Dr Rebecca Mawson


School of Medicine and Population Health

NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Primary Care

Rebecca Mawson
Profile picture of Rebecca Mawson
+44 114 222 2214

Full contact details

Dr Rebecca Mawson
School of Medicine and Population Health
Sam Fox House
Northern General Hospital
Herries Road
S5 7AU

I studied medicine at the University of Leeds, graduating in 2010. After completing foundation training in Leeds and Dewsbury, I worked in Christchurch, New Zealand for 18 months working in obstetrics and gynaecology. I completed my GP training in Harrogate in 2014 before moving to my home town of Sheffield.

My particular area of interest is around addressing inequalities in sexual and reproductive health provision in primary care. In 2014, I started working at the University of Sheffield and was awarded an NIHR In-Practice Training Fellowship in 2016.  I completed my MD in 2022 exploring inequalities in sexual and reproductive health in general practice.

I started my NIHR CL post in April 2023 and have focused on various areas of sexual and reproductive health including contraception access and experience of under-represented populations, menopause care and HIV in primary care. I also have a special interest in primary care research around endometriosis and PCOS.

I am currently leading on a project called The Hormone Effect (THE) exploring the effects of hormonal contraception using a digital tracker. This is funded by the South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub.

Research interests
  • Sexual and reproductive health in primary care
  • Digital health
  • Inclusive health research

Journal articles


Book reviews

  • Mawson R (2022) How to balance science and compassion in menopause care. BJGP Life. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mawson R (2021) Unwell women: misdiagnosis and myth in a man-made world. BJGP Life. RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Lehane D, Mawson R & Mitchell C (2017) What factors influence access by new migrant and BME women to NHS cervical screening? Has the screening programme been adapted to improve uptake for these groups of women? A systematic narrative metasynthesis. Society for Academic Primary Care National Conference 2017, 12 July 2017 - 12 July 2017. RIS download Bibtex download

Website content

  • Mawson R Trichomonas Vaginalis: Identify, Investigate, and Refer. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Mawson R (2024) Cost consequence analysis of using the Elecsys Anti-Müllerian Hormone Plus immunoassay as part of polycystic ovary syndrome assessment in the United Kingdom. ISPOR Europe. RIS download Bibtex download

Theses / Dissertations

  • Mawson R Understanding access to Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (SRH) in General Practice using the Candidacy Framework. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Mawson RL (2017) Rosacea: eLearning Module. RIS download Bibtex download