Dr Fiona Bell
School of Medicine and Population Health
Honorary Research Fellow
Head of Research, Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
+44 7905952791
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined ScHARR in early 2021 as an Honorary Research Fellow. I am the Head of Research of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (YAS) and have developed a formal academic partnership between ScHARR and YAS. This has resulted in a shared Memorandum of Understanding which aims to encourage research that drives service needs-driven and applied research.
I have worked on a number of NIHR-funded CURE projects, including pre-hospital Pandemic Respiratory Infection Emergency System Triage – pre-PRIEST led by Professor Steve Goodacre; Pre-alerts study led by Dr Fiona Sampson); the Major Trauma Triage Study (MATTS) project led by Dr Gordon Fuller; and the Risk of Adverse Outcomes after a Suspected Seizure (RADOSS) study.
I am also involved in the Yorkshire and Humber Applied Research Collaborative under the urgent care theme and attend the National Ambulance Research Steering Group (NARSG).
- Qualifications
- BSc Microbiology
- PhD Microbiology
- Research interests
- Ambulance organisation and service delivery
- Ambulance staff wellbeing
- Publications
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All publications
Journal articles
- What factors predict ambulance prealerts to the emergency department? Retrospective observational study from three UK ambulance services. BMJ Open, 15(3), e097122-e097122.
- Take-home naloxone administered in emergency settings: feasibility of intervention implementation in a cluster randomized trial. BMC Emergency Medicine, 24. View this article in WRRO
- Ambulance service recognition of health inequalities and activities for reduction: An evidence and gap map of the published literature. British Paramedic Journal, 9(1), 47-57.
- The accuracy of prehospital triage decisions in English trauma networks – a case-cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 32. View this article in WRRO
- How consistent are pre-alert guidelines? A review of UK ambulance service guidelines. British Paramedic Journal, 8(4), 30-37. View this article in WRRO
- The COVID-19 ambulance response assessment (CARA) study: a national survey of ambulance service healthcare professionals’ preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. British Paramedic Journal, 8(4), 10-20.
- ‘Knowledge exchange’ workshops to optimise development of a risk prediction tool to assist conveyance decisions for suspected seizures – Part of the Risk of ADverse Outcomes after a Suspected Seizure (RADOSS) project.. Epilepsy & Behavior, 151. View this article in WRRO
- Delivery of public health interventions by the ambulance sector: a scoping review. BMC Public Health, 23(1). View this article in WRRO
- ‘Research paramedic’ and ‘paramedic researcher’: two different sides of the same coin. British Paramedic Journal, 8(1), 53-53.
- Venous blood point-of-care testing (POCT) for paramedics in urgent and emergency care: protocol for a single-site feasibility study (POCTPara). British Paramedic Journal, 8(1), 34-41.
- Stakeholder perspectives of piloting pre-hospital COVID-19 lateral flow testing and direct admissions pathway: exploring why well-received ideas have low uptake. British Paramedic Journal, 7(3), 15-25.
- A qualitative analysis of stressors affecting 999 ambulance call handlers' mental health and well-being. International Journal of Emergency Services. View this article in WRRO
- Pre-hospital prediction of adverse outcomes in patients with suspected COVID-19 : development, application and comparison of machine learning and deep learning methods. Computers in Biology and Medicine. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of pre-hospital COVID-19 rapid antigen tests by paramedics and their use in a direct admission pathway. Journal of Infection. View this article in WRRO
- Accuracy of emergency medical service telephone triage of need for an ambulance response in suspected COVID-19 : an observational cohort study. BMJ Open, 12(5). View this article in WRRO
- Accuracy of telephone triage for predicting adverse outcomes in suspected COVID-19: an observational cohort study. BMJ Quality and Safety. View this article in WRRO
- 798 Accuracy of telephone triage for predicting adverse outcomes in suspected COVID-19: an observational cohort study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 39(3), 256-256. View this article in WRRO
- Prognostic accuracy of triage tools for adults with suspected COVID-19 in a prehospital setting : an observational cohort study. Emergency Medicine Journal. View this article in WRRO
- Trends, variations and prediction of staff sickness absence rates among NHS ambulance services in England : a time series study. BMJ Open, 11(9). View this article in WRRO
- The acceptability and safety of video triage for ambulance service patients and clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Paramedic Journal, 6(2), 49-58.
- PP40 Pre-hospital and emergency department analgesia for paediatric trauma – a survey of UK trauma centres and ambulance services supports consideration of alternatives such as ketamine. Emergency Medicine Journal, 38(9), A16.3-A17.
- PP35 The acceptability and safety of video triage for ambulance service patients and clinicians during the covid-19 pandemic: a service evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal, 38(9), A15.1-A15.
- PP31 Patterns of use of ambulance senior support during the COVID-19 pandemic: a service evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal, 38(9), A13.2-A13.
- Call volume, triage outcomes, and protocols during the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: Results of a national survey. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open, 2(4).
