Susan Hampshaw
BA (Hons), MSc, PhD
School of Medicine and Population Health
Honorary Research Fellow
Director of NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration Doncaster

- Profile
I am the Director of the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Determinants Research Collaboration in Doncaster; Honorary Research Fellow in SCHARR and Visiting Researcher at the Advanced Well Being Centre (Sheffield Hallam University).
I lead work to grow capacity to develop and use knowledge within the City of Doncaster Council and am a practitioner-academic spanning the boundary between academic and practice public health.
- Research interests
My research interests are focused on knowledge synthesis, use and mobilisation within local government; research capacity building (including public involvement and engagement in research); and generation of evidence or interventions addressing the wider determinants of health.
Practitioner lead in ScHARR's Knowledge into Action Research Theme
- Publications
Journal articles
- Developing the embedded researcher role: Learning from the first year of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC), Doncaster, UK. Public Health in Practice, 7, 100516-100516.
- Establishing Research Ecosystems in Local Government: Ten lessons from the front line of the first year of the NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaborations (HDRCs). NIHR Open Research, 4, 11.
- Investing in research infrastructure to address health inequalities: learning by doing. Public Health in Practice, 100460-100460.
- A whole systems approach to integrating physical activity to aid mental health recovery – Translating theory into practice. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 23.
- Understanding the value of a PhD for post-doctoral registered UK nurses : a survey. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(4), 1011-1017. View this article in WRRO
- Thermal sensation in older people with and without dementia living in residential care: new assessment approaches to thermal comfort using infrared thermography. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18). View this article in WRRO
- A qualitative exploration of evidence-based decision-making in public health practice and policy: the perceived usefulness of a diabetes economic model for decision-makers. Evidence & Policy, 15(4), 461-487. View this article in WRRO
- What is a research derived actionable tool, and what factors should be considered in their development? A Delphi study. BMC Health Services Research, 18. View this article in WRRO
- Incorporation of a health economic modelling tool into public health commissioning: evidence use in a politicised context. Social Science & Medicine, 186, 122-129. View this article in WRRO
- "Seeing" the Difference: The Importance of Visibility and Action as a Mark of "Authenticity" in Co-production Comment on "Collaboration and Co-production of Knowledge in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges".. International Journal of Health Policy and Management , 6(6), 345-348. View this article in WRRO
- Healthcare Needs Assessment in prison. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 11(4), 105-109.
- Reviewing local screening policies – a worthwhile exercise?. British Journal of Clinical Governance, 7(3), 165-176.
- Informaticist services for policymakers will differ from those studied. BMJ, 324(7351), 1456-1456.
- Antenatal screening: turning research into practice. British Journal of Midwifery, 10(4), 243-246.
- General hospital services for those who carry out deliberate self-harm. Psychiatric Bulletin, 22(2), 88-91.
- What are hospitals doing about clinical guidelines?. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 6(4), 187-191.
- What do accident and emergency medical staff think of practice guidelines?. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 4(2), 68-71.
- P.35Home gastrostomy feeding in children and the role of a nutrition nurse. Clinical Nutrition, 14, 41-41.
- Complications of central venous access: a suitable subject for audit. Clinical Nutrition, 13, 52-52.
- Understanding the value of a doctorate for allied health professionals in practice in the UK: a survey. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1).
- Interpersonal touch interventions for patients in intensive care: A design‐oriented realist review. Nursing Open. View this article in WRRO
- Talking about weight in pregnancy: An exploration of practitioners' and women's perceptions. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(2).
- Working with Knowledge Users (pp. 74-90). Wiley
Conference proceedings papers
- P45 Exploring the benefits and challenges of embedded research within a local authority context: reflections from the first year of the national institute for health and care research (NIHR), health determinants research collaboration (HDRC), Doncaster, UK. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting (pp A67.2-A68)
Theses / Dissertations
- Developing the embedded researcher role: Learning from the first year of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC), Doncaster, UK. Public Health in Practice, 7, 100516-100516.
- Grants
NIHR150691 Pathways to research excellence: developing a Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) for sustainable and applied research in Doncaster National Institute for Health and Care Research (London)2022-10 to 2027-09| PI
NIHR131358 Adult social care partnership: Using co-production methods to build and evaluate a regional capacity building network to facilitate greater understanding use and production of research in adult social care. National Institute for Health Research (Southampton)2021-06 to 2024-06|Co-Investigator
NIHR127659 PHR Public Health Review Team NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (Southampton)2019-04-01 to 2022-03-31|Co-investigator
NIHR154015 Evidence Synthesis Programme EnSygN - Evidence S(heffield)ynthesis group for NIHR: Production of Evidence Syntheses for the Evidence Synthesis Programme02/04/202- 01/04/2028 |Co-investigator
NIHR131936 Local Authority Research Systems: developing Doncaster Council’s road map to building greater organisational research capacity NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (Southampton)2020-08-01 to 2020-11-30|PI
R507/0716 Assessment of thermal comfort in old and frail older people living in care homes: a feasibility study Dunhill Medical Trust (London)2017-04-10 to 2018-10-09|Co-investigator
Born and Bred (BaBi) e cohorts: creating a network of local intelligence tools from linked local data Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (London)Award|PI
- Teaching activities
I lecture on the Knowledge Mobilisation module as part of the Master of Public Health (MPH) programme.
- Professional activities and memberships
NIHR Academy PLAF, SPARC committees (member)
NIHR Public Health Research Prioritisation Committee (member).