Dr Olga Cam
Management School
Lecturer in Accounting and Financial Management

+44 114 222 3482
Full contact details
Management School
Room C078
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
Dr Olga Cam is an accounting lecturer at the University of Sheffield. She received her undergraduate and master’s degrees from Uppsala University and completed her doctorate at the University of Sheffield. Dr Cam's research interests are in accounting and accounting education. Her educational research is grounded in her extensive and diverse teaching experience, which spans from early years to postgraduate research education. She holds the UK-recognised Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) qualification and Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Olga is a board member of the Sustainability Development Research Society (ISRDS) and the Education Interest Group in the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA). She also has experience in developing, growing, and leading not-for-profit educational start-ups.
- Research interests
Dr Olga Cam’s research explores the emancipatory and enabling power of accounting in fostering sustainable living. She focuses on expanding the application of accounting—traditionally centred on financial metrics—into a broader tool for organisational decision-making that halts environmental and social degradation, addressing these issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Olga is also interested in education for sustainable development and financial literacy. Her work is mainly based on qualitative research methods, including participatory research and autoethnography.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Exploring Accounting Academics’ Views on Sustainability: A Freirean Dialogical Pedagogic Perspective. The British Accounting Review, 101633-101633.
- Intrinsic Capability: Implementing Intrinsic Sustainable Development For An Ecological Civilisation. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 42(1-2), 116-118.
- View this article in WRRO
- “As bad as bad can be”: accounting for species extinction in the North Pacific. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.
- Rethinking accounting assessment in a COVID-19 world: application of a dialogical approach. Accounting Education, 1-18.
- Sustainability Reporting, Reference Module in Social Sciences Elsevier
- Non-Financial Materiality, Reference Module in Social Sciences Elsevier
- Accounting, Reference Module in Social Sciences Elsevier
- Traditions: A russian perspective on the limitation of existing account reporting practices for business development and management, Intrinsic Capability: Implementing Intrinsic Sustainable Development for an Ecological Civilisation (pp. 21-25).
- Exploring Accounting Academics’ Views on Sustainability: A Freirean Dialogical Pedagogic Perspective. The British Accounting Review, 101633-101633.
- Teaching activities
Current teaching engagement
- Sustainability Accounting and Accountability (PGT module leader)
- Introduction to Financial Accounting (UG module leader)
- Masters dissertation supervision
- PhD supervision
Previous teaching engagement
- Financial Decision Making (PGT module leader)
- Financial Accounting and Analysis (PGT)
- Financial and Management Accounting for Business (UG)
- Corporate Citizenship (MBA)
- Introduction to Management Accounting (UG)
- Intermediate Financial Accounting (UG)
- Advanced Financial Accounting (UG)
- Professional activities and memberships
Board membership: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Accounting Education Special Interest Group; The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS)
Ad Hoc Referee: Accounting Education, Journal of Management Education, Mediatary
Conference Organization: Program Committee Member: BAFA Accounting Education Conference 2022, 2023; ISDRS Conference 2023; BAFA Annual Conference, 2023.
Track Chair: Economic and financial innovations for sustainability transitions, ISDRS 29th annual conference, 2023, Malaysia.
Wider university administrative role: Social Science Faculty Link tutor for the University of Sheffield International College (USIC)
- PhD Supervision
Dr Olga Cam is currently supervising:
Olga has previously supervised:
Name Thesis title Year of completion Saioa San Miguel Bell Sustainable Development and Economic Degrowth: An International Transition Project towards a Sustainable Environment, Economy and Social Paradigm 2024 Yiren Wu Assessing the Impact of Destination and Individual-Level Factors on Visitors' Pro-Sustainable Behaviours and Donation Intentions 2024 Are you interested in applying for a PhD?