Dr Yichuan Wang
Management School
Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing

+44 114 215 7181
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Management School
Room E032
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
Dr. Yichuan Wang is a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Digital Marketing at Sheffield University Management School. Prior to joining SUMS, he worked for Newcastle University Business School and Auburn University (USA). He is a multi-disciplinary researcher, working mostly across marketing, information systems and healthcare.
Yichuan is the author or co-author of over 100 publications, attracting in excess of 6,000 citations (Google Scholar). His research has appeared in ABS 4-indexed journals including British Journal of Management, Social Science & Medicine, International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
Yichuan is the co-founder of International Conference on Digital Health and Medical Analytics since 2018. He has led and being closely involved with industry on a number of international projects helping hospitals improve quality of care through using healthcare information systems, and business analytics.
- Qualifications
PhD - Auburn University
- Research interests
- Social media & digital marketing
- Big data analytics & AI
- Digital health and its business value
- Digitalisation enabled business transformation
- Sharing economy
- Publications
- Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology. Springer International Publishing.
- Digital Health and Medical Analytics. Springer Nature.
Journal articles
- Navigating the future of AI in marketing: AI integration across borders, ethical considerations, and policy implications. International Journal of Information Management, 82, 102871-102871.
- Causal recipes of customer loyalty in a sharing economy: Integrating social media analytics and fsQCA. Journal of Business Research, 181, 114747-114747.
- How to strategically respond to online hotel reviews: A strategy-aware deep learning approach. Information & Management, 61(5), 103970-103970.
- Leveraging brand-specific transformational leadership as corporate brand identity for M&A performance in an emerging market. Industrial Marketing Management, 120, 15-28.
- From vineyard to table: uncovering wine quality for sales management through machine learning. Journal of Business Research, 176. View this article in WRRO
- Guest editorial: “Better than us” workers, robots and the HRM of the future. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36(7), 1097-1098.
- Reshoring: a road to industry 4.0 transformation. British Journal of Management.
- Metaverse marketing: how the metaverse will shape the future of consumer research and practice. Psychology & Marketing.
- Supply-demand matching in a complex telemedicine environment considering intermediary intervention. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 169.
- Guest editorial: artificial intelligence for B2B marketing: challenges and opportunities. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 109-113.
- Better self and better us: Exploring the individual and collective motivations for China's Generation Z consumers to reduce plastic pollution. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 179, 106111-106111.
- How does product-celebrity congruence and content sponsorship affect perceived altruism among consumers? Evidence from factorial experiments. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 178, 106062-106062.
- SHIFTing artificial intelligence to be responsible in healthcare: a systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 296. View this article in WRRO
- Meta-Seg: A Survey of Meta-learning for Image Segmentation. Pattern Recognition, 108586-108586.
- Eliciting positive emotion through strategic responses to COVID-19 crisis: evidence from the tourism sector. Tourism Management, 90.
- Combatting medical plastic waste through visual elicitation: Insights from healthcare professionals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129650-129650.
- Exploring the paths to big data analytics implementation success in banking and financial service: an integrated approach. Industrial Management & Data Systems, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
- Shaping social media analytics in the pursuit of organisational agility : a real options theory perspective. Tourism Management, 88. View this article in WRRO
- The dual concept of consumer value in social media brand community: A trust transfer perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 59, 102319-102319.
- Configurational conditions and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A fsQCA approach. Long Range Planning, 102131-102131.
- Shaping a Smart Transportation System for Sustainable Value Co-Creation. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Corporate responses to the Coronavirus crisis and their impact on electronic-word-of-mouth and trust recovery : evidence from social media. British Journal of Management. View this article in WRRO
- 5G-network-enabled smart ambulance : architecture, application, and evaluation. IEEE Network, 35(1), 190-196.
- Adoption timing of OHSAS 18001 and firm performance: An institutional theory perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 231, 107870-107870.
- Visual information processing for deep-sea visual monitoring system. Cognitive Robotics, 1, 3-11.
- Accelerating AI Adoption with Responsible AI Signals and Employee Engagement Mechanisms in Health Care. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Eco-innovation for environment and waste prevention. Journal of Business Research, 122, 627-639.
- Organizational mindfulness towards digital transformation as a prerequisite of information processing capability to achieve market agility. Journal of Business Research, 122, 700-712.
- Brand value Co-creation in social commerce: The role of interactivity, social support, and relationship quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 115, 105238-105238.
- Big data governance and algorithmic management in sharing economy platforms: A case of ridesharing in emerging markets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 120310-120310.
- An architecture for IoT-enabled smart transportation security system: a geospatial approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- Adversarial attack against urban scene segmentation for autonomous vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and research propositions. International Journal of Information Management. View this article in WRRO
- Unpacking the impact of social media analytics on customer satisfaction : do external stakeholder characteristics matter?. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40(5), 647-669. View this article in WRRO
- Corporate rebranding : an internal perspective. Journal of Business Research. View this article in WRRO
- Examining the antecedents and consequences of green product innovation. Industrial Marketing Management. View this article in WRRO
- What Makes Hosts Trust Airbnb? Antecedents of Hosts’ Trust toward Airbnb and Its Impact on Continuance Intention. Journal of Travel Research, 59(4), 686-703. View this article in WRRO
- Analytics in the era of big data: The digital transformations and value creation in industrial marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, 86, 12-15.
