704 | B |
C |
Callaghan, Tia | Study Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | t.callaghan@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4397 | C |
Campbell, Mike | Emeritus Professor of Medical Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.j.campbell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0839 | C |
Cantrell, Anna | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.j.cantrell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0894 | C |
Carlton, Professor Jill | Professor of Health Outcomes Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.carlton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0799 | C |
Carroll, Chris | Reader in Systematic Review and Evidence Synthesis | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.carroll@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0864 | C |
Caton, Dr Samantha | Senior Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.caton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4198 | C |
Chambers, Duncan | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.chambers@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5159 | C |
Chanakira, Esther | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.z.chanakira@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0827 | C |
Chatters, Robin | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.chatters@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2969 | C |
Cherodian, Dr Rowan | Research Associate in Econometrics | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.cherodian@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0874 | C |
Chilcott, Jim | Professor of Healthcare Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.b.chilcott@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0689 | C |
Clarke, Holly | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | holly.clarke@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0726 | C |
Clarke, Zoe | Assistive Technology Clinical Specialist | School of Medicine and Population Health | zoe.clarke@nhs.net | +44 122 643 2159 | C |
Clarke, Zoe L | NIHR SPHR Pre-doctoral Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | z.l.clarke@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4022 | C |
Clowes, Mark | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.clowes@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9125 | C |
Connell, Janice | Research Associate in Mental Health Outcomes Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.connell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5208 | C |
Cooper, Professor Cindy | Director, Clinical Trials Research Unit | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.l.cooper@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0743 | C |
Cooper, Katy | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.l.cooper@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0773 | C |
Cooper, Professor Richard | Professor of Public Health and Social Pharmacy | School of Medicine and Population Health | richard.cooper@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0768 | C |
Coster, Dr Joanne | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.e.coster@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0854 | C |
Credé, Dr Sarah | Senior University Teacher | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.h.crede@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6390 | C |
Croft, Dr Susan | EM Consultant | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.croft@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2981 | C |
Croot, Dr Elizabeth | Senior Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.croot@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 1725 | C |
Crowder, Mary | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.crowder@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9134 | C |
D |
Dakin, Heather | Trials Support Officer | School of Medicine and Population Health | h.dakin@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6385 | D |
Davis, Sarah | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.davis@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5209 | D |
Di Bona, Laura | Research Associate (Honorary) | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.dibona@sheffield.ac.uk | D | |
Dickson, Dr Jon | Senior Clinical Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.m.dickson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2081 | D |
Dimairo, Dr Munya | Senior Research Fellow/ Statistician | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.dimairo@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5204 | D |
Ditta, Shamila | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.ditta@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0674 | D |
Dodd, Pete | Professor of Mathematical Modelling and Epidemiology | School of Medicine and Population Health | p.j.dodd@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0740 | D |
Drabble, Dr Sarah | Honorary Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.j.drabble@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2987 | D |
Duffy, Kate | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.duffy@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0867 | D |
Duro, Dr Enass | Medical Statistician | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.duro1@sheffield.ac.uk | D | |
E |
Essat, Dr Munira | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.essat@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0860 | E |
Ezaydi, Naseeb | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.ezaydi@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 225 9426 | E |
F |
Falzon, Louise | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | Louise.Falzon@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0788 | F |
Fenton, Dr Laura | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.m.fenton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2980 | F |
Field, Dr Becky | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | b.field@sheffield.ac.uk | F | |
Firth, Nick | Integrated Clinical Academic Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.firth@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6387 | F |
Forsyth, Dr Jessica | Research Associate in Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.e.forsyth@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0670 | F |
Foster, Dr Alexis | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | alexis.foster@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6129 | F |
Franklin, Dr Matthew | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | matt.franklin@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4226 | F |
Fuller, Dr Gordon | NIHR Health Data Science Fellow; Consultant in Emergency Medicine | School of Medicine and Population Health | g.fuller@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4389 | F |
