Professor Jim A. Thomas
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Professor of Bio-inorganic Chemistry

Full contact details
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Dainton Building
13 Brook Hill
S3 7HF
- Profile
Prof. Thomas obtained a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Reading in 1982 and a PhD from the University of Birmingham in 1993. After his PhD he became a Royal Society European Exchange Fellow at the Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg in 1993, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Sheffield in 1994. In 1995 he was appointed as a Royal Society University Research Fellow.
In 2004 he was appointed lecturer and promoted to senior lecturer (2007), reader (2010), and professor (2015).
- Qualifications
- PGCE (1983)
- Research interests
My group is particularly interested in using photochemically and/or electrochemically active metal centres to produce functional molecular architectures. Most of our work is inspired in some way by biological systems. For example, by using a combination of hydrogen and coordination bonding we are investigating the metal-ion directed self-assembly of hosts and sensors for anions, bioanions and biomolecules.
Using a similar approach we are creating hosts that function as molecular devices such as ion-gated switches. Finally, we are very interested at the way oligonuclear luminescent coordination complexes interact with biomolecules such as DNA. This work includes in cellulo studies aimed at identifying new optical imaging probes with multiple output modalities and also potential novel therapeutic leads.
- Publications
Journal articles
- 2,2′:4,4′′:4′,4′′′-Quaterpyridine: synthesis, crystal-structure description, and Hirshfeld surface analysis. Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 79(4).
- A Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complex Disrupts Actin Cytoskeleton Assembly and Blocks Cytokinesis.. Angew Chem Weinheim Bergstr Ger, 134(27), e202117449.
- A minimal load-and-lock ruII luminescent DNA probe. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
- A Minimal Load‐and‐Lock RuII Luminescent DNA Probe. Angewandte Chemie.
- Transcriptomic analysis of the activity and mechanism of action of a ruthenium(II)-based antimicrobial that induces minimal evolution of pathogen resistance. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, 4(1), 168-178.
- An 111In-labelled bis-ruthenium(ii) dipyridophenazine theranostic complex: mismatch DNA binding and selective radiotoxicity towards MMR-deficient cancer cells. Chemical Science, 11(33), 8936-8944.
- Mononuclear ruthenium(ii) theranostic complexes that function as broad-spectrum antimicrobials in therapeutically resistant pathogens through interaction with DNA. Chemical Science, 11(33), 8828-8838.
- Triazole-based osmium(II) complexes displaying red/near-IR luminescence : antimicrobial activity and super-resolution imaging. Chemical Science, 11(33), 8928-8935.
- Mitochondriotropic lanthanide nanorods : implications for multimodal imaging. Chemical Communications, 56(57), 7945-7948.
- A dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex excited by near-infrared light through two-photon absorption induces phototoxicity deep within hypoxic regions of melanoma cancer spheroids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. View this article in WRRO
- Photoactive metal complexes that bind DNA and other biomolecules as cell probes, therapeutics, and theranostics. Chemical Communications, 56(10), 1464-1480. View this article in WRRO
- Making the right link to theranostics : the photophysical and biological properties of dinuclear Ru^II-Re^I dppz complexes depend on their tether. Journal of the American Chemical Society. View this article in WRRO
- Ruthenium based antimicrobial theranostics – using nanoscopy to identify therapeutic targets and resistance mechanisms in staphylococcus aureus. Chemical Science. View this article in WRRO
- Using Nanoscopy To Probe the Biological Activity of Antimicrobial Leads That Display Potent Activity against Pathogenic, Multidrug Resistant, Gram-Negative Bacteria. ACS Nano, 13(5), 5133-5146. View this article in WRRO
- Structural Investigation into the Threading Intercalation of a Chiral Dinuclear Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complex through a B-DNA Oligonucleotide.. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(11), 4644-4652. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the cytotoxicity, uptake, cellular response, and proteomics of mono- and dinuclear DNA light-switch complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(7), 2925-2937. View this article in WRRO
- A dinuclear ruthenium(II) phototherapeutic that targets duplex and quadruplex DNA. Chemical Science, 10(12), 3502-3513. View this article in WRRO
