James van Oppen
School of Medicine and Population Health
NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Emergency Medicine
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I am a Clinical Lecturer working a 50/50 split between shop-floor emergency medicine and academia. My special interest is in person-centred care for older people living with frailty and I am chair of the geriatric emergency medicine section of the European Society of Emergency Medicine. I am actively collaborating on projects in geriatric emergency medicine research, quality improvement, and education with colleagues from the European Geriatric Medicine Society, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians, American Geriatrics Society, and the International Federation of Emergency Medicine.
My research methodologies are predominantly qualitative and psychometric applied to the generic emergency care population, with some quantitative experience in the context of frailty. I completed my PhD in 2023 at University of Leicester through an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship, during which I developed the Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Older People with frailty receiving Acute Care (www.prom-opac.com). This project was awarded the 2023 Royal College of Emergency Medicine's Rod Little prize for best research by a trainee. I was Chief Investigator of the 2023 Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED) study.
I have taught on qualitative research methods and have been personal tutor and research supervisor to Bachelors and Masters level students at University of Leicester, and I have taught on frailty topics to clinicians at European and international conferences. I am excited to soon begin co-supervising a PhD student conducting PROMs research.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Journal update monthly top five. Emergency Medicine Journal, 42(1), 70-71.
- Concordance with routine Clinical Frailty Scale screening in the frailty in European emergency departments (FEED) study. International Emergency Nursing, 78, 101565-101565.
- Direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality: an individual-level population-scale analysis using linked electronic health records, Wales, United Kingdom, 2016 to 2022. Eurosurveillance, 29(50).
- 2198 Evidence of systematic missingness in frailty data: a European cohort study. Age and Ageing, 53(Supplement_3).
- Being a patient in a crowded emergency department: a qualitative service evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal, emermed-2023.
- Frailty screening in the Emergency Department: why does it matter?. Age and Ageing, 53(4).
- Journal update monthly top five. Emergency Medicine Journal, 41(5), 333-334.
- Frailty same day emergency care (SDEC): a novel service model or an unhelpful distraction?. Age and Ageing, 53(4).
- Patient‐reported outcome measure use among older adults after emergency department care: A systematic review. Academic Emergency Medicine, 31(3), 273-287.
- Prevalence of Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): an international flash mob study. European Geriatric Medicine. View this article in WRRO
- New Horizons in artificial intelligence in the healthcare of older people. Age and Ageing, 52(12).
- Measuring health-related quality of life of older people with frailty receiving acute care: feasibility and psychometric performance of the EuroQol EQ-5D. BMC Emergency Medicine, 23(1). View this article in WRRO
- The effect of relative hypotension on 30-day mortality in older people receiving emergency care. Internal and Emergency Medicine. View this article in WRRO
- Identifying models of care to improve outcomes for older people with urgent care needs: a mixed methods approach to develop a system dynamics model. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 11(14). View this article in WRRO
- New horizons in the role of digital data in the healthcare of older people. Age and Ageing, 52(8). View this article in WRRO
- Are we measuring what matters to older people?. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 4(7), e354-e356.
- Improving outcomes for older people with emergency care needs. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 84(3), 1-7.
- Co-creation of a patient-reported outcome measure for older people living with frailty receiving acute care (PROM-OPAC). Journal of Patient Experience, 10. View this article in WRRO
- Journal update monthly top five. Emergency Medicine Journal, 40(2), 153-154.
- Examining the effect of interventions in emergency care for older people using a system dynamics decision support tool. Age and Ageing, 52(1). View this article in WRRO
- Factors associated with longer wait times, admission and reattendances in older patients attending emergency departments: an analysis of linked healthcare data. Emergency Medicine Journal. View this article in WRRO
- Establishing the research priorities of emergency medicine trainees, patients and carers across the UK and Ireland: the TERN Delphi study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 40(4), 277-278.
- Emergency care for older people living with frailty: patient and carer perspectives. Emergency Medicine Journal, 39(10), 726-732. View this article in WRRO
- What are the goals of care for older people living with frailty when they access urgent care? Are those goals attained? A qualitative view of patient and carer perspectives. International Emergency Nursing, 63, 101189-101189.
