Professor Russell J Hand
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Professor of Glass Science & Engineering
School Director of Education

+44 114 222 5465
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
I joined the University of Sheffield in 1989 as the Redland Research Fellow in the then, School of Materials, having previously studied at the University of Cambridge. I was appointed to a Lectureship in 1990 (Senior Lecturer 2001; Reader 2010; Professor 2012) and in 1999 obtained an MEd in Teaching and Learning for University Lecturers.
I am an internationally recognised expert on the mechanical properties of glasses and waste vitrification and have supervised/ co-supervised over 50 successful PhD students. I was a founder member of the ISL at the University of Sheffield. I am a Fellow and Past-President of the Society of Glass Technology and am also involved with International Commission on Glass (ICG).
I have held a variety of education related roles at Faculty and Department (now School) level. From 2001 to 2012 I was Sub-Dean for Undergraduate Affairs in the Faculty of Engineering and then Deputy Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching Engineering. From 2013 to 2015 I was course director for the cross-Faculty Aerospace Engineering degrees and between 2014 and 2017, I was Head of the Interdisciplinary Programmes Office, Faculty of Engineering. From 2015 I was Director of Education first in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and am now in the School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering.
- Research interests
My research has two main foci both related to glass and glass based materials.
1) The development and characterisation of glass based treatment options for nuclear wastes to support the clean-up of the nuclear legacy - this includes compositional development and assessment of the chemical durability of the resultant vitreous wasteforms and
2) the mechanical properties of glasses - this includes developing an understanding of how the mechanical properties vary with glass composition with the aim of developing stronger glasses.
Key research interests:
Radioactive waste vitrification
Research is focussed on glass composition development for the immobilisation of "difficult" anionic species and legacy wastes into vitreous wasteforms. His group is currently working on developing novel glasses for the vitrification of Mo containing wastes and understanding the crystallisation of Mo containing phases in current waste glass compositions.Sensing using reinforcing fibres in polymer matrix composites
Research is focussed on developing novel glasses for reinforcing fibres that can be used for both chemical and damage sensing in polymer matrix composites. This research is being undertaken in collaboration with CSIC.Durability of nuclear waste glasses
Research is focussed on understanding the effects of high pH environments on the durability of nuclear waste glasses using laboratory-based durability test methods. In addition, he is responsible for the field-based long term glass burial site at Ballidon (a limestone environment), an experiment now in its 44th year, and which involves collaboration with Dr Strachan from Pacific North-West National Laboratory, USA.Mechanical properties of glasses
Research is focussed on examining the effects of composition on the mechanical properties of silicate glasses. His group has previously demonstrated the important role of MgO in these glasses and we are currently investigating this further. We have also studied the mechanical properties of nuclear borosilicate glasses. His group is also focussing on assessing the changes in near surface mechanical properties of glasses due to hydration by nanoindentation and at the effects of high-temperature mechanical contact on surface damage and thus the practical strength of bulk glass.
- Publications
Journal articles
- The effect of magnesia and lime on the durability of synthetic basaltic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 656, 123500-123500.
- Microbial interactions with phosphorus containing glasses representative of vitrified radioactive waste. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 462, 132667-132667.
- Localised extended (“vermiform”) features formed during glass dissolution. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 608, 122230-122230.
- Micro- and Nanoscale Surface Analysis of Late Iron Age Glass from Broborg, a Vitrified Swedish Hillfort. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29(1), 50-68.
- Effect of network connectivity on behavior of synthetic Broborg Hillfort glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Vibration analysis of cracked beam based on Reddy beam theory by finite element method. Journal of Vibration and Control.
- Applying laboratory methods for durability assessment of vitrified material to archaeological samples. npj Materials Degradation, 5(1).
- Forty years of durability assessment of nuclear waste glass by standard methods. npj Materials Degradation, 5(1).
- Structural and thermophysical behaviour of barium zinc aluminoborosilicate glasses for potential application in SOFCs. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 572. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of composition and phase relations on mechanical properties and crystallization of silicate glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Thermal treatment of nuclear fuel-containing Magnox sludge radioactive waste. Journal of Nuclear Materials. View this article in WRRO
- Short communication : the dissolution of UK simulant vitrified high-level-waste in groundwater solutions. Journal of Nuclear Materials. View this article in WRRO
- The dissolution of simulant UK Ca/Zn-modified nuclear waste glass : insight into Stage III behavior. MRS Advances, 5(3-4), 103-109. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation of the role of Mg and Ca in the structure and durability of aluminoborosilicate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 512(1), 41-52. View this article in WRRO
- Physical and optical properties of the International Simple Glass. npj Materials Degradation, 3(1). View this article in WRRO
- Vitrification of an intermediate level Magnox sludge waste. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 515, 392-400. View this article in WRRO
- Glass structure and crystallization in boro-alumino-silicate glasses containing rare earth and transition metal cations: a US-UK collaborative program. MRS Advances, 4(17-18), 1029-1043.
