Luke Miller
BSc (Hons), PgCert Learning & Teaching, FHEA, SFHEA
School of Medicine and Population Health
Learning Technologist

+44 114 222 2971
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined the Public Health section of SCHARR in February 2011 as a Learning Technologist.
Previously, I worked at the University of Salford as a Learning Technology Adviser based in a central Learning Development Unit but with responsibility for supporting and advising teaching and administrative staff from the Faculty of Health and Social Care in areas relating to technology-enhanced learning.
Before that, I worked at Sheffield Hallam University as a Senior Learning Technologist for the Centre for Interprofessional e-learning (CIPeL) which was a HEFCE-funded Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning working collaboratively with staff from the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing (and beyond) creating blended learning solutions to problems relating to the delivery of undergraduate inter-professional education.
I have also worked on short-term e-learning contracts in the School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery and the School of Education.
Before I became involved in Higher Education, my career path featured spells in the web design and video games industries.
- Research interests
My research interests are:
- the mobilisation of knowledge in policy, especially 'Health in All Policies'
- public health and health services research, particularly relating to Black, minority ethnic and migrant groups
- physical activity, leisure and health inequalities
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Reducing loneliness among migrant and ethnic minority people : a participatory evidence synthesis. Public Health Research, 8(10), 1-245. View this article in WRRO
- Paediatric emergency department utilisation rates and maternal migration status in the Born in Bradford cohort: A cross-sectional study. PLOS Medicine, 17(3). View this article in WRRO
- Modern slavery and public health: A rapid evidence assessment and an emergent public health approach. Public Health, 180, 168-179. View this article in WRRO
- The SIPHER consortium : introducing the new UK hub for systems science in public health and health economic research. Wellcome Open Research, 4. View this article in WRRO
- Modern slavery: a global public health concern.. The BMJ, 2019(364). View this article in WRRO
All publications
Edited books
Journal articles
- The unequal impact of Covid-19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation. Children & Society. View this article in WRRO
- Reducing loneliness among migrant and ethnic minority people : a participatory evidence synthesis. Public Health Research, 8(10), 1-245. View this article in WRRO
- Paediatric emergency department utilisation rates and maternal migration status in the Born in Bradford cohort: A cross-sectional study. PLOS Medicine, 17(3). View this article in WRRO
- Modern slavery and public health: A rapid evidence assessment and an emergent public health approach. Public Health, 180, 168-179. View this article in WRRO
- The SIPHER consortium : introducing the new UK hub for systems science in public health and health economic research. Wellcome Open Research, 4. View this article in WRRO
- Public health practitioners’ perspectives of migrant health in an English region. Public Health, 175, 79-86. View this article in WRRO
- Roma populations and health inequalities : a new perspective. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. View this article in WRRO
- Sitting less at work : a qualitative study of barriers and enablers in organisations of different size and sector. BMC Public Health, 19. View this article in WRRO
- Developing a theory-driven framework for a football intervention for men with severe, moderate or enduring mental health problems: A participatory realist synthesis. Journal of Mental Health (Informa). View this article in WRRO
- Modern slavery: a global public health concern.. The BMJ, 2019(364). View this article in WRRO
- Modern slavery in the UK: how should the health sector be responding?. Journal of Public Health (Springer). View this article in WRRO
- The development, implementation and evaluation of interventions to reduce workplace sitting: A qualitative systematic review and evidence-based operational framework. BMC Public Health, 18. View this article in WRRO
- Enhancing health literacy through co-design: development of culturally appropriate materials on genetic risk and customary consanguineous marriage. Primary Health Care Research and Development. View this article in WRRO
- International migrants’ use of emergency departments in Europe compared with non-migrants’ use: a systematic review. European Journal of Public Health, 28(1), 61-73. View this article in WRRO
- A formative review of physical activity interventions for minority ethnic populations in England. Journal of Public Health, 39(4), e265-e274. View this article in WRRO
- Revisiting Family Leisure Research and Critical Reflections on the Future of Family-Centered Scholarship. Leisure Sciences, 39(5), 385-399. View this article in WRRO
- Adapting primary care for new migrants: a formative assessment. British Journal of General Practice Open, 1(1). View this article in WRRO
- Using organisational cultural theory to understand workplace interventions to reduce sedentary time. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 55(1), 18-29. View this article in WRRO
- Responding to the increased genetic risk associated with customary consanguineous marriage among minority ethnic populations: lessons from local innovations in England. Journal of Community Genetics, 7(3), 215-228. View this article in WRRO
- The Olympic family? Young people, family practices and the London 2012 Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8(2), 189-206. View this article in WRRO
- Researching health inequalities with Community Researchers: practical, methodological and ethical challenges of an ‘inclusive’ research approach. Research Involvement and Engagement, 1. View this article in WRRO
- Little leisure in the Big Society. Leisure Studies, 32(1), 89-107.
