Journal publications
Our researchers publish in leading journals on a regular basis. Papers are organised by year then alphabetically by authors.
- 2023
2023 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Altai, Z., Montefiorie, E., Li, X. Effect of Muscle Forces on Femur During Level Walking Using a Virtual Population of Older Women In: Heifetz, A. (eds) High Performance Computing for Drug Discovery and Biomedicine. Methods in Molecular Biology (2023), Vol 2716. Humana, New York, NY Cavazzoni, G., Cristofolini, L., Dall'Ara, E., Palanca, M. Bone metastases do not affect the measurement uncertainties of a global digital volume correlation algorithm Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2023), 11, 1152358 Henson, W. H., Mazzà, C., Dall'Ara, E. Deformable image registration based on single or multi-atlas methods for automatic muscle segmentation and the generation of augmented imaging datasets PLoS One (2023), 18(3): e0273446 Karali, A., Dall'Ara, E., Zekonyte, J., Kao, A. P., Blunn, G., Tozzi, G. Effect of radiation-induced damage of trabecular bone tissue evaluated using indentation and digital volume correlation Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2023), 138, 105636 Oliviero, S., Millard, E., Chen, Z., Rayson, A., Roberts, B. C., Ismail, H. M. S., Bellantuono, I., Dall'Ara, E. Accuracy of in vivo microCT imaging in assessing the microstructural properties of the mouse tibia subchondral bone Frontiers in Endocrinology (2023), 13, 1016321 Palanca, M., Cavazzoni, G., Dall'Ara, E. The role of bone metastases on the mechanical competence of human vertebrae Bone (2023), 173, 116814 Sensale, M., Vendeuvre, T., Germaneau, A., Grivot, C., Rochette, M., Dall'Ara, E. Prediction of the 3D shape of the L1 vertebral body from adjacent vertebrae Medical Image Analysis (2023), 87, 102827 - 2022
2022 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Benemerito, I., Montefiori, E., Marzo, A., Mazzà, C. Reducing the complexity of musculoskeletal models using Gaussian process emulators Applied Sciences (2022), 12(24), 12932 Dall'Ara, E., Bodely, A. J., Isaksson, H., Tozzi, G. A practical guide for in situ mechanical testing of musculoskeletal tissues using synchrotron tomography Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2022), 133, 105297 Dall'Ara, E., Tozzi, G. Digital volume correlation for the characterization of musculoskeletal tissues: Current challenges and future developments Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2022), 10, 1010056 Montefiori, E., Hayford, C. F., Mazzà, C. Variations of lower-limb joint kinematics associated to the use of different ankle joint models Journal of Biomechanics (2022), 136, 111072 Oliviero, S., Cheong, V. S., Roberts, B. C., Diaz, C. A. O., Griffiths, W., Bellantuono, I., Dall'Ara, E. Reproducibility of Densitometric and Biomechanical Assessment of the Mouse Tibia From In Vivo Micro-CT Images Frontiers in Endocrinology (2022), 13, 915938 - 2021
2021 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Altai, Z., Montefiori, E., van Veen, B., Paggiosi, M. A., McCloskey, E. V., Viceconti, M., Mazzà, C., Li, X. Femoral neck strain prediction during level walking using a combined musculoskeletal and finite element model approach PLoS ONE (2021), 16(2): e0245121 Angelini, L., Buckley E., Bonci, T., Radford, A., Sharrack, B., Paling, D., Nair, K. P. S., Mazzà, C. A Multifactorial Model of Multiple Sclerosis Gait and its Changes Across Different Disability Levels IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2021), 68(11), pp 3196-3204 Benemerito, I., Griffiths, W., Allsopp, J., Furnass, W., Bhattacharya, P., Marzo, A., Wood., S., Viceconti, M., Narracott, A. Delivering computationally-intensive Digital Patient applications to the clinic: an exemplar solution to predict femoral bone strength from CT data Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2021), 208, 106200 Bhattacharya, P., Li, Q., Lacroix, D., Kadirkamanathan, V., Viceconti, M. A systematic approach to the scale separation problem in the development of multiscale models PLoS One (2021), 16(5): e0251297 Briggs, E. V., Mazzà, C. Automatic methods of hoof-on and -off detection in horses using wearable inertial sensors during walk and