Aerospace Engineering academic staff
If you aren’t sure who to contact then get in touch using our general contact details.
Contact the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Head of School
Staff A-Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address | Telephone | Surname |
A |
Aitken, Dr Jonathan M. | Senior University Teacher in Robotics | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5660 | A |
Anderson, Dr Sean | Senior Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5608 | A |
Atallah, Professor Kais | Professor in Electrical Engineering | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5812 | A |
B |
Baldacchino, Dr Tara | Senior University Teacher | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5230 | B |
Balikhin, Professor Michael | Professor of Space Systems | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5628 | B |
Beck, Professor Stephen | Professor of Mechanical Engineering | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7730 | B |
Benaissa, Professor Mohammed | Professor of Information Engineering | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5899 | B |
Bhattacharya, Dr Pinaki | Senior Lecturer in Solid Biomechanics | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 0156 | B |
Bogdanov, Dr Kirill | Lecturer | School of Computer Science | | +44 114 222 1847 | B |
C |
Curiel-Sosa, Dr Jose L | Lecturer | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7857 | C |
D |
Dean, Dr Julian | Senior Lecturer in Materials Science | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5473 | D |
E |
Esnaola, Dr Iñaki | Senior Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5648 | E |
F |
Fedun, Professor Viktor | Professor in Space Science | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5197 | F |
Foreman, Dr Joel | University Teacher | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5920 | F |
Foster, Professor Martin | Professor of Energy Storage & Conversion | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5392 | F |
G |
Griffo, Professor Antonio | Professor of Power Electronics and Electric Drives | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5050 | G |
Gross, Dr Roderich | Senior Lecturer in Robotics and Computational Intelligence | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5610 | G |
H |
Hand, Professor Russell J | Professor of Glass Science & Engineering | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5465 | H |
He, Professor Shuisheng | Professor of Thermofluids | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 2227756 | H |
Hepple, Dr Mark | Reader | School of Computer Science | | +44 114 222 1829 | H |
Howell, Professor Rob | Professor of Aerospace Engineering | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7725 | H |
J |
Jackson, Professor Martin | Professor of Advanced Metals Processing | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | J | |
Jewell, Professor Geraint | Professor | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5845 | J |
John, Dr Alistair | Programme lead for Aerospace Engineering | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | J | |
K |
Kadirkamanathan, Professor Visakan | Director of Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Control and Systems Engineering | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5680 | K |
Khamas, Dr Salam | Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5824 | K |
Kinoshita, Dr Hajime | Senior Lecturer in Materials Chemistry | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5930 | K |
L |
Lang, Professor Zi-Qiang | Professor of Complex Systems Analysis and Design | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5623 | L |
Leighton, Mr Phil | Senior University Teacher, Aerospace Engineering | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | L | |
M |
Ma, Professor Lin | Professor of Fluid Dynamics | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 215 7212 | M |
Mahfouf, Professor Mahdi | Head of the Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | +44 114 222 5607 | M | |
Marriott, Mr Ellis | University Teaching Associate | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | M | |
Marzo, Dr Alberto | Senior Lecturer | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 0155 | M |
Mihaylova, Professor Lyudmila | Professor of Signal Processing and Control | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5675 | M |
N |
Nowakowski, Dr Andrew F. | Lecturer | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7812 | N |
P |
Pinna, Dr Christophe | Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7831 | P |
Pope, Dr Simon A | Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 5186 | P |
Punzo, Dr Giuliano | Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5233 | P |
R |
Ricco, Professor Pierre | Professor in Fluid Mechanics | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7726 | R |
Rockett, Dr Peter | Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | R | |
Rossiter, Dr J Anthony | Reader | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5685 | R |
S |
Simons, Dr Anthony | Senior Lecturer | School of Computer Science | | +44 114 222 1838 | S |
Slatter, Professor Tom | Professor of Wear of Materials | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7772 | S |
Soulatiantork, Dr Payam | Senior University Teacher in Industrial Automation | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5654 | S |
Struth, Professor Georg | Professor of Theoretical Computer Science | School of Computer Science | | S | |
T |
Taylor, Dr Ramsay | Visiting Academic | School of Computer Science | | +44 114 222 1843 | T |
Tennant, Professor Alan | Personal Chair | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5438 | T |
Thackray, Dr Richard | Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy and Metals Production | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5963 | T |
Thomas, Dr Meurig | University Teacher in Aerospace Engineering | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 5946 | T |
Tomlinson, Dr Rachel | Senior Lecturer | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7757 | T |
Travis, Dr Karl P | Reader in Computational Physics and Nuclear Waste Disposal | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5483 | T |
Trodden, Dr Paul | Senior Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5679 | T |
Tsakiropoulos, Professor Panos | Emeritus Professor of Metallurgy | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering | | +44 114 222 5960 | T |
W |
Wagg, Professor David | Professor of Nonlinear Dynamics | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 0168 | W |
Walkinshaw, Dr Neil | Senior Lecturer in Testing | School of Computer Science | | W | |
Wei, Dr Hua-Liang | Senior Lecturer | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | | +44 114 222 5198 | W |
Wynne, Professor Bradley | Culham Chair in Materials Technology | School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 6026 | W |
Z |
Zhang, Professor Yang | Professor of Combustion and Energy | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering , School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering | | +44 114 222 7880 | Z |