USP Green Impact team wins Platinum

The department is very proud to announce that USPs Green Impact Team has won the highest award of Platinum at the recent Green Impact Awards Ceremony!

Green Impact Award
USP Green Impact Team: Jemma Planche, Megan Ayes, Chloe Renwick, Eleanor Murphy, Owen Thomas

Green Impact is a sustainability accreditation scheme which helps staff and students improve their impact on the environment by implementing straightforward actions within their departments.

The project is all about rewarding positive environmental action within the University and this is the first time that USP has achieved this level of award.

This year, the USP team hosted an ‘Adopt a Plant Day’, set up a ‘Read and Recycle' point for anyone to drop off spare books or pick up something to read, they also transitioned over to a digital form of monitoring attendance, which saved 100s of sheets of paper, other materials, and energy usage each semester.

Here's what some of our lovely Green Impact team had to say about their experience: 

The whole department, both staff and students, were incredibly supportive of the projects this year which has made a huge difference in what we were able to achieve. From committing to the big Christmas and Easter switch offs, suggesting  recycling point items, donating and adopting plants (and sharing such lovely photos of them in their new homes!) and donating books to the Read and Recycle stand - it really has been a whole department effort.

Eleanor Murphy

USP Placement, Employability and External Relations (PEER) Officer and Green Impact member 

Being part of this team was a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable experience in forming and implementing sustainability initiatives. We developed these initiatives in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, enhancing knowledge in addressing contemporary issues and delivering international objectives. Winning the platinum award was an honour and reflected the hard work we put into the projects.

Owen Thomas

BA Urban Studies Student and Green Impact Project Assistant

It was great to work as part of a team where our focus was on projects that focussed on community and on how we can do small things together to help wellbeing across staff and students. I loved how this reflected in our own team work, it felt very collaborative and social, and was thrilled with the input from our student volunteers. It was nice to do projects we genuinely wanted to do and have enjoyed. I think it puts us in good standing for next year when it comes to our confidence in undertaking impactful initiatives.

Megan Ayres

USP Student Experience Officer and Green Impact member


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