Emeritus Professor Greg Brooks
BA (Hons), PGCE, Certificate in the Advanced Study of Education, MEd, PhD
School of Education
Emeritus Professor of Education
Professor of Education

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School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Greg Brooks joined the School of Education on 1 January 2001 and held a personal Chair from the 1 October 2002. He retired on 31 December 2007, having given his Professorial Lecture on 1 October 2007, and has been Emeritus since 1 January 2008.
One of the 10 members of the European Union High Level of Experts on Literacy, 2010-12.
In 2021-23 Greg was the academic consultant to an Erasmus+ project led by IDEUM-education in Vienna on an innovative approach to the teaching of spelling.
At four separate periods between 1963 and 1980, he taught for varying lengths of time at secondary and higher education levels in France, Kenya, Essex and Northern Ireland amounting to 10 school / academic years in total. His PhD at the University of Leeds was on the question of phonological coding in silent reading.
For the 20 calendar years 1981-2000, he worked at the National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales (NFER) at its headquarters in Slough.
- Research interests
In 2003 Greg reviewed the phonics element of the National Literacy Strategy for the DfES, and in 2005 he and colleagues at the University of York conducted an in-depth review of the research evidence on the benefits of using phonics. In 2005-06 he was a member of the Advisory Group to the Rose review of the teaching of reading, and in 2007 provided tables of phoneme-grapheme and grapheme-phoneme correspondences for the DfES phonics pack entitled Letters and Sounds. Though a strong advocate of systematic synthetic phonics teaching, he is vociferously opposed to the year 1 and year 2 phonics tests introduced for all state funded primary schools in England in 2012.
In 2007-08 he chaired a DfES/DCSF panel quality-assuring publishers' claims about their phonics schemes.
His Dictionary of the British English Spelling System (2015) is intended to provide teachers and materials devisers with comprehensive, accurate information on the complex web of correspondences between phonemes and graphemes, and the ELINET analytic glossary of the initial teaching and learning of literacy, co-authored with Maxine Burton (2016), includes detailed analyses of the task facing initial literacy learners, and of synthetic phonics.
In 2017 he contributed a chapter on the evidence on phonics to Margaret Clark’s book Reading the Evidence: Synthetic Phonics and Literacy Learning, and in 2018 was a co-author on both a tertiary review of systematic reviews of phonics (Torgerson et al., 2019), and an article outlining some faults in published phonics schemes (Beard et al., 2019).
In 2021 with Roger Bear and Jaz-Ampaw Farr he published a critique of the error and confusions in many commercially published phonics schemes.
In 2022 his article title “Current Debates over the Teaching of Phonics” appeared in the Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Education, and he has since defended his analysis from various critics.
What works for children and young people who have literacy difficulties
In 2008-09 Greg was a member of the expert advisory group on dyslexia attached to the Rose review of the primary curriculum in England. In 2016 he published the fifth edition of What Works for Children and Young People with Literacy Difficulties? (previous editions appeared in 1998, 2002, 2007 and 2013). A sixth edition appeared in 2020 edited by Gary Lavan and Joel Talcott.
Family literacy and numeracy
Between 1994 and 2005, Greg directed seven evaluations of family literacy and numeracy initiatives for the Basic Skills Agency. The most influential of these was G Brooks et al Family Literacy Works: The NFER Evaluation of the Basic Skills Agency’s Family Literacy Demonstration Programmes (1996).
These reports all focused on the benefits to both parents and children, and to parents´ ability to help their children´s development.
In 2007-09 he was a consultant to a national evaluation of family literacy programmes in England, and in 2008, with Kate Pahl and colleagues, he produced an international meta-study of family literacy and numeracy initiatives. In 2009-10 he was a consultant to the EC-funded project Family literacy in Europe: using parental support initiatives to enhance early literacy development (EAC/16/2009).
Adult literacy and numeracy
In 2002 Greg was a founder member of the National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy and was Research Director of its Sheffield arm until the consortium was dissolved in 2008, and remained associated with it until NRDC itself was wound up at the end of 2015. He directed 15 research projects for NRDC, which included reviewing various aspects of the field, especially previous research and the available assessment instruments, and investigating how much progress adult learners make and what enables them to make better progress, particularly in reading. In 2009-10 with Maxine Burton he contributed a glossary of terms relevant to the adult learning sector in all 28 official languages of the European Union and its candidate and associate states to the EC-funded project Study on European Terminology in Adult Learning for a common language and common understanding and monitoring of the sector (EAC 11/2008). In 2016-17 he and Jamal Lahmar were commissioned by the Government Office for Science within the Department for Business, Enterprise and Industrial Strategy to analyse the survey evidence on levels of adult literacy and numeracy in England (1981-2012), plus international comparisons. In 2018 he was a member of a UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning workgroup which made proposals for international surveys of adult literacy levels.
Trends in educational attainment over time
Greg's interest in this area dates back to 1981, when he joined the (then) Department of Education and Science (DES) Assessment of Performance Unit Language Monitoring Project at NFER and spent nine years mounting national surveys of the speaking and listening attainment of 11- and 15-year-olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. He has published several analyses of data on trends in educational attainment, the two latest being his and Sammy Rashid’s NRDC report on the literacy and numeracy levels of 13- to 19-year-olds over time (2010) and the analysis for Government Office for Science mentioned above.
History Of Reading
In 1984 and 1993 Greg was a contributor to and joint editor to two collections of papers on this topic from UKRA conferences. In 2020 he published an article on oral and silent reading in Shakespeare’s plays, suggesting that the evidence shows that practice between those two modes was in transition at that time. In 2023 with Anne Kispal, he published an introduction to a cover-to-cover translation of a 1921 Hungarian thesis. This was the source of the widespread idea that in the deep past people habitually read aloud whether in company or alone. Greg’s analysis shows that this was an over-interpretation of the evidence and that both oral and silent reading were practiced and familiar even in ancient Athens.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Visiting Professor, University of Malta, 2002-05 & 2011-
- Visiting Professor, Mid-Sweden University, 2012
- President of the UK Literacy Association (then called the UK Reading Association), 1999-2000, and an Honorary Life Member of the Association since 2003
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Research in Reading, 1981-2003 (Editor, 1984-86 & 1994-95)
- Elected to Reading Hall of Fame, 2011
- Associated with the International Development in Europe Committee of the International Reading Association since 1991 (chairperson, 1998-2002)
- Associated with the Federation of European Literacy Associations (FELA) since its founding in 2008 (Chairperson, 2013-16; Treasurer, 2016-2020 )
- One of the 10 members of the European Union High Level of Experts on Literacy, 2010-12, and contributor to its final report.
- Publications
Lavan, G. and Talcott, J. B. (eds) (2020). Brooks’s What Works for Literacy Difficulties? 6th edition. Frensham: The Dyslexia-SpLD Trust and Wolverhampton: The School Psychology Service. https://www.theschoolpsychologyservice.com/what-works/
Brooks, G. (2016).What Works for Children and Young People with Literacy Difficulties? The Effectiveness of Intervention Schemes.5th edition. Frensham: Dyslexia-SpLD Trust.