trot on asphalt, sand and grass Plos One (2021), 16(7): e0254813 Cheong, V. S., Kadirkamanathan, V., Dall'Ara, E. The role of the loading condition in predictions of bone adaptation in a mouse tibial loading model Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2021), 9, pp 461 Cheong, V. S., Roberts, B. C., Kadirkamanathan, V., Dall'Ara, E. Positive interactions of mechanical loading and PTH treatments on spatio-temporal bone remodelling Acta Biomaterialia (2021), 136, pp 291-305 Conconi, M., Montefiori, E., Sancisi, N., Mazzà, C. Modeling Musculoskeletal Dynamics during Gait: Evaluating the Best Personalization Strategy through Model Anatomical Consistency Applied Sciences (2021), 11(18), 8348 Hayford, C. F., Pratt, E., Cashman, J. P., Evans, O. G., Mazzà, C. Effectiveness of Global Optimisation and Direct Kinematics in Predicting Surgical Outcome in Children with Cerebral Palsy Life (2021), 11(12), 1306 Martelli, S., Giorgi, M., Dall'Ara, E., Perilli, E Damage tolerance and toughness of elderly human femora Acta Biomaterialia (2021) Oliviero, S., Owen, R., Reilly, G. C., Bellantuono, I., Dall'Ara, E. Optimisation of the failure criterion in micro-Finite Element models of the mouse tibia for the non-invasive prediction of its failure load in preclinical applications Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2021), 113 (104190) Oliviero, S., Roberts, M., Owen, R., Reilly, G. C., Bellantuono, I., Dall'Ara, E. Non-invasive prediction of the mouse tibia mechanical properties from microCT images: comparison between different Finite Element models Biomechanics and Modelling in Mechanobiology (2021) Palanca, M., Barbanti-Bròdano, G., Marras, D., Marciante, M., Serra, M., Gasbarrini, A., Dall’Ara, E., Cristofolini, L. Type, size, and position of metastatic lesions explain the deformation of the vertebrae under complex loading conditions Bone (2021), 151, 116028 Palanca, M., De Donno, G., Dall’Ara, E. A novel approach to evaluate the effects of artificial bone focal lesion on the three-dimensional strain distributions within the vertebral body PLoS One (2021), 16(6), e0251873 Palanca, M., Oliviero, S., Dall'Ara, E. MicroFE models of porcine vertebrae with induced bone focal lesions: Validation of predicted displacements with digital volume correlation Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2021), 125, 104872 Pascoletti, G. Aldieri, A., Terzini, M., Bhattacharya, P., Calì, M., Zanetti, E. M. Stochastic PCA-based bone models from inverse transform sampling: proof of concept for mandibles and proximal femurs Applied Sciences (2021), 11(11), 5204 Scott, K., Bonci, T., Alcock, L., Buckley, E., Hansen, C., Gazit, E., Schwickert, L., Cereatti, A., Mazzà, C., the Mobilise-D Consortium A Quality Control Check to Ensure Comparability of Stereophotogrammetric Data between Session and Systems Sensors (2021), 21(24), 8223 Sensale, M., Vendeuvre, T., Schilling, C., Grupp, T., Rochette, M., Dall'Ara, E. Patient-specific finite element models of posterior pedicle screw fixation: effect of screw's size and geometry Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, pp 175 (2021) Taylor, M., Viceconti, M., Bhattacharya, P., Xinshan, L. Finite element analysis informed variable selection for femoral neck fracture risk prediction Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2021), 118, 104434 van Gelder, L., M., A., Angelini, L., Buckley, E., E., Mazzà, C. A Proposal for a Linear Calculation of Gait Asymmetry Symmetry (2021), 13(9), 1560 Yang, W., Lacroix, D., Tan, L. P., Chen, J. Revealing the nanoindentation response of a single cell using a 3D structural finite element model Journal of Materials Research (2021) - 2020