- Prognostic accuracy of triage tools for adults with suspected COVID-19 in a pre-hospital setting: an observational cohort study. View this article in WRRO
- Protocol for Take-home naloxone In Multicentre Emergency (TIME) settings: feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1). View this article in WRRO
- Suicide among ambulance service staff: a review of coroner and employment records. British Paramedic Journal, 4(4), 10-15.
- A service evaluation of paediatric pain management in an English ambulance service. British Paramedic Journal, 4(2), 37-45.
- OP6 An investigation into suicide amongst ambulance service staff. Emergency Medicine Journal, 36(1), e3.1-e3.
- What fluids are given during air ambulance treatment of patients with trauma in the UK, and what might this mean for the future? Results from the RESCUER observational cohort study. BMJ Open, 8(1), e019627-e019627.
- Distribution of Fusidic Acid Resistance Determinants in Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55(3), 1173-1176.
- Genetic Basis of Resistance to Fusidic Acid in Staphylococci. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 51(5), 1737-1740.
- Variation in ambulance pre-alert process and practice: cross-sectional survey of ambulance clinicians. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- Take-home naloxone in multicentre emergency settings: the TIME feasibility cluster RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 1-69.
- How do emergency departments respond to ambulance pre-alert calls? A qualitative exploration of the management of pre-alerts in UK emergency departments. Emergency Medicine Journal.
- The experiences and perceptions of wellbeing provision among English ambulance services staff: a multi-method qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1).
- Accuracy of the Mologic COVID-19 rapid antigen test: a prospective multi-centre analytical and clinical evaluation. Wellcome Open Research, 6, 132-132.
- Pre-hospital hypoglycaemia referral pathways. British Paramedic Journal, 1(3), 29-31.
- High prevalence of resistance to fusidic acid in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 61(5), 1040-1043.
Conference proceedings papers
- 2245 Mixed methods study exploring factors influencing ambulance clinician decisions to pre-alert emergency departments (EDs) of a patient’s arrival. RCEM Annual Scientific Conference Glasgow 2023 Meeting Abstracts (pp 875-875)
- PP35 What factors affect ambulance clinician prealert decision-making? A qualitative study. 999 EMS Research Forum 2023 meeting abstracts (pp A14.3-A15)
- PP34 Which patients should be prealerted? Review of UK ambulance service guidelines. 999 EMS Research Forum 2023 meeting abstracts (pp A14.2-A14)
- PP33 Which patients receive a prealert? Analysis of linked data in three ambulance services. 999 EMS Research Forum 2023 meeting abstracts (pp A14.1-A14)
- PP32 What factors affect pre-hospital pre-alerts? Analysis of routine ambulance data. 999 EMS Research Forum 2023 meeting abstracts (pp A13.2-A13)
- PP31 How do pre-alerts influence patient care in the emergency department? Findings from qualitative research within three UK ambulance services. 999 EMS Research Forum 2023 meeting abstracts (pp A13.1-A13)
- PP28 Stakeholder perspectives of piloting pre-hospital COVID-19 lateral flow test and direct admissions pathway: exploring why well received ideas have low uptake. Emergency Medicine Journal, Vol. 39(9) (pp e5.21-e5.21)
- PP26 Exploring the use of pre-hospital pre-alerts and their impact on patients, ambulance service and emergency department staff: protocol for a mixed methods study. Emergency Medicine Journal, Vol. 39(9) (pp e5.19-e5.19)
- What factors predict ambulance pre-alerts to the emergency department? Analysis of routine data from three UK ambulance services., Research Square Platform LLC.
- Is a definitive trial of Take-Home Naloxone in emergency settings indicated? Results of a cluster randomised feasibility study, Research Square Platform LLC.
- How do Emergency Departments respond to ambulance pre-alert calls? A qualitative exploration of the management of pre-alert in six UK Emergency Departments, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Variation in ambulance pre-alert process and practice: Cross-sectional survey of ambulance clinicians, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- What factors predict ambulance pre-alerts to the emergency department? Analysis of routine data from 3 UK ambulance services, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Accuracy of emergency medical service telephone triage of need for an ambulance response in suspected COVID-19: An observational cohort study, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Accuracy of telephone triage for predicting adverse outcome in suspected COVID-19: An observational cohort study, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Protocol for Take home naloxone In Multicentre Emergency setting (TIME): Feasibility Study, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Protocol for Take home naloxone In Multicentre Emergency setting (TIME): Feasibility Study, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Pre-Hospital Prediction of Adverse Outcomes in Patients with Suspected COVID-19: Development, Application and Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods. View this article in WRRO
- What factors predict ambulance prealerts to the emergency department? Retrospective observational study from three UK ambulance services. BMJ Open, 15(3), e097122-e097122.
- Research group
- Grants
- Exploring the use of pre-hospital pre-alerts and their impact on patients, ambulance service and Emergency Department staff. Funded by NIHR HS&DR £555,740.24 and led by Dr Fiona Sampson (Role: Co-investigator)