Brooks, G. and Burton, M. (2016).ELINET analytic glossary of the initial teaching and learning of literacy. Cologne: ELINET. Revised edition, 2017.
http://www.eli-net.eu/fileadmin/ELINET/Redaktion/user_upload/Elinet_analytic_glossary.pdfBrooks, G. (2015).Dictionary of the British English Spelling System.Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. Revised edition, 2017.
Brooks, G. (2013).What Works for Children and Young People with Literacy Difficulties?The Effectiveness of Intervention Schemes. 4th edition. Bracknell: Dyslexia-SpLD Trust. http://www.interventionsforliteracy.org.uk/widgets_GregBrooks/What_works_for_children_fourth_ed.pdf
Brooks, G. (2009).Beth sy’n gweithio gyda disgyblion yng Nghymru sydd â phroblemau llythrennedd? Effeithiolrwydd cynlluniau ymyrraeth./What Works for Pupils in Wales with Literacy Difficulties? The effectiveness of intervention schemes.Leicester: NIACE. Welsh text online at http://new.wales.gov.uk/topics/educationandskills/publications/guidance/whatworksforpupils/?skip=1&lang=cy
and English at http://new.wales.gov.uk/topics/educationandskills/publications/guidance/whatworksforpupils/?skip=1&lang=enBrooks, G. (2007).What Works for Pupils with Literacy Difficulties? The Effectiveness of Intervention Schemes.3rd edition. London: DCSF.
Gorman, T.P. and Brooks, G. (1996).Assessing Young Children´s Writing: a step by step guide.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Brooks, G., Latham, J. and Rex, A. (1990).Practising Oral Skills: speaking and listening at key stage 3.Oxford: Heinemann Educational.
Brooks, G., Latham, J. and Rex, A. (1986).Developing Oral Skills: a resource pack for the teaching of oral communication.London: Heinemann Educational.
Edited books
Fisher, R., Brooks, G. and Lewis, M. (eds) (2002).Raising Standards in Literacy.London: Routledge/Falmer.
Raban-Bisby, B., Brooks, G. and Wolfendale, S. (eds) (1995).English in a National Curriculum(Proceedings of the 1994 UK Reading Association conference) Warwick: Trentham Books for UKRA.
Brooks, G., Pugh, A.K. and Hall, N. (eds) (1993).Further Studies in the History of Reading.Widnes: UK Reading Association.
Vincent, D., Pugh, A.K. and Brooks, G. (eds) (1986).Assessing Reading.London: Macmillan.
Brooks, G. and Pugh, A.K. (eds) (1984).Studies in the History of Reading.Reading: Centre for the Teaching of Reading, University of Reading, and UK Reading Association.
Refereed articles
BROOKS, G. and Kispal, A. (2023). Introduction to, and Kispal, A and BROOKS, G. (2023). Cover-to-cover translation of, Balogh, J. (1921). ‘«Voces paginarum» Adalékok a hangos olvasás és irás kérdéséhez.’ (‘ “The Voices of the Pages” Contributions to the question of oral reading and writing.’) Doctoral thesis published by Franklin & Co., Budapest. Histoire Épistémologie Langage, 45, 2, 139-207.
BROOKS, G (2023) ‘Disputing recent attempts to reject the evidence in favour of systematic phonics instruction’. In Review Of Education Volume11, Issue2 August 2023
Kambouri, M., Simon, H. and BROOKS, G. (2023). 'Using speech-to-text technology to empower young writers with special educational needs: a feasibility and pilot study.’ Research in Developmental Disabilities, 135, item no.104466.
BROOKS, G. (2022, July 18). “Current debates over the teaching of phonics.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cochrane, G. and BROOKS, G. (2022). ‘Where should phonics teaching start? ‘satpin’ and its origins, rivals and implications.’ British Educational Research Journal, 48, 6, 1198-1215.
https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3822 (online, 12/7/22)
PowerPoint uploaded to 22nd European Conference on Literacy, Dublin, website, 6 August 2022: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JV-Titz0LmpuKUQIaQWE-J1KlQ6AP-lC
BROOKS, G. (2021). ‘Joseph Neef (1770-1854): a forgotten pioneer of applying phonetics and regularised phonic materials to the initial teaching of literacy in English.’ Language & History, 64, 1, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/17597536.2020.1864983
Republished in R. Beard (ed.) (2023). Reading: Multiple Perspectives. Abingdon & New York: Routledge, pp.10-28.
BROOKS, G., Beard, R. and Ampaw-Farr, J. (2021). “‘English Has 100+ Phonemes’: Some Errors and Confusions in Contemporary Commercial Phonics Programmes,” Research Papers in Education, 36, 1, 96-126.
BROOKS, G. (2020). ‘“What Do You Read, My Lord?” Oral and Silent Reading in Shakespeare’s Plays.’ Changing English, 27, 1, 5-14. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1358684X.2019.1658519
Beard, R., BROOKS, G. and Ampaw-Farr, J. (2019). ‘How linguistically-informed are phonics programmes?’ Literacy (journal of UK Literacy Association), 53, 2, 86-94.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/lit.12147
Torgerson, C., Brooks, G., Gascoine, L. and Higgins, S. (2018). ‘Phonics: Reading policy and the evidence of effectiveness from a systematic ‘tertiary’ review.’Research Papers in Education,
Beard, R., Brooks, G. and Ampaw-Farr, J. (2018). ‘How linguistically-informed are phonics programmes?’ Literacy (journal of UK Literacy Association)
Brooks, G. (2017). ‘What works for children with literacy difficulties?’Every Child Journal, 5.6, 68-73.
Bark, C. and Brooks, G. (2016). ‘How can children with mild literacy difficulties be supported at the transition to secondary school? A small-scale quasi-experimental study.’British Journal of Special Education, 43(4), 373–393.
Brooks, G. (2016). ‘How consistent is English spelling? Notes from a thorough analysis.’QUEST (Journal of the Queen’s English Society), no.123 (Summer), 34-36.
Betteny, M. and Brooks, G. (2015). ‘Can reading skills which are developed through the reading of music be transferred to benefit the early decoding of text?’International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Comparative Studies, 2, 1, 57-72.
Brooks, G. (2015). ‘Open Dialogue Peer Review: A response to Elliott.’The Psychology of Education Review, 39, 1, 17-19.
Burton, M. and Brooks, G. (2014/15). ‘Unintended consequences of incentives, penalties and compulsion.’RaPAL Journal, 84-85, 19-24.
Swain, J., Brooks, G. and Bosley, S. (2014). ‘The benefits of family literacy provision for parents in England.’Journal of Early Childhood Research, 12, 1, 77-91.
Chapters in books
BROOKS, G. (2018). ‘Chapter 3: What works for young English-speaking children with literacy difficulties?’ In Etim, J.S. (ed.) Teaching Strategies: Perspectives, Challenges and Outcomes. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, pp.49-63.
BROOKS, G. (2018). ‘What works for children and young people with literacy difficulties?’ In McLean, B. (ed.) Learning Difference Convention Handbook. Erina, NSW, Australia: Learning Difference Convention, 16-21.
BROOKS, G. (2017). ‘Chapter 8: Weighing the evidence on phonics.’ In Clark, M.M. (ed.) Reading the Evidence: Synthetic Phonics and Literacy Learning. Birmingham: Glendale Education, 75-80.