2020 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Angelini, L., Carpinella, I., Cattaneo, D., Ferrarin, M., Gervasoni, E., Sharrack, B., Paling, D., Nair, K. P. S., Mazzà, C. Is a Wearable Sensor-Based Characterisation of Gait Robust Enough to Overcome Differences Between Measurement Protocols? A Multi-Centric Pragmatic Study in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Sensors (2020), 20 (1), 79 Angelini, L., Hodgkinson, W., Smith, C., Moorman Dodd, J., Sharrack, B., Mazzà, C., Paling, D. Wearable sensors can reliably quantify gait alterations associated with disability in people with progressive multiple sclerosis in a clinical setting Journal of Neurology (2020) Ascolani, G., Skerry, T. M., Lacroix, D., Dal'Ara, E., Shuaib, A. Revealing hidden information in osteoblast's mechanotransduction through analysis of time patterns of critical events BMC Bioinformatics (2020), 21 (114) Ascolani, G., Skerry, T. M., Lacroix, D., Dal'Ara, E., Shuaib, A. Analysis of mechanotransduction dynamics during combined mechanical stimulation and modulation of the extracellular-regulated kinase cascade uncovers hidden information within the signalling noise Interface Focus (2020), 11(1): 20190136 Benemerito, I., Modenese, L., Montefiori, E., Mazzà, C., Viceconti, M., Lacroix, D., Guo, L. An extended discrete element method for the estimation of contact pressure at the ankle joint during stance phase Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine (2020) Bonci, T., Keogh, A., Del Din, S., Scott, K., Mazzà, C. An Objective Methodology for the Selection of a Device for Continuous Mobility Assessment Sensors (2020), 20(22), 6509 Cheong, V. S., Roberts, B. C., Kadirkamanathan, V., Dall'Ara, E. Bone remodelling in the mouse tibia is spatio-temporally modulated by oestrogen deficiency and external mechanical loading: a combined in vivo/in silico study Acta Biomaterialia (2020), 116, pp 302-317 Costa, M. C., Bresani Campello, L. B., Ryan, M., Rochester, J., Viceconti, M., Dall'Ara, D. Effect of size and location of simulated lytic lesions on the structural properties of human vertebral bodies, a micro-finite element study Bone Reports (2020), 12, 100257 Hayford, C. F., Montefiori, E., Pratt, E., Mazzà, C. Predicting Longitudinal Changes In Joint Contact Forces In A Juvenile Population: Scaled Generic Versus Subject-Specific Musculoskeletal Models Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (2020) Kusins, J., Knowles, N., Columbus, M., Oliviero, S., Dall'Ara, E., Athwal, G. S., Ferreira, L. M. The Application of Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) to Evaluate Strain Predictions Generated by Finite Element Models of the Osteoarthritic Humeral Head Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2020) Kusins, J., Knowles, N., Ryan, M., Dall'Ara, E., Ferreira, L. M. Full-Field Comparisons Between Strains Predicted by QCT-Derived Finite Element Models of the Scapula and Experimental Strains Measured by Digital Volume Correlation Journal of Biomechanics (2020), 113, 110101 Patel, M., Pavic, A., Goodwin, V. A. Wearable inertial sensors to measure gait and posture characteristic differences in older adult fallers and non-fallers: A scoping review Gait and Posture (2020), 76, pp 110-121 Pepe, V., Oliviero, S., Cristofolini, L., Dall'Ara, E. Regional Nanoindentation Properties in Different Locations on the Mouse Tibia From C57BL/6 and Balb/C Female Mice Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2020), 8, Article 478 Rakowski, A. G., Veličković P., Dall’Ara E., Liò P. ChronoMID—Cross-modal neural networks for 3-D temporal medical imaging data PLoS ONE (2020), 15 (2), e0228962 Roberts, B. C., Arrendondo Carrera, H. M., Zanjani-pour, S., Boudiff, M., Wang, N., Gartland, A., Dall'Ara, E. PTH(1-34) treatment and/or mechanical loading have different osteogenic effects on the trabecular and cortical bone in the ovariectomised C57BL/6 mouse Scientific Reports (2020), 10, Article number: 8889 Roberts, B. C., Giorgi, M., Oliviero, S., Wang, N., Boudiffa, M., Dall’Ara, E. A new approach to comprehensively evaluate the morphological properties of the human femoral head: example of application to osteoarthritic joint Scientific Reports (2020), 10, Article number: 5538 Ryan, M., Oliviero, S., Costa, M. C., Wilkinson, J. M., Dall'Ara, E. Heterogeneous strain distribution in the subchondral bone of osteoarthritic femoral heads measured with digital volume correlation Materials (2020), 13(20), 4619 van Veen, B. C., Mazzà, C., Viceconti, M. The uncontrolled manifold theory can explain only part of the inter-trial variability of knee contact force during level walking IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (2020), 28 (8) Viceconti, M., Juárez, M. A., Curreli, C., Pennisi, M., Russo, G., Pappalardo, F. Credibility