Many events held at the Insigneo Institute may be of interest to researchers in multi-scale modelling. You can see details of some of MultiSim's past and upcoming events here.
- MultiSim2 Sandpit (July & September 2021)
MultiSim aims to create a new generation of productive models capable of handling complex multi-scale and multiphysics problems, characterised by uncertain and incomplete information. As the latest event in that quest we will be hosting an online research sandpit during early July with a follow-up activity in September.
Collaboratively with Becky Steliaros from Research in Focus Ltd ( we’ve developed a multi part virtual programme that we hope will generate some really exciting and transformative proposals whilst making the process of working together as effective and efficient as possible. Our overall aim for the sandpit is to generate high quality, programme/large grant applications across a range of topics to be submitted by the end of 2021. We also hope a range of smaller projects, new collaborations, or other fruitful links will emerge from interactions. Please note to be eligible to participate in this event you must be capable of holding/being named as a co-author on UKRI research grants.
Various elements of the sandpit will take in participants own time and then live during ½ day online group discussions on Monday 5th July and Thursday 8th July; there will also be a follow-up meeting on a date to be determined in early September.
The sandpit will be led by Prof Claudia Mazzà, the Principal Investigator for MultiSim2 and individual discussion sessions will be led by MultiSim2's co-investigators: Prof Damien Lacroix, Dr Pinaki Bhattacharya, Dr Enrico Dall'Ara, Prof Visakan Kadirkamanathan and Dr Shannon Li. The following starter themes are proposed for discussion:
- Multiscale modelling and co-morbidities
- Ageing, sarcopenia and fracture risk
- Bone Metastasis
- Multiscale models and Artificial Intelligence
- Developmental Biomechanics
To register please complete this form by 9am on Monday, 14th June:
MutliSim2 Sandpit Application Form
For more detailed information please contact: Dr Norman J Powell:, MultiSim’s Project Manager or read: MultiSim2 Sandpit Details.
- Modelathon 2020 (January 2020)
Optimisation of interventions for osteoarthritic patients with multi-scale modelling
with opening first day Symposium:
Experimental and computational approaches to optimise the treatment of osteoarthritis
Prof Claudia Mazzà, Director of MultiSim
Prof Cathy Holt, Principal Investigator of the OATech+ network
Prof Richie Gill, President of BORS
Dr Xinshan (Shannon) Li, Work Package Leader in MultiISim
Prof Andrew Pitsillides, Co-Investigator of the OAtech+ network
Our four-day EPSRC funded Modelathon event brought together the very best of theory and practice in the area of multi-scale modelling.
We once again had an additional day that took the format of a symposium on day one - this year our symposium focussed on the role of multi-scale modelling for new treatments of osteoarthritic joints.
This was followed by a three-day multi-scale modelling competition, supported by leading companies including Ansys, Dassault Systemes, Synopsys and Materialise who provided hands-on support by sending an expert for the duration of the event, ensuring that participants utilised their company’s software to its full potential in a competitive environment.
- CLEAR IDEAS Workshop: Beyond Academia (October 2019)
CLEAR IDEAS is an innovation development model created at the University of Sheffield by Dr Kamal Birdi, an academic and a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with over 25 years' experience of studying and working with organisations.
CLEAR IDEAS includes strategies for the practical implementation of ideas in the workplace. This approach can be applied in developing novel products, introducing new services, achieving cost savings or for the effective management of change in any type of organisation.
- 1st EPSRC MultiSim Interdisciplinary Workshop on Multiscale Modelling (March 2019)
Multiscale modelling as a technique is used across the breadth of engineering disciplines and associated application domains. This diversity of application leads to a great variety in the way multiscale modellers communicate about multiscale modelling, to researchers within their own discipline, to researchers outside their own discipline, and to non-researchers. Clearly, this has implications on scientific exchange, collaboration and impact.
With this context, this workshop aimed to:
- collate current challenges from various fields where multiscale modelling is applied;
- critique existing and novel approaches to solving these challenges;
- explore challenges in communicating multiscale modelling ideas within application domains; and
- explore challenges in communicating multiscale modelling ideas across application domains
These goals were driven through talks delivered by multiscale modelling experts from several application domains, supplemented by Q&A and summative group exercises. Dedicated network sessions provided participants with further opportunities to interact.
- Multi-scale hard and soft tissue modelling workshop (June 2018)
Participants joined our workshop on multi-scale hard and soft tissue modelling to:
- engage with renowned experts in modelling of hard and soft tissues in keynotes and lectures;
- participate in a roundtable with clinicians and industry;
- submit abstracts, present your research and win prizes;
- network with academia, funding bodies and industry.
Keynote speakers:
Gernot Plank, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Georges Limbert, Southampton University
Namrata Gundiah Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Oliver Roehrle, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Philippe Zysset, University of Bern, SwitzerlandInvited speakers:
Alex Fletcher, University of Sheffield
Bindi Brook, University of Nottingham
Dawn Walker, University of Sheffield
Dirk Husmeier, University of Glasgow
Gwen Reilly, University of Sheffield
Oliver Jensen, University of Manchester
Pankaj Pankaj, University of Edinburgh
Reuben O’Dea, University of Nottingham
Richard Clayton, University of Sheffield
Steven Niederer, Kings College London
Tom Shearer, University of Manchester
Vanessa Diaz, University College London
Vaclav Klica, University of Oxford
Xiaoyu Luo, University of Glasgow
Yuhang Chen, Herriot-Watt University - Engagement workshop: Multi-scale computational models studying resilience of complex systems (January 2018)
Engineering systems are becoming more and more complex. The physical properties of such complex systems at various space and time scales need to be integrated together to understand them fully. In addition, the resilience of such systems has become more and more critical when in operation or during their maintenance.
