Emeritus Professor Gareth Parry
BA (Hons), CertEd, PhD, FSRHE
School of Education
Emeritus Professor of Education

Full contact details
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Gareth Parry joined the University of Sheffield in 2009 and served as Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education for the next nine years. On retirement in 2017, the title of Emeritus Professor was conferred in recognition of his contributions to the University and the School of Education. In 2018, he received the Wonkhe Award for Lifetime Contribution to Better Higher Education Policy. His continuing involvement with the University and School is as a researcher, mentor, examiner and consultant.
Gareth is a policy scholar in the field of higher education studies. His research is addressed to system change and policy reform in college and university sectors. Following an early career working in further education colleges and open colleges in London, he moved into academic positions at City, Warwick and Surrey Universities and the Institute of Education, University of London.
He has led major research projects funded by the research councils, government departments and national agencies. These have investigated access, participation and equity in tertiary education, cross-national perspectives on college systems, and policy inquiry processes in higher and further education. He was a research consultant to the Dearing inquiry into UK higher education (1996-97) and the Foster review of further education colleges in England (2004-05). He was a founding member of the ESRC Centre for Global Higher Education, a social science research centre dedicated to the study of higher education and its future.
- Research interests
His current research is focused on:
- the formation and transformation of college systems
- higher education in local settings
- further education as an organisational field
- Publications
Journal articles
- The bachelor’s degree in college systems: history, evidence and argument from England. London Review of Education, 20(1).
- College higher education in England 1944–66 and 1997–2010. London Review of Education, 14(1), 86-105. View this article in WRRO
- English higher education and its vocational zones. Research in Comparative and International Education, 10(4), 493-509. View this article in WRRO
- Michael Shattock (2012) Making Policy in British Higher Education 1945-2011. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill and Open University Press. 296 pp. ISBN-13: 978 0 335241866. eISBN: 978 0 335241873; £37.99.. Higher Education Quarterly, 69(2), 214-218.
- Policy analysis research in higher education: negotiating dilemmas. Magis. Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación, 7(14), 69-69. View this article in WRRO
- Robbins and Advanced Further Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 68(2), 187-209. View this article in WRRO
- Colleges and the Governance of Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly(4).
- Higher education in further education colleges: A primer. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 16(4), 118-122.
- From Vocational to Higher Education. An International Perspective - By Gavin Moodie. Higher Education Quarterly, 65(4), 434-436.
- Mobility and hierarchy in the age of near-universal access. Critical Studies in Education, 52(2), 135-149.
- The dirty work of higher education. London Review of Education, 8(3), 217-227.
- Student Demand and Institutional Diversification: The Case of England. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 15(2), 170-170.
- Editorial. Higher Education Quarterly, 63(4), 319-321.
- Higher education, further education and the English experiment. Higher Education Quarterly, 63(4), 322-342.
- Dual-sector further and higher education: policies, organisations and students in transition. RES PAP EDUC, 23(2), 125-137.
- Policy-Participation Trajectories in English Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 60(4), 392-412.
- Higher education: handbook of theory and research, volume XVII. TEACH HIGH EDUC, 10(1), 123-127.
- Editorial. Higher Education Quarterly, 57(4), 305-307.
- Mass Higher Education and the English: Wherein the Colleges?. Higher Education Quarterly, 57(4), 308-337.
- Editorial. Higher Education Quarterly, 56(2), 123-125.
- Lifelong Debt: Rates of Return to Mature Study. Higher Education Quarterly, 55(1), 04-27.
- Editorial. Higher Education Quarterly, 54(2), 103-105.
- Editorial. Higher Education Quarterly, 53(2), 113-115.
- A Legal Examination of Two Cases Involving Employment References. Educational Management & Administration, 27(4), 357-364.
- Education research and policy making in higher education: the case of Dearing. Journal of Education Policy, 14(3), 225-241.
- Patterns of Participation in Higher Education in England: A Statistical Summary and Commentary. Higher Education Quarterly, 51(1), 6-28.
- Editorial. Higher Education Quarterly, 51(2), 111-112.
- Licensed Partnership: State, Region and Institution in the Regulation of Access Education in England 1987?1992. Higher Education, 29(1), 1-18.
- Bullying in Schools: Some Legal Issues. Management in Education, 8(4), 12-13.
- The Alternative Route Revisited, Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (pp. 187-217). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction, Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (pp. 1-19). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction, Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (pp. 1-19).
- Widening Participation in Pursuit of the Learning Society: Kennedy, Dearing and 'The Learning Age', Tackling Disaffection and Social Exclusion (pp. 103-122). Routledge
- Access and Expansion Post-Massification In Jongbloed B & Vossensteyn H (Ed.) Routledge
- Understanding Mass Higher Education Routledge
- Teaching activities
Gareth is an external examiner for Doctoral degrees in the UK and worldwide.
- Further Publications
Recent books and research monographs
- Scott P, Gallacher J and Parry G (Eds) (2017) New Languages and Landscapes of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 273 pp.
- Parry G, Saraswat A and Thompson A (2017) Sub-Bachelor Higher Education in the United Kingdom. Gloucester: QAA, 105 pp.
- Hunt S, Callender C and Parry G (2016) The Entry and Experience of Private Providers of Higher Education in Six Countries. London: Centre for Global Higher Education, UCL Institute of Education, 96 pp.
- Parry G, Callender C, Scott P and Temple P (2012) Understanding Higher Education in Further Education Colleges, BIS Research Paper 69. London: Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, 219 pp.
- Rashid S, Parry G, Thompson A and Brooks G (2011) Patterns of Further and Higher Education in Colleges and Universities in England: A Statistical Summary and Technical Commentary. Bristol: HEFCE, 89 pp.
- David M with Bathmaker A-M, Crozier G, Davis P, Ertl H, Fuller A, Haywood G, Heath S, Hockings C, Parry G, Vignoles A and Williams J (2010) Improving Learning by Widening Participation. Abingdon: Routledge, 258 pp.
Recent journal articles- Parry G (2016) College higher education in England 1944-1966 and 1997-2010, London Review of Education, 14 (1), pp 85-104
- Parry G (2015) English higher education and its vocational zones, Research in Comparative and International Education, 10 (4), pp 493-509.
- Parry G (2014) Robbins and Advanced Further Education, Higher Education Quarterly, 68 (2), pp 187-209.
- Barnett R and Parry G (2014) Policy analysis in higher education: negotiating dilemmas, Magis. Revista Internacional de Investigacion en Education, 7 (14), pp 69-84.
- Parry G (2013) Colleges and the Governance of Higher Education, Higher Education Quarterly, 67 (4), pp 315-339.
- Parry G (2012) Higher education in further education colleges. A primer, Perspectives, 16 (4), pp 118-122.
- Parry G (2011) Mobility and hierarchy in the age of near-universal access, Critical Studies in Education, 52 (2), pp 135-149.
- Parry G (2010) The dirty work of higher education, London Review of Education, 8 (3), pp 217-227.
- Parry G (2009) Further education, higher education and the English experiment, Higher Education Quarterly, 63 (4), pp 322-342.
- Parry G (2009) Student demand and institutional diversification: the case of England, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 15 (2), pp 170-186.