Brooks, G. (2018). ‘Chapter 3: What works for young English-speaking children with literacy difficulties?’ In Etim, J.S. (ed.)Teaching Strategies: Perspectives, Challenges and Outcomes.Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, pp.49-63.
Brooks, G. (2018). ‘What works for children and young people with literacy difficulties?’ In McLean, B. (ed.)Learning Difference Convention Handbook.Erina, NSW, Australia: Learning Difference Convention, pp.16-21.
Brooks, G. (2017). ‘Chapter 8: Weighing the evidence on phonics.’ In Clark, M.M. (ed.)Reading the Evidence: Synthetic Phonics and Literacy Learning.Birmingham: Glendale Education, pp.75-80.
Brooks, G. (2016). ‘Children and Young People with Literacy Difficulties.’ In van Daal, V. and Tomalin, P. (eds)The Dyslexia Handbook 2016. Bracknell: British Dyslexia Association, pp.211-217.
Brooks, G. and Hannon, P. (2013). ‘Research issues in family literacy.’ In Larson, J. and Marsh, J. (eds.)The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy, 2nd edition.London: SAGE, pp.194-206.
Brooks, G., Hannon, P. and Bird, V. (2012). ‘Family literacy in England.’ In Wasik, B. and Van Horn, B. (eds)Handbook of Family Literacy, 2nd edition.New York and London: Routledge, pp.325-338.
Brooks, G., Hannon, P. and Bird, V. (2013). ‘Family literacy in England.’ In Wasik, B. and Van Horn, B. (eds)Handbook of Family Literacy, 2nd edition.New York and London: Routledge, pp.325-338.
Brooks, G. and Hannon, P. (2013). ‘Research issues in family literacy.’ In Larson, J., and Marsh, J. (eds.)Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy Research, 2nd edition.London: SAGE, pp.194-206.
Brooks, G. (2012). ‘Creating www.interventionsforliteracy.org.uk.’ In Bearne, E. (ed.)Empowerment Through Literacy: Literacy shaping Lives(Proceedings of the 2011 UK Literacy Association conference), pp.53-57.
Brooks, G. (2011). ‘Chapter 9: Adult literacy (Age 18 and beyond).’ In Kamil, M.L., Pearson, P.D., Moje, E.B. and Afflerbach, P.P. (eds)Handbook of Reading Research,vol.IV. London and New York: Routledge, pp.177-196.
Evangelou, M., Brooks, G. and Smith, S (2011) ‘The Birth to School Study: evidence on the effectiveness of PEEP, an early intervention for children at risk of educational under-achievement.’ In Pahl, K. and Jennifer Rowsell, J. (eds)Early Childhood Literacy.London: Sage, pp.85-110.
Brooks, G. (2011). ‘Using the International Phonetic Alphabet to support accurate phonics teaching.’ In Ellis, S. and McCartney, E. (eds)Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.216-228.
Brooks, G. (2010). ‘Chapter 9: Adult literacy (Age 18 and beyond).’ In Kamil, M.L., Pearson, P.D., Moje, E.B. and Afflerbach, P.P. (eds)Handbook of Reading Research, vol.IV.London and New York: Routledge, pp.177-196.
Brooks, G. (2009). ‘Country report: United Kingdom.’ In Limage, L. and Jeantheau, J.-P. (compilers)Basic skills competence evaluation policies in several European countries. Study commissioned by the Délégation Générale à la langue française et aux langues de France of the Ministère de Culture from the Agence nationale de lutte contre l’illettrisme, France.Lyon: Agence nationale de lutte contre l’illettrisme, pp.26-46.
Brooks, G. (2009). ‘Rapport des pays et agences: Le Royaume Uni.’ In Limage, L. and Jeantheau, J.-P. (rédacteurs)Étude comparative des politiques d’évaluation des compétences de base des adultes dans plusieurs pays européens. Étude réalisée par l’Agence nationale de lutte contre l’illettrisme sur la commande de la Délégation Générale à la langue française et aux langues de France.Lyon: Agence nationale de lutte contre l’illettrisme, pp.24-44.
Vorhaus, J., Howard, U., Brooks, G., Bathmaker, A-M., and Appleby, Y. (2009). ‘The impact of the “Skills for Life” infrastructure on learners: a summary of methods and findings.’ In Reder, S. and Bynner, J. (eds)Tracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills: findings from longitudinal research.New York and Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, pp.200-221.
Brooks, G. (2008). ‘Family literacy in the United Kingdom.’ In Elfert, M. (ed.) Family Literacy: a global approach to lifelong learning.Effective practices in family literacy and intergenerational learning around the world.Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, pp.54-55.
Brooks, G. (anonymously) (2007). Basis of tables of phoneme-grapheme and grapheme-phoneme correspondences included in DfES. Primary National Strategy (2007).Letters and Sounds. Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics. Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers. Appendix 2.London: DfES, pp.23-27.
Hannon, P., Brooks, G. and Bird, V. (2007). `Family literacy in England.´ In Elfert, M. and Rabkin, G. (eds) Gemeinsam in der Sprache baden:Family Literacy. Internationale Konzepte zur familienorientierten Schriftsprachförderung.Hamburg, Germany: Ernst Klett Sprachen for UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, pp.10-31. (In German; English text available at http://www.balid.org.uk/pdfs/Family_Literacy_in_England.doc)
Brooks, G. (2006). ‘Skills for Life provision: defining terms.’ Appendix 3 in Bathmaker, A-M. and Pilling, M. (2013).The impact of Skills for Life on adult literacy, language and numeracy learners: Full report on the analysis of existing quantitative data.London: NRDC, pp.99-104.
Brooks, G. (2006). `Literacy rates.´ In Fitzpatrick, T., Manning, N., Midgely, J., Kwon, H. and Pascall, G. (eds)International Encyclopedia of Social Policy.London: Routledge, pp.792-797.
Brooks, G. (2002). `Trying to count the evidence.´ In Fisher, R., Brooks, G. and Lewis, M. (eds)Raising Standards in Literacy.London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp.136-150.
Brooks, G. (2002) `Phonemic awareness is a key factor in learning to be literate: how best should it be taught?´ In Cook, M. (ed.)Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Phonics.Royston, Herts: UK Reading Association, pp.61-83.
Brooks, G. (2001). ‘Appendix 1. Progress in adult literacy: putting the record straight. A reply to the NIACE commentary on the NFER research reportProgress in Adult Literacy.’ In NATFHE (Comp.)25 Years of Basic Skills Work: Failed Opportunities, New Start?Report of joint NATFHE/NIACE Conference, 9 May 2001, pp.14-16.
Brooks, G. (2000). `Analysis of the reading literacy study carried out by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.´ In Lawlor, S. (ed.)Comparing Standards: the report of the Politeia Education Commission.London: Politeia, pp.29-40.
Brooks, G. (2000). `Chapter 6 – Pupils with mild and moderate learning difficulties and with specific learning difficulties.´ In Fletcher-Campbell, F. (ed.)Literacy and Special Educational Needs: a review of the literature.London: DfEE Research Report no.227, pp.65-75.