- Craig Lyn (2007), Contemporary Motherhood: The Impact of Children on Adult Time. Aldershot: Ashgate. £50.00, pp. 187, hbk.. Journal of Social Policy, 38(3), 542-544.
- Leisure and Fatherhood in Dual‐Earner Families. Leisure Studies, 25(2), 185-199.
- Anti-War Children. Childhood, 12(3), 301-326.
- Young Citizens or Policy Objects? Children in the ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ Debate. Journal of Social Policy, 34(1), 39-57.
- Being responsible and responsible beings: children's understanding of responsibility. Children & Society, 18(3), 231-242. View this article in WRRO
- Book reviews. Sport in Society, 7(1), 130-151.
- Authors’ reply to English. BMJ, l1453-l1453.
- View this article in WRRO
- Understanding the Implementation of “Sit Less at Work” Interventions in Three Organisations: A Mixed Methods Process Evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7361-7361.
- Using Co-Production to Develop “Sit Less at Work” Interventions in a Range of Organisations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 7751-7751.
- The family factor in social tourism, Social Tourism in Europe: Theory and Practice (pp. 126-144).
Book reviews
- Ted Schrecker and Clare Bambra (2015), How Politics Makes us Sick: Neo-liberal epidemics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. £60.00, 184 pp., hbk.. Journal of Social Policy, 45(3), 582-584.
Conference proceedings papers
- OP94 ‘I needed somebody like her in my life’: migrant women’s experiences and perceptions of health navigation services to increase access to maternity care in the UK. Oral Presentations
- Barriers and facilitators to sitting less at work in different organisations: a qualitative study. The Lancet, Vol. 392 (pp S56-S56)
- “SitLess@Work” – developing an evidence-based framework to support the development, implementation and evaluation of interventions to reduce workplace sitting. Journal of physical activity & health, Vol. 15(10 Suppl 1) (pp S58-S58), 15 October 2018 - 17 October 2018. View this article in WRRO
- 3.11-P12Co-designing a tool for primary care practitioners working with migrant patients. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 28(suppl_1)
- 3.1-O7Modern slavery as a public health concern in the UK. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 28(suppl_1)
- Improving health care access for Hepatitis B in high prevalence migrant groups. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25(suppl_3)
- New Migrants in Primary Healthcare – How are services adapting? Summary and Mini Case Book View this article in WRRO
Website content
- Reducing loneliness among migrant and ethnic minority people : a participatory evidence synthesis. Public Health Research, 8(10), 1-245. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching interests
I am particularly interested in how technology can be used to assist in the design and delivery of teaching, learning and assessment. I also have a keen interest in web accessibility and usability. I am involved in using and evaluating new technologies and have experience in learning object development and online and offline resource creation.
One of my ongoing aims is to `upskill´ and educate staff in the use of educational technologies to help enhance their areas of teaching practice through bespoke staff development sessions and one-to-one support and advice.