Our PhD candidates

Funded PhD students and their research areas.

Students talk in seminar room

Our PhD candidates receive financial support to undertake their studies from a variety of sources. These include UK research councils (particularly ESRC and EPSRC), University funding (both fee waivers and scholarships offering maintenance funding), and overseas governments and funding organisations (for example, CONACYT for students from Mexico).

Geography PhD candidates 

Name Research area
Shriya BajajInequalities in Market Access to Nutrient Dense Foods: A Mixed Methods Investigation in Rural India
Aishwarya BhutaInterrogating NGO-isation, Rethinking Women's Empowerment: Case Studies from India
Ingun Borg 
Ollie ChesworthInterrogating the nature of foodscapes and alternative food-economies through alternative food spaces
Ben CornfordAn investigative study into Concentric Crater Fills and their relationship with Martian glacial and climate histories
Charlotte CurryThe Impacts of Climate Change and Mining on Glaciers in the Andes
Rebecca EnglandSpectroscopic measurements of volcanic gases in volcanic environments
Alyssa HeggisonAutomated Analysis of Volcano Imagery with Machine Learning Techniques
Josephine Hornsey 
Davi LemosCarnival as Queer Claim: Reappropriating Rio de Janeiro’s streets through LGBTQ+ celebratory performances
Virginia LongoEngineer crop behaviours to respond to extreme climatic conditions
Laura Maratou-KoliasFemale Household-Headship, Agricultural Productivity, and Factor and Output Markets: The Case of Uganda’s Cotton Smallholder Farmers
Teresa (Tete') MausseInformal Water Provision: Enabling or Constraining -Sustainable- Development?
Winnie M Musivo 
Mwanja MwaleThe good life? Focusing a capability lens on Zambia's social cash transfer programme
Tarja RannistoWellbeing benefits of sustainable urban woodlands: The significance of aesthetic awareness in cities environmental strategies in terms of people's wellbeing
Hannah RedmanThe importance of the form of testimonial narratives in efforts to prevent public sexual harassment of women in the UK
Luke RichardsonDynamics of Glacier blood: Understanding climatically important extremophiles from the continental to molecular scale
Charlotte PaceyStudent Loneliness: Curating Experiences and Breaking Silences
Dimitra PilichouDoes living in an eco-community make you happier? - Critical evaluation of case studies from Greece as potential alternative development pathways
Tessa SpanoUnderstanding fluvial sediment transport using infra-red stimulated luminescence
Katie Sumner 
Mirsu TekinQuantifying bioturbation rates of different earthworm functional groups using novel methods
Sian ThorpeInvestigation into the ice dynamic impact of active subglacial lake drainage

Urban studies and planning PhD candidates

NameResearch area
Enes AydinRedefining Socio-Spatial Inequalities through Comparative Urban Policy Analysis in London and Berlin
Helen Brown Understanding attitudes and perceptions amongst older people of housing and housing processes in an era of rising demand
James BeaumontOut-of-area displacement: Exploring how England’s housing system is shaping new forms of urban marginalisation
Aïcha DialloUrban Possession and Repossession in Dakar
Charly EdenMigrant youth activisms: de-bordering practices and urban solidarities in re-imagining the city
Mónica Martin GrauUrban frictions: prosperity turns within Nairobi’s water tinkering practices
Francesca GuarinoOthered people in othered places: a critical and situated exploration of the challenges of cultural diversity in Palermo
George JewittA better tomorrow: paternalism, totalitarianism, democracy
Xinyu JinSafeguarding the Past, Embracing the Future An Examination of Alternative Development Strategies for Chinese Historic Urban Quarters
Chan-Woo KimCommercial real estate rental markets in Europe
Stephanie LaceyThe impact of female homelessness on children's educational experiences in inner-city schools
Wanying LiResidential Redevelopment: Eviction and the reconstruction of space in the lower half of Chongqing, China
Mateus LiraThe politics of resettlement and occupations in Brazil
Emma MahoneyUnderstanding Power in Urban Climate Governance: The Case of Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Catherine MalpassSchools as sites for integrated community food action
Naomi OatesWater service provision practices in Malawi   
Inken Oldsen-thor StratenAn analysis of local authorities and property developers’ relations shaping spatial change in Cape Town and Johannesburg
Christopher OutlawSocio-spatial dynamics of queerness and mobility in Bogotá, Colombia
Marion OvesonCivic universities and social justice
Zhuo (Claire) PangEmbodied Arrivals: Migrant Newcomers and Urban Arrival Infrastructure
Martyna PiliszewskaWhy do they stay? Exploring the reasons why homeless Polish migrant workers remain in a state of prolonged destitution in post-Brexit Britain
Rahul RajPolitical Ecologies of Caste, Class and Precarious Labour in Indian Cities
Camille Rantz-McDonaldThe Impact of the Planning system on the Gypsy and Traveller community; counter-mapping, oral histories and housing justice
Holly RookeMigration, Cities and Inequality
Xiao TangInvestigation of how land use/cover change impact on housing price at Megaregion
Stephany Mercedes Vargas-RojasGoverning forced migration in Colombia's peace transition: integrating urban resettlement and housing in the Llano Verde housing state in Cali, Colombia 
Agustina VazquezMaking Sense of Socio-Spatial Inequality: A Qualitative Study of Geographical Proximity and Social Distance in Buenos Aires
Nancy Marcia L. WilsonHousing discrimination in the Sheffield metropolitan area, 1960s to the present
Said ZaaneenUrban refugee camps in the Gaza Strip
Rong ZhengExploring Children’s Nature-Based Place Attachment in High-density Metropolitan Areas

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