Brooks, G. (1998). `New emphasis on old principles: the need for clarity of purpose and of assessment method in national testing and for national monitoring.´ In Harrison, C. and Salinger, T. (eds)Assessing Reading 1: theory and practice.London and New York: Routledge, pp.110-121.
Brooks, G. and Hutchison, D. (1998). `NFER report on the family numeracy evaluation.´ Appendix 1 in Basic Skills AgencyFamily Numeracy Adds Up.London: Basic Skills Agency, pp.72-94.
Brooks, G. (1997) `Appendix B: Spelling error diagnostic analysis.´ In Elliott, C.D., Smith, P. and McCulloch, K.British Ability Scales Second Edition (BAS II) Administration and Scoring Manual.Windsor: NFER-Nelson, pp.503-522.
Brooks, G. (1997). ‘The case for national monitoring.’ In McClelland, N. (ed.)Building a Literate Nation: The Strategic Agenda for Literacy over the Next Five Years.London: National Literacy Trust, pp.13-16.
Brooks, G. (1993). `The assessment of oral language.´ In Wray, D. and Medwell, J. (eds)Teaching Primary English: the state of the art.London and New York: Routledge, pp.37-47.
Brooks, G. (1993). `Psychological influences on Bloomfield´s "linguistic" method.´ In Brooks, G., Pugh, A.K. and Hall, N. (eds)Further Studies in the History of Reading.Widnes: UK Reading Association, pp.67-81.
Brooks, G. (1992). `Oracy development from 5 to 11.´ In Norman, K. (ed.)Talking Voices: the reader of the National Oracy Project.London: Hodder and Stoughton for the National Curriculum Council, pp.34-42.
Brooks, G. (1991). `Oracy testing.´ In Husén, T. and Postlethwaite, T. N. (eds)International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplementary Volume Two.Oxford: Pergamon, pp.459-464.
Brooks, G. (1989). ‘Section 1: Consultation.’ In National Curriculum CouncilNational Curriculum Council Consultation Report: English.York: National Curriculum Council, pp.7-9.
Gott, R., Welford, G. and Brooks, G. (1986). ‘Language and science in practical work.’ Appendix 1 in Welford, G., Bell, J., Davey, A., Gamble, R. and Gott, R.Science in Schools: Age 15 Research Report No.4.London: DES, pp.158-188.
Gorman, T.P. and Brooks, G. (1986). `Assessing oracy.´ In Portal, M. (ed.)Innovations in Language Testing.Windsor: NFER-Nelson, pp.106-140.
Brooks, G. (1985). ‘The student traveller.’ In Shales, M. (ed.)The Traveller’s Handbook.London: Heinemann for WEXAS International, pp.249-252.
Hanna, N., Brooks, G. and Ray, P. (1985). ‘The budget traveller.’ In Shales, M. (ed.)The Traveller’s Handbook.London: Heinemann for WEXAS International, pp.222-225.
Brooks, G. (1984). `Nineteenth- and twentieth-century models of L2-reading.´ In Pugh, A.K. and Ulijn, J.M. (eds)Reading for Professional Purposes: studies in native and foreign languages.London: Heinemann Educational, pp.27-34.
Brooks, G. (1984). `The teaching of silent reading to beginners.´ In Brooks, G. and Pugh, A.K. (eds)Studies in the History of Reading.Reading: Centre for the Teaching of Reading, University of Reading, and UK Reading Association, pp.85-96.
Brooks, G. (1982). ‘The student traveller.’ In Cranfield, I. (ed.)The Traveller’s Handbook.London: Heinemann for WEXAS International, pp.8-13.
Research reports
Moss, G., BROOKS, G., Brown, J., Burton, M., Collins, C., Convery, A., Duncan, S., Millar, T., Read, B. and Schwab, I. (2019). Post-16 Phonics Approaches: A Toolkit. London: Education and Training Foundation. https://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/content/etf3030
BROOKS, G. and Lahmar, J. (2017). Life course and cohort factors in adult basic skills levels. London: Government Office for Science. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/skills-and-lifelong-learning-adult-basic-skills-levels
Repeatedly cited in: Foresight. Government Office for Science (2017). Future of Skills & Lifelong Learning. London: Government Office for Science. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/future-of-skills-and-lifelong-learning
Grotlüschen, A., Kanjee, A., Brooks, G. and Murray, S. (2018).Monitoring adult literacy for indicator 4.6.1: Literacy Core Group tentative recommendations for the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML5).Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
Higgins, P. and Brooks, G. (2018).Nessy Main Study Final Report.Bristol: Unpublished report to Nessy Learning Ltd.
Brooks, G. and Lahmar, J. (2017).A statistical analysis of lifecourse and cohort factors in adult basic skills levels in England, with international comparisons, interpretation and policy implications: a review for the Go-Science/Foresight team at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.London: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
Valtin, R., Bird, V., Brooks, G., Brozo, B., Clement, C., Ehmig, S., Garbe, C., de Greef, M., Hanemann, U., Hammink, K., Mallows, D., Nascimbeni, F., Sulkunen, S. and Tamburlini, T. (2016). The European Declaration of Literacy as a Human Right. Cologne: ELINET. http://www.eli-net.eu/about-us/literacy-declaration/
In 2017 also uploaded at
http://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/viewpoints/experts/the-european-declaration-of-li.htmBrooks, G., Garbe, C. Mallows, D. and Valtin, R. with Balbinot, V., Lafontaine, D., Tamburlini, G. and Sulkunen, S. (2015). ELINET Country Reports: Frame of Reference. Cologne: European Literacy Policy Network.
Brooks, G., Burton, M., Cole, P. and Szczerbiński, M. (2013). The Study of Effective Practice in the Teaching of Reading to Adult Learners, 2003-06. The full report. London: NRDC.
Brooks, G., Pilling, M. and Rashid, S. (2013).Stepping Stones: progression from non-counting provision to counting provision within Skills for Life. Quantitative strand.London: NRDC.
Brooks, G. and Pilling, M. (2013).The impact of Skills for Life on adult literacy, language and numeracy learners, ii: analysis of new quantitative data.London: NRDC. http://www.nrdc.org.uk/?p=953
Swain, J., Welby, S., Brooks, G., Bosley, S, Frumkin, L., Fairfax-Cholmeley, K., Pérez, A. and Cara, O. (2013).Learning literacy together: the impact and effectiveness of family literacy on parents, children, families and schools. Full report.London: NRDC.
Brooks, G. (2013).Brief review of adult English and maths assessment tools used in BIS Skills Gain/’Distance Travelled’ Pathfinder projects, 2012-13.London: NRDC for BIS.
Brooks, G., Tarling, R. and Adams, M. (2013). TextNow.Evaluation Report 2008-12.London: Unitas.
(contributor to) European Commission (2012).EU High Level Group of Experts on Literacy. Final Report.Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Tsiakalos, G., Valanides, N. and Brooks, G. (2012). ‘Programme Evaluation Report on Proposed MA in Pedagogical Science: Contemporary Learning Environments at Frederick University, Cyprus.’ Report to Evaluation Committee for Private Universities, Nicosia, Cyprus. Nicosia: authors.
