Professor Yang Zhang
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Professor of Combustion and Energy

+44 114 222 7880
Full contact details
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Professor Yang Zhang received BEng from Zhejiang University, China and PhD in the Engineering Department of Cambridge University. He then worked as a Research Associate and Research Fellow (Darwin College, Cambridge University) on two projects (Integrated Diesel European Action : IDEA and the follow-on project IDEA EFFECT) supported by six European car manufacturers and EU. After this, he moved to UMIST and then the University of Manchester before taking the Chair of Combustion and Energy in Sheffield.
His laboratory specialises in combustion and advanced flow diagnostics. The combustion lab has several lab scale burners for both fundamental research and teaching. An industrial gas turbine combustor (1 MW) is available for testing and research. A high pressure test burner up to 20 bar has been built for combustion studies. The burner has two quartz windows and two pure silicon windows, which are transparent to infrared and longer wavelength (e.g. Terahertz wave).
Besides the conventional diagnostic techniques, the group is known for in-house developed diagnostic techniques, which can be applied not only in flame dynamics studies but also in many fast moving dynamic systems. The team has great strength in signal and image processing capabilities, including multi-channel data acquisition, high speed imaging and stereo imaging.
- Research interests
- Digital image and signal processing of flame dynamics and structure
- Flame and acoustic wave interactions
- Combustion instability
- Innovative flow diagnostics and data processing
- Clean coal combustion
- Future energy system
Research projects
- Laminar flame dynamics at high pressure
- Fuel variability effect on combustion instability
- High speed stereo Schlieren imaging of flame dynamics and structure
- Flame and acoustic wave interactions
- 3D Imaging of re-ignition process in a jet engine combustor at sub atmospheric conditions
- Turbulent impinging flames
- Publications
Journal articles
- Iron particle in liquid fuel combustion technology for nonoxidative storage and easy burning. Fuel, 380. View this article in WRRO
- Advanced visualisation of biomass charcoal combustion dynamics using MWIR hyperspectral and LWIR thermal imaging under varied airflow conditions. Fuel, 378, 132901-132901.
- An experimental evaluation of thermophysical properties of colloidal suspension of carbon-rich fly ash microparticles and single-walled carbon nanotubes in Jet-A fuel and its impact on evaporation and burning rate. Fuel Processing Technology, 266. View this article in WRRO
- Characterisation of wood combustion and emission under varying moisture contents using multiple imaging techniques. Fuel, 373, 132397-132397.
- Experimental investigation on the effects of a mesh in the downstream region of a combustion-driven Rijke tube on self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 150, 111061-111061.
- Coupling Membrane Dynamics Analysis by High-Speed Imaging and Processing. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 12(1), 415-431.
- Investigating the fire-retardant efficiency of intumescent coatings on inclined timber: A study on application strategies and heat transfer mechanisms. Construction and Building Materials, 407, 133586-133586.
- Combustion inhibition of biomass charcoal using slaked lime and dolime slurries. Fire Safety Journal, 140, 103841-103841.
- Characterisations of self-excited nonlinear oscillations at varied system parameters in a Rijke tube with a premixed laminar flame. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 146, 110923-110923.
- NO emission and enhanced thermal performances studies on Counter-flow Double-channel Hydrogen/Ammonia-fuelled microcombustors with Oval-shaped internal threads. Fuel, 341, 127665-127665.
- Experimental investigation on droplet evaporation characteristics during combustion of future and current aviation fuels with range of properties. The Aeronautical Journal, 127(1317), 1952-1967.
- Equivalence ratio independence and dependence ranges of system responses for a nonlinear thermoacoustic oscillation in a Rijke tube. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 547.
- Experimental study of horizontally lifted high-speed nonpremixed flame jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 140.
- Investigation of forced flow orientations on the burning behaviours of wooden rods using a synchronised multi-imaging system. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- Combustion phases of evaporating neat fuel droplet. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 96(1), 60-69.
- Ignition measurement of non-premixed propane with varying co-flowing AIR through high-speed schlieren stereoscopic colour imaging. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 30, 101250-101250.
