Dr Anna Topakas
Management School
Senior Lecturer in Work Psychology
School Lead for Postgraduate Research (PGR)

+44 114 222 3240
Full contact details
Management School
Room C049
Sheffield University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
I am a member of the Institute of Work Psychology (IWP) research centre within the Sheffield University Management School.
Prior to joining the University of Sheffield in 2012, I held a Research Associate position at Aston University, Birmingham, where I also completed my PhD in the domain of leadership and teamworking.
My areas of interest and expertise are in organisational leadership and followership, teamworking, workplace relationships and employee health and wellbeing.
- Research interests
Over thousands of years, leadership has been the dominant way for people to organise and coordinate their efforts in pursuing shared objectives, and to nourish and protect themselves and each other. It persists as a mode of organising because it works, mostly. What makes leadership structures and processes effective has been a burning question in the management domain for over six decades. In my work I explore questions around the role of leadership in facilitating individual and collective thriving, and how organisations can support virtuous interactions and relationships to build both collective and individual resilience and productivity.
My recent research projects focus on the role of relationships in facilitating manager and employee wellbeing and good mental health, as well as performance. I am also looking at inter- and intra-organisational collaboration and how it can facilitate improvements in service delivery and achieve performance gains.
My research has received funding from BA/Leverhulme and the Wellcome trust.
I am a reviewer for a number of journals, including the British Journal of Management, Work and Stress, Frontiers in Communication, Applied Psychology: An International Review, and the Institute for Work Psychology International Conference.
Selected Research Projects
I have conducted research with large public-sector organisations as well as international charities.
In healthcare, I worked as a Research Fellow (2009-2013) on a series of large-scale projects focused on using longitudinal survey data to identify the factors contributing to employee engagement, satisfaction and wellbeing, as well as organisational performance (e.g. trust mortality rate, patient satisfaction, infection rates, financial performance). This work resulted in a series of reports:
- Staff satisfaction and organisational performance: evidence from a longitudinal secondary analysis of the NHS staff survey and outcome data
- NHS staff management and health service quality
In policing, I have been working with South Yorkshire Police and Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council since 2013 on a series of projects exploring the factors that affect the organisational change process, in the context of restructuring initiatives. Access some of the findings from this work.
As part of a larger team, I have worked with the Wellcome Trust, a charitable organisation, to explore the effect of diversity and inclusion on the healthcare research industry, with a focus on workforce diversity. Read a report summarising this work.
My more recent projects involve the evaluation of manager training in mental health awareness, the role of workplace leadership in tackling loneliness, and leader and follower identity dynamics, among others.
Research to Practice
I work closely with private and public sector organisations to support leaders with their daily challenges and help them foster positive work environments. Below are some resources for managers interested in employee wellbeing:
National Leadership Centre Thinkpieces: Leading to Wellbeing by Dr Anna Topakas
Centre for Loneliness Studies Blog: Managers Responding to Loneliness in the Workplace by Dr Anna Topakas
- Publications
Journal articles
- Does it matter how I behave before I step into the leader role? Intrapersonal behavioral shift in temporary leadership role transition and its effect on perceived leadership effectiveness. The Leadership Quarterly, 101844-101844.
- Multidimensional work-nonwork balance: are balanced employees productive at work and satisfied with life?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-40. View this article in WRRO
- Becoming a leader: catalysts and barriers to leader identity construction. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. View this article in WRRO
- Transformational instructor-leadership and academic performance : a moderated mediation model of student engagement and structural distance. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(7), 884-900. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Staff satisfaction and organisational performance : evidence from a longitudinal secondary analysis of the NHS staff survey and outcome data. Health Services and Delivery Research, 2(50). View this article in WRRO
- Implicit Leadership and Followership Theories "in the wild": Taking stock of information-processing approaches to leadership and followership in organizational settings. Leadership Quarterly.
- Developmental stability and leadership effectiveness. Leadership Quarterly, 23(2), 281-291.
- Attachment and self-regulation in the workplace—a theoretical integration. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1387548.
- Navigating interpersonal feedback seeking in social venturing: The roles of psychological distance and sensemaking. Journal of Business Venturing.
- Grandiose and vulnerable leader narcissism in context: the role of events, Research Handbook on Destructive Leadership (pp. 132-154). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Climate and Culture for Health Care Performance, The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture Oxford University Press
- A critical review of Leader-Member Relationship (LMX) research: Future prospects and directions. In Hodgkinson, G P & Ford, J K (Ed.), International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 61-91). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Conference proceedings papers
- Leader Narcissism and Team Burnout: A Longitudinal Moderated Mediation Study. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2022(1)
- Loneliness in Organizations: Why It’s Skyrocketing and What We Can Do About It. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2022(1)
- Behavioral Inconsistency in Leadership Role Transition and its Effect on Leader Effectiveness. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2022(1)
- Advancing the Relational View of Followership: Behaviors and Experiences of Followers and Leaders. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2020(1) (pp 13274-13274)
- The Role of Distance in Shaping Relationship Quality between Leaders and Followers. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2019(1) (pp 16378-16378)
- Founder Identity: A Review and Framework of Multiple Identities in Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2018(1) (pp 12424-12424)
- To Ask or not to Ask? How Entrepreneurs Manage the Feedback-seeking Paradox. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2016(1) (pp 12216-12216)
- View this article in WRRO
Working papers
- View this article in WRRO
- Does it matter how I behave before I step into the leader role? Intrapersonal behavioral shift in temporary leadership role transition and its effect on perceived leadership effectiveness. The Leadership Quarterly, 101844-101844.
- Research group
- Teaching interests
My current teaching is in the areas of wellbeing, organisational leadership and research methods (PGT and PGR).
In the past I have taught a wide range of topics at undergraduate, postgraduate and professional levels. These include among others leadership, learning, training and development in organisations, HR, cross-cultural management, and organisational behaviour. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- PhD supervision
I am interested in supervising projects in the following areas:
- Workplace relationships: How can leaders and co-workers fulfil our needs for meaningful work and social interaction?
- Leadership as a facilitator of mental health and wellbeing.
- How leaders and followers experience workplace relationships: the role of attachment styles and emotions.
- The role of gender and/or minority status in perceptions, attitudes and behaviours relating to leadership.
- The role of identity and identification in the leadership process.
- How does leader humour affect perceptions about and reactions to leadership efforts?
Dr Anna Topakas currently supervises:
Dr Anna Topakas has previously supervised:
Name Thesis title Year of completion Xiaochen Feng Exploring the relationship between narcissistic leadership, climate of authenticity, and emotional labour: The moderating effect of Guanxi 2024 Christos Mavros Paradoxes of Leadership: Examining the Effects of Ambidextrous Leader Behaviours on Follower Innovation and Work Attitudes 2023 Mike Duffy Jr. Understanding and sustaining entrepreneurs' well-being: authenticity and work-nonwork balance 2023 Godbless Akaighe Narcissistic leaders and teammates: A toxic combination? 2022 Samet Arslan Appraisals and Identity Across Domains: Exploring Leadership and Caregiver Perspective 2024 Are you interested in applying for a PhD?