G |
Gillespie, Dr Duncan | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | duncan.gillespie@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4310 | G |
Glover, Rachel | Trial Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.e.glover@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4265 | G |
Goodacre, Professor Steve | Professor of Emergency Medicine | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.goodacre@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0842 | G |
Gottschalk, Mr Daniel | Trial Support Officer | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.j.gottschalk@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0798 | G |
Goyder, Professor Elizabeth | Professor of Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.goyder@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0783 | G |
Gray, Laura | Research Fellow in Health Econometrics | School of Medicine and Population Health | laura.gray@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0885 | G |
Greaves, Anne | Research Administrator | School of Medicine and Population Health | anne.greaves@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0862 | G |
Gulyas, Dr Boglarka Zilla | Postdoctoral Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | b.z.gulyas@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0679 | G |
H |
Hackney, Gemma | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | g.hackney@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4320 | H |
Hall, Dr Jamie | Study Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | jamie.hall@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2963 | H |
Halliday, Dr Vanessa | Faculty Director of Education for Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | vanessa.halliday@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4268 | H |
Hamer-Kiwacz, Sienna | Trial Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.a.hamer-kiwacz@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0843 | H |
Harnan, Sue | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.harnan@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0869 | H |
Harris, Dr Janet | Honorary Reader in Knowledge Mobilisation | School of Medicine and Population Health | janet.harris@sheffield.ac.uk | H | |
Hawksworth, Liv | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | o.hawksworth@sheffield.ac.uk | H | |
Hawley, Professor Mark | Professor of Health Services Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | mark.hawley@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0682 | H |
Haynes, Noa | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | noa.haynes@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0867 | H |
Haywood, Dr Annette | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.haywood@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0802 | H |
Head, Charlotte | Research Associate in Public Health Economic Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.r.head@sheffield.ac.uk | H | |
Heathcote, Laura | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.heathcote@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 991 | H |
Henriques-Cadby, Dr Ines | Honorary Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | i.henriquescadby@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 7450 234102 | H |
Herbert, Esther | Research Associate/ Statistician | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.herbert@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 21 59428 | H |
Hernández Alava, Mónica | Professor in Health Econometrics | School of Medicine and Population Health | monica.hernandez@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0736 | H |
Hill, Harry | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | harry.hill@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9130 | H |
Hinde, Joanne | Clerical Officer | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.hinde@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0834 | H |
Hock, Dr Emma | Senior Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | emma.hock@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5205 | H |
Holding, Ms Ellie | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.holding@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0849 | H |
Holdsworth, Professor Michelle | Honorary Professor | School of Medicine and Population Health | michelle.holdsworth@sheffield.ac.uk | H | |
Holmes, Professor John | Professor of Alcohol Policy | School of Medicine and Population Health | john.holmes@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6384 | H |
Huang, Dr Qizhi | NIHR Clinical Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | q.huang@sheffield.ac.uk | H | |
Hughes, Jane | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | jane.hughes2@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0762 | H |
Hulin, Dr Joe | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.hulin@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4054 | H |
Hullock, Miss Katie | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.hullock@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4394 | H |
Hutchence, Dr Kate | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.j.hutchence@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0761 | H |
J |
Jacques, Dr Richard | Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.jacques@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0813 | J |
Jayasooriya, Dr Shamanthi | NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.jayasooriya@sheffield.ac.uk | J | |
Joddrell, Dr Phil | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | P.Joddrell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0779 | J |
Jones, Dr Katherine | Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.l.jones@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4297 | J |
Jordan, Dr Hannah | Senior University Teacher in Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | h.c.jordan@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 1722 | J |
Julious, Professor Steven A | Professor of Medical Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.a.julious@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0709 | J |
K |
Kai Le Chen, Ryan | Research Assistant in Quantitative Methods | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.kailechen@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0865 | K |
Kearns, Ben | Honorary Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | b.kearns@sheffield.ac.uk | K | |
Keetharuth, Dr Anju Devianee | Health Economist | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.keetharuth@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0884 | K |
Kersbergen, Dr Inge | Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | i.kersbergen@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4293 | K |