- Two photon excitable graphene quantum dots for structured illumination microscopy and imaging applications: lysosome specificity and tissue-dependent imaging. Chemical Communications. View this article in WRRO
- A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Organelle-Specific Imaging of Nucleoside Polyphosphate Dynamics in Living Cells. Crystal Growth and Design, 18(11), 7199-7206. View this article in WRRO
- Turning intercalators into groove binders: synthesis, photophysics and DNA binding properties of tetracationic mononuclear ruthenium(ii)-based chromophore-quencher complexes. Dalton Transactions, 47(35), 12300-12307. View this article in WRRO
- Mitochondria Targeting Non-isocyanate-based Polyurethane Nanocapsules for Enzyme-Triggered Drug Release. Bioconjugate Chemistry. View this article in WRRO
- 111 In-labelled polymeric nanoparticles incorporating a ruthenium-based radiosensitizer for EGFR-targeted combination therapy in oesophageal cancer cells. Nanoscale, 10(22), 10596-10608. View this article in WRRO
- Polysulfide-triggered fluorescent indicator suitable for super-resolution microscopy and application in imaging. Chemical Communications, 54(30), 3735-3738. View this article in WRRO
- Mitochondria-localising DNA-binding biscyclometalated phenyltriazole iridium(iii) dipyridophenazene complexes: Syntheses and cellular imaging properties. Dalton Transactions, 47(14), 4931-4940. View this article in WRRO
- Tracking HOCl concentrations across cellular organelles in real time using a super resolution microscopy probe. Chemical Communications, 54(15), 1849-1852. View this article in WRRO
- A Super Resolution Probe to Monitor HNO Levels in the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Cells.. Analytical Chemistry, 89(22), 12087-12093. View this article in WRRO
- A three-in-one-bullet for oesophageal cancer: replication fork collapse, spindle attachment failure and enhanced radiosensitivity generated by a ruthenium(II) metallo-intercalator. Chemical Science, 9, 841-849. View this article in WRRO
- Multimodal Super-resolution Optical Microscopy Using a Transition-Metal-Based Probe Provides Unprecedented Capabilities for Imaging Both Nuclear Chromatin and Mitochondria. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(44), 15907-15913. View this article in WRRO
- Imaging cellular trafficking processes in real time using lysosome targeted up-conversion nanoparticles.. Chemical Communications, 53, 12672-12675. View this article in WRRO
- Homo- and heteroleptic phototoxic dinuclear metallo-intercalators based on RuII(dppn) intercalating moieties: synthesis, optical and biological studies. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 129(41), 12802-128007. View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of [Co(bpcam) 2 ]ClO 4 ·dmso·H 2 O, [Co(bpcam) 2 ] 2 [Co(NCS) 4 ]·dmso·H 2 O and [Ni(bpcam) 2 ]·H 2 O [Hbpcam = bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amide]. New Journal of Chemistry, 41(14), 6911-6921. View this article in WRRO
- Inside Cover: The Structure of Linkers Affects the DNA Binding Properties of Tethered Dinuclear Ruthenium(II) Metallo-Intercalators (Chem. Eur. J. 23/2017). Chemistry - A European Journal, 23(23), 5389-5389. View this article in WRRO
- Photo-induced cytotoxicity and anti-metastatic activity of ruthenium(II)–polypyridyl complexes functionalized with tyrosine or tryptophan. Dalton Transactions, 46, 6634-6644. View this article in WRRO
- A ratiometric sensor for DNA based on a dual emission Ru(dppz) light-switch complex. Dalton Transactions. View this article in WRRO
- The structure of linkers affects the DNA binding properties of tethered dinuclear ruthenium (II) metallo-intercalator. Chemistry A European Journal. View this article in WRRO
- A Self‐Assembled Metallomacrocycle Singlet Oxygen Sensitizer for Photodynamic Therapy. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22(17), 5996-6000. View this article in WRRO
- Templated Formation of Discrete RNA and DNA:RNA Hybrid G-Quadruplexes and Their Interactions with Targeting Ligands. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22(9), 3139-3147.
- Synthesis of Bifunctional Azobenzene Glycoconjugates for Cysteine-Based Photosensitive Cross-Linking with Bioactive Peptides. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(39), 13723-13731.
- Terminal PEGylated DNA–Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates Offering High Resistance to Nuclease Degradation and Efficient Intracellular Delivery of DNA Binding Agents. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(33), 18707-18716. View this article in WRRO
- Optical imaging probes for biomolecules: an introductory perspective. Chemical Society Reviews, 44(14), 4494-4500. View this article in WRRO
- Serum Albumin Binding Inhibits Nuclear Uptake of Luminescent Metal-Complex-Based DNA Imaging Probes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(33), 11865-11871.
