Dr Joanna Leaviss
BA (Liverpool), MPA (Liverpool), PhD (Nottingham)
School of Medicine and Population Health
Research Fellow in Systematic Reviewing
+44 114 222 0895
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I conduct evidence synthesis research, in particular systematic reviews of intervention effectiveness, prognostic accuracy, and health care pathways modelling. This includes Health Technology Assessment reports for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Co-ordinating Centre (NETSCC), and the Department of Health.
I also lead systematic reviews of newborn screening against programme appraisal criteria for the UK National Screening Committee.
I lead a module on systematic review methods at postgraduate level, and am co-chair of the Systematic Reviewers Academic Development Group within ScHARR. I am a longstanding member of ScHARR’s Research Ethics Committee.
- Research interests
I am interested in the synthesis of evidence evaluating clinical and cost-effectiveness of health interventions.
Current recent projects:
PHE England. Newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia - External review against programme appraisal criteria for the UK National Screening Committee.
CRUK. Minimising health inequalities in Colorectal Cancer Screening – a systematic review of the evidence using rapid review methods.
IMI. Psychometric characteristics of patient- reported outcome measures of the impact of hypoglycaemia on quality of life in people with diabetes: a systematic review using COSMIN.
Current/recent projects
- Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS): behaviour modification interventions in primary care settings
- Assessing the cost-effectiveness of screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) in the newborn bloodspot screening programme
- Assessing the cost-effectiveness of including adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) in the newborn bloodspot screening programme
- Supporting the routine collection of patient-reported outcome measures in the National Clinical Audits for assessing cost-effectiveness
- Diabetes and co-morbid depression: an economic evaluation
- Psychological interventions for Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Long Term Conditions: a scoping review
- Cytisine for smoking cessation: A systematic review and economic evaluation
- Group CBT for post-natal depression
- Psychotherapeutic effects of Compassion-Focused Therapy
- Workplace smoking cessation: a systematic review of qualitative evidence
- Clinical and cost-effectiveness of managing varicose veins
- Clinical and cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies for suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Prognostic factors for liver, blood and kidney adverse events from glucocorticoid sparing immune-suppressing drugs in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a prognostic systematic review. RMD Open, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- The acceptability of primary care or community-based behavioural interventions for persistent physical symptoms: Qualitative systematic review.. Br J Health Psychol, 26(4), 1069-1094. View this article in WRRO
- The suitability of patient-reported outcome measures used to assess the impact of hypoglycaemia on quality of life in people with diabetes: a systematic review using COSMIN methods.. Diabetologia, 64(6), 1213-1225. View this article in WRRO
- Behavioural modification interventions for medically unexplained symptoms in primary care: systematic reviews and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 24(46), 1-490. View this article in WRRO
- A cost-effectiveness analysis of newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency in the UK. International Journal of Neonatal Screening, 5(3). View this article in WRRO
- Economic impact of screening for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy within a newborn blood spot screening programme.. Orphanet J Rare Dis, 13(1), 179-179. View this article in WRRO
- Factors affecting mortality in older trauma patients—A systematic review and meta-analysis. Injury, 47(6), 1170-1183. View this article in WRRO
- Psychotherapeutic benefits of compassion-focused therapy: an early systematic review. Psychological Medicine, 45(05), 927-945. View this article in WRRO
- What is the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cytisine compared with varenicline for smoking cessation? A systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 18(33), 1-120.
- Is group cognitive behaviour therapy for postnatal depression evidence-based practice? A systematic review.. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 321. View this article in WRRO
- Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive techniques to manage varicose veins: a systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 17(48), i-141.
- "Best fit" framework synthesis: refining the method.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 13, 37. View this article in WRRO
- A qualitative evidence synthesis of employees' views of workplace smoking reduction or cessation interventions.. BMC Public Health, 13, 1095. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review, meta-analysis and economic modelling of diagnostic strategies for suspected acute coronary syndrome.. Health Technol Assess, 17(1), v-188.
- Perceived safety of donor blood and blood substitutes for transfusion: The role of informational frame, patient groups and stress appraisals. Transfusion Medicine, 15(5), 401-412.
- Putting teamwork in context. Medical Education, 34(11), 921-927.
- Exploring the perceived effect of an undergraduate multiprofessional educational intervention. Medical Education, 34(6), 483-486.
