Research projects

Explore our current awards which are shaping the future of the school's engineering research.


Current projects

Water Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
Integrating microbial genomics in sustainable urban water managementROYAL SOCIETYDr Isabel Douterelo Soler
INFLUENCE: Impact of Nitrate Fluxes to Water from Seasonally Frozen Soils under Climate WarmingEPSRCProf Steve Thornton
Flexible design and operation of water resource systems to tackle the triple challenge of climate change, the energy transition, and population growthEPSRCDr Charles Rouge
Water-Quality-as-a-Service (Treatment to Tap)Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat)

Prof Joby Boxall

Dr Stewart Husband

To Chlorinate or Not to ChlorinateEPSRC

Prof Joby Boxall

Prof Vanessa Speight

Dr Isabel Douterelo Soler

Dr Katherine Fish


Prof Joby Boxall

Dr Stewart Husband

Managing Background LeakageWater Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat)

Prof Joby Boxall

Prof Vanessa Speight

Dr Richard Collins


Prof Simon Tait

Dr Alma Schellart

Dr James Shucksmith

Dr Isabel Douterelo Soler

Dr Henriette Jensen

Pervasive Sensing for Buried PipesEPSRC

Prof Simon Tait

Prof Joby Boxall

Geotechnical Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
Rooting for ResilienceEPSRCDr Alessandro Leonardi
Understanding Water Infrastructure Risks - Major Bursts, Traffic Volumes and the Condition of Road InfrastructureUKWIRDr Elisabeth Bowman, Prof Joby Boxall, Dr Richard Collins, Edward John
Hole Erosion TestICEDr Elisabeth Bowman
Submarine mass movements and their interaction with critical offshore infrastructureEPSRCDr Alessandro Leonardi
Resources, Infrastructure Systems and built Environments
TitleFunding BodyPI
BuildZero : Transforming the UK's buildings for zero material extraction, zero carbon
and zero waste
EPSRCDr Danielle Densley Tingley
KE-EOI: The changing profile of climate related transport infrastructure failure in the NorthIAADr Hadi Arbabi
Embedding circular economy considerations within built environment governanceEPSRC IAA

Dr Charles Gillott

Dr Danielle Densley Tingley

Behavior of the interfaces between steel and timber members at elevated temperaturesInnovation Fund DenmarkMartyn McLaggan; Ian Burgess; Buick Davison; Shan-Shan Huang
Multi-scale, circular economic potential of non-residential building stockEPSRCDr Danielle Densley Tingley
Structural Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
CIC.R.3DP-Crete: Chloride-induced corrosion resistance of reinforced 3D-printed concreteUKRIDr Behzad Nematollahi
Safe, Sustainable and Swift Reconstruction of UkraineUK INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTDr Maurizio Guadagnini
Building Disaster Resilience to Seismic Hazards in UgandaEPSRCDr Zuhal Ozdemir
Optimum design, fabrication and experimental testing of next-generation floor structures in buildingsEPSRC IAADr Linwei He
Interlocking prefabricated 3D-printed low-carbon concrete wall panels for low-income housing construction in South AfricaROYAL SOCIETYDr Behzad Nematollahi
Digitally engineered stone-masonry building structuresEPSRCProf Matthew Gilbert
New Generation of Sustainable Lightweight Cold-Formed Steel StructuresROYAL SOCIETYProf Iman Hajirasouliha
SINCERE: The second life of modern period architecture: Resilient and adaptive renovation towards net-zero carbon heritage buildingsEuropean Commission - Horizon EuropeDr Giacomo Torelli
Predictive thermo-hygral design of concrete for nuclear energy de-riskingEPSRC IAA

Dr Giacomo Torelli

Dr Maurizio Guadagnini

Contaminated concrete removal using controlled heat-induced spallingBRITISH COUNCILDr Giacomo Torelli
Efficient design approach for PV-membrane structures via layout optimizationROYAL SOCIETYDr Linwei He
Study on the stability of high strength steel beams considering restraint and creep effects in fireROYAL SOCIETYDr Shan-Shan Huang
Behavior of the interfaces between steel and timber members at elevated temperaturesInnovation Fund Denmark

