Meet our masters students

Find out what opportunities studying a masters at the department can lead to.

Kajol A Maheshwari

Sheffield is a fantastic city to live in as a student. I am thrilled to be studying here and excited for the opportunities which lie ahead...

Kajol Maheshwari MSc Urban and Regional Planning

MSc Urban and Regional Planning student Kajol discusses life as an international student in Sheffield, and how her course is helping to prepare her for a future in planning.

Bethany Firkins USP graduate

The MPlan course is great, you learn how the UK planning systems works and it's relevance to the work you will do in your day-to-day job as a planner

Bethany Firkins MPlan Urban Studies and Planning graduate

MPlan Urban Studies and Planning student Bethany Firkins discusses her time as a student at Sheffield and her career since graduating.

Amy Macfarlane

I can use my knowledge obtained in Sheffield to collaborate on interdisciplinary research topics

Amy Macfarlane MSc Polar and Alpine Change alumni

PAC alumni Amy Macfarlane discusses her time as a student at Sheffield and her career since graduating.

Jodie Geldard PAC Alumni

It's incredible to have access to so many leading researchers in the field

Jodie Geldard MSc Polar and Alpine Change alumni

PAC alumni Jodie Gelard discusses her time as a student at Sheffield and her career since graduating.

Oliver Barlett (PAC alumni)

The Polar and Alpine Change degree at Sheffield has been a personal highlight in my education and career

Oliver Bartlett MSc Polar and Alpine Change alumni

PAC alumni Oliver Bartlett dicusses his time as a student at Sheffield and his career since graduating.

Hang Li

All the modules studied at Sheffield are useful to my job

Hang Li MA Urban Design and Planning

Hang now works in Shanghai but travels extensively for site visits and international conferences.

Mengjie Li

Sheffield has taught me the importance of scientific and objective research methods

Mengjie Li MA Urban Design and Planning

After completing a masters in Urban Design and Planning, Mengjie Li now works on urban renewal projects for a think tank based in Shenzhen.

Masters alumni Alex Adams

I feel like I am playing a small yet important part in tackling the climate emergency

Alex Adams Environmental Change and International Development MSc

Alex works for Hope for the Future, helping communicate the impact of the climate crisis to elected representatives.

Hannah Moore

Investigating infectious disease outbreaks

Hannah Moore MPH Public Health and International Development

Hannah has been helping to coordinate the UK’s response to COVID-19.

Graduate Michelle Howson outside

I use skills and knowledge from my degree every day

Michelle Howson MSc Urban and Regional Planning

MSc Urban and Regional Planning graduate Michelle gives advice for students who are deciding what to do after their degree.

Study with us

Join an international community of geographers, planners, and environmental scientists to help tackle the biggest issues in our changing world.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.