- Investigation into wind effects on fire spread on inclined wooden rods by multi-spectrum and schlieren imaging. Fire Safety Journal, 127, 103513-103513.
- Impact of aromatic structures and content in formulated fuel for jet engine applications on particulate matter emissions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143(12).
- Post-Impact characteristics of a diesel-in-water emulsion droplet on a flat surface below the Leidenfrost temperature. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 10(2), 297-306.
- Experimental investigation of transient ignition dynamics of hydrogen enriched methane diffusion impinging flames. Fuel, 290.
- A versatile droplet on demand generator based on active pressure control. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(12). View this article in WRRO
- The effect of preheating on fire propagation on inclined wood by multi-spectrum and schlieren visualisation. Fire Safety Journal, 118.
- Comparison of the burning of a single diesel droplet with volume and surface contamination of soot particles. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- Experimental study of water droplet impact on burning wood surfaces. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. View this article in WRRO
- Liquid-phase dynamics during the two-droplet combustion of diesel-based fuel mixtures. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 115. View this article in WRRO
- Entropy and flame transfer function analysis of a hydrogen-fueled diffusion flame in a longitudinal combustor. Energy, 194. View this article in WRRO
- Reduced mechanism generation for methanol-based toluene reference fuel with combined reduction methods. Fuel, 247, 135-147. View this article in WRRO
- Improved colour-modelled CH* and C2* measurement using a digital colour camera. Measurement, 141, 235-240.
- Experimental investigation on alternative fuel combustion performance using a gas turbine combustor. Applied Energy, 238, 1530-1542. View this article in WRRO
- Combustion characteristics and liquid-phase visualisation of single isolated diesel droplet with surface contaminated by soot particles. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(3), 3401-3408. View this article in WRRO
- Lifted and reattached behaviour of laminar premixed flame under external acoustic excitation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 98, 683-692. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of Alternative Fuel Properties on Particulate Matter Produced in a Gas Turbine Combustor. Energy & Fuels, 32(9), 9883-9897.
- Multicomponent fuel droplet combustion investigation using magnified high speed backlighting and shadowgraph imaging. Fuel, 221, 89-109. View this article in WRRO
- Droplet Combustion Characteristics of Biodiesel–Diesel Blends using High Speed Backlit and Schlieren Imaging. Heat Transfer Engineering. View this article in WRRO
- The investigation of CO2 effect on the characteristics of a methane diffusion flame. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 92, 97-102. View this article in WRRO
- Experimental investigation of coflow effect on the ignition process of a methane jet diffusion flame. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 91, 184-196. View this article in WRRO
- Thermal performance of a meso-scale combustor with electrospray technique using liquid ethanol as fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 128, 274-281. View this article in WRRO
- Study of drag and orientation of regular particles using stereo vision, Schlieren photography and digital image processing. Powder Technology, 311, 185-199. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation of ignition process from visible to infrared by a high speed colour camera. Fuel, 185, 500-507. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of a ring electrode on the cone-jet characteristics of ethanol in small-scale electro-spraying combustors. Journal of Aerosol Science, 98, 15-29. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic investigation of premixed methane/air turbulent impinging flames. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 70, 335-340.
- Experimental observation of the nonlinear coupling of flame flow and acoustic wave. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 46, 12-17. View this article in WRRO
- Time-resolved 3D investigation of the ignition process of a methane diffusion impinging flame. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 62, 78-84. View this article in WRRO
- High Speed Digital Imaging for Flame Studies: Potentials and Limitations. Energy Procedia, 66, 237-240.
- Simultaneous High Speed Schlieren and Direct Imaging of Ignition Process with Digitally Enhanced Visualisation. Energy Procedia, 66, 241-244.
- Oscillating flames in open tubes. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(2), 2075-2082. View this article in WRRO
- Probabilistic novelty detection with support vector machines. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 63(2), 455-467.
- Three-dimensional investigation of the dynamics of a propane diffusion flame. Fuel, 116, 448-454.
- Imaging based chemiluminescence characterisation of partially premixed syngas flames through DFCD technique. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(38), 4839-4847.
- Flow characterisation of diffusion flame under non-resonant acoustic excitation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 45, 227-233.
