Charlotte Clarke
School of Education
PhD Candidate
Full contact details
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Exploring Autistic women and girls experiences of mainstream school
- Qualifications
MA Social Research
BA Education, Culture and Childhood
Children's Play, Learning and Development
- Research interests
Teacher Education
Creative methodology
- Professional activities and memberships
I am a qualified Early Years Educator and have worked within a range of settings from Forest school to mainstream and specialist settings.
I have largely supported children with additional learning support needs including, Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Deafness, MCCAD and mental health concerns.
I have experience as a Research Assistant exploring pastoral support in Higher Education within the Department of Psychology.
I currently work as a GTA on the BA module, Psychology and Learning Communities and have worked on public engagement events with MakerSpaces.