Researcher profiles

Find out from our PhD students what it's like to live, study and work in Sheffield.

MGT - PhD alumna Dr Shweta Sharma

Be open to change. Your first job won't be your last job. So take every opportunity as a learning experience.

Shweta Sharma PhD Management

Gaining her PhD in 2023, Dr Shweta Sharma is a Lecturer in Planning at Sheffield Hallam University.

Godbless Akaighe.

You will be so proud of the skills, knowledge and abilities you have developed throughout your PhD

Godbless Akaighe PhD researcher

Godbless shares his experiences of studying his PhD at Sheffield University Management School which had the title 'Narcissistic leaders and teammates: a toxic combination?'.

Ali Alobaid.

The Management School's research actually helps in the real world

Ali Alobaid PhD researcher

Ali shares what he has gained personally from studying a PhD in Sheffield and why Sheffield is such a great city to study in.

Alexis Thouki wearing a black shirt stood in a library.

Nothing great ever comes without sacrifice

Alexis Thouki PhD researcher

Alexis Thouki, a PhD candidate of Sheffield University Management School, wanted to channel a passion for learning and self-development.

fiona mcbride

I’ve always enjoyed working on projects that feel as though they could make a real difference to the world around us

Fiona McBride PhD researcher

After completing her integrated master's in general engineering, Fiona decided to stay in Sheffield and begin studying her PhD.

Image of PGR student Emma Johnson

I just loved being in an environment that was challenging and stimulating, where every day I learnt something new

Emma Johnson PhD researcher

PGR student Emma spent 18 years forging a career in hospitality, with 12 of those years spent in management positions. Having completed her undergraduate and masters' degree, Emma chose the Sheffield University Management School to study her PhD in Transformative Consumer Research. Emma's future plan is to work in academia.

Wei Zhang, PhD student - MGT

Academic life here is rich and exciting!

Wei Zhang PhD researcher

Wei was working in financial services in the USA before she decided to enhance her finance and accounting knowledge by undertaking a research degree at Sheffield University Management School.

Maria Skordia, PhD student

Investing in your future

Maria Skordia PhD researcher

Maria studies the role of CEO positivity and paradox mindset in Greek SMEs.

Peixin Zuo, PhD student - MGT

My fascination with border-crossing business

Peixin Zuo PhD researcher

Peixin’s research focuses on solving the issues which UK-based SMEs face when they start to grow their businesses internationally.

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