Kuczawski, Maxine | Research Fellow | Department of Sociological Studies , School of Medicine and Population Health | m.kuczawski@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2981 | K |
Kundakci, Dr Burak | Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis | School of Medicine and Population Health | b.kundakci@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2993 | K |
Kwon, Sun-Hong | Research Associate in Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.kwon@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2989 | K |
L |
Latimer, Professor Nicholas | Professor of Health Economics | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.latimer@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0821 | L |
Leaviss, Dr Joanna | Research Fellow in Systematic Reviewing | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.leaviss@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0895 | L |
Lecky, Professor Fiona | Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine | School of Medicine and Population Health | f.e.lecky@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4345 | L |
Lee, Professor Andrew | Professor of Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | andrew.lee@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0872 | L |
Lee, Ellen | Statistician - Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.lee@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0805 | L |
Leeming, Grace | Research Assistant in Quantitative Methods | School of Medicine and Population Health | G.Leeming@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 226 380 | L |
Lewis, Jen | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | jen.lewis@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0839 | L |
Long, Jaqui | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | jaqui.long@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5441 | L |
Lowrie, Kinga | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | K.M.Lowrie@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4028 | L |
Lumley, Elizabeth | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.lumley@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4294 | L |
M |
MacKenzie, Dr Kelly | Clinical Senior Lecturer in Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | kelly.mackenzie@sheffield.ac.uk | M | |
Mafirakureva, Nyasha | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.mafirakureva@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 225 9137 | M |
Maheswaran, Emeritus Professor Ravi | Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.maheswaran@sheffield.ac.uk | M | |
Mandrik, Olena | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | o.mandrik@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6392 | M |
Marincowitz, Dr Carl | Senior Clinical Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.marincowitz@sheffield.ac.uk | M | |
Mason, Professor Suzanne | Professor of Emergency Medicine | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.mason@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0694 | M |
Masuku, Sithabiso | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.d.masuku@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0671 | M |
Mawson, Dr Rebecca | NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Primary Care | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.l.mawson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2214 | M |
Mawson, Professor Sue | Professor of Health Service Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.mawson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 8270 | M |
McDool, Emily | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.m.mcdool@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0677 | M |
McGrane, Ellen | Research Associate in Alcohol and Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.mcgrane@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0803 | M |
McKendrick, Kirsty | Trial Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | Kirsty.mckendrick@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5200 | M |
Metry, Andrew | Research Fellow in Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.metry@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6253 | M |
Miller, Luke | Learning Technologist | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.miller@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2971 | M |
Millsom, Allanah | Senior Programme Administrator | School of Medicine and Population Health | A.millsom@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 2222960 | M |
Morris, Dr Damon | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.j.morris@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0841 | M |
Morvan, Emma | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.morvan@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4383 | M |
Mukuria, Clara | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.mukuria@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6395 | M |
N |
Nalbant, Gamze | Research Associate in Systematic Reviewing | School of Medicine and Population Health | g.nalbant@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 3680 | N |
Nicholl, Emeritus Professor Jon | Emeritus Professor of Health Services Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.nicholl@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5201 | N |
Nield, Lucie | Senior Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.nield@sheffield.ac.uk | N | |
O |
O'Cathain, Professor Alicia | Professor of Health Services Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.ocathain@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0770 | O |
O'Hara, Dr Rachel | Senior Lecturer in Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.ohara@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0680 | O |
P |
Palmer, Professor Rebecca | Professor of Communication and Stroke Rehabilitation | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.l.palmer@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0863 | P |
Pandor, Abdullah | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.pandor@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0778 | P |
Papaioannou, Diana | Senior Research Fellow/Portfolio Lead | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.papaioannou@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0766 | P |
Parry, Emeritus Professor Glenys | Professor of Applied Psychological Therapies | School of Medicine and Population Health | G.D.Parry@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0856 | P |
