Employability & Placements Hubs

You can get support with your career, employability, and placement-related questions no matter where on campus you find yourself!

Employability & Placements Hubs

The four Employability and Placements Hubs are open to all UG, PGT, and PGR students across Faculties and offer initial support and signposting to careers and employability resources. Simply drop into any of the Hubs, no appointment is required.

The Students’ Union Hub

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 10am - 4:30pm

The Students’ Union Hub is staffed by Careers & Employability Service staff and open between 10am - 4:30pm on weekdays including vacation periods. In addition to the employability and placement support offered by all three Hubs, it continues to carry out Right to Work Checks for students working as casual workers or Graduate Teaching Assistants for the University. Any one-to-one appointments booked with the Careers & Employability Service through Career Connect will also take place here.

Follow the Careers & Employability Service on Instagram.

Employability & Placements Hub (SU)

The Cornerstone Hub, at The Wave

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 10am - 3pm (term time only)

The Cornerstone Hub is staffed by Student Ambassadors who can provide initial support with employability and placement-related queries. 

Given its location in the state-of-the-art Faculty of Social Sciences building and its room capacity, the Cornerstone Hub also serves as an event venue for employability events open to all students, including bespoke employability events aimed at Social Sciences students.

There are also weekly placement drop-ins on Tuesdays between 11am - 1pm in the Cornerstone. Drop in to find out more about doing a Placement Year as part of your degree and get support with your placement search!

Follow the Cornerstone on Instagram to stay updated about upcoming employability events.

Cornerstone Employability & Placements Hub

The Jessop West Hub

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 10am - 3pm (term time only)

The Jessop West Employability and Placements Hub is in the heart of the Arts and Humanities and Engineering side of campus. It is managed by Student Ambassadors with a wide range of lived experiences in the world of student employability.

The Jessop West Hub can offer you initial career support, signposting, as well as the opportunity to hear about the Student Ambassadors’ work experiences. Find out more about the Jessop West Student Ambassadors and drop into the Hub to meet them!

Jessop West Employability & Placements Hub

The Heartspace Hub

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 11am - 3pm (term time only)

The Heartspace Hub is based in the Engineering Heartspace and can provide initial support with employability and placement-related queries.

Want to keep up to date with the Heartspace Hub? Follow their Instagram and LinkedIn pages for daily placement opportunities, search tips, CV advice, events and more!