- Study on ignition delay of multi-component syngas using shock tube. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
- Impinging flame ignition and propagation visualisation using Schlieren and colour-enhanced stereo imaging techniques. Fuel.
- Visualization of diffusion flame/Vortex Structure and Dynamics under Acoustic Excitation. Combustion Science and Technology, 184(10-11), 1445-1455.
- Spark characteristics investigation of a gas turbine igniter. Combustion Science and Technology, 184(10-11), 1526-1540.
- Nonlinear response of buoyant diffusion flame under acoustic excitation. Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy.
- Study on laminar flame speed and flame structure of syngas with varied compositions using OH-PLIF and spectrograph. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Experimental and numerical study on the effect of composition on laminar burning velocities of H
/air mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Variation of hydrocarbon compositions and ignition locations on the radiative flame initiation characteristics through multi-dimensional DFCD incorporated image analysis. Fuel.
- Experimental observations of complex flame propagations initiated at different locations of an impingement configuration. Fuel.
- Vortex dynamics and structures of methane/air jet diffusion flames with air coflow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 37, 84-90.
- Syngas combustion radiation profiling through spectrometry and DFCD processing techniques. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(6), 5257-5267.
- Flow characterisation of diffusion flame in a standing wave. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 41, 84-93.
- High speed stereoscopic shadowgraph imaging and its digital 3D reconstruction. MEAS SCI TECHNOL, 22(6).
- Wall temperature measurements using a thermal imaging camera with temperature-dependent emissivity corrections. Measurement Science and Technology, 22(12).
- Impact of co-flow air on buoyant diffusion flames flicker. Energy Conversion and Management, 52(8-9), 2996-3003.
- Fuel mixing effect on the flickering of jet diffusion flames. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225(1), 155-162.
- New insight into the soot nanoparticles in a candle flame. CHEM COMMUN, 47(16), 4700-4702.
- Analysis of the ignition process using a digital image and colour processing technique. MEAS SCI TECHNOL, 22(7).
- Dynamic application of digital image and colour processing in characterizing flame radiation features. MEAS SCI TECHNOL, 21(8).
- Fuel variability effect on flickering frequency of diffusion flames. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 3(2), 134-140.
- Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of high-pressure flames. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 3(2), 123-133.
- Scattering of typical particles by beam shape in oblique illumination. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 110(14-16), 1375-1381.
- Diffusion Flame Dynamics at Elevated Pressures. Fuel, 88(2), 264-271.
- Scattering of an eccentric sphere arbitrarily located in a shaped beam. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 25(12), 2064-2064.
- Flame colour characterization in the visible and infrared spectrum using a digital camera and image processing. Meas. Sci. Technol., 19(8).
- Flow field and acoustic characteristics of an acoustically forced burner impinging jet. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5), 3403-3403.
- Stereo imaging and analysis of a combustion process in a gas turbine combustor. Measurement Science and Technology, 17(12), 3221-3228.
- Effect of flapping trajectories on the dragonfly aerodynamics. Science Bulletin, 51(7), 777-784.
- Support Vector Machine in Novelty Detection for Multi-channel Combustion Data, 836-843.
- Chemiluminescent emission measurement of a diffusion flame jet in a loudspeaker induced standing wave. Fuel, 84(14-15), 1760-1767.
- The investigation of sooty flames using terahertz waves. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 16(5), 341-345.
- Three dimensional tracking of particles and their local orientations. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 16(5), 295-302.
- Jet diffusion flame characteristics in a loudspeaker-induced standing wave. Combustion and Flame, 142(3), 317-323.
- The study of flame dynamics and structures in an industrial-scale gas turbine combustor using digital data processing and computer vision techniques. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 29(6), 715-723.
- Stereoscopic imaging and computer vision of impinging fires by a single camera with a stereo adapter. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 15(2), 114-122.
- The combined investigation of the flame dynamics of an industrial gas turbine combustor using high-speed imaging and an optically integrated data collection method. Measurement Science and Technology, 15(11), 2303-2309.
- Three-dimensional visualization of diffusion flame shapes under acoustic excitation using stereoscopic imaging and reconstruction technique. Journal of Visualization, 6(4), 329-336.