Payne, Professor Nick | Honorary Professor of Public Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.payne@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Peacock, Dr Marian | Honorary Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | M.Peacock@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Peasgood, Dr Tessa | Senior Lecturer in Health Economics | School of Medicine and Population Health | t.peasgood@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Pemberton, Kirsty Jean | Data Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.j.pemberton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0861 | P |
Pennington, Becky | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | b.pennington@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0745 | P |
Perman-Howe, Dr Parvati | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | p.perman-howe@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Petrie, Jennifer | Trial Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.petrie@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0676 | P |
Pidd, Katharine | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.pidd@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0698 | P |
Piegaze-Lindquist, Kaarin | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | K.Piegaze-Lindquist@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 8277 | P |
Pilkington, Gerlinde | Research Associate in Applied Realist Methodology | School of Medicine and Population Health | g.m.pilkington@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Poku, Dr Edith | Research Fellow in Systematic Reviewing | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.poku@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0692 | P |
Pollard, Daniel | Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.j.pollard@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6126 | P |
Potter, Stephen | Translational Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | Stephen.Potter@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 9183 | P |
Powell, Dr Katie | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.powell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6120 | P |
Powell, Dr Philip | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | p.a.powell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0794 | P |
Preston, Dr Louise | Head of Population Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.r.preston@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0847 | P |
Pryce, Dr Robert | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.e.pryce@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0833 | P |
Pudney, Stephen | Professor of Econometrics | School of Medicine and Population Health | steve.pudney@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 9187 | P |
Pulsford, Emily | Research Assistant (Information Specialist) | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.m.pulsford@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0806 | P |
Q |
Quirk, Dr Helen | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | H.Quirk@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0754 | Q |
R |
Ranawana, Dr Viren | Senior Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | Viren.Ranawana@sheffield.ac.uk | R | |
Rawdin, Andrew | Health Economic Modeller | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.rawdin@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0823 | R |
Rayner, Annabel | Research Assistant in Quantitative Methods | School of Medicine and Population Health | Annabel.Rayner@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6195 | R |
Read, Ms Jennifer | Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.read@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 8277 | R |
Ren, Professor Kate | Professor of Statistical Health Technology Assessment | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.ren@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0696 | R |
Ren, Sarah | Research Associate in Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | sarah.ren@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0756 | R |
Rice, Brian | Senior Lecturer | School of Medicine and Population Health | b.rice@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0771 | R |
Richmond, Dr John G. | Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Healthcare Management and Leadership | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.g.richmond@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4296 | R |
Ridsdale, Katie | Study Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.ridsdale@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0746 | R |
Rombach, Dr Ines | Senior Research Fellow/ Statistician | School of Medicine and Population Health | i.rombach@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0840 | R |
Rooney, Gill | Programme Manager for the Technology Assessment Reviews (TARs) Programme | School of Medicine and Population Health | g.rooney@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0800 | R |
Rowen, Professor Donna | Professor of Health Economics | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.rowen@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0728 | R |
Ryan, Angie | University Teacher | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.rees@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0725 | R |
S |
Saidi, Yekta | Research Associate in Public Health Economic Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | Y.Saidi@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0781 | S |
Sampson, Professor Fiona | Professor of Health Services Research | School of Medicine and Population Health | f.c.sampson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0687 | S |
Sasso, Alessandro | Honorary Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.sasso@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Scott, Elaine | Study Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | elaine.scott@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5158 | S |
Senek, Dr Michaela | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.senek@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2625 | S |
Shippam, Andrea | Programme Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.shippam@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0693 | S |
Simpson, Dr Emma | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.l.simpson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0708 | S |
Simpson, Dr Rebecca | Lecturer in Medical Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | r.simpson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4390 | S |
Smith, Dan | Learning Technologist | School of Medicine and Population Health | D.D.Smith@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4011 | S |
Smith, Dr Robert | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | robert.smith@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Squires, Professor Hazel | Professor of Health-Related Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | h.squires@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0765 | S |
