Designing Blue Green Infrastructure for water management, human health, and wellbeing

Increasingly water companies and local authorities are creating new ‘blue green infrastructure’ (BGI) to help manage water more sustainably. But how can society get the most out of these investments?

Flood and drough resistant planting in a city centre
Blue green infrastructure can improve health and wellbeing

A new report entitled Designing Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) for water management, human health, and wellbeing: summary of evidence and principles for design explores this question and provides detailed recommendations for practitioners. 

In this report Eun Yeong Choe, Anna Kenyon and Liz Sharp select, collate and present evidence about how enhancing green features of the local environment to improve water management can also improve the health and wellbeing within a host community.

Read the reportThe evidence in this report is expected to support practitioners:

  • To advocate health-promoting BGI to policy makers;
  • To design BGI considering health benefits;
  • To integrate “BGI with health benefits” in policy, investment and master-planning.

The report is part of a set of related research funded by the Blue Green Infrastructure and Social Innovation project.