Elaine Scott


School of Medicine and Population Health

Study Manager

+44 114 222 5158

Full contact details

Elaine Scott
School of Medicine and Population Health
Room 2.11
The Innovation Centre
217 Portobello
S1 4DP

I am currently employed as trial manager for the DAFNEplus randomised controlled trial. The trial is part of a programme funded by the NIHR, Programme Grants for Applied Research (RP-PG-0514-20013). I joined The University of Sheffield in 2012 as a trial manager in Public Health, then evaluation study manager in the Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology group of the Health Services Research Section. Before joining ScHARR I was employed as a research physiotherapist and project coordinator by Muscular Dystrophy UK working in close collaboration with a national clinical network of NHS paediatric neuromuscular centres on projects to standardise clinical assessments and to develop clinical databases. Clinical and academic leadership was from the Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre. As part of this post I was seconded as UK Implementation Officer to the TREAT-NMD Project - an EU Funded Network of Excellence. Prior to that I was employed as a physiotherapist in the NHS, specialising in the management of adults and children with long-term neurological disability. I was awarded my MPhil, which investigated the effects of functional electrical stimulation in ambulant individuals with spinal cord injury, by Sheffield Hallam University.

Research interests

Recent projects:

  • NHS England New Care Models evaluations – Evaluation Programme Manager for the independent evaluation of the ‘Working Together Partnership’ Acute Care Collaboration Vanguard, and the Harrogate and Rural District Integrated Primary and Acute Care Vanguard
  • NHS England Perfect Patient Pathway (PePPa) Test Bed evaluation – one of the team providing an independent evaluation of the PePPa programme
  • Nourishing Start for Health (NoSH), Study manager for this Medical Research Council (NPRI) funded cluster RCT
  • HydroDMD Study: Co-applicant and member of the project management group for this NIHR HTA feasibility study

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