Brooks, G., with Dombey, H. and Ellis, S. (2012).How teachers in nine European countries are prepared to teach initial literacy. A brief review prepared for the European Union High-Level Expert Group on Literacy.Walton-on-the-Hill: first author.
Brooks, G. and Burton, M. (2012).Assessing adults’ attainment in basic English and mathematics: an updated review of assessment instruments for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.Cambridge: SQW and London: NRDC.
Torgerson, C.J. and Brooks, G. (2012).Evaluation of Basic Skills Learners: Element 3. A series of randomised controlled trial designs testing efficacy, feasibility and effectiveness in the fields of adult basic English and maths. A report to BIS.Cambridge: SQW and London: NRDC.
Brooks, G. (2012).Tricia Millar’s That Reading Thing literacy intervention for teenagers: An evaluation report to the JJ Charitable Trust.Walton-on-the-Hill: author.
Brooks, G., Tarling, R. and Adams, M. (2012).TextNow. Evaluation Report 2008-11.London: Unitas.
Brooks, G., Tarling, R. and Adams, M. (2012).TextNow. Digest of the Evaluation Report 2008-11.London: Unitas.
Rashid, S.N., Parry, G.W., Thompson, A. and Brooks, G. (2011).Patterns of further and higher education in colleges and universities in England: a statistical summary and technical commentary.Bristol: HEFCE. Available at http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/rdreports/2011/rd04_11/
Aynsley, S., Rickinson, M., Shepherd, J., Owen, J. and Brooks, G. (2011).Evaluation of the Skills for Life at Work Project. Final Report.Brighton: University of Sussex.
Goodall, J., Vorhaus, J., Carpentieri, J., Brooks, G., Akerman, R. and Harris, A. (2011).Review of best practice in parental engagement. Research Report DFE-RR156.London: Department for Education.
Burton, M., Davey, J., Lewis, M., Ritchie, L. and Brooks, G. (2010).Progress for Adult Literacy Learners.London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
Adams, M., Brooks, G., Kings, P. and Creese, B. (2010).Time to Progress within Skills for Life: An analysis for LSIS.London: NRDC.
Carpentieri, J.D., Litster, J. and Brooks, G. (2010).Study on European Terminology in Adult Learning for a common language and common understanding and monitoring of the sector. Final report.Brussels: European Commission.
Brooks, G. and Burton, M. (2010).European Adult Learning Glossary, Level 1. Brussels: European Commission.
Litster, J., Brooks, G. and Burton, M. (2010).European Adult Learning Glossary, Level 2.Brussels: European Commission.
Rashid, S. and Brooks, G. (2010).The levels of attainment in literacy and numeracy of 13- to 19-year-olds in England, 1948-2009.London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
Brooks, G. and Burton, M. (2010).The Spalding Method: an evaluation for the Baytree Centre, Brixton.Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey: authors. Available on the Brixton Baytree Centre website:
Swain, J., Welby, S., Frumkin, L., Cara, O., Pérez, A., Bosley, S., Fairfax-Cholmeley, K. and Brooks, G. (2010).Learning literacy together: the impact and effectiveness of family literacy on parents, children, families and schools. Appendices to the main report - March 2010.London: NRDC.
Swain, J., Welby, S., Brooks, G., Bosley, S, Frumkin, L., Fairfax-Cholmeley, K., Pérez, A. and Cara, O. (2009).Learning literacy together: the impact and effectiveness of family literacy on parents, children, families and schools. Executive summary - October 2009. Coventry: Learning and Skills Improvement Service.
Brooks, G., Adams, M. and Hall, H. (2009).TEXTNOW, 2008.Evaluation Report. London: Unitas.
Hyatt, D. and Brooks, G. (2009). ‘Investigating stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS as an entry requirement for higher education in the UK.’ (Project Report for British Council/Cambridge ESOL/IDP:IELTS Australia - UK1120 (Round 12 2006))IELTS Research Reports,10, ix-x & 17-67. Canberra: IELTS Australia Pty Ltd & Manchester: British Council.
Rhys Warner, J., Vorhaus, J., Appleby, Y., Bathmaker, A-M., Brooks, G., Cole, P., Pilling, M. and Pearce, L. (2008).The Learner Study: the impact of the Skills for Life strategy on adult literacy, language and numeracy learners. Summary report.London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
Bynner, J., Brooks, G., Coben, D., Mellar, H., de Coulon, A., Parsons, S. and Vorhaus, J. (2008).Proposed Skills for Life Survey 2008. Options Paper no.2.London: NRDC.
Brooks, G., Pahl, K., Pollard, A. and Rees, F. (2008).Effective and inclusive practices in family literacy, language and numeracy: a review of programmes and practice in the UK and internationally.Reading: CfBT Education Trust.
and on a CD accompanying Mallows, D. (2008).Effective and inclusive practices in family literacy, language and numeracy. Family literacy, language and numeracy: a practitioner handbook.Reading: CfBT Education Trust.Burton, M., Davey, J., Lewis, M., Ritchie, L. and Brooks, G. (2008).Improving Reading: phonics and fluency. Practitioner guide.London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
Bathmaker, A-M., Brooks, G., Parry, G.W. and Smith, D. (2008).Universal Access and Dual Regimes of Further and Higher Education (ESRC/TLRP project). End of Award Report.Sheffield: University of Sheffield School of Education.
Rashid, S. and Brooks, G. (2008).Universal Access and Dual Regimes of Further and Higher Education (ESRC/TLRP project). Working Paper 3: Statistical Studies.Sheffield: University of Sheffield School of Education.
Bathmaker, A-M., Brooks, G., Parry, G.W. and Smith, D. (2008).Universal Access and Dual Regimes of Further and Higher Education (ESRC/TLRP project). Working Paper 7: Design, Methodology and Methods in the FurtherHigher Project.Sheffield: University of Sheffield School of Education.
Brooks, G., Burton, M., Cole, P. and Szczerbiński, M. (2007).Effective Teaching and Learning: Reading.London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
Hyatt, D. and Brooks, G. (2007). ‘Investigating stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS as an entry requirement for higher education in the UK.’ (Project Report for British Council/Cambridge ESOL/IDP:IELTS Australia - UK1120 (Round 12 2006))IELTS Funded Research Project. Preliminary Report.Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
Torgerson, C.J., Brooks, G. and Hall, J. (2006).A Systematic Review of the Research Literature on the Use of Phonics in the Teaching of Reading and Spelling.London: DfES Research Report 711.
Brooks, G., Heath, K. and Pollard, A. (2005).Assessing adult literacy and numeracy: a review of research instruments.London: NRDC. This review is available here
Evangelou, M., Brooks, G., Smith, S., Jennings, D. and Roberts, F. (2005).The Birth to School Study: a longitudinal evaluation of the Peers Early Education Partnership (PEEP) 1998-2005.(Sure Start Unit Research Report no. SSU/2005/FR/017) London: DfES. Reprinted in Pahl, K. and Jennifer Rowsell, J. (eds) (2012). Early Childhood Literacy. London: Sage, vol. 2, pp.85-110.