of in silico Trial Technologies: A Theoretical Framing Journal of IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Engineering (2020), 24 (1), pp 4-13 Wang, N., Niger, C., Li, N., Richards, G. O., Skerry, T. M. Cross-species RNA-Seq study comparing transcriptome signatures of enriched osteocyte populations in the tibia and skull Frontiers in Endocrinology (2020), 11, p 693 Winsor, C., Li, X., Qasim, M., Henak, C. R., Pickhardt, P. J., Ploeg, H., Viceconti, M. Evaluation of patient tissue selection methods for deriving equivalent density calibration for femoral bone quantitative CT analyses Bone (2020), 115759 Zanjani-Pour, S., Giorgi, M., Dall'Ara, E. Development of subject-specific finite element models of the mouse knee joint for preclinical applications Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2020), 8: 558815 - 2019
2019 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Altai, Z., Qasim, M., Li, X., Viceconti, M. The Effect of Boundary and Loading Conditions on Patient Classification Using Finite Element Predicted Risk of Fracture Clinical Biomechanics (2019), 68, pp 137-143 Altai, Z., Viceconti, M., Li, X., Offiah, A. C. Investigating Rolling as Mechanism for Humeral Fractures in Non-Ambulant Infants: A Preliminary Finite Element Study Clinical Radiology (2019), 75 (1), 78.e9-78.e16 Castro, A. P. G, Altai, Z., Offiah, A. C., Shelmerdine, S. C., Arthurs, O.J., Li, X., Lacroix, D. Finite Element Modelling of the Developing Infant Femur Using Paired CT and MRI Scans Plos One (2019), 14(6): e0218268 Cheong, V. S., Campos Marin, A., Lacroix, D., Dall'Ara, E. A novel algorithm to predict bone changes in the mouse tibia properties under physiological conditions Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2019) Comini, F., Palanca, M., Cristofolini, L., Dall’Ara, E. Uncertainties of Synchrotron microCT-based DVC bone strain measurements under simulated deformation Journal Of Biomechanics (2019), 87, pp 232-237 Costa, M. C., Eltes, P., Lazary, A., Varga, P. P., Viceconti, M., Dall’Ara, E. Biomechanical assessment of vertebrae with lytic metastases with subject-specific finite element models Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2019), 98, pp 268-290 Giorgi, M., Sotirou, V., Franchini, N., Conigliaro, S., Biganardi, C., Nowlan, N. C., Dall'Ara, E. Prenatal growth map of the mouse knee joint by means of deformable registration technique PLoS One (2019), 14 (1): e0197947 Guo, Y., Wang, L., Li, Y., Luo, J., Wang, K., Billings, S. A., Guo, L. Neural activity inspired asymmetric basis function TV-NARX model for the identification of time-varying dynamic systems Neurocomputing (2019), 357, pp 188-202 Lamberto, G., Amin, D., Solomon, B., Reynolds, K., Mazzà, C., Martelli, S. Personalised 3D knee compliance from clinically viable knee laxity measurements: a proof of ex vivo experiment Medical Engineering & Physics (2019), 64, pp 80-85 Marcotti, S., Reilly, R. C., Lacroix, D. Effect of cell sample size in atomic force microscopy nanoindentation Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2019), 94, pp 259-266 Montefiori, E., Kalkman, B. M., Henson, W. H., Paggiosi, M. A., McCloskey, E. V., Mazzà, C. Linking joint impairments and gait biomechanics in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2019), 47 (11), pp 2155-2167 Montefiori, E., Modenese, L., Di Marco, R., Magni-Manzoni, S., Malattia, C., Petrarca, M., Ronchetti, A., de Horatio, L. T., van Dijkhuizen, P., Wang, A., Wesarg, S., Viceconti, M., Mazzà, C.; MD-PAEDIGREE Consortium An image-based kinematic model of the tibiotalar and subtalar joints and its application to gait analysis in children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Journal of Biomechanics (2019), 85, pp 27-36 Oliviero, S., Giorgi, M., Laud, P. J., Dall’Ara, E. Effect of repeated in vivo microCT imaging on the properties of the mouse tibia PLoS One (2019), 14 (11): e0225127 Shuaib, A., Motan, D., Bhattacharya, P., McNabb, A., Skerry, T. M., Lacroix, D. Heterogeneity in The Mechanical Properties of Integrins Determines Mechanotransduction Dynamics in Bone Osteoblasts Scientific Reports (2019), 9, Article number: 13113 van Veen, B. C., Montefiori, E., Modenese, L., Mazzà, C., Viceconti, M. Muscle Recruitment Strategies Can Reduce Joint Loading During Level Walking Journal of Biomechanics (2019), 97, 109368 Viceconti, M., Ascani, D., Mazzà, C. Pre-operative Prediction of Soft Tissue Balancing in Knee Arthoplasty Part 1: Effect of Surgical Parameters During Level Walking Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2019) Zhang, Y., Dall'Ara, E., Viceconti, M., Kadirkamanathan, V. A new method to monitor bone geometry changes at different spatial scales in the longitudinal in vivo μCT studies of mice bones PLoS One (2019), 14(7): e0219404 - 2018
