Nyasha Mafirakureva

School of Medicine and Population Health

Research Fellow

Population Health Staff Profile - Nyasha Mafirakureva
Profile picture of Population Health Staff Profile - Nyasha Mafirakureva
+44 114 225 9137

Full contact details

Nyasha Mafirakureva
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I joined the Health Economics and Decision Science (HEDS) section of the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) as Research Fellow in Health Economics and Decision Modelling in January 2019. I’m currently working on economic evaluation of clinical trials evaluating various paediatric tuberculosis interventions in lower-middle income countries (LMIC). Previously I worked at the University of Bristol, UK where I was involved in evaluating the impact and cost-effectiveness of interventions for hepatitis C virus in low and middle-income countries. Since 2011, I have been carrying out economic evaluation projects in Cambodia, Cameroon, Ireland, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Uganda, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Research interests

My research interests include economic evaluations of interventions to improve infectious disease control and decision-analytic modelling for cost-effectiveness analysis.

Current Projects

  • Cap-TB and TB SPEED projects on interventions for paediatric TB (UNITAID)
  • Fractures in Sub-Saharan Africa: epidemiology, economic impact and ethnography (FRACTURES-E3) – Wellcome Trust

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Journal articles


All publications

Journal articles


  • Mafirakureva N & Manyonyi KA (2020) Humanitarian medical logistics and operations management In Mkansi M, Amadi-Echendu A & De Villiers A (Ed.), Emerging Issues in Operations and Supply Chain Management Hatfield, South Africa: Van Schaik Publishers. RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Mafirakureva N, Ishumael P, Mushayavanhu P, Masters J, Wilson H, Paruk F, Cassim B, Ferrand R, Gregson C & Noble SM (2024) THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF HIP FRACTURE IN ZIMBABWE AND SOUTH AFRICA. AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 36 (pp S92-S92) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilson H, Manyanga T, Burton A, Mafirakureva N, Mushayavanhu P, Ndekwere M, Chipanga J, Graham S, Masters J, Costa M , Ferrand R et al (2024) AGE- AND SEX-SPECIFIC INCIDENCE RATES AND FUTURE PROJECTIONS FOR HIP FRACTURES IN ZIMBABWE. AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 36 (pp S295-S295) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mafirakureva N, Shoko P, Khoza S, Torpey K, Postma MJ & van Hulst M (2015) Assessment of the Costs and outcomes of Antiretroviral Therapy In Adult Outpatients at a Tertiary Hospital In Harare, Zimbabwe. Value in Health, Vol. 18(3) (pp A236-A236) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mafirakureva N, Nyoni H, Chikwereti R, Khoza S, Mvere DA, Emmanuel JC, Postma MJ & van Hulst M (2014) The Average Unit Production Cost of Blood in Zimbabwe from a Provider's Perspective. TRANSFUSION, Vol. 54 (pp 237A-237A) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mafirakureva N, Khoza S, van Hulst M, Postma MJ & Mvere DA (2013) THE EVALUATION OF BLOOD DONOR DEFERRAL CAUSES IN ZIMBABWE. VOX SANGUINIS, Vol. 105 (pp 97-97) RIS download Bibtex download


Teaching interests

Economic Evaluation and Health Care Financing

Dissertation supervision

Professional activities and memberships

Member of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR).

Member of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) South African Chapter.

Member of Public Health Association of South Africa.