About the Identity and Marginalised Communities research cluster

The identity and marginalised communities cluster brings together a range of emerging and leading scholars who cross-cut disciplines such as: critical disability studies; critical race theory; fourth wave feminism; migration and critical and community psychology.


Aiming for theoretical relevance, scholarship rooted in understanding humanity in all its forms and how ‘the human’ is marked by identity and periods of marginalisation, our core values are underpinned by the following:

  • Research with rather than on communities;
  • A deep respect for and recognition of communities’ lived experience and knowledge;
  • Privileging those experiences as foundational to meaningful and more equitable changes; and
  • A rejection of claims to neutrality and objectivity as value-free positions;
  • A commitment to scholarship and activism.

Whilst we bring different theoretical perspectives and lived experience to this cluster, we stand united in our commitment to rooting out discrimination in all its intersectional forms.

We welcome doctoral students, early career researchers and academics who share our vision to this research cluster.

Are you interested in a degree with a foundation year?

Join our mature student taster event on 3 June 2025.

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