Student Observation of Teaching

Tim Herrick founded and co-lead this scheme, which supports students and staff to have critical conversations about learning and teaching, across disciplinary boundaries, and grounded in specific observations of teaching practice.

Drawn map of University campus

The scheme has been running since 2017, and has involved at least 75 staff and 175 students, in an attempt to enhance the depth and breadth of conversations about teaching quality within the institution.

Student Observation of Teaching programme (Student login required)

Student learning spaces

In a collaboration with colleagues from across the university led by Andrew Cox in the Information School, I am involved with ongoing explorations of how students experience the university campus as places for learning, especially where these are different from how the University imagines, plans, and manages those spaces. This work contributes to the University's Digital Experience component of the Education strategy and is directly informing policy and practices for new learning spaces in the institution.

Mature Student Taster Event

Are you 21 or over and interested in one of our degrees with a foundation year?

Join us on 28 January 2025 (10 am to 1.30 pm) to find out about returning to education as a mature student.

Three students sat at a table looking at a shared laptop screen

International postgraduate taught scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international postgraduate taught students, including scholarships worth £10,000 towards the original tuition fee.

Applications are open for existing offer holders for a postgraduate taught programme starting in September 2025.