- A Cytostatic Ruthenium(II)–Platinum(II) Bis(terpyridyl) Anticancer Complex That Blocks Entry into S Phase by Up-regulating p27KIP1. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(25), 9185-9197. View this article in WRRO
- Tuning the Excited State of Water-Soluble IrIII-Based DNA Intercalators that are Isostructural with [RuII(NN)2(dppz)] Light-Switch Complexes. Angewandte Chemie, 127(10), 3043-3046.
- Tuning the Excited State of Water-Soluble IrIII-Based DNA Intercalators that are Isostructural with [RuII(NN)2(dppz)] Light-Switch Complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54(10), 3000-3003.
- Tuning the Cellular Uptake Properties of Luminescent Heterobimetallic Iridium(III)-Ruthenium(II) DNA Imaging Probes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 20(43), 14004-14011.
- Dinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes as two-photon, time-resolved emission microscopy probes for cellular DNA.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 53(13), 3367-3371. View this article in WRRO
- Using ancillary ligands to tune the DNA binding properties of self-assembled luminescent metallomacrocycles.. Chem Commun (Camb), 50(29), 3859-3861.
- From Intercalation to Groove Binding: Switching the DNA-Binding Mode of Isostructural Transition-Metal Complexes. Chemistry - A European Journal.
- Structural studies on dinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes that bind diastereoselectively to an antiparallel folded human telomere sequence.. J Med Chem, 56(21), 8674-8683. View this article in WRRO
- Targeting the endoplasmic reticulum with a membrane-interactive luminescent ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex. Chemical Science. View this article in WRRO
- A self-assembled luminescent host that selectively senses ATP in water.. Chemistry, 19(16), 5081-5087.
- Tuning electronic interactions in mixed valence ruthenium systems incorporating thiacrown ligands. Coordination Chemistry Reviews.
- Temperature-Switched Binding of a RuII(dppz)/DNA Light-Switch Complex. Angewandte Chemie, 124(48), 12273-12276.
- Temperature-switched binding of a RuII (dppz)/DNA light-switch complex.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 51(48), 12107-12110.
- Ruthenium(II) thiacrown complexes incorporating noninnocent redox active ligands: synthesis, electrochemical properties, and theoretical studies.. Inorg Chem, 51(20), 10483-10494.
- ChemInform Abstract: Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes and DNA - From Structural Probes to Cellular Imaging and Therapeutics. ChemInform, 43(30), no-no.
- Ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes and DNA--from structural probes to cellular imaging and therapeutics.. Chem Soc Rev, 41(8), 3179-3192.
- Synthesis, characterization, and DNA binding properties of ruthenium(II) complexes containing the redox active ligand benzo[i]dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine-11,16-quinone.. Inorg Chem, 51(1), 463-471.
- Metal ion directed self-assembly of sensors for ions, molecules and biomolecules.. Dalton Trans, 40(45), 12005-12016.
- Tuning the excited state of photoactive building blocks for metal-templated self-assembly.. Chem Asian J, 6(9), 2339-2351.
- Water-soluble amino derivatives of free-base dppz--syntheses and DNA binding studies.. Org Biomol Chem, 9(9), 3462-3470.
- Ruthenium(II) metallo-intercalators: DNA imaging and cytotoxicity.. Chembiochem, 12(6), 877-880.
- Live Cell Luminescence Imaging As a Function of Delivery Mechanism. CHEMBIOCHEM, 12(4), 548-551.
- Inside Cover: Photoactive RuII-Polypyridyl Complexes that Display Sequence Selectivity and High-Affinity Binding to Duplex DNA through Groove Binding (Chem. Eur. J. 7/2011). Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(7), 2002-2002.
- Photoactive RuII-polypyridyl complexes that display sequence selectivity and high-affinity binding to duplex DNA through groove binding. Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(7), 2089-2098.
- Differentiating quadruplexes: binding preferences of a luminescent dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex with four-stranded DNA structures.. Org Biomol Chem, 8(11), 2617-2621.
- A Back-to-Back Ligand with Dipyrazolylpyridine and Dipicolylamine Metal-Binding Domains (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 7/2010). European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010(7), 995-995.
- A Back-to-Back Ligand with Dipyrazolylpyridine and Dipicolylamine Metal-Binding Domains. EUR J INORG CHEM(7), 1007-1012.
