Dr Adam Brown
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Research Fellow in Particle Physics
Full contact details
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
- Profile
I am an experimental particle astrophysicist, trying to solve some of the big riddles in fundamental physics. My research is based on the direct search for dark matter by using liquid-xenon based detectors.
I am a member of the LZ collaboration, which operates an experiment in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (South Dakota, USA). The LZ experiment is based around a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, or TPC, which records tiny flashes of scintillation light and small numbers of ionised electrons produced when particles interact within it. This gives us information about the position, energy, and type of the interaction which took place.
By operating the detector deep underground, carefully selecting the purest of materials to build it from, and employing veto detectors, we minimise natural background sources of particle interactions. This means that when we do see the signal we are looking for, we can be sure it is from dark matter.
The global XLZD collaboration, of which I am also a member, is working towards an even more sensitive experiment. This will be around ten times bigger than LZ, and have a significantly lower background, and therefore will be able to probe more weakly interacting dark matter.
I am involved in various aspects of the preparations and design of XLZD, including being part of the team developing the central detector. I am also part of an effort to attract the experiment to the UK, where it would be hosted in the Boulby Underground Laboratory.
XLZD will be sensitive enough to detect the dark matter particles predicted by many leading theories and to look for neutrinoless double-beta decay. It will also be sensitive to interactions of various types of neutrino coming from the Sun, which can give us insights into solar physics as well as into the properties of neutrinos.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Proportional scintillation in liquid xenon: demonstration in a single-phase liquid-only time projection chamber. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(09), P09032-P09032.
- PANCAKE: a large-diameter cryogenic test platform with a flat floor for next generation multi-tonne liquid xenon detectors. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(05), P05018-P05018.
- Improved quality tests of R11410-21 photomultiplier tubes for the XENONnT experiment. Journal of Instrumentation, 16(08), P08033-P08033.
- Observation of two-neutrino double electron capture in 124Xe with XENON1T. Nature, 568(7753), 532-535.
- First Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Recoils from the XENONnT Experiment. Physical Review Letters, 131(4).
- Reduction of 222Rn-induced backgrounds in a hermetic dual-phase xenon time projection chamber. European Physical Journal C, 83(1), 9.
- Search for inelastic scattering of WIMP dark matter in XENON1T. Physical Review D, 103(6).
- Dark Matter Search Results from a One Ton-Year Exposure of XENON1T. Physical Review Letters, 121(11).
All publications
Journal articles
- First Indication of solar 8 B neutrinos via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering with XENONnT. Physical Review Letters, 133. View this article in WRRO
- Proportional scintillation in liquid xenon: demonstration in a single-phase liquid-only time projection chamber. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(09), P09032-P09032.
- The XENONnT dark matter experiment. The European Physical Journal C, 84. View this article in WRRO
- Offline tagging of radon-induced backgrounds in XENON1T and applicability to other liquid xenon time projection chambers. Physical Review D, 110. View this article in WRRO
- Effective field theory and inelastic dark matter results from XENON1T. Physical Review D, 109. View this article in WRRO
- PANCAKE: a large-diameter cryogenic test platform with a flat floor for next generation multi-tonne liquid xenon detectors. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(05), P05018-P05018.
- Design and performance of the field cage for the XENONnT experiment. The European Physical Journal C, 84. View this article in WRRO
- Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites. The European Physical Journal C, 84. View this article in WRRO
- The triggerless data acquisition system of the XENONnT experiment. Journal of Instrumentation, 18(07), P07054-P07054.
- The XeBRA platform for liquid xenon time projection chamber development. Journal of Instrumentation, 18(02), T02004-T02004.
- A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 50(1). View this article in WRRO
- Double-weak decays of Xe 124 and Xe 136 in the XENON1T and XENONnT experiments. Physical Review C, 106(2).
- GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector. Journal of Instrumentation, 17(07), P07018-P07018.
- Improved quality tests of R11410-21 photomultiplier tubes for the XENONnT experiment. Journal of Instrumentation, 16(08), P08033-P08033.
- 222Rn emanation measurements for the XENON1T experiment. European Physical Journal C, 81(4), 337.
- Search for Coherent Elastic Scattering of Solar B8 Neutrinos in the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment. Physical Review Letters, 126(9), 091301.
- Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering. The European Physical Journal C, 80(12).
- Projected WIMP sensitivity of the XENONnT dark matter experiment. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(11), 031-031.
- Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe. European Physical Journal C, 80(9), 808.
- Energy resolution and linearity of XENON1T in the MeV energy range. The European Physical Journal C, 80(8).
- Testing claims of the GW170817 binary neutron star inspiral affecting β-decay rates. Astroparticle Physics, 119, 102431-102431.
- Observation of two-neutrino double electron capture in 124Xe with XENON1T. Nature, 568(7753), 532-535.
- No correlation between Solar flares and the decay rate of several β-decaying isotopes. Astroparticle Physics, 103, 62-66.
- Erratum to: Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe. European Physical Journal C, 83(11), 996.
- Search for events in XENON1T associated with gravitational waves. Physical Review D, 108(7).
- First Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Recoils from the XENONnT Experiment. Physical Review Letters, 131(4).
- Detector signal characterization with a Bayesian network in XENONnT. Physical Review D, 108(1).
- Searching for Heavy Dark Matter near the Planck Mass with XENON1T. Physical Review Letters, 130(26).
- Low-energy calibration of XENON1T with an internal 37Ar source. European Physical Journal C, 83(6), 542.
- Reduction of 222Rn-induced backgrounds in a hermetic dual-phase xenon time projection chamber. European Physical Journal C, 83(1), 9.
- An approximate likelihood for nuclear recoil searches with XENON1T data. The European Physical Journal C, 82(11).
- Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoil Data from XENONnT. Physical Review Letters, 129(16).
- Material radiopurity control in the XENONnT experiment. The European Physical Journal C, 82(7).
- Emission of single and few electrons in XENON1T and limits on light dark matter. Physical Review D, 106(2).
- Application and modeling of an online distillation method to reduce krypton and argon in XENON1T. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics.
- Search for inelastic scattering of WIMP dark matter in XENON1T. Physical Review D, 103(6).
- Excess electronic recoil events in XENON1T. Physical Review D, 102(7).
- Light Dark Matter Search with Ionization Signals in XENON1T. Physical Review Letters, 123(25).
- Search for Light Dark Matter Interactions Enhanced by the Migdal Effect or Bremsstrahlung in XENON1T. Physical Review Letters, 123(24).
- XENON1T dark matter data analysis: Signal reconstruction, calibration, and event selection. Physical Review D, 100(5).
- The XENON1T data acquisition system. Journal of Instrumentation, 14(07), P07016-P07016.
- XENON1T dark matter data analysis: Signal and background models and statistical inference. Physical Review D, 99(11).
- Constraining the Spin-Dependent WIMP-Nucleon Cross Sections with XENON1T. Physical Review Letters, 122(14).
- First Results on the Scalar WIMP-Pion Coupling, Using the XENON1T Experiment. Physical Review Letters, 122(7).
- Dark Matter Search Results from a One Ton-Year Exposure of XENON1T. Physical Review Letters, 121(11).
- A precision experiment to investigate long-lived radioactive decays. Journal of Instrumentation, 13(07), P07011-P07011.
- Search for bosonic super-WIMP interactions with the XENON100 experiment. Physical Review D, 96(12).
- First Dark Matter Search Results from the XENON1T Experiment. Physical Review Letters, 119(18).
- Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Sensitivity of the XLZD Rare Event Observatory, arXiv.
- The XLZD Design Book: Towards the Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics, arXiv.
- Proportional scintillation in liquid xenon: demonstration in a single-phase liquid-only time projection chamber, arXiv.
- PANCAKE: a large-diameter cryogenic test platform with a flat floor for next generation multi-tonne liquid xenon detectors, arXiv.
- Design and performance of the field cage for the XENONnT experiment, arXiv.
- Reduction of $^{222}$Rn-induced Backgrounds in a Hermetic Dual-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber, arXiv.
- The XeBRA platform for liquid xenon time projection chamber development, arXiv.
- A Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics, arXiv.
- Improved quality tests of R11410-21 photomultiplier tubes for the XENONnT experiment, arXiv.
- Testing claims of the GW170817 binary neutron star inspiral affecting $beta$-decay rates, arXiv.
- No correlation between Solar flares and the decay rate of several $beta$-decaying isotopes, arXiv.
- A Precision Experiment to Investigate Long-Lived Radioactive Decays, arXiv.
- Proportional scintillation in liquid xenon: demonstration in a single-phase liquid-only time projection chamber. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(09), P09032-P09032.
- Research group