Marsh, J., Brooks, G., Hughes, J., Ritchie, L., Roberts, S. and Wright, K. (2005).Digital beginnings: Young children´s use of popular culture, media and new technologies.Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
Heathcote, V. and Brooks, G. (2005). Evaluating Skills for Families in Autumn 2004, especially the role of local Skills for Families consultants. A report to the Basic Skills Agency. London: Basic Skills Agency.
Enters, I. and Brooks, G. (2005).Boosting Reading in Primary Schools.London: Basic Skills Agency. Bilingual Welsh/English version published as:
Enters, I. and Brooks, G. (2005).Hybu Darllen mewn Ysgolion Cynradd/Boosting Reading in Primary Schools.Lundain: Yr Asiantaeth Sgiliau Sylfaenol/London: Basic Skills Agency.
Hines, M. and Brooks, G. (2005).Sheffield Bookstart: an evaluation.Sheffield: Sheffield City Council Library Service.
Sylva, K., Evangelou, M., Taylor, R., Rothwell, A. and Brooks, G. (2004). Enabling Parents: the role of PEEP in supporting parents as adult learners. Oxford: Oxford University Department of Educational Studies.
Brooks, G., Cook, M., Hadden, S., Hirst, K., Jones, S., Lever-Chain, J., Millman, L., Piech, B., Powell, S., Rees, F., Roberts, S. and Smith, D. (2004)Early Promise: The University of Sheffield national evaluation of Early Start for the Basic Skills Agency.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Torgerson, C., Brooks, G., Porthouse, J., Burton, M., Wright, K and Watt, I. (2004).Adult literacy and numeracy interventions and outcomes: a review of controlled trials.London: NRDC.
Rice, M. with Brooks, G. (2004).Developmental dyslexia in adults: a research review.London: NRDC.
Besser, S., Brooks, G., Burton, M., Parisella, M., Spare, Y., Stratford, S. and Wainwright, J. (2004).Adult literacy learners´ difficulties in reading: an exploratory study.London: NRDC.
Green, D., Brooks, G., Heathcote, V., Hines, M., Lewis, M. and Ritchie, L. (2004).A review and exploration of adult literacy and numeracy for students with physical impairments.Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
Howard, U., with Barton, D., Brooks, G., Bynner, J., Coben, D., Goldstein, H., and Wolf. A. (2004).The Skills for Life Survey: a National Needs and Impact Survey of Literacy, Numeracy and ICT Skills.London: NRDC.
Howard, U., with Brooks, G., Bynner, J., Goldstein, H., Barton, D., Hamilton, M. and Wolf. A. (2003).Taking part in international adult literacy and numeracy surveys: the issues.London: NRDC.
Brooks, G., Cole, P., Hines, M., Lewis, M., Ohn, T., Pollock, A., Ritchie, L. and Vincent, C. (2003).Achievement in Adversity: Rotherham Rawmarsh Sure Start in 2002.Sheffield: University of Sheffield School of Education.
Brooks, G., Harman, J. and Harman, M. (2003).Catching Up at Key Stage 3: an evaluation of the Ruth Miskin [RML2] pilot project 2002/2003. A report to the Department for Education and Skills.Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
Brooks, G. (2003).Sound Sense: the phonics element of the National Literacy Strategy. A report to the Department for Education and Skills.Published on DfES website. 20/8/03
Brooks, G. (2002).What Works for Children with Literacy Difficulties? The Effectiveness of Intervention Schemes.London: DfES Research Report no.RR380.
Brooks, G., Cole, P., Davies, P., Davis, B., Frater, G., Harman, J. and Hutchison, D. (2002). Keeping Up with the Children:Evaluation for the Basic Skills Agency by the University of Sheffield and the National Foundation for Educational Research.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Brooks, G. and Hutchison, D. (2002).Family Numeracy Adds On: the follow-up study of the Basic Skills Agency’s pilot programme.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Train, B., Usherwood, B. and Brooks, G. (2002).The Vital Link: an evaluation report.Sheffield: University of Sheffield Department of Information Studies and School of Education.
Brooks, G. and Wolf, A. (2002).Project A2: A position paper on international benchmarking.London: NRDC.
Brooks, G., Giles, K., Harman, J., Kendall, S., Rees, F. and Whittaker, S. (2001). Assembling the Fragments: a review of research on adult basic skills. London: DfEE Report no.220.
Brooks, G., Davies, R., Duckett, L., Hutchison, D., Kendall, S. and Wilkin, A. (2001).Progress in Adult Literacy: do learners learn?London: Basic Skills Agency.
Bailey, M., Harrison, C. and Brooks, G. (2000). Boots Books for Babies Project: Evaluation Report. Nottingham: University of Nottingham School of Education.
Brooks, G. (2000).Review of Models for Maintaining and/or Monitoring Survey-Based Reading Standards over Time: a Report to the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.Slough: NFER.
Mifsud, C., Milton, J., Brooks, G. and Hutchison, D. (2000). Literacy in Malta: the 1999 national survey of the attainment of Year 2 pupils. Slough: NFER for the University of Malta.
Mifsud, C., Milton, J., Hutchison, D. and Brooks, G. (2000).Do Schools Make a Difference?(University of Malta Faculty of Education Literacy Unit Monograph Series No. 2.) Msida: University of Malta.
Brooks, G., Harman, J., Hutchison, D., Kendall, S. and Wilkin, A. (1999).Family Literacy for New Groups: The National Foundation for Educational Research evaluation of the Basic Skills Agency´s programmes for linguistic minorities, Year 4 and Year 7.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Brooks, G., Hutchison, D. and Wilkin, A. (1998).Evaluation of the Family Literacy Alternative Models. Interim Report to the Basic Skills Agency.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Flanagan, N., Henkhuzens, Z. and Hutchison, D. (1998).What Works for Slow Readers? The effectiveness of early intervention schemes.Slough: NFER.
Mifsud, C., Milton, J. and Brooks, G. (1998).The Reading Attainment of Year 2 Pupils in Malta: Interim Report and Consultation Document on the Pilot Study.(University of Malta Faculty of Education Literacy Unit Monograph Series No. 1.) Msida: University of Malta.
Brooks, G., Shay, J., Cross, J. and Smith, G. (1998).The NFER Evaluation of the Peers Early Education Partnership (PEEP): Interim Report to the PEEP Trustees.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G. (1998). ‘Chapter 3: Current practice on cross-curricular themes.’ In Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in EuropeAcross the Great Divides: Report of the CIDREE Collaborative Project on Cross-curricular Themes.Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum, 19-27.
Brooks, G., Gorman, T.P., Harman, J., Hutchison, D., Kinder, K., Moor, H. and Wilkin, A. (1997).Family Literacy Lasts: the NFER follow-up study of the Basic Skills Agency´s Demonstration Programmes.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Brooks, G., Schagen, I. and Nastat, P. (1997).Trends in Reading at Eight.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Cato, V., Fernandes, C., Gorman, T.P., Kispal, A. and Orr, G. (1997).Reading Standards in Northern Ireland in 1996.Slough: NFER for Department of Education in Northern Ireland.
Brooks, G., Gorman, T.P., Harman, J., Hutchison, D. and Wilkin, A. (1996).Family Literacy Works: The NFER evaluation of the Basic Skills Agency´s Family Literacy Demonstration Programmes.London: Basic Skills Agency.
