Dr Julia Bishop
School of Education
Research Associate

+44 114 222 8156
Full contact details
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
I am an experienced researcher with an academic background in Folklore Studies and Music. My research focuses on children’s play and expressive culture. I also specialize in the study of traditional singing and vernacular music in Britain, Ireland and Newfoundland.
I joined the School of Education in 2009 as a Research Associate working with Professor Jackie Marsh on the AHRC-funded project ‘Children’s Playground Songs and Games in the New Media Age’. Since then, I have worked with a number of colleagues in the School of Education, and with Helen Woolley in the Department of Landscape, as a part-time researcher on numerous projects relating to children’s play and expressive culture.
My interests are broad in scope but they centre on school-aged children’s peer cultures, from contemporary and historical perspectives.
As a co-director of the British Academy Project Childhoods and Play: The Iona and Peter Opie Archive, I help to develop infrastructure, resources and new directions for research into children’s play and folklore, and promote public engagement with the Opies’ collection. I am also a member of the University’s newly established Contemporary Folklore Research Centre.
- Research interests
My research focuses on the folklore of school-aged children, their everyday expressive culture as it emerges in games, musical play, speech play, story-telling, customs and beliefs, particularly
- Ways in which children draw on current events and digital and media cultures in their play
- The multimodal and embodied dimensions of performance in musical play
- Continuity and change in the history of children’s expressive culture and between children of diverse cultural backgrounds
- Participatory and creative approaches to engaging children as researchers and interpreters of their own cultural worlds and social practices
- The long-term preservation of information about children’s lives and experiences, especially sources created by children themselves.
My research has taken the form of ethnographic work with children as part of various projects, including play and social inclusion in school breaktimes, playground games and songs in the new media age, digital play in the early years, intergenerational perceptions and experiences of play drawing on archives and memories of play, and play during the Covid-19 pandemic.
I have also worked closely on several historical collections of children’s folklore, those of James T. R. Ritchie (Edinburgh), Norman Douglas (London), and Iona and Peter Opie (Britain). This research has included contextualising and supplementing them through tracing some of the original contributors and uncovering the collectors’ methods and motivations, as well as making these rich archival sources more accessible through cataloguing, online presentation, publication, and public engagement, including with young people today.
- Publications
- Children, media and playground cultures: Ethnographic studies of school playtimes. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Journal articles
- Children’s digital play during the COVID-19 pandemic : insights from the play observatory. Je-LKS : Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 17(3), 8-17.
- Iona Opie (1923–2017). Folklore, 129(2), 199-202.
- Digital play: a new classification. Early Years, 36(3), 242-253.
- From ‘Breathless Catalogue’ to ‘Beyond Text’: A Hundred Years of Children’s Folklore Collecting. Folklore, 127(2), 123-149.
- The lives and legacies of Iona and Peter Opie. International Journal of Play, 3(3), 205-223.
- Challenges in the use of social networking sites to trace potential research participants. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 37(2), 113-124.
- The Working Papers of Iona and Peter Opie. Oral Tradition, 28(2).
- Rewind and replay? Television and play in the 1950s/1960s and 2010s. International Journal of Play, 1(3), 279-291.
- Going Outside Together: Good Practice with Respect to the Inclusion of Disabled Children in Primary School Playgrounds. Children's Geographies, 4(3), 303-318.
- 1. ‘Tag, You’ve Got Coronavirus!’ Chase Games in a Covid Frame, Play in a Covid Frame (pp. 3-32). Open Book Publishers
- Preserving the Present: Designing a Child-Centered Qualitative Survey for a National Observatory of Children’s Play In [SAGE] (Ed.), Sage Research Methods: Doing Research Online London: SAGE.
- Digital play: a new classification, Digital Play and Technologies in the Early Years (pp. 20-31). Routledge
- ‘That’s how the whole hand-clap thing passes on’: Online/Offline Transmission and Multimodal Variation in a Children’s Clapping Game, Children's Games in the New Media Age (pp. 67-98). Routledge
- Including children with disabilities in the playground, Small-Scale Research in Primary Schools: A Reader for Learning and Professional Development (pp. 120-124).
- Parody, Homage and Dramatic Performances, Children, Media and Playground Cultures (pp. 196-211). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Parody, Homage and Dramatic Performances, Children, Media and Playground Cultures Palgrave Macmillan
- Professional activities and memberships
Media and blogs
2021 ‘Coronavirus Tag: Variants of a Virus Game’, https://play-observatory.com/blog/coronavirus-tag
2020 The Green Lady in the Toilets (BBC Radio 4) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000mj1m
2018 A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea (BBC Radio 4) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00017sj
I am on the editorial board of the International Journal of Play and am an experienced editor, proofreader, and transcriber of recorded music into music notation.