The objective of this workshop was to present and discuss state-of-the-art modelling techniques where the multiscale and transient nature of a system operating over time is accounted for in the whole performance of the complex system. The uncertainty in modelling such complex systems was also discussed.
The workshop gave delegates the chance to offer their views on the direction of the research and possibly influence future research and generate ideas for funding opportunities in complex engineering systems.
- Multi-Scale Biology Study Group, University of Birmingham (December 2017)
The University of Birmingham, with funding from the UK Multi-Scale Biology Network, hosted a Multi-Scale Biology Study Group from 12th-15th December 2017. This event brought together biologists, clinicians and scientists in industry with mathematicians to tackle research questions posed by the experimentalists, following the successful Multi-Scale Biology Study Group held in 2016.
- Agent-Based Modelling Conference (November 2017)
This mini-conference showcased a wide range of topics in agent-based modelling, bringing together leading researchers from the Universities of Sheffield, Leeds, and York to discuss the latest advances in the simulation of complex systems.
Our event brought together academics and researchers from various disciplines, encouraging discussion and a lively debate. Through this event, we aimed to grow collaborations that will have a substantial contribution to future in silico research.
- Modelathon 2017 (September 2017)
Combining experimental and computational research to reduce in vivo testing in a pre-clinical setting
Calling researchers in biomechanics, computational modelling or image-based solutions!
Modelathon 2017 was an excellent opportunity to discuss, network, and practise multi-scale research modelling skills through a hackathon competition with industry software and hands-on support from modelling experts including Ansys, Dassault Systemes, Synopsys and Materialise.
Members of the winning team each received a £100 Amazon gift voucher.
- The NC3Rs CRACK IT Challenges (September 2017)
The NC3Rs CRACK IT Challenges launch event to showcase the 2017 Challenges
The Challenges
- Challenge 26: “DARTpaths”: Mapping developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) genes and pathways for cross-species comparison of toxic compound effects (Two Phase Challenge Sponsored by Shell and Syngenta).
- Challenge 27: “DoCE (Dosing for Controlled Exposure)”: Dosing strategies for characterising in vitro dose-responses with increased relevance for in vivo extrapolation. (Two Phase Challenge Sponsored by Unilever and Shell).
- Challenge 28: “RespiraTox”: In silico model for predicting human respiratory irritation. (Single Phase Challenge Sponsored by Shell).
Expertise needed to solve these Challenges includes, but is not limited to: Mathematical modelling, Data handling, In vitrobiology, Chemistry, (Bio/chemo-) informatics, Toxicology, QSAR development and validation, Statistics.
The Challenge briefs describing the Challenges, deliverables, in-kind contributions from the Sponsors and budgets is available now on the CRACK IT website.
Each of the Two Phase Challenges offers up to £1 million funding and a research contract for up to three years.
The Single Phase Challenge offers up to £100k funding and a research contract for up to one year. - The University of Sheffield 3RS Symposium 2017 (June 2017)
The University of Sheffield hosted a 3Rs symposium on Wednesday 28 June 2017, co-organised by the NC3Rs (National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research).
The aim of this event was to showcase the application of replacement, refinement and reduction (3Rs) to research undertaken within the University, and promote the resources available that are aimed at advancing the 3Rs.
Dr Enrico Dall’Ara from Insigneo gave a talk on ‘In Silico preclinical investigations of bone health’. There were a number of talks from NC3Rs staff on resources, experimental design, and funding. The event also promoted networking with researchers from across the biosciences, engineering and mathematics.
- Free events at Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering (March 2017)
Over 50 fun, inspiring and free events took place during March 2017. Everyone was welcome.
Our Festival celebrated world-class research in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
"This diverse programme will fascinate, entertain and engage children, young people and adults alike – with events, talks and activities for all. Events take place all over the city in university labs, lecture theatres, museums, pubs, the Winter Garden and even the Moor Market. As a part of the Festival, MultSim is holding an interactive session ‘Dem Bones Gonna Walk Around.’ Attend our session and find out how computer models of physical activities can be developed to predict the risk of bone fracture!"
Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering is brought to you by the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University and celebrates British Science Week.
- Workshop on Computationally Efficient Modelling & Simulation and its applications (October 2016)
The advent of easily accessible high-performance computers and numerical techniques such as finite element methods have facilitated precise modelling and simulation of complex systems in a wide range of disciplines such as civil engineering, biomechanics and life science. These highly accurate models are an exciting development, however, they have also created a set of very challenging questions around computational efficiency and effectiveness.
To address these challenges, many computationally efficient modelling and simulation techniques have been developed and, are being further refined. Examples of techniques developed over the last few years include reduced-order modelling and surrogate modelling.
Aims of this event
This event aimed to bring together, leading experts and early career researchers actively working in the fields of system modelling and simulation in both scientific computing and application areas to:
- identify suitable numerical approaches that would be able to address the computational challenges arising in complex system modelling and simulation;
- enhance existing cross-fertilisation between the areas of scientific computing, mathematics, and its real life applications in multiple areas such as medicine, engineering and life sciences;
- bring about new ideas for the development of novel, fast, and parsimonious numerical solvers;
- able to answer urgent questions in complex system problems.
The day featured:
- keynote speeches by renowned experts in complex system modelling and simulation;
- presentations and engaging displays of high-quality research;
- networking opportunities and one-to-one discussions with academics and researchers during lunch and refreshments.

MultiSim Project
Aiming to create a new generation of predictive models capable of handling complex multi-scale and multiphysics problems, characterised by uncertain and incomplete information.