Brooks, G., Cato, V., Fernandes, C. and Tregenza, A. (1996).The Knowsley Reading Project: using trained reading helpers effectively.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Pugh, A.K. and Schagen, I. (1996).Reading Performance at Nine. Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Gorman, T.P., Harman, J., Self, T. and Wilkin, A. (1995).Evaluation of ALBSU Family Literacy through Demonstration Programmes: Interim Report.Slough: NFER.
Ruddock, G., Brooks, G., Harris, D., Salt, S., Putman, K. and Schagen, I. (1995).Evaluation of National Curriculum Assessment in English and Technology at Key Stage 3: 1993. Final Report from the NFER and Brunel University evaluation of Key Stage 3 National Curriculum Assessment in English and Technology 1993.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Fernandes, C., Gorman, T.P. and Wells, I. (1995).Reading Standards in Northern Ireland Revisited.Slough: NFER for Department of Education in Northern Ireland.
Cato, V., Brooks, G. and Fernandes, C. (1994).Evaluation of the Knowsley Reading Project: Interim Report.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Gorman, T.P. and Kendall, L. (1993).Spelling It Out: the spelling abilities of 11- and 15-year-olds.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G. (1993). Section 10: ‘Schools piloting four subjects.’ In Ruddock, G., Tomlins, B., Mason, K., Holding, B., Reiss, M., Keys, W., Foxman, D. and Schagen, I.Evaluation of National Curriculum Assessment in Mathematics and Science at Key Stage 3: The 1992 National Pilot. A Report to SEAC by the NFER/Brunel University.London: SEAC, 223-9.
Brooks, G. (1993). ‘Section 4.1: English tests and tasks.’ In NFER/Brunel UniversityEvaluation of National Curriculum Assessment at Key Stage 3. Interim Report on the 1993 National Assessment of English and Technology. A Report by the NFER/Brunel University.Slough: NFER, 54-100.
Brooks, G. (1992).Evaluation of National Curriculum Assessment at Key Stage 3: Review of 1992 English Tests.Slough: NFER/Brunel University.
Whetton, C., Brooks, G., Clement, B., Kendall, L. and Keys, W. (1992).Examining and Testing Year 6 Pupils: A Survey of Existing Practice. A Report to SEAC.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G. and Kendall, L. (1992).Examining and Testing Year 6 Pupils: A Survey of Existing Local Education Authority Practice. A Report to SEAC.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Foxman, D., Clement, B. and Kendall, L. with Simmonds, K. (1992).Examining and Testing Year 6 Pupils: Trials of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 3 Materials. A Report to SEAC.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Gorman, T.P., Kendall, L. and Tate, A. (1992).What Teachers in Training are Taught about Reading: the working papers.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Gorman, T.P., Kendall, L. and Tate, A. (1991).What Teachers in Training are Taught about Reading: a summary report to the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education.Slough: NFER. Republished in CATE (1992) Training Teachers to Teach Reading: a review. London: CATE, Part B.
Gorman, T.P., White, J., Brooks, G. and English, F. (1991).Language for Learning: a summary report on the 1988 APU surveys of language performance.(Assessment Matters: No. 4) London: School Examinations and Assessment Council.
Brooks, G., Foxman, D., Harman, J., Kendall, L., Sharp, C., Tate, A. and Wootten, M. (1991).Enterprise in Higher Education: National Evaluation of the Second Year. Final Report.Slough: NFER.
Brooks, G., Foxman, D., Harman, J., Kendall, L., Sharp, C., Tate, A. and Wootten, M. (1991).Enterprise in Higher Education (EHE) Initiative: 2nd Year National Evaluation Summary Report.Sheffield: Employment Department.
Brooks, G., Tate, A., Wardman, M., Dickson, P., Rees, F., Kendall, L. and Wootten, M. (1990).Enterprise in Higher Education: National Evaluation of the Second Year. Interim Report.Slough: NFER.
Gorman, T.P., White, J., Brooks, G., Maclure, M. and Kispal, A. (1988).Language Performance in Schools: a review of APU Language Monitoring, 1979-83.London: DES.
Brooks, G. (1987).Speaking and Listening: assessment at age 15. (APU Language Monitoring Project short report for teachers, no 4) Windsor: NFER-Nelson.
Gorman, T.P., White, J. and Brooks, G. (1984).Language Performance in Schools: 1982 secondary survey report.London: DES.
Brooks, G. (1983). The Language Performance in English of 15-year-old pupils in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Office. Supplement to Gorman, T.P., White, J., Orchard, L. and Tate, A.Language Performance in Schools: Secondary Survey Report No.2. London: HMSO.
Brooks, G. (1983). The Language Performance in English of 11-year-old pupils in Wales in 1981. Report submitted to Welsh Office, Cardiff. Supplement to unpublished NFER Language Monitoring Project report to DES Assessment of Performance Unit.
Brooks, G. (1982). The Language Performance in English of 11-year-old pupils in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Office. Supplement to Gorman, T.P., White, J., Orchard, L. and Tate, A.Language Performance in Schools: Primary Survey Report No.2.London: HMSO.
Published conference papers
Brooks, G. (2017). ‘Is there any prospect of an agreed method for calculating effect sizes?’ Presentation to ‘Challenges and potential solutions in the selection of appropriate outcome measures for RCTs’ workshop, University of York, 8 September.
Brooks, G. (2016) ‘What works for literacy difficulties? How the field is re-shaping and expanding.’ Presentation to 3rd Baltic Sea/17th Nordic Literacy Conference, Adult Education Centre, Turku/Åbo, Finland, 15 August.
Brooks, G. (2016) ‘Report-back on the IDEC-FELA symposium: How children are taught the alphabetic code in different orthographies.’ Presentation to 3rd Baltic Sea/17th Nordic Literacy Conference, Adult Education Centre, Turku/Åbo, Finland, 15 August.
Brooks. G. (2015). ‘The work of the High Level Group of Experts on Literacy and its implications for policy and practice.’ First part of ELINET presentation at 19th European Conference on Literacy, Klagenfurt, Austria, 14 July.
Brooks, G. (2014). ‘Principal literacy challenges in Europe, from a British perspective.’ Presentation to Finland’s ELINET partners, Helsinki/Helsingfors, 5 November.
Brooks, G. (2013). ‘National and international adult basic skills surveys in the UK, 1972-2012: formats, results, implications,’ Presentation at Association for Educational Assessment – Europe conference, La Sorbonne, Paris, 7 November.
Brooks, G. (2011). ‘A Tale of IALS’s influence (or not) in the UK.’ Country story for Centre for Literacy (Quebec) Fall Institute 2011 ‘IALS (International Adult Literacy Survey): Its meaning and impact for policy and practice’, Banff, Alberta, October.
(delivered by John Vorhaus in absence of) Broooks, G. (2011). ‘Reading and writing tests: Evidence from a UK Study: ‘Progress in Adult Literacy’, 1998-1999.’ Presentation at Centre for Literacy (Quebec) Fall Institute 2011 ‘IALS (International Adult Literacy Survey): Its meaning and impact for policy and practice’, Banff, Alberta, October.