- Structure of the complex of [Ru(tpm)(dppz)py](2+) with a B-DNA oligonucleotide - a single-substituent binding switch for a metallo-intercalator.. Chemistry, 16(8), 2407-2417.
- Inside Cover: Structure of the Complex of [Ru(tpm)(dppz)py]2+with a B-DNA Oligonucleotide-A Single-Substituent Binding Switch for a Metallo-Intercalator (Chem. Eur. J. 8/2010). Chemistry - A European Journal, 16(8), 2324-2324.
- Structural analysis of the binding of the diquaternary pyridophenazine derivative dqdppn to B-DNA oligonucleotides.. Org Biomol Chem, 8(3), 648-654.
- Photophysical properties and singlet oxygen production by ruthenium(II) complexes of benzo[i]dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine: spectroscopic and TD-DFT study.. J Phys Chem A, 113(46), 12754-12762.
- A ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex for direct imaging of DNA structure in living cells. NAT CHEM, 1(8), 662-667.
- Mixed Valence Creutz−Taube Ion Analogues Incorporating Thiacrowns: Synthesis, Structure, Physical Properties, and Computational Studies. Inorganic Chemistry, 48(12), 5584-5584.
- SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY A hydrophobic haven for base pairs. NAT CHEM, 1(1), 25-26.
- Co-crystallising two functional complex molecules in a terpyridine embrace lattice. CRYSTENGCOMM, 11(10), 2069-2077.
- DNA binding and cleavage properties of a newly synthesised Ru(II)-polypyridyl complex. DALTON T(42), 9312-9321.
- Kinetically locked luminescent metallomacrocycles as duplex DNA binding substrates. CHEM COMMUN(20), 2947-2949.
- Self-assembly of electroactive thiacrown ruthenium(II) complexes into hydrogen-bonded chain and tape networks.. Inorg Chem, 47(24), 11551-11560.
- Mixed valence Creutz-Taube ion analogues incorporating thiacrowns: synthesis, structure, physical properties, and computational studies.. Inorg Chem, 47(24), 11633-11643.
- Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of tricyanomethanide-containing bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amidate copper(II) complexes. POLYHEDRON, 27(12), 2577-2584.
- A dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex that functions as a label-free colorimetric sensor for DNA.. Chem Commun (Camb)(16), 1868-1870.
- Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of mono- and polynuclear [bis(2-arylcarbonyl)amidate]copper(II) complexes. POLYHEDRON, 27(2), 559-573.
- Locking Self-Assembly: Strategies and Outcomes. ChemInform, 38(35).
- Back matter. Chemical Society Reviews, 36(6), 1018-1018.
- Locking self-assembly: strategies and outcomes.. Chem Soc Rev, 36(6), 856-868.
- A Multifunctional Light Switch: DNA Binding and Cleavage Properties of a Heterobimetallic Ruthenium–Rhenium Dipyridophenazine Complex. Angewandte Chemie, 119(20), 3760-3762.
- Zwitterionic 2-(4-pyridyl)malondialdehyde sesquihydrate forms a helical, 3-D hydrogen-bonded lattice. CrystEngComm, 9(5), 361-361.
- Electrochemical and photophysical properties of DNA metallo-intercalators containing the ruthenium(II) tris(1-pyrazolyl)methane unit.. Inorg Chem, 46(2), 409-416.
- A multifunctional light switch: DNA binding and cleavage properties of a heterobimetallic ruthenium-rhenium dipyridophenazine complex.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 46(20), 3686-3688.
- Studies on the interaction of extended terpyridyl and triazine metal complexes with DNA.. J Inorg Biochem, 100(8), 1314-1319.
- Anordnungen funktioneller Materialien. Angewandte Chemie, 118(27), 4504-4506.
- Functional molecular assemblies.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 45(27), 4396-4398.
- Kinetically locked, trinuclear Ru(II) metallo-macrocycles--synthesis, electrochemical, and optical properties.. Dalton Trans(23), 2900-2906.
- Dinuclear monointercalating RuII complexes that display high affinity binding to duplex and quadruplex DNA.. Chemistry, 12(17), 4611-4619.
- Primary bone lymphoma: a retrospective analysis.. Int J Oncol, 28(6), 1571-1575.
- Self-assembled, kinetically locked, Ru(II)-based metallomacrocycles: physical, structural, and modeling studies.. Chemistry, 12(8), 2188-2195.