Srivastava, Tushar | Honorary Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | t.srivastava@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Stevely, Dr Abigail | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.stevely@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Stevenson, Professor Matt | Professor of Health Technology Assessment | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.d.stevenson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0691 | S |
Stone, Tony | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | tony.stone@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0722 | S |
Strong, Professor Mark | Dean of the School of Medicine and Population Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.strong@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Such, Dr Liz | Honorary Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.such@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Sutherland, Katie | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | k.sutherland@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5444 | S |
Sutton, Anthea | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.sutton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0775 | S |
Sutton, Dr Laura | Lecturer in Epidemiology and Statistics | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.j.sutton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 22 24055 | S |
Swaby, Lizzie | Senior Study Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.a.swaby@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4023 | S |
T |
Tappenden, Paul | Professor of Health Economic Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | p.tappenden@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0855 | T |
Tattersall, Andy | Information Specialist | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.tattersall@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0702 | T |
Taylor Buck, Dr Elizabeth | Clinical Academic | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.taylor-buck@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5452 | T |
Taylor, Dr Paul | St Luke’s Senior Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Medicine | School of Medicine and Population Health | P.M.Taylor@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0840 | T |
Thokala, Dr Praveen | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | p.thokala@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0784 | T |
Thomas, Chloe | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.thomas@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0785 | T |
Tsuchiya , Professor Aki | Professor of Health Economics | School of Medicine and Population Health , School of Economics | a.tsuchiya@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 3422 | T |
Turner, Janette | Honorary Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.turner@sheffield.ac.uk | 07866519886 | T |
Turner, Louise | CTRU Administrative Co-ordinator | School of Medicine and Population Health | louise.turner@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0737 | T |
Turtle, Chris | Data Specialist | School of Medicine and Population Health | c.turtle@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5157 | T |
Turton, Emily | Data Specialist | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.j.turton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0685 | T |
U |
Uttley, Dr Lesley | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.uttley@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0782 | U |
V |
van Oppen, James | NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Emergency Medicine | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.vanoppen@sheffield.ac.uk | v | |
Vu, Tuong Manh | Honorary Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | t.vu@sheffield.ac.uk | V | |
W |
Wailoo, Professor Allan | Professor of Health Economics | School of Medicine and Population Health | a.j.wailoo@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0729 | W |
Walker, Kerry | Research Assistant | School of Medicine and Population Health | kerry.a.walker@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 22 20704 | W |
Walters, Professor Stephen | Professor of Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.j.walters@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0730 | W |
Weich, Professor Scott | Professor of Mental Health | School of Medicine and Population Health | s.weich@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0856 | W |
Welburn, Jessica | Assistant Unit Manager | School of Medicine and Population Health | j.welburn@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4266 | W |
White, David | Senior Research Fellow/ Portfolio Lead | School of Medicine and Population Health | d.a.white@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0807 | W |
Whyte, Dr Sophie | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | sophie.whyte@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0859 | W |
Wickramasekera, Nyantara | Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.wickramasekera@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4349 | W |
Wildman, Dr Martin | Honorary Reader | School of Medicine and Population Health | martin.wildman@sth.nhs.uk | W | |
Williams, Dr Claire | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | claire.e.williams@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0832 | W |
Wilson, Isabelle | Research Assistant/Medical Statistician | School of Medicine and Population Health | isabelle.wilson@sheffield.ac.uk | W | |
Wilson, Dr Luke | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | l.b.wilson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0815 | W |
Wilson, Dr Matthew | Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesia | School of Medicine and Population Health | m.j.wilson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0836 | W |
Wong, Dr Ruth | Information Specialist | School of Medicine and Population Health | ruth.wong@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0797 | W |
Wong, Ying Su | PhD student | School of Medicine and Population Health | yswong1@sheffield.ac.uk | W | |
Wood, Dr Emily | Senior Research Fellow | School of Medicine and Population Health | e.f.wood@sheffield.ac.uk | W | |
Woodrow, Dr Nicholas | Research Associate | School of Medicine and Population Health | n.woodrow@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6399 | W |
Y |
Yee, Mon Mon | Research Associate in Decision Modelling | School of Medicine and Population Health | M.Yee@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0723 | Y |
Young, Dr Tracey | Professor in Health Economics and Outcome Measurement | School of Medicine and Population Health | t.a.young@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0837 | Y |