Impact for the scientific and engineering communities
Before turning to other sectors, there is an overall impact that applies to the home territory of MultiSim’s multi-scale modelling.

The approach taken here will both establish the principles of comprehensive coverage, and identify the many scientific candidate approaches to be taken when we approach other disciplines.
Bioengineering impact
This programme will enable computational simulations that are not currently possible, overcoming the currently insurmountable challenges in biological systems which arise from overlapping scales, partially observable states, and uncertainty. This will enable the development of models in other biological systems.
Wider engineering impact
The secondary strand of impact development moves the focus to those alternative areas of engineering in which it is believed that the MultiSim technology will most readily find support. Below we consider these candidate territories:
Other engineering fields impact
Other areas of engineering that could benefit from the new engineering modelling capabilities including manufacturing, environmental engineering and power grids.
- Environmental engineering use multiscale and data feeds for the development of accurate models that allow coupling to global simulation of the atmosphere and oceans, and downscaling to individual units of land management. A major research challenge is the enormous spatial variability in the characteristics and rates of material and energy flows and transformations across the landscape.
- The power distribution networks integrate the different power generation systems into a single electrical power distribution network, which introduces a transition from centralised power distribution networks to localised and diffuse power generation of heterogeneous sources, which span multiple time and spatial scales.
- The strongest demand so far has come from the field of manufacturing. Modelling in the manufacturing domain treats different scale domains independently. Multiscale modelling solutions can provide a step change in model fidelity and value across the manufacturing spectrum.
Sports sector impact
Musculoskeletal injuries are very common in athletes. The MultiSim modelling framework could provide long term predictions of the impact on the individual’s musculoskeletal system due to their specific sport.
This would allow early interventions and preventions, leading to improved outcomes. A plan could be tailored to the individual’s anatomy and physiology.

MultiSim Project
Aiming to create a new generation of predictive models capable of handling complex multi-scale and multiphysics problems, characterised by uncertain and incomplete information.