- Cover Picture: Self-Assembled, Kinetically Locked, RuII-Based Metallomacrocyles: Physical, Structural, and Modeling Studies (Chem. Eur. J. 8/2006). Chemistry - A European Journal, 12(8), 2111-2111.
- Electrochemical properties of dinuclear [Ru([n]aneS4)] complexes of 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine.. Dalton Trans(5), 705-709.
- Ruthenium (II) thiacrown complexes as hydrogen-transfer reduction catalysts. INORG CHIM ACTA, 359(3), 759-765.
- Structure and properties of Dinuclear [RuII([n]aneS4)] complexes of 3,6-Bis(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine.. Inorg Chem, 45(2), 821-827.
- Water-soluble organic dppz analogues--tuning DNA binding affinities, luminescence, and photo-redox properties.. Chem Commun (Camb)(34), 4327-4329.
- Oxalate, squarate and croconate complexes with bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amidatecopper(II): synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties. INORG CHIM ACTA, 358(7), 2292-2302.
- Design of single cyanide-bridged tetranuclear bimetallic rectangles exhibiting ferromagnetic coupling. INORG CHEM COMMUN, 8(4), 382-385.
- RuII complexes incorporating tetrathiamacrocycles: synthesis and conformational analysis.. Chemistry, 11(7), 2031-2046.
- Copper(II)-assisted hydrolysis of 2,4,6-tris(2-pyrimidyl)-1,3,5-triazine (tpymt): syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of [Cu(bpcam)(H2O)(2)]ClO4 center dot 3H(2)O, [Cu(bpcam)(H2O)(2)] [Cu(bpcam)(H2O)(SO4)] center dot 2H(2)O and [Cu-2(bpcaM)(2) (H2O)(2)(SO4)] center dot H2O[bpcam = bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amidate]. INORG CHIM ACTA, 358(4), 1113-1124.
- A convenient synthetic route to half-sandwich rhodium(III) complexes of the tripodal ligand tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methane.. Dalton Trans(1), 110-115.
- Ruthenium (II) thiacrown complexes as hydrogen-transfer reduction catalysts. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 358(12), 3377-3383.
- DNA binding of an organic dppz-based intercalator.. Biochemistry, 43(43), 13657-13665.
- Switchable Electron-Transfer Processes in a Mixed-Valence, Kinetically Locked, Trinuclear RuII Metallamacrocycle. Angewandte Chemie, 116(30), 4028-4031.
- Switchable electron-transfer processes in a mixed-valence, kinetically locked, trinuclear Ru(II) metallamacrocycle.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 43(30), 3938-3941.
- Synthesis and structure of rhodium complexes containing extended terpyridyl ligands. INORG CHIM ACTA, 357(10), 2827-2832.
- Hydrogen bonding in thiacrown complexes: chlorobis(nicotinamide-kappa N)(1,4,7-trithiacyclononane-kappa S-3)ruthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate monohydrate. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, M662-M663.
- A facile route to bimetallic ruthenium dipyridophenazine complexes.. Inorg Chem, 43(1), 317-323.
- New 2,2 ': 4,4 '': 4 ',4 '''-quaterpyridyl transition metal complexes. INORG CHIM ACTA, 355, 280-285.
- Kinetically Inert Transition Metal Complexes that Reversibly Bind to DNA. ChemInform, 34(38).
- Kinetically inert transition metal complexes that reversibly bind to DNA. CHEM SOC REV, 32(4), 215-224.
- A ruthenium dipyridophenazine complex that binds preferentially to GC sequences.. Chem Commun (Camb)(10), 1152-1153.
- A facile synthetic route to bimetallic ReI complexes containing two dppz DNA intercalating ligands.. Chem Commun (Camb)(18), 2026-2027.
- Ru-II electron transfer systems containing S-donor ligands. INORG CHEM, 41(8), 2250-2259.
- Hetero-metallomacrocyclic hosts that bind molecular guests in water. CHEM COMMUN(21), 2540-2541.
- Extended terpyridyl and triazine complexes of d(6)-metal centres. J CHEM SOC DALTON(24), 4732-4739.
- Controlling substitution chemistry in ruthenium(II) systems. Synthesis of heteroleptic complexes incorporating the [Ru([9]aneS3)]2+ metal center.. Inorg Chem, 39(11), 2385-2390.
- Characterisation of two different mixed-valence states in a strongly interacting dimolybdenum complex. Chemical Communications(8), 769-770.
