How to search for wider reading
For projects and assignments you’ll need to explore a range of information sources beyond what’s recommended on your reading lists. You can use StarPlus, Google Scholar, and academic databases to do this as well as specialist tools for maps, legal, technical, statistical, and government information.
Getting started searching for academic information
Using StarPlus
StarPlus is a great tool to use for an initial search for information on a topic you are researching. Jump to 02:24 in the video below to see how or watch the whole video if you are new to StarPlus.
Access StarPlus via the MyServices menu from any university webpage.
Watch Using StarPlus: finding resources for your course and research on Kaltura
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a simple search engine tailored for discovering academic materials. It covers all subjects and disciplines and it can complement your literature search as it retrieves academic materials from a diverse set of sources. However, exactly what is included is not publicly available. For this reason we’d only recommend it as a starting point in your research.
Undertaking a thorough search for information on a topic
Academic databases are specialist search tools which are essential when you embark on independent research.
They index a wide selection of academic sources and are designed for undertaking thorough searches of journal articles, conference papers, book chapters and more, all from one place.
They can be multidisciplinary or subject-specific.
Discovering information a masterclass workshop
In this workshop you will learn how to use databases to find the best resources for your independent research project in order to achieve the highest marks. You will consider your information needs and have the opportunity to create an effective search strategy to produce a manageable set of relevant results.
Book a place on the Discovering information a masterclass workshop
Using Scopus
Scopus is a multidisciplinary database covering all subjects. Use it to search millions of online journal papers, conference proceedings and other publications.Access Scopus
Using Web of Science
Web of Science is a multidisciplinary database covering all subjects. Use it to search millions of online journal papers, conference proceedings and other publications.
Watch Using Web of Science on Kaltura
Subject-specific databases
The Library Guide for your subject will have a list of recommended subject-specific academic databases.
Visit the Library Guide for your Subject
Databases videos
The introductory video guides below will support you getting started with some of the most useful databases.
Watch the Database Video Guides
Searching for specialist information sources
Statistical information
During your studies you may need to access statistical information. The resource below will guide you to some reliable sources of this type of information.
Guide for statistical information
Legal information
During your studies you may need to access legal information. The resource below will guide you through how to find and understand this type of information.
Start the online tutorial - Discovering and understanding legal materials
View tutorial as a DOCX (164 KB)
Newspapers can be a valuable source of information on current and past events, opinion, and cultural and linguistic trends. The Library has a comprehensive collection of contemporary and historical newspapers available.
Accessing newspapers via the University Library
Government information
During your studies you may need to access government information. The resources below will guide you through how to find and understand this type of information.
Guide for government information
Start the online tutorial - Discovering and understanding UK government information
View tutorial as a DOCX (160 KB)
The Library provides access to a variety of map collections including digital and printed maps.
Find out more about the map collections
Patents and Standards
During your studies you may need to search for information about patents. Patents protect inventions giving the inventor exclusive rights. They protect the features, workings and appearance of a process or mechanism for a limited period of time.
Find out more about how to access patentsDuring your studies, you may need to search for information about standards. Standards are an accepted method or way of working.
They provide the technical details and guidelines to ensure consistency and quality in materials, products, processes and services.
They are useful for current information about new technologies, processes and industrial developments.
Find out more about how to access standards
Company and business information
You may need to find company and business information for coursework, or to help you if you are applying for jobs.
Knowing more about the structure, history and business of a company before you write an application or attend an interview is likely to improve your commercial awareness and employability.
View the guide to company and business information
Book a place on the How to impress the employer using commercial awareness workshop/webinar
Next steps

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