Brooks, G. (2011). ‘Partnership with parents and the local community: Introduction to Section 5 of Hungarian Presidency of European Union conference on Early Childhood Education and Care, Budapest, 21-22 February.
Brooks, G. (2010). ‘Producing the European adult learning glossary.’ Proceedings of the 2nd Baltic Sea/15th Nordic Conference on Reading, Turku/Åbo, Finland, August.
Brooks, G. (2010). ‘What works for pupils with literacy difficulties?’ Presentation at Catch Up conference on Overcoming disadvantage for struggling learners: Addressing the problem of underachievement that has its roots in literacy and numeracy difficulties, London, 6 December. Available on Catch Up website
Brooks, G. (2010). ‘Beth sy’n gweithio gyda sydd â phroblemau llythrennedd?/ What works for pupils with literacy difficulties?’ Presentation at Catch Up conference on Overcoming disadvantage for struggling learners: Addressing the problem of underachievement that has its roots in literacy and numeracy difficulties, Caerdydd/ Cardiff, 8 December. Available on Catch Up website
Brooks, G. (2008). ‘What works for pupils with literacy difficulties?’ Keynote presentation at FinRA (Finnish Reading Association) 40th anniversary conference, Tampere, Finland, 7 November.
Brooks, G. and Pahl, K. (2008). ‘Effective and inclusive practices in family literacy, language and numeracy.’ Presentation to 6th and final meeting of QualiFLY (Quality in Family Literacy) UNESCO European family literacy project, İstanbul, 23 May 2007, published on UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning website, February 2008
Brooks, G. (2007) ‘Report from England.’ and ‘Research study “Effective and inclusive practices in family literacy, language and numeracy”.’ Report of 6th and Concluding Meeting of the “QualiFLY” Project, İstanbul, 22-25 May 2007. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, pp.2-3.
Evangelou, M., Brooks, G., and Smith, S. (2005). ‘Effects of a birth to school programme: findings from the Peers Early Education Partnership (PEEP).’ Paper presented at British Educational Research Association conference, University of Glamorgan, Trefforest, 14 September.
Brooks, G. (1997). ‘Trends in standards of literacy in the United Kingdom, 1948-1996.’ Paper presented at UK Reading Association conference, University of Manchester, July 1997, and at British Educational Research Association conference, University of York, September 1997.
Brooks, G. (1980). ‘Normal and disturbed language: the “diagram-makers” and their models of language, 1871-1922.’ Paper presented at European Reading Associations’ seminar on Reading in First and Second Language Learning, Institut Pédagogique, Luxembourg, March. ERIC microfiche ED 226 586 (October 1983).
Other publications
BROOKS, G. (2024). Letter under title “Speaking about the importance of oracy.” Guardian Journal, 21 Sept, P7.
BROOKS, G. (2023). Letter to Guardian, published 2 January in Journal, p.5, under heading ‘Listening to books has a long history but so does silent reading’. Online at https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jan/01/listening-to-books-has-a-long-history-but-so-does-silent-reading
BROOKS, G. (2022). Letter to Guardian, published 30 April in Journal, p.6, under heading ‘T’sing out the many dialects of Yorkshire’. Online at https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/apr/29/tsing-out-the-many-dialects-of-yorkshire
BROOKS, G. (2017). ‘Interventions for Literacy.’ News item on the ELINET website about the interventionsforliteracy.org.uk website, April 2017. http://www.eli-net.eu/about-us/news/detail/article/detail/News/interventions-for-literacy/
BROOKS, G. (2017). ‘What works for children with literacy difficulties?’ Every Child Journal, 5.6, 68-73.
BROOKS, G. (2017). Letter about disappearing Germanic comparative and superlative adjective forms. Guardian, 15 February, p.30.
Valtin, R., Bird, V., Brooks, G., Brozo, B., Clement, C., Ehmig, S., Garbe, C., de Greef, M., Hanemann, U., Hammink, K., Mallows, D., Nascimbeni, F., Sulkunen, S. and Tamburlini, T. (2016).The European Declaration of Literacy as a Human Right. Cologne: European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET).
Brooks, G. and Beard, R. (2015). ‘Joyce Morris 1921-2014.’ Guardian, 12 February, p.37.
Brooks, G. (2013). Critique of statistics on offenders’ basic skills. Unpublished memo. Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey: author. Extensively quoted (pp.14-15), with permission, in Creese, B. (2016). ‘An assessment of the English and maths skills levels of prisoners in England.’London Review of Education, 14, 3, 13-30.
Harrison, C. and Brooks, G. (2013).Spellingmeshguide.
Brooks, G. (2013). ‘Hard questions to answer.’ Letter about Y6 SPaG tests, TES, 26 April, pp.6-7.
Brooks, G. (2011). ‘Response: These variations on English spellings won’t work. Alternative constructions for our words would cause confusion. We’ll always need rules, says Greg Brooks.’ Guardian, 4 March, main section, p.37.
Brooks, G. (2010).The government’s proposed decoding test for 6-year-olds.Position paper posted on UK Literacy Association website, 8 December.
Brooks, G. and Cooper. R. (2010). ‘The bother with phonics.’ Reflect (magazine of National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy), no.13 (Summer), 21-23.
Brooks, G. and Rashid, S. (2010). ‘The levels of attainment in literacy and numeracy of 13- to 19-year-olds in England, 1948-2009.’ Literacy Today, no.64 (September), 30-32.
Brooks, G. (2010). Content for Schemes section of Dyslexia-SpLD Trust microsite www.interventionsforliteracy.org.uk launched 2 November.
Brooks, G. (2009). Oral evidence to House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, 4 November. Transcript in House of Commons Science and Technology Committee,Evidence Check 1: Early literacy interventions. Second report of Session 2009-10.London: The Stationery Office Ltd, pp.Ev 13-20.
Brooks, G., Torgerson, C.J. and Hall, J. (2008). ‘The Use of Phonics in the Teaching of Reading and Spelling.’ EBP Briefs, 3, 2, June.
Hutchison, D. and Brooks, G. (2007). ‘Literacy and numeracy of British Army recruits.’Literacy Today, no.50, 26-7. Featured in online Encyclopedia Britannica
Brooks, G. (2003). `The "Reading Standards" debate – fact and prejudice.´ Unit 2 of Module 3, `Literacy in a Wider Context´, of University of Sheffield M.Ed. in Literacy. Sheffield: University of Sheffield School of Education.
Wolfendale, S., Lindsay, G. and Brooks, G. (eds) (1999).Journal of Research in Reading: special issue on Baseline Assessment, 22, 1 (February).
Foxman, D., Gorman, T.P. and Brooks, G. (1992).Standards in Literacy and Numeracy.(NCE Briefing no. 10) London: National Commission on Education. Reprinted in Paul Hamlyn Foundation/National Commission on Education (1993). Briefings. London: Heinemann, 135-50; and in B. Moon and A. Mayes (eds) (1994).Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School. London: Routledge for the Open University, 337-47. Revised version published in TOPIC, issue no. 13 (Spring 1995), item 1.
Brooks, G. (1985). `An investigation into some visual, auditory and articulatory factors in oral and silent reading of children and adults.´ Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Leeds School of Education, February. (British Library Lending Division microfilm no. D57713/85.)