Dr Martyn McLaggan

Prof Ian Burgess

Prof Buick Davison

Dr Shan-Shan Huang

Hybrid Lightweight Structural Systems for Low-Cost Housing (HYLIGHTS)EPSRC

Prof Iman Hajirasouliha

Prof Buick Davison

UHP.RTYF.Geo-CreteEPSRCDr Maurizio Guadagnini 
Use of optimally placed laser cut steel to accelerate the adoption of low embodied carbon construction materialsEPSRC IAA/Metlase (UK Industry)

Prof Matthew Gilbert

Dr Helen Fairclough

Dr Giacomo Torelli

LIGHTSTEEL: New Generation of Lightweight Steel Elements for Sustainable Resilient ConstructionINNOVATE UKProf Iman Hajirasouliha
Blast and Impact Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
High Explosive Advanced Diagnostics and Media Modelling (HEADaMM)EPSRC

Prof Genevieve Langdon

Prof Sam Clarke

Dr Andrew Barr

Dr Sam Rigby

Prof Andrew Tyas

RAEng Industrial Fellowship - Machine Learning Applications for Blast Protection EngineeringRoyal Academy of EngineeringDr Sam Rigby
MicroBlast: Understanding and predicting blast loading in complex environmentsEPSRC

Dr Sam Rigby

Prof Sam Clarke

Prof Andrew Tyas

Prof Genevieve Langdon

RAEng Chair in Near and Far Field Blast Research


Royal Academy of Engineering

Prof Andrew Tyas

Past projects

Water Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
Chlorine and BiomonitoringSEVERN TRENT WATER

Dr Katherine Fish

Prof Joby Boxall

Investigating Sources of Faecal Pollution and Microbial Risks in the River KentSENSDr Isabel Douterelo Soler
iWharfe DNA: Bathing Water Quality and MicrobiologyThe ENSIS TRUSTDr Isabel Douterelo Soler
Anaerobic biodegradation of ETBESHELLProf Steve Thornton
Modelling Mixing Mechanisms in 1D Water Network ModelsEPSRCProf Ian Guymer
Efficient Surrogate Modelling for Sustainable Management of Complex Seawater Intrusion-Impacted AquifersEPSRCDr Domenico Bao
Smart forecasting: joined-up flood forecasting (FF) infrastructure with uncertaintiesEPSRCDr Georges Kesserwani
Shift2RailEuropean Union / Network RailDr Andy Nichols
Unlocking resilient benefits from African waterEPSRCProf Vanessa Speight
Distributed Fibre-optic Cable Sensing for Buried Pipe InfrastructureEPSRCProf Simon Tait
Hydro KTPINNOVATE UKDr Andy Nichols
Urban Green DaMS (Design and Modelling of Sustainable Drainage Systems)EPSRCProf Virginia Stovin
Effect of microbial community interactions on ETBE biodegradation potential in groundwaterCONCAWEProf Steve Thornton
Material DestinyANGLIAN WATER SERVICES LIMITEDProf Vanessa Speight
TWENTY65EPSRCProf Joby Boxall
Real Time Absraction ManagementINNOVATE UKDr James Shucksmith
Dr Vanessa Speight
InspirationEUROPEAN COMMISSION - HORIZON 2020Prof Steve Thornton
PoroFrac - A high-fidelity isogeometric simulation methodology for fracture in porous mediaCONCAWEProfessor René de Borst
Focussing Localised Discolouration ModellingUNITED UTILITIES WATER PLCDr Stewart Husband
HARM - High Attenuation Recycling MaterialsEUROPEAN COMMISSION - HORIZON 2020Prof Steve Thornton
ICASP Hull Living with Water PartnershipNATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCILProf Vanessa Speight
Wat QualEUROPEAN COMMISSION - HORIZON 2020Prof Vanessa Speight
The Addition of Phosphate Dosing to Dwr Cymru Welsh Water zone B10WELSH WATERDr Stewart Husband
Dr Isabel Douterelo Soler
CENTAUR EUDr James Shucksmith
Flood InteractEPSRCDr James Shucksmith
Smart Water 4 EuropeEUProf Joby Boxall
Residence Times in Vegetated Stormwater PondsEPSRC