- Stereoscopic imaging and reconstruction of the 3D geometry of flame surfaces. Experiments in Fluids, 34(4), 484-493.
- Flame patterns of acoustic wave and flame interaction in a cylindrical tube. Journal of Visualization, 4(2), 179-184.
- The visualization and mapping of turbulent premixed impinging flames. Combustion and Flame, 125(1-2), 839-851.
- Spectral analysis of combustion noise and flame pattern recognition. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 49(4), 509-515.
- Experimental studies of the turbulence structures of impinging reacting jets using time-resolved particle image velocimetry visualisation, hot wire anemometry and acoustic signal processing. Experiments in Fluids, 29(7), S282-S290.
- Characterization of impinging jet flames. Combustion and Flame, 116(4), 671-674.
- The Modelling and Measurement of Local Flame Surface Orientation inTurbulent Premixed Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 137(1-6), 347-358.
- Modelling and Simulation of Autoignition Under Simulated Diesel-Engine Conditions. Combustion Science and Technology, 113(1), 205-219.
- Temporally and Spatially Resolved Investigation of Flame Propagation and Extinction in the Vicinity of Walls. Combustion Science and Technology, 113(1), 255-271.
- 2-D Simulation of Turbulent Autoignition with Transient Laminar Flamelet Source Term Closure. Combustion Science and Technology, 105(4-6), 211-227.
- Modelling auto-ignition in a turbulent medium. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 24(1), 421-428.
- Resolving Visible Emission Lines in Hydrogen Diffusion Flames. Aerospace, 11(12), 983-983.
- Development of Equivalence Ratio Measurement Model of Premixed Methane Flames Using Hyperspectral Imaging of C
* and CH* Chemiluminescence and Random Forest Algorithm. Combustion Science and Technology, 1-23.
- Special Issue: Aviation Alternative Fuels. Aerospace, 1(3), 100-100.
- Analysis and optimization of the stereo-system with a four-mirror adapter. Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications, 3.
- Combustion Characteristics of Water-In-Diesel (WD) and Ethanol-In-Diesel Droplets, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 459-466). Springer Nature Singapore
- Combustion Phases of Evaporating Fuel Droplet, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 448-451). Springer Nature Singapore
Conference proceedings papers
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- Quantitative spray analysis of diesel fuel and its emulsions using digital image processing. EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 92 (pp 02017-02017) View this article in WRRO
- High temperature measurement using very high shutter speed to avoid image saturation. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1592 (pp 246-253)
- Studies of the physical aspects of intumescence using advance diagnostics methods. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1592 (pp 187-197)
- Sensing in sooting flames: THz time-domain spectroscopy and tomography. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
- Improving stability limits of natural gas buoyant diffusion flames with co-flow of air. ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2011(PARTS A, B, AND C) (pp 941-950)
- THz spectroscopy through a high-pressure combustion system. 2008 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 15 September 2008 - 19 September 2008.
- Combined Support Vector Novelty Detection for Multi-channel Combustion Data. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 15 April 2007 - 17 April 2007.
- Stereoscopic visualization and reconstruction of turbulent flames. Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems X
- Iron particle in liquid fuel combustion technology for nonoxidative storage and easy burning. Fuel, 380. View this article in WRRO
- Grants
- Clean Energy Utilisation from Biogas and Biomass Gasification (until 2016), EPSRC
- Coupling Membrane with a High Speed Camera and its Analysis (until 2013), John Crane
- Clean Coal Combustion: Burning Issues of Syngas Burning (until 2012), EPSRC
- Fuel Variability Effect on Combustion Stability (until 2013), BP Alternative Energy Intl Ltd.
- GT100 Combustor Test (until 2012), Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd
- Intumescent Paint Under Fire Impingement (until 2013), International Paint Ltd.
- Digital Stereo Imaging and Signal Processing Based Condition Monitoring Technology for Wind Turbine Blades (until 2012), KTA.
- Teaching interests
- Advanced Aero Propulsion
- Experiments and Modelling
- Fluids Laboratory and Aero Group Design