How to read images
From memes to Instagram to deepfakes, our increasingly visual society makes the ability to read images - a part of visual literacy - a vital skill. During university and beyond you will be both a consumer and creator of visual information and the ability to do both critically is key.
Understanding and questioning images
Established approaches to analysing traditional visual sources are a useful starting point from which to develop your ability to critically read images.
Learn how to use the five-step process to analyse and question images, and understand what an image can tell you, both explicitly and implicitly.
Start the online tutorial - Understanding and questioning images using the five-step process
View the tutorial as a DOCX (608 KB)
Images and GenAI
The advent of generative AI and the launch of a multiplicity of AI-powered image generation and editing tools have made it more important, but also more difficult than ever, to critically interpret visual information.
Develop your understanding of issues to consider when interpreting visual information in the era of generative AI.
GenAI and Images on the Critical Generative AI Literacy Library Guide
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