2018 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Alsayednoor, J., Metcalf, L., Rochester, J., Dall'Ara, E., McCloskey, E., Lacroix, D. Comparison of HR-pQCT- and microCT-based finite element models for the estimation of the mechanical properties of the calcaneus trabecular bone Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2018), pp 1-16 Altair, Z., Viceconti, M., Offiah, A. C., Li, X. Investigating the Mechanical Response of Paediatric Bone under Bending and Torsion Using Finite Element Analysis Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2018), pp1-9 Bhattacharya, P., Altai, Z., Qasim, M., Viceconti, M. A Multiscale Model to Predict Current Absolute Risk of Femoral Fracture in a Postmenopausal Population Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2018), 18 (2), pp 301-318 Brownjohn, J. M. W., Chen, J., Bocian, M., Racic, V., Shahabpoor, E. Using inertial measurement units to identify medio-lateral ground reaction forces due to walking and swaying Journal of Sound and Vibration (2018), 426, pp 90-110 Buckley, E., Mazzà, C, McNeill, A. A systematic review of the gait characteristics associated with cerebellar ataxia Gait and Posture (2018), 60, pp 154-163 Castro, A. P. G., Yao, J., Battisti, T., Lacroix, D. Poroelastic Modeling of Highly Hydrated Collagen Hydrogels: Experimental Results vs. Numerical Simulation With Custom and Commercial Finite Element Solvers Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2018), 6, Article 142 Cavalcanti, A. L. O., Kienitz, K. H., Kadirkamanathan, V. Identification of Two-Time Scaled Systems Using Prefilters Journal of Control Science and Engineering (2018), Article ID 3138149, 10 pages Di Marco, R., Scalona, E., Pacilli, A., Cappa, P., Mazzà, C., Rossi, S. How to choose and interpret similarity indices to quantify the variability in gait joint kinematics International Biomechanics (2018), 5 (1), pp 1-8 Fernández, M. P., Dall'Ara, E., Kao, A. P., Bodey, A. J., Karali, A., Blunn, G. W., Barber, A. H., Tozzi, G. Preservation of bone tissue integrity with temperature control for in situ SR-microCT experiments Materials (2018), 11 (11), 2155 Giorgi, M., Dall’Ara, E. Variability in strain distribution in mice tibia loading model: A preliminary study using digital volume correlation Medical Engineering & Physics (2018), 62, pp 7-16 Marcotti, S., Maki, K., Reilly, R. C., Lacroix, D., Adachi, T. Hyaluronic acid selective anchoring to the cytoskeleton: An atomic force microscopy study PLoS One (2018), 13 (10): e0206056 Metcalf, L. M., Dall'Ara, E., Paggiosi, M. A., Rochester, J. A., Vilayphiou, N., Kemp, G. J., McCloskey, E. V. Validation of calcaneus trabecular microstructure measurements by HR-pQCT Bone (2018), 106, pp 69-77 Modenese, L., Montefiori, E., Wang, A., Wesarg, S., Viceconti, M., Mazzà, C. Investigation of the dependence of joint contact forces on musculotendon parameters using a codified workflow for image-based modelling Journal of Biomechanics (2018), 16 (3), pp216-223 Oliviero, S., Giorgi, M., Dall’Ara, E. Validation of Finite Element Models of the Mouse Tibia using Digital Volume Correlation Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2018), 86, pp 172-184 Pancani, S., Tindale, W., Shaw, P. J., Mazzà, C., McDermott, C. J. Efficacy of the Head Up collar in facilitating functional head movements in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Clinical Biomechanics (2018), 57, pp 114-120 Pappalardo, F., Russo, G., Musuamba Tshinanu, F., Viceconti, M. In silico clinical trials: concepts and early adoptions Briefings in Bioinformatics (2018), bby043 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A. Estimation of Tri-Axial Walking