Prof Ian Guymer

Prof Virginia Stovin

Contaminant Ingress into Distribution systems (CID)EPSRCProf Joby Boxall
Geotechnical Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
Unlocking the potential of biopolymer soil stabilisationEPSRCDr Colin Smith
The Rosetta Stone Network: Physical testing towards a common understanding of debris flowLEVERHULME TRUSTDr Elisabeth Bowman
Particle-Scale Investigation of Seepage Induced Geotechnical InstabilityEPSRCDr Elisabeth Bowman
Resources, Infrastructure Systems and built Environments
TitleFunding BodyPI
Policy and practice: understanding the built environment's transition to a circular economy in the UK and CanadaUKRI/Mitacs

Dr Danielle Densley Tingley

Dr Charles Gillott

DecarboN8EPSRCDr Danielle Densley Tingley
Technical and Behavioural challenges to improving ventilation is small scale hospitalityPROTECT national core study in Covid prevention, Sheffield City Council and HEIFDr Abigail Hathway
AIRBODSUKRIDr Abigail Hathway

Dr Danielle Densley Tingley

Dr Charles Gillott

Active Building Centre Research ProgrammeEPSRCDr Danielle Densley Tingley
Professor Martin Mayfield
CORONAEPSRCDr Danielle Densley Tingley
Professor Martin Mayfield
Sheffield Urban Flows ObservatoryEPSRC

Prof Martin Mayfield-Tulip

Dr Danielle Densley-Tingley

Dr Giuliano Punzo

Structural Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
Hybrid optimization of skeletal and continuum structuresLIMITSTATE LTDDr Helen Fairclough
Three-dimensional electrical tomography for imaging large concrete membersEPSRCDr Giacomo Torelli
New Generation of Resilient Lightweight Cold-Formed Steel StructuresBritish CouncilDr Zuhal Ozdemir
Exploiting the resilience of masonry arch bridge infrastructureEPSRCProf Matthew Gilbert
Structural performance of 3D concrete printed compositesEPSRCProfessor Luca Susmel

Prof Matthew Gilbert

Prof Colin Smith

FRGeo-CreteEUROPEAN COMMISSION - HORIZON 2020Professor Kypros Pilakoutas
Gre.a.te.r.s (GREen Advanced TEchnologies for the Retrofitting of masonry Structures)EUROPEAN COMMISSION - HORIZON 2020Dr Maurizio Guadagnini
Professor René de Borst
Professor Luca Susmel
Modelling size-dependent electro-magneto-mechanical couplingROYAL SOCIETYProfessor Harm Askes
Practical 3D model of masonry arch bridges and tunnel liningsNETWORK RAIL LIMITED
Professor Matthew Gilbert
Dr Colin Smith
Masonry arch bridges containing internal spandrelsNETWORK RAIL LIMITEDProfessor Matthew Gilbert
Dr Colin Smith
RCUK-TUBITAK Research PartnershipsEPSRCProf. Kypros Pilakoutas
Dr Iman Hajirasouliha
Dr Zuhal Ozdemir
Blast & Impact Engineering
TitleFunding BodyPI
MicroBlast de-riskingMODDr Sam Rigby
Mechanisms & Characterisation of ExplosionsEPSRCProf Andrew Tyas
Blast and Impact Diagnostics LaboratoryEPSRC

Prof Sam Clarke

Dr Sam Rigby

Prof Andrew Tyas


DigiTwin was a £5M EPSRC funded programme grant, that ran from February 2018 until September 2023, led by the University of Sheffield.