- The Formation of Pitted Features on the International Simple Glass during Dynamic Experiments at Alkaline pH. MRS Advances, 4(17-18), 993-999. View this article in WRRO
- Corrosion of the International Simple Glass under acidic to hyperalkaline conditions. npj Materials Degradation, 2. View this article in WRRO
- Immobilisation of Prototype Fast Reactor raffinate in a barium borosilicate glass matrix. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508, 203-211. View this article in WRRO
- Incorporation and phase separation of Cl in alkaline earth aluminosilicate glasses. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 507, 135-144. View this article in WRRO
- Corrigendum to “The dissolution rates of simulated UK Magnox – ThORP blend nuclear waste glass as a function of pH, temperature and waste loading” [Miner. Mag. 79, (2015) 1529–1542]. Mineralogical Magazine, 82(4), 939-942.
- Letter to the Editor: Concentrated Solar (CS) thermal melting versus photovoltaic (PV) based electric melting. Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A, 58(5), 156-158. View this article in WRRO
- Comment on “Preliminary assessment of modified borosilicate glasses for chromium and ruthenium immobilization”, by Farid and Rahman. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 192, 29-32.
- Glass melting using concentrated solar thermal energy. Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A, 58(2), 41-48. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of novel leaching assessment of nuclear waste glasses. MRS Advances. View this article in WRRO
- Alteration layer formation of Ca- and Zn-oxide bearing alkali borosilicate glasses for immobilisation of UK high level waste: A vapour hydration study. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 479, 639-646. View this article in WRRO
- Dissolution of molybdate anions in borosilicate glasses for nuclear waste vitrification use. Materials China, 35(7), 496-503. View this article in WRRO
- Silicon oxycarbide glass for the immobilisation of irradiated graphite waste. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 469, 51-56. View this article in WRRO
- Mechanical properties of soda–lime–silica glasses with varying alkaline earth contents. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 429, 190-197. View this article in WRRO
- The initial dissolution rates of simulated UK Magnox–ThORP blend nuclear waste glass as a function of pH, temperature and waste loading. Mineralogical Magazine, 79(6), 1529-1542. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of Zn- and Ca-oxides on the structure and chemical durability of simulant alkali borosilicate glasses for immobilisation of UK high level wastes. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 462, 321-328. View this article in WRRO
- Zn nanodot patterning in borosilicate glasses by electron irradiation. Journal of Materials Research, 30(12), 1914-1924. View this article in WRRO
- MoO3 incorporation in magnesium aluminosilicate glasses. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 458, 335-342. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of ZnO and CaO on alkali borosilicate glass waste-form immobilizing simulated mixed HLW. Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu/Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 49(7), 1159-1164.
- Investigation of the mechanical properties and fracture morphology of glass ceramic fibers. Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science, 1(2), 120-127.
- Leaching behaviour of cementitious nuclear wasteforms containing caesium and strontium. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 113(8), 447-452. View this article in WRRO
- Use of concentrated radiation for solar powered glass melting experiments. Solar Energy, 109, 174-182. View this article in WRRO
- Selective behaviour of dilute Fe3 + ions in silicate glasses: An Fe K-edge EXAFS and XANES study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 387, 47-56.
- Graphite immobilisation in iron phosphate glass composite materials produced by microwave and conventional sintering routes. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 454(1-3), 343-351.
- Thermal treatment of simulant plutonium contaminated materials from the Sellafield site by vitrification in a blast-furnace slag. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 444(1-3), 186-199. View this article in WRRO
- The effect of γ-radiation on mechanical properties of model UK nuclear waste glasses. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1518, 41-46.
- The use of high durability alumino-borosilicate glass for the encapsulation of High Temperature Reactor (HTR) fuel. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1518, 3-8.
- Formation of alteration products during dissolution of vitrified ILW in a high-pH calcium-rich solution. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 442(1-3), 33-45.
- The effect of uranium oxide additions on the structure of alkali borosilicate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 378, 282-289.
- Encapsulation of TRISO particle fuel in durable soda-lime-silicate glasses. Journal of Nuclear Materials.
- Dissolution of vitrified wastes in a high-pH calcium-rich solution. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 435(1-3), 112-122.