All publications
Journal articles
- Prognostic factors for liver, blood and kidney adverse events from glucocorticoid sparing immune-suppressing drugs in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a prognostic systematic review. RMD Open, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- The acceptability of primary care or community-based behavioural interventions for persistent physical symptoms: Qualitative systematic review.. Br J Health Psychol, 26(4), 1069-1094. View this article in WRRO
- The suitability of patient-reported outcome measures used to assess the impact of hypoglycaemia on quality of life in people with diabetes: a systematic review using COSMIN methods.. Diabetologia, 64(6), 1213-1225. View this article in WRRO
- What are the cost-savings and health benefits of improving detection and management for six high cardiovascular risk conditions in England? An economic evaluation.. BMJ Open, 10(9), e037486. View this article in WRRO
- Behavioural modification interventions for medically unexplained symptoms in primary care: systematic reviews and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 24(46), 1-490. View this article in WRRO
- A cost-effectiveness analysis of newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency in the UK. International Journal of Neonatal Screening, 5(3). View this article in WRRO
- Economic impact of screening for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy within a newborn blood spot screening programme.. Orphanet J Rare Dis, 13(1), 179-179. View this article in WRRO
- Searching for trial protocols: A comparison of methods. Research Synthesis Methods. View this article in WRRO
- VP198 Efficient Retrieval Of Trial Protocols: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 33(S1), 242-242. View this article in WRRO
- The cost-effectiveness of changes to the care pathway used to identify depression and provide treatment amongst people with diabetes in England: a model-based economic evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), 78-78. View this article in WRRO
- Factors affecting mortality in older trauma patients—A systematic review and meta-analysis. Injury, 47(6), 1170-1183. View this article in WRRO
- Psychotherapeutic benefits of compassion-focused therapy: an early systematic review. Psychological Medicine, 45(05), 927-945. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review, network meta-analysis and exploratory cost-effectiveness model of randomized trials of minimally invasive techniques versus surgery for varicose veins.. Br J Surg, 101(9), 1040-1052. View this article in WRRO
- What is the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cytisine compared with varenicline for smoking cessation? A systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 18(33), 1-120.
- Smoking cessation in the workplace.. Occup Med (Lond), 63(8), 526-536.
- Is group cognitive behaviour therapy for postnatal depression evidence-based practice? A systematic review.. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 321. View this article in WRRO
- Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive techniques to manage varicose veins: a systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 17(48), i-141.
- "Best fit" framework synthesis: refining the method.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 13, 37. View this article in WRRO
- A qualitative evidence synthesis of employees' views of workplace smoking reduction or cessation interventions.. BMC Public Health, 13, 1095. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review, meta-analysis and economic modelling of diagnostic strategies for suspected acute coronary syndrome.. Health Technol Assess, 17(1), v-188.
- Heart-type fatty acid binding protein as an early marker for myocardial infarction: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Emergency Medicine Journal, 30(4), 280-286.
- Unhappiness and dissatisfaction in doctors cannot be predicted by selectors from medical school application forms: A prospective, longitudinal study. BMC Medical Education, 5.
- Perceived safety of donor blood and blood substitutes for transfusion: The role of informational frame, patient groups and stress appraisals. Transfusion Medicine, 15(5), 401-412.
- Putting teamwork in context. Medical Education, 34(11), 921-927.
- Exploring the perceived effect of an undergraduate multiprofessional educational intervention. Medical Education, 34(6), 483-486.
- Estimating risk of consequences following hypoglycaemia exposure using the Hypo-RESOLVE cohort: a secondary analysis of pooled data from insulin clinical trials. Diabetologia.
- Risk factors and prediction of hypoglycaemia using the Hypo-RESOLVE cohort: a secondary analysis of pooled data from insulin clinical trials. Diabetologia.
Conference proceedings papers
- OP105 Systematically Reconstructing Trial Context-Role For CLUSTER Searches?. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, Vol. 33(S1) (pp 48-49). Cambridge, 17 June 2017 - 21 June 2017. View this article in WRRO
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- View this article in WRRO
- Prognostic factors for liver, blood and kidney adverse events from glucocorticoid sparing immune-suppressing drugs in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a prognostic systematic review. RMD Open, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Grants
- NIHR Health Technology Assessment 2015: Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS): primary care intervention, £200k, Chief Investigator.
- Department of Health (IAPT)2013: Psychological interventions for Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Long-Term Conditions. £10k, co-applicant.
- ScHARR strategic research fund 2012: Psychotherapeutic effects of Compassion-Focused Therapy. £5k, co-PI.
- Teaching interests
My teaching interests lie in Systematic Reviews and Critical Appraisal, specifically data extraction, quality assessment and meta-analysis. I am currently involved in the following teaching activities:
- HAR6029: Sytematically Reviewing the Literature. Joint module co-ordinator.
- HAR6114: Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis: Principles. Facilitator.
- HAR6024V2/HAR679: Dissertation for Masters in Public Health. Dissertation supervisor.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Co-chair Systematic Reviewers Academic Development Group (SRADG)
- Member ScHARR Research Ethics Committee
Peer review
- Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (JOCS)
- Trials
- NIHR HS&DR Programme
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- BMC Psychiatry
- Psychology and Health
- Asthma UK