- Acceptance of automation manufacturing technology in China: an examination of perceived norm and organizational efficacy. Production Planning & Control, 31(8), 660-672.
- In Sharing Economy We Trust: Examining the Effect of Social and Technical Enablers on Millennials’ Trust in Sharing Commerce. Computers in Human Behavior, 108, 105993-105993.
- Brand co-creation through social commerce information sharing: The role of social media. Journal of Business Research, 121, 476-486.
- Towards building a value co-creation circle in social commerce. Computers in Human Behavior, 108, 105476-105476.
- The effect of supply chain finance initiatives on the market value of service providers. International Journal of Production Economics, 216, 227-238. View this article in WRRO
- Leveraging big data analytics to improve quality of care in healthcare organizations: A configurational perspective. British Journal of Management, 30(2), 362-388. View this article in WRRO
- Does privacy assurance on social commerce sites matter to millennials?. International Journal of Information Management, 44, 164-177.
- Exploring adverse drug reactions of diabetes medicine using social media analytics and interactive visualizations. International Journal of Information Management, 48, 228-237.
- Travel envy on social networking sites. Annals of Tourism Research, 73, 184-189.
- Examining the impact of health information systems on healthcare service improvement: The case of reducing in patient-flow delays in a U.S. hospital. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127, 188-198.
- An integrated big data analytics-enabled transformation model: Application to health care. Information & Management, 55(1), 64-79.
- Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 126, 3-13.
- Using Serious Games in Data Communications and Networking Management Course. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 58(1), 39-48.
- People, Technologies, and Organizations Interactions in a Social Commerce Era. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 64(4), 594-604.
- Let Them Play: The Impact of Mechanics and Dynamics of a Serious Game on Student Perceptions of Learning Engagement. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(4), 514-525.
- Social interaction-based consumer decision-making model in social commerce: The role of word of mouth and observational learning. International Journal of Information Management, 37(3), 179-189.
- Business analytics-enabled decision-making effectiveness through knowledge absorptive capacity in health care. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(3), 517-539.
- Exploring the path to big data analytics success in healthcare. Journal of Business Research, 70, 287-299.
- The impact of sellers' social influence on the co-creation of innovation with customers and brand awareness in online communities. Industrial Marketing Management, 54, 56-70.
- Influences of cross-functional collaboration and knowledge creation on technology commercialization: Evidence from high-tech industries. Industrial Marketing Management, 49, 128-138.
- Leveraging Information Technology for Disaster Recovery: A Case Study of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Implementation for Facility Retrieval. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 17(1), 41-55.
- Deploying lean in healthcare: Evaluating information technology effectiveness in U.S. hospital pharmacies. International Journal of Information Management, 34(4), 556-560.
- Using Serious Games for Learning Business Ethics: Exploring Its Socio-technical Enablers and Cross-cultural Influences. Journal of Management Education.
- Different roles, different strokes: Disseminating e‐WOM in industrial Internet platform through multi‐actor value co‐creation. Psychology & Marketing.
- Do Climate Change Regulatory Pressures Increase Corporate Environmental Sustainability Performance? The Moderating Roles of Foreign Market Exposure and Industry Carbon Intensity. British Journal of Management.
- View this article in WRRO
- Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Digital Health and Medical Analytics. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Exploring the Darkverse: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Negative Societal Impacts of the Metaverse. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Introduction to meta learning for internet of multimedia things. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
- What have hosts overlooked for improving stay experience in accommodation-sharing? Empirical evidence from Airbnb customer reviews. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Reshoring and Sustainable Development Goals. British Journal of Management.
- Artificial intelligence in business-to-business marketing: a bibliometric analysis of current research status, development and future directions. Industrial Management & Data Systems, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
- From Isolation to Coordination: How Can Telemedicine Help Combat the COVID-19 Outbreak?, Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 127-132). Springer Singapore
- Reducing Medication Dispensing Process Time in a Multi-Hospital Health System, Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013 (pp. 1109-1116). Springer Singapore
Conference proceedings papers
- Toward an Understanding of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Practices. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences View this article in WRRO
- Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology. Springer International Publishing.
- Research group
Behavioural Research for Inclusivity, Sustainability and Technological Transformation (BRISTT)
- Teaching interests
Yichuan’s goal in teaching is to foster thoughtful, critical, engaged, independent thinkers. The learning-by-doing approaches, including peer learning, team-based simulation games, real-world case studies, and collaborative learning with industrial experts, have been incorporated into the modules. He has created a learning environment in which industry-immersive experience is involved.
He is also very enthusiastic about using serious games (or simulation games) in the modules. He has worked with Auburn University Samuel Ginn College of Engineering to develop serious game for students to learn engineering knowledge and skills. This project was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), USA (US$ 200,000).
His commitment and approach to teaching have been rewarded with the outstanding teaching evaluation in the most evaluation categories. He was nominated for Teaching Excellent Awards in the category of global campus at Newcastle University in 2018. He was made a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2018.
- Teaching activities
MGT3006 - Digital Marketing
- PhD Supervision
Prospective PhD applicants and PhD students are welcome to make enquiries especially if you are interested in conducting the research in the areas of social media marketing, sharing economy, big data analytics and healthcare information technologies.
Dr Yichuan Wang supervises:
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Dr Yichuan Wang has previously supervised:
Name Title Year Mengran Xiong Essays on Responsible Artificial Intelligence 2025