- Chemical durability of vitrified wasteforms: Effects of pH and solution composition. Mineralogical Magazine, 76(8), 2919-2930.
- Smart composite materials for self-sensing and self-healing. PLASTICS RUBBER AND COMPOSITES, 41(4-5), 215-224.
- The effects of γ-radiation on model vitreous wasteforms intended for the disposal of intermediate and high level radioactive wastes in the United Kingdom. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 429(1-3), 353-367.
- Fractographic analysis of epoxy coated glass. Ceramics International, 38(3), 2543-2549.
- Optical self-sensing of impact damage in composites using E-glass cloth. Smart Materials and Structures, 21(4).
- The Liquidus Temperature of Nuclear Waste Glasses: An International Round-Robin Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, 2(4), 321-333.
- Corrosion of glass contact refractories for the vitrification of radioactive wastes: a review. INT MATER REV, 56(4), 226-242.
- Composition-structure relationships in simplified nuclear waste glasses: 1. Mixed alkali borosilicate glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94(1), 151-159.
- Modelling the strengthening of glass using epoxy based coatings. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31(15), 2783-2791.
- Mechanical properties of nuclear waste glasses. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 408(2), 188-193.
- The structural role of Zr within alkali borosilicate glasses for nuclear waste immobilisation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357(7), 1647-1656.
- Comparison of glass hydration layer thickness measured by transmission electron microscopy and nanoindentation. MATER LETT, 64(9), 1041-1044.
- CeO2 nano-precipitation in borosilicate glasses: A redox study using EELS. J EUR CERAM SOC, 30(4), 831-838.
- Surface hydration and nanoindentation of silicate glasses. J NON-CRYST SOLIDS, 356(2), 102-108. View this article in WRRO
- Mechanical properties of silicate glasses as a function of composition. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(44-49), 2417-2423.
- Concerning the use of standards for identifying coordination environments in glasses. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 217(1).
- Calibrating a nanoindenter for very shallow depth indentation using equivalent contact radius. PHILOS MAG, 90(13), 1819-1832.
- A Micromechanical Model to Predict Mechanical Durability of Glass Multifilament Bundles in Rubber Composite. J ENG MATER-T ASME, 132(1).
- Effects of modifier additions on the thermal properties, chemical durability, oxidation state and structure of iron phosphate glasses. J NON-CRYST SOLIDS, 355(28-30), 1526-1538.
- Elastic properties of some bulk metallic glasses. J NON-CRYST SOLIDS, 355(6), 335-339.
- The immobilisation of a chloride containing actinide waste surrogate in calcium aluminosilicate glasses. Ceramic Transactions, 207, 69-80.
- Structural studies of iron in vitrified toxic wastes. Hyperfine Interactions, 192(1-3), 37-42.
- Nuclear Waste Vitrification and Chemical Durability, Advanced Structured Materials (pp. 243-263). Springer Nature Singapore
- Mechanical Properties of Inorganic Glasses (pp. 379-390). Wiley
- Soda-Lime-Silica Glasses, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering Elsevier
- Soda-Lime-Silica Glasses, Encyclopedia of Materials: Technical Ceramics and Glasses: Volume 1-3 (pp. V2-483-V2-495).
- Structural studies of iron in vitrified toxic wastes, ISIAME 2008 (pp. 539-544). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference proceedings papers
- The HADES facility for high activity decommissioning engineering & science: part of the UK national nuclear user facility. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 818. Manchester, UK, 4 February 2020 - 5 February 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Interactions between Simulant Vitrified Nuclear Wastes and high pH solutions: A Natural Analogue Approach. MRS Advances, Vol. 2(12) (pp 669-674) View this article in WRRO
- MoO3 incorporation in alkaline earth aluminosilicate glasses. MRS Proceedings, Vol. 1744 (pp 67-72)
- Nanoparticle Formation in Borosilicate Glasses under Electron Irradiation. The Octagon Centre, University of Sheffield. View this article in WRRO
- The Effectiveness of TRIS and Ammonium buffers in Glass Dissolution Studies: A Comparative Analysis, Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
- Insights into long-term glass corrosion mechanisms from the Ballidon project: a 50-year-old glass burial experiment in an alkaline near surface environment., Research Square Platform LLC.
- The effect of magnesia and lime on the durability of synthetic basaltic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 656, 123500-123500.
- Teaching activities
- Introduction to the mechanical properties of materials
- Fracture mechanics
- Glasses
- Inorganic Materials ITP
- Industrial Management/ Materials lifecycle
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow and former President of the Society of Glass Technology (FSGT)
- Member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP, CEng)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Secretary to the Coordinating Technical Committee of the International Commission on Glass