Dr Anju Devianee Keetharuth

BA, MA, MBA, PhD (Sheffield)

School of Medicine and Population Health

Health Economist

+44 114 222 0884

Full contact details

Dr Anju Devianee Keetharuth
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I joined HEDS as a health economist in November 2010. After my doctorate in development economics, I worked as a trade policy adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade in Fiji (Overseas Development Institute Fellow). I then worked as an Economic Affairs Officer researching foreign direct investment at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). I have also been teaching economics at the University of Sheffield. Prior to joining HEDS, I was employed as an Economic Adviser at the Department of Health in the Choice Analysis and Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) team.

Research interests

My research interests include outcome measurement,  psychometrics, economic evaluation and current health policy analysis including PROMs. I am also interested in economic evaluation of mental health policies and community services. I am also a yoga teacher in my spare time and interested in researching how yoga can improve the health of the population. 

Current projects

  • Policy Research Unit in Economic Evaluation of Health and Care Interventions (EEPRU)
    • CI: Allan Wailoo and Mark Sculpher. (Funding body: DoH; 2019/24)
      • Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL): Development of a brief generic measure for use with mental health populations. Click here for more details.
      • Measuring and Valuing Health
  • Efficiency, cost and quality of mental healthcare provision (EMHeP)
    • CI: Rowena Jacobs, University of York Funding body: Health Foundation
  • Health economist on BRIGHT trial. Brushing reminder 4 oral health: the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a short messaging service behaviour change programme to improve the oral health of young people living in deprived areas 
  • Health economist on EMBEDDING trial: Evaluating the impact of an intervention to increase uptake of self-management education programme for Type 2 diabetes in primary care: a wait-list cluster randomised controlled trial.  

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers

  • Bjorner JB, Croudace T, Keetharuth A, Brazier JE & Browne J (2016) Factor analyses identified one dominant global factor in a new scale for recovering quality of life (ReQoL) for mental health patients. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, Vol. 25 (pp 95-95) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rowen D, Brazier JE, Keetharuth A, Tsuchiya A, Robinson A & Mukuria C (2014) Comparison of an online survey and face-to-face interviews for eliciting societal preferences. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, Vol. 23 (pp 49-49) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Keetharuth A, Brazier J, Gibbons E, Ricketts T, Khan M, Connell J & Barkham M (2014) PROMs in Secondary Mental Health Services in the UK: a Feasibility Study and Lessons Learnt. JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS, Vol. 17 (pp S10-S10) RIS download Bibtex download

Placement Fellowship financed by ESRC/MRC/CLAHRC/NIHR. During this placement (February - August 2013), I was based at the Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust working on the use of PROMs in clinical and managerial decision-making. A copy of my end of award report can be found here