Pedagogies of Hope
This is a long-term project to which I’m heavily committed politically.
Working with a range of radical teacher and democratic educator groups, the aim is to draw on some of the stuff I’ve written about “pedagogies of hope” and “utopian pedagogy” and develop a live and interactive set of pedagogical resources which operate within, against and beyond: within the constraints of contemporary schooling but against the oppressive, alienating, degrading, exploitative system within which education is embedded and pointing beyond society-as-it-is towards society as it could be.
Webb D (forthcoming) Hope and the utopian impulse. In N. Snow (ed) Hope. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Webb D. (2019) Education and the construction of hope. In R. Green (ed) Theories of Hope: Exploring Alternative Affective Dimensions of Human Experience. Lanham MD: Lexington, 131-154.
Webb D. (2017) Educational archaeology and the practice of utopian pedagogy. Pedagogy, Culture and Society 25(4), 551-566.
Webb D (2013) Pedagogies of hope. Studies in the Philosophy of Education 32(4), 397-414.