Dr Christine Winter
School of Education
Honorary Research Fellow
Deputy Director White Rose Doctoral Training Programme Education, Childhood and Youth Pathway
+44 114 222 8142
Full contact details
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Research interests
I research the language of curriculum texts (policies, textbooks, lesson plans, classroom resources and students´ work) how it is interpreted and enacted in educational institutions. I investigate and how educational ideas may be rethought, revitalised and enacted in a fair way. I am interested in the nature of knowledge, how it is produced, transformed and promoted through school subjects; the relationships between curriculum policies and curriculum practices and how curriculum influences the identity of students, parents/carers and teachers.
Education and Securitisation
Policies promoting British Values have been introduced recently into English schools. I investigate this curriculum reform in terms of the relationship between education, securitisation and militarisation, how such policies are enacted in practