Tianyi Wang
School of Education
Lecturer in Education

0114 222 8142
Full contact details
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Research interests
Tianyi has her background in Second Language Education. Her main research interest resides in language learning motivation and multilingualism. Her PhD project employed a longitudinal design to conceptualise the dynamics and complexity of language learners’ motivation towards languages other than English from a self perspective. She also conducted a motivational intervention and adopted a quasi-experimental design to examine the role of vision enhancement approaches in constructing language learners’ aspirations for being multilingual.
After her PhD study, Tianyi has expanded her research expertise and developed interest in the internationalisation of teacher education. She has contributed to two cross-national teacher professional development projects (TDP) in China and Kazakhstan. She investigated the effect of experiential learning on enacting teacher agency in the development of transcultural pedagogies during the localisation of international pedagogical innovations. She has also paid attention to how English teachers exerted agency in the intercultural aspect of language teaching.
In disseminating her work, Tianyi has presented widely nationally and internationally. Her research has also been published on both academic and professional journals.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Experiencing and experimenting: An exploration of teacher agency in an international collaborative teacher professional development programme using experiential learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 104, 103389-103389.
- Dynamic L3 selves: a longitudinal study of five university L3 learners’ motivational trajectories in China. The Language Learning Journal, 48(2), 201-212.
- Promoting learner-centred education amid the culture of test-based accountability: insights from a cross-cultural teacher education programme. Comparative Education, 1-20.
- Reflection and reflexivity in influencing the developmental trajectories of ideal multilingual selves: a longitudinal qualitative inquiry. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-16.
- The multiplicity and dynamics of the interpreter’s roles in mediating cultural differences: a qualitative inquiry based on an international collaborative teacher professional development programme. Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-15.
- Using a dynamic Motivational Self System to investigate Chinese undergraduate learners’ motivation towards the learning of a LOTE: the role of the multilingual self. International Journal of Multilingualism, 1-23.
- An exploratory motivational intervention on the construction of Chinese undergraduates’ ideal LOTE and multilingual selves: The role of near peer role modeling. Language Teaching Research, 136216882094009-136216882094009.
- Experiencing and experimenting: An exploration of teacher agency in an international collaborative teacher professional development programme using experiential learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 104, 103389-103389.
- Teaching activities
Tianyi teaches BA Education, Culture and Childhood and MA Language and Education.
- Professional activities and memberships
Reviewer: System; Frontiers in Education; Frontiers in Psychology; Language Teaching Research