- A systematic review and recommendations for prom instruments for older people with frailty in emergency care. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 6(1). View this article in WRRO
- What matters most in acute care: an interview study with older people living with frailty. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- POSC351 Outcome Goals for Older People Living with Frailty and Acute Care Needs: An Interview Study. Value in Health, 25(1), S240-S240.
- Are Emergency Departments Responding to the Aging Demography?. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 79(4), 364-366.
- Emergency department management of older people living with frailty: a guide for emergency practitioners. Emergency Medicine Journal, 38(9), 724-729.
- Emergency Medicine Journal COVID-19 monthly top five. Emergency Medicine Journal, 38(4), 319-321.
- What is the relationship between validated frailty scores and mortality for adults with COVID-19 in acute hospital care? A systematic review.. Age Ageing, 50(3), 608-616. View this article in WRRO
- Does the Clinical Frailty Scale at Triage Predict Outcomes From Emergency Care for Older People?. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 77(6), 620-627.
- A European research agenda for geriatric emergency medicine: a modified Delphi study. European Geriatric Medicine, 12(2), 413-422. View this article in WRRO
- Improving outcomes for older people in the emergency department : a review of reviews. Emergency Medicine Journal, 38(12), 882-888. View this article in WRRO
- Patient-reported outcome and experience measures in geriatric emergency medicine. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 54(2), 122-124.
- Republished: Hyperkinetic reaction to dihydrocodeine. Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, 58(8), 126-127.
- Hyperkinetic reaction to dihydrocodeine. BMJ Case Reports, 13(1). View this article in WRRO
- Outcomes of hospital admissions among frail older people: a 2-year cohort study. British Journal of General Practice, 69(685), e555-e560. View this article in WRRO
- The Acute Frailty Network: experiences from a whole-systems quality improvement collaborative for acutely ill older patients in the English NHS. European Geriatric Medicine, 10(4), 559-565.
- Medical students’ attitudes towards increasing early clinical exposure to primary care. Education for Primary Care, 29(5), 312-313.
- What Is the Potential Role of Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide in Guiding Acute Noninvasive Ventilation?. Respiratory Care, 60(4), 484-491.
- P181 Transcutaneous CO2 monitoring in hypercapnoeic respiratory failure: a meta-analysis of prospective studies: Abstract P181 Table 1.. Thorax, 68(Suppl 3), A157.2-A158.
- P173 The role of transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring in acute non-invasive ventilation. Thorax, 68(Suppl 3), A154.1-A154.
- Planning for end of life in the past and present: historical, legal and clinical perspectives on ReSPECT. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
- ESICM consensus-based recommendations for the management of very old patients in intensive care. Intensive Care Medicine.
- Correction: Service provision for Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): a survey of operational characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 32(1).
- The patient-reported outcome measure for older people living with frailty receiving acute care (PROM-OPAC): field-testing and validation. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 8(1).
- Do guidelines improve geriatric emergency care?. European Geriatric Medicine.
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage in the emergency department (SHED): a prospective, observational, multicentre cohort study. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Service provision for Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): a survey of operational characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 32(1).
- Person-centred decisions in emergency care for older people living with frailty: principles and practice. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) in geriatric emergency medicine. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Barriers and Benefits Experienced in Qualitative Geriatric Emergency Care Research during the Covid-19 Era. Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine, 2(11).
- What older people want from emergency care: a systematic review. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Broadened access to training in prehospital emergency medicine. BMJ, g2892-g2892.
Conference proceedings papers
- 82 Person-Centred Emergency Care Outcome Measurement For Older People Living with Frailty. Age and Ageing, Vol. 50(Supplement_1) (pp i12-i42)
- 103 A Review of Reviews of Emergency Department Interventions for Older People: Outcomes, Costs and Implementation Factors. Age and Ageing, Vol. 49(Supplement_1) (pp i34-i36)
- 047 A review of reviews of emergency department interventions for older people: outcomes, costs and implementation factors. Emergency Medicine Journal, Vol. 36(12) (pp 807.1-807)
- A Systematic Review of Interventions for Persons Living With Dementia: The Geriatric ED Guidelines 2.0, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- What is the relationship between validated frailty scores and mortality for adults with COVID-19 in acute hospital care? A systematic review, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Journal update monthly top five. Emergency Medicine Journal, 42(1), 70-71.
- Research group
Centre for Urgent and Emergency Care Research