DigitwinEPSRCProfessor David Wagg
Professor Simon Neild (Bristol)

EPSRC Centre in Doctoral Training in Water Infrastructure and Resilience (WIRe CDT)

The school co-hosts the EPSRC WIRe CDT which aims to nurture a new generation of research leaders to provide multi-disciplinary, disruptive thinking to enhance the resilience of new and existing water infrastructure. WIRe PhD projects are developed and co-funded in partnership with the water sector, details of current WIRe students, projects and sponsors can be found below. For more information contact

WIRe CDT student researchers/projects
StudentAcademic Supervisor(s)Industrial Sponsor(s)Project Title & Details
Jade Rogers

Prof. Joby Boxall

Prof. Vanessa Speight

Dr. Kat Fish

Scottish WaterManaging biofilms and material accumulation in drinking water distribution systems to protect drinking water safety
Reinar Lokk

Dr Stewart Husband

Prof. Joby Boxall

United UtilitiesMoving Material - Hydraulic Management of Discolouration Risk
Thomas Langshaw

Dr Richard Collins

Prof. Joby Boxall

UKWIRModelling the Stress Response of Cast Iron Pipes during Hydraulic Transients
Matthew MacRorie

Dr Richard Collins

Prof. Vanessa Speight

Anglian Water, WaterAidHousehold Water Usage under Intermittent Water Supply
Phillipp Mohan

Dr Alma Schellart

Prof. Simon Tait

STANTECDeveloping a Risk-Based Investment Decision Making Tool that Accounts for Predictive Uncertainty in Water Framework Directive Studies
Edward John

Prof. Luca Susmel

Prof. Joby Boxall

UKWIRUnderstanding how the deterioration of cast iron pipes evolves into leakage
Anna CharatzidouProf. Steve ThorntonScottish WaterEffects of microplastics on interactions between soil biota, soil structure and crop performance in sewage sludge amended soils
Alan Smalley

Dr James Shucksmith

Dr Isabel Douterelo Soler

Prof. Vanessa Speight

Thames WaterReal time forecasting of Cryptosporidium in rivers to improve drinking water supply resilience
Isabel Carneiro Cardoso da SilvaProf. Joby BoxallUKWIRAchieving Biological Stability in Drinking Water Supply Systems
Charlie Whitelegg

Dr Richard Collins

Prof. Joby Boxall

Scottish WaterUnlocking the potential of hydraulic transients as a source of information about water distribution networks
George Crowley

Dr Iñaki Esnaola

Prof. Simon Tait

Prof. George Panoutsos

Prof. Vanessa Speight

Thames WaterMachine Learning Methods for Monitoring of Complex Water and Sewer Network Infrastructure
Ishara Perera

Prof. Joby Boxall

Prof. Vanessa Speight

Scottish WaterData density to predictive power – intelligent water distribution networks
Kaeli Brazier

Dr James Shucksmith

Dr Andy Nichols

H2020 EU Co-UD LabsUnderstanding the risks associated with contaminated floodwater from urban drainage systems
Gareth Cotton

Dr James Shucksmith

Prof. Simon Tait

Dr Alma Schellart

Environmental Monitoring Solutions (EMS)Data Driven Real Time Control of Urban Drainage Systems
Fran Wilson

Prof. Virginia Stovin

Dr Simon De-Ville

Severn Trent WaterMonitoring and Evaluation of the Sustainable Urban Drainage systems in Mansfield
Mohammad Reza Shekofteh

Prof. Kirill Horoshenkov

Prof. Joby Boxall

Northumbrian WaterProactive Water Network Management
Uzayr Soni

Dr Kat Fish

Prof. Joby Boxall

Dr Fran Pick

Severn Trent Water

Welsh Water

Scottish Water

Anglian Water

Managing drinking water sample lines for microbial compliance
Roman Tijsseling

Dr Stewart Husband

Prof. Joby Boxall

South Staffordshire WaterEvaluating capital and operational performance in Water Infrastructure using short-term mobile monitoring to track impacts to network health
Tomas Hotzel Escardo

Dr Andy Nichols

Prof. Jungong Han

Network RailAdvanced sensing and machine learning for risk detection in rail environments

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