- Solvatochromism of Mono- and Dimolybdenum Coordination Compounds of Dipyridyloctatetraene and Linear Solvation Energy Relationship Models Based on the Kamlet-Taft and Drago Scales of Solvent Polarity.. Inorg Chem, 35(2), 289-296.
- An optical ratiometric approach using enantiopure luminescent metal complexes indicates changes in the average quadruplex DNA content as primary cells undergo multiple divisions. Dalton Transactions.
- In Vitro and In Vivo Studies on a Mononuclear Ruthenium Complex Reveals It is a Highly Effective, Fast-Acting, Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial in Physiologically Relevant Conditions. ACS Infectious Diseases.
- Phenazine Cations as Anticancer Theranostics. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Iridium(
iii )-based minor groove binding complexes as DNA photocleavage agents. Dalton Transactions. - Discovery of Ruthenium(II) Metallocompound and Olaparib Synergy for Cancer Combination Therapy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
- From chemotherapy to phototherapy ‐ changing the therapeutic action of a metallo‐intercalating RuII‐ReI luminescent system by switching its sub‐cellular location.. Chemistry – A European Journal.
- Nanoparticles for super-resolution microscopy: intracellular delivery and molecular targeting. Chemical Society Reviews.
- Clearing an ESKAPE pathogen in a model organism; a polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complex theranostic that treats a resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection in Galleria mellonella.. Chemistry – A European Journal.
- A Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complex Disrupts Actin Cytoskeleton Assembly and Blocks Cytokinesis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
- Selectively inhibiting malignant melanoma migration and invasion in an engineered skin model using actin-targeting dinuclear RuII-complexes. RSC Medicinal Chemistry.
- A Dinuclear Osmium(II) Complex Near-Infrared Nanoscopy Probe for Nuclear DNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Being Positive is Not Everything – Experimental and Computational Studies on the Selectivity of a Self‐Assembled, Multiple Redox‐State Receptor that Binds Anions with up to Picomolar Affinities. Chemistry – A European Journal.
- Correction: A dinuclear ruthenium(ii) phototherapeutic that targets duplex and quadruplex DNA. Chemical Science, 11(9), 2566-2566.
- Nanocarriers used as probes for super-resolution microscopy. Materials Chemistry Frontiers.
- Correction: Modulating the electron-transfer properties of a mixed-valence system through host–guest chemistry. Chemical Science, 6(7), 4373-4374. View this article in WRRO
- Modulating the electron-transfer properties of a mixed-valence system through host–guest chemistry. Chemical Science, 6(2), 1334-1340. View this article in WRRO
- Dinuclear osmium(ii) probes for high-resolution visualisation of cellular DNA structure using electron microscopy. Chem. Commun., 50(93), 14494-14497.
- ChemInform Abstract: Structure of Orthorhombic Triphenylphosphine Oxide: A Redetermination at Room Temperature. ChemInform, 24(24), no-no.
- Amyloid binding and beyond: a new approach for Alzheimer's disease drug discovery targeting Aβo–PrPC binding and downstream pathways. Chemical Science.
- Targeting cellular DNA with Luminescent Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes, Ruthenium Complexes (pp. 221-238). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Conference proceedings papers
- 2,2′:4,4′′:4′,4′′′-Quaterpyridine: synthesis, crystal-structure description, and Hirshfeld surface analysis. Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 79(4).
- Teaching interests
Environmental Chemistry; Transition Metal Chemistry.
- Teaching activities
Undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules
- Environmental Inorganic Chemistry (Level 2)
The aim of this module is to outline the ecological role of the inorganic components of the environment and the effect of both natural and anthrogenic (man-made) substances on the environment - Advanced coordination chemistry (Level 3)
This course explains how the coordination chemistry and physical properties of transition metals can be controlled and tuned through the use of specifically designed ligands. - Self-assembly and Molecular Devices (Level 4)
Using examples from the recent literature, this module introduces the concepts and key interactions used in “chemistry beyond the molecule.” - Metals in Medicine (Level 4)
This course will be introduce and discuss coordination complexes that function as basic biotechnological tools. The use of inorganic compounds in a variety of different medical applications will be discussed; from medical imaging through chemotherapy to uses as treatments for several different chronic diseases.
Support Teaching:
- Tutorials: Level 1 General Chemistry
- Skills for Success: Debates.
Laboratory Teaching:
- Level 3 Inorganic Laboratories
- Level 4 Research Project
- Environmental Inorganic Chemistry (Level 2)