Dr Katherine Easton

BSc (Hons) Psych, MRes Psych, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS

School of Education

Lecturer in Psychology

MA Programme Lead Critical Psychology and Education

MSc Psychology and Education Lead Social Psychology Module

Director of the MA in Psychology and Education and module coordinator for developmental psychology

EDU - Kat Easton
Profile picture of EDU - Kat Easton
+44 114 222 8176

Full contact details

Dr Katherine Easton
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

Dr Easton is an applied social psychologist researching the use of technology for mental health, in particular self-management and recovery for complex comorbidities. Areas of expertise include peer support, conversational agents, artificial intelligence, student mental health, recovery approaches, co-design research methods and evaluation.

Research interests

Her research interests lie in addressing health inequalities for vulnerable groups, particularly those with mental health needs, the elderly and individuals with long-term conditions, with a focus on the psychosocial barriers and benefits of innovative digital technologies. She specialises in facilitating and develop collaborations with industrial partners and research into the co-design, user testing, realistically evaluation and implementation of technology-supported health and social care services. Katherine collaborates widely across the University and with charity and NHS organisations nationally.

Examples of current and recent research projects

Internet of things for supported goal setting and recovery in mental health

Co-designing and testing the acceptability of a virtual agent to support self-management for
individuals living with physical and mental comorbidities. 

Exploring adverse events and benefits of using online peer support to improve mental health in
collaboration with National Mind.

National research priority setting for digital technologies and mental health Identifying research
priorities for digital technology in mental health care: results of the James Lind Alliance Priority
Setting Partnership.


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

  • Easton K, Burton T, Ariss S, Bradburn M & Hawley M (2017) Smart Clothing for Falls Protection and Detection: User-Centred Co-Design and Feasibility Study. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 242 (pp 152-159) View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • McMillan B, Easton K, Delaney B, Madhurvata P, Abdelgalil R & Mitchell C (2017) Women’s views on the potential role of mobile technology in a primary care intervention aimed at reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes amongst women recently diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.. Society for Academic Primary Care National Conference Programme, 12 July 2017 - 14 July 2017. RIS download Bibtex download
  • McMillan B, Easton K, Delaney B & Mitchell C (2016) Fitness bands and Facebook TM : can we reduce incident diabetes in high risk postnatal women?. RCGP Conference Book, 5 October 2016 - 7 October 2016. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Easton KA, Lovell K, Coventry P & Deaton C (2013) Emotional symptoms determine patient reported health related quality of life to the same extent as physical symptoms in patients with a diagnosis of heart failure.. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol. 13(1) (pp p203-p203), 2013. View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Easton KA & Mawson S (2013) RICHARD Project: Regional ICT based Clusters for Healthcare Applications and R&D Integration.. International Journal of Integrated care, Vol. 13(3rd International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare), 1 July 2013 - 3 July 2013. View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download



Teaching interests

Katherine is the Director of the MA in Psychology and Education (EDUT181) and Module Leader for ‘Social Psychology and Practice’ and ‘Difference, disability and diversity in psychology and education’ on the MSc in Psychology and Education as well as Module Coordinator for developmental psychology EDU 6349.

She has supervised numerous masters dissertations.

Areas of teaching expertise include:

  • Social Psychology
  • Critical psychology
  • Behaviour change
  • Personality theories
  • Developmental psychology
  • Quantitative and qualitative research design & methods
  • Literature searching
  • Systematic review methods
  • Ethics and governance
  • Technology in healthcare
  • Health Psychology

She enjoys group work, blended learning and distance learning and also delivers educational sessions to lay groups, service-users and patients/public.

Professional activities and memberships

Chartered member of the British Psychological Society

  • Founder of the Mental Health and Technology research network at the University of Sheffield
  • Honorary Researcher at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • President of the British Lung Foundation Sheffield breathe easy support group
  • Reviewer for the British Journal of Psychiatry, British Journal of Medicine, Quality of life and
  • Health outcomes.