Ground Reaction Forces of Left and Right Foot from Total Forces in Real-Life Environments Sensors (2018), 18(6), 1966 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A. Estimation of Vertical Walking Ground Reaction Force in Real-life Environment from Single IMU Sensor Journal of Biomechanics (2018), 79, pp 181-190 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A., Brownjohn, J. M. W., Billings, S. A., Guo, L., Bocian, M. Real-Life Measurement of Tri-Axial Walking Ground Reaction Forces Using Optimal Network of Wearable Inertial Measurement Units IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (2018), 26 (6), pp 1243-1253 Storm, F., Nair, K. P. S., Clarke, A. J., Van der Meulen, J. M., Mazzà, C. Free-living and laboratory gait characteristics in patients with multiple sclerosis PLoS One (2018), 13 (5), e0196463 Tagliapietra, L., Modenese, L., Reggiani, M., Ceseracciu, E., Mazzà, C. Validation of a model-based inverse kinematics approach based on wearable inertial sensors Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (2018) Tamburini, P., Storm, F., Buckley, C., Bisi, M. C., Stagni, R., Mazzà, C Moving from laboratory to real life conditions: influence on the assessment of variability and stability of gait Gait and Posture (2018), 59, pp 248-252 Viceconti, M., Dall'Ara, E. From bed to bench: How in silico medicine can help ageing research Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2018), 177, pp 103-108 Viceconti, M., Mazzà, C., Lacroix, D., Kadirkamanathan, V., Skerry, T., McCloskey, E. Responsible Research & Innovation in in silico medicine to support a predictive, personalised, preventive, and participatory medicine: the MultiSim project Research Gate (Preprint) (2018) Viceconti, M., Qasim, M., Bhattacharya, P., Li. X. Are CT-Based Finite Element Model Predictions of Femoral Bone Strengthening Clinically Useful? Current Osteoporosis Reports (2018), 16 (3), pp 216-223 - 2017
2017 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Bhattacharya, P., Viceconti, M. Multiscale Modeling Methods in Biomechanics WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine (2017), e1375 Castro, A. P. G, Lacroix, D. Micromechanical study of the load transfer in a polycaprolactone–collagen hybrid scaffold when subjected to unconfined and confined compression Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2017), pp 1-11 Chen, Y., Dall'Ara, E., Sales, E., Manda, K., Wallace, R., Pankaj, P., Viceconti, M. Micro-CT based finite element models of cancellous bone predict accurately displacement once the boundary condition is well replicated: A validation study Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2017), 65, pp 644-651 Costa, C., Tozzi, G., Cristofolini, L., Danesi, V., Viceconti, M., Dall’Ara, E. Micro Finite Element models of the vertebral body: Validation of local displacement predictions PloS One (2017), 12 (7): e0180151 Greatrex, F., Montefiori, E., Grupp, T., Kozak, J., Mazzà, C. Reliability of an Integrated Ultrasound and Stereophotogrammetric System for Lower Limb Anatomical Characterisation Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (2017), Article ID 4370649, 8 pages Guo, Y., Storm, F., Zhao, Y., Billings, S. A., Pavic, A., Mazzà, C., Guo, L. A New Proxy Measurement Algorithm with Applications to Vertical Ground Reaction Forces with Wearable Sensors Sensors (2017), 17 (10), pp 2181-2195 Hannah I., Montefiori E., Modenese L., Prinold, J., Viceconti M., Mazzà C. Sensitivity of a juvenile subject-specific musculoskeletal model of the ankle joint to the variability of operator dependent input Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine (2017), 231 (5), pp 415-422 Kainz, H., Carty, C., Maine, S., Walsh, H. P. J., Lloyd, D. G., Modenese, L. Effects of hip joint centre mislocation on gait kinematics of children with cerebral palsy calculated using patient-specific direct and inverse kinematic models Gait and Posture (2017), 57, pp 154-160 Lu, Y., Boudiffa, M., Dall’Ara, E., Liu, Y., Bellantuono, I., Viceconti, M. Longitudinal effects of Parathyroid Hormone treatment on morphological, densitometric and mechanical properties of mouse tibia Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2017), 75, pp 244-251 Moissenet, F., Modenese, L., Dumas, R. Alterations of musculoskeletal models for a more accurate estimation of lower limb joint contact forces during normal gait: A systematic review Journal of Biomechanics (2017), 63, pp 8-20 Oliviero, S., Lu, Y., Viceconti, M., Dall’Ara, E. Effect of integration time on the morphometric, densitometric and mechanical properties of the mouse tibia Journal of Biomechanics (2017), 65, pp 203-211 Palanca, M., Bodey, A. J., Giorgi, M., Viceconti, M., Lacroix, D., Cristofolini, L., Dall'Ara, E. Local displacement and strain uncertainties in different bone types by digital volume correlation of synchrotron microtomograms Journal of Biomechanics (2017), 58, pp 27-36 Pizzolato C., Reggiani M., Saxby D.J., Ceseracciu E., Modenese L., Lloyd D.G Biofeedback for gait retraining based on real-time estimation of tibiofemoral joint contact forces IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (2017), 25 (9), pp 1612-1621 Sankarpandi, S., Baldwin, A. J., Ray, J., Mazzà C. Reliability of Inertial Sensors in the Assessment of Patients with Vestibular Disorders: a Feasibility Study BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders (2017), 17 (1), 9 pages Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A. Measurement of Walking Ground Reactions in Real-Life Environments: A Systematic Review of Techniques and Technologies Sensors (2017), 17 (9), 2085 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A., Racic, V. Structural vibration serviceability: New design framework featuring human-structure interaction Engineering Structures (2017), 136, pp 295-311 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A., Racic, V., Zivanovic, S. Effect of group walking traffic on dynamic properties of pedestrian structures Journal of Sound and Vibration (2017), 387, pp 207-225 Tozzi, G., Dall’Ara, E., Palanca, M., Curto, M., Innocente, F., Cristofolini, L. Strain uncertainties from two digital volume correlation approaches in prophylactically augmented vertebrae: local analysis on bone and cement-bone microstructures Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2017), 67, pp 117-126 Viceconti, M., Cobelli, C., Haddad, T., Himes, A., Kovatchev, B., Palmer, M. In silico assessment of biomedical products: The conundrum of rare but not so rare events in two case studies Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine (2017), 231 (5), pp 455-466, ISSN 0954-4119 - 2016
2016 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Bocian, M., Brownjohn, J. M. W., Racic, V., Hester, D., Quattrone, A., Monnickendam,R. A framework for experimental determination of localised vertical pedestrian forces on full-scale structures using wireless attitude and heading reference systems Journal of Sound and Vibration (2016), 376, pp 217-243 Dall'Ara, E., Eastell, R., Viceconti, M., Pahr, D., Yang, L. Experimental Validation of DXA-based Finite Element models for prediction of femoral strength Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2016), 63, pp 17-25 Dall'Ara, E., Peña-Fernández, M., Palanca, M., Giorgi, M., Cristofolini, L., Tozzi, G. Precision of Digital Volume Correlation Approaches for Strain Analysis in Bone Imaged with Micro-Computed Tomography at Different Dimensional Levels Movement Disorders (2016), 31 (9), pp 1293-1313 Erdemir, A., Guess, T. M., Halloran, J. P., Modenese, L., Reinholt, J. A., Thelan, D. G., Umberger, B. R. Commentary on the Integration of Model Sharing and Reproducibility Analysis to Scholarly Publishing Workflow in Computational Biomechanics IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2016), 63 (10), pp 2080-2085 Giorgi, M., Verbruggen, S. W., Lacroix, D. In silico, bone mechanobiology: Modelling a multi-faceted biological system WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine (2016), 8 (6), pp 485-505 Guo Y., Guo, L. Z., Billings, S. A., Wei, H. L. Ultra-Orthogonal Forward Regression Algorithms for the Identification of Non-Linear Dynamic Systems Neurocomputing (2016), 173 (3), pp 715-723 Hannah, I., Sawacha, Z., Guiotto, A., Mazzà, C. Relationship between sagittal plane kinematics, foot morphology and vertical forces applied to three regions of the foot International Biomechanics (2016), 3 (1), pp 50-56 Lamberto, G., Martelli, S., Cappozzo, A., Mazzà, C. To what extent is joint and muscle mechanics predicted by musculoskeletal models sensitive to soft tissue artefacts? Journal of Biomechanics (2016), 62, pp 68-76 Lu, Y., Boudiffa, M., Dall'Ara, E., Bellantuono, I., Viceconti, M. Development of a protocol to quantify local bone adaptation over space and time: Quantification of reproducibility Journal of Biomechanics (2016), 49 (10), pp 2095-2099 Mercieca, J., Kadirkamanathan, V. Estimation and Identification of Spatio-Temporal with Applications in Engineering, Healthcare and Social Science Annual Reviews in Control (2016), 42, pp 285-298 Palanca, M., Cristofolini, L., Dall'Ara, E., Curto, M., Innocente, F., Danesi, V., Tozzi, G. Digital volume correlation can be used to estimate local strains in natural and augmented vertebrae: an organ-level study Journal of Biomechanics (2016), 49 (16), pp 3882-3890 Qasim, M., Farinella, G., Zhang, J., Li, X., Yang, L., Eastell, R., Viceconti, M. Patient-Specific Finite Element Estimated Femur Strength as a Predictor of the Risk of Hip Fracture: The Effect of Methodological Determinants Osteoporosis International (2016), 27 (9), pp 2815-2822 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A. Human-Structure Dynamic Interaction during Short-Distance Free Falls Shock and Vibration (2016), 22 pages Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A., Racic, V. Interaction between Walking Humans and Structures in Vertical Direction: A Literature Review Shock and Vibration (2016), 2016, 22 pages Storm, F., Buckley, C., Mazzà, C. Gait event detection in indoor and outdoor settings: accuracy of two inertial sensors based methods Gait and Posture (2016), 50, pp 42-46 Venuti, F., Racic, V., Corbetta, A. Modelling framework for dynamic interaction between multiple pedestrians and vertical vibrations of footbridges Journal of Sound and Vibration (2016), 379, pp 245-263 Viceconti, M., Hunter, P. The Virtual Physiological Human: Ten Years After Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (2016), 18, pp 103-123 Wittkowske, C., Reilly, G. C., Lacroix, D., Perrault, C. M. In vitro bone cell models: Impact of fluid shear stress on bone formation Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2016), 4 (87), 22 pages - 2015
2015 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Dall'Ara, E., Gabowski, P., Zioupos, P., Viceconti, M. Estimation of local anisotropy of plexiform bone: Comparison between depth sensing micro-indentation and Reference Point Indentation Journal of Biomechanics (2015), 48 (15), pp 4073-4080 Guo Y., Guo, L. Z., Billings, S. A., Wei, H. L. Identification of nonlinear systems with non-persistent excitation using an iterative forward orthogonal least squares regression algorithm International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (2015), 23 (1) Guo Y., Guo, L. Z., Billings, S. A., Wei, H. L. Identification of continuous-time models for nonlinear dynamic systems from discrete data International Journal of Systems Science (2015), 47 (5), pp 3044-3054 Li, X., Viceconti, M., Cohen, M. C., Reilly, G. C., Carre, M. J., Offiah, A. C. Developing CT based computational models of pediatric femurs Journal of Biomechanics (2015), 48 (10), pp 2034-2040 Pancani, S., Rowson, J., Tindale, W., Heron, N., Langley, J., McCarthy, A. D., Quinn, A., Reed, H., Stanton A., Shaw, P. J., McDermott, C. J., Mazzà, C. Assessment of the Sheffield Support Snood, an innovative cervical orthosis designed for people affected by neck muscle weakness Clinical Biomechanics (2015), 32, pp 201-206 Shahabpoor, E., Pavic, A., Racic, V. Identification of mass-spring-damper model of walking humans. Structures (2015), 5, pp 233-246 - 2014
2014 Papers Authors Paper title Journal Chen, Y., Pani, M., Taddei, F., Mazzà, C., Li, X., Viceconti, M. Large-scale finite element analysis of human cancellous bone tissue micro computer tomography data: a convergence study Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (2014), 136 (10), 101013 (7 pages) Guo Y., Guo, L. Z., Billings, S. A., Wei, H. L. An iterative orthogonal forward regression algorithm International Journal of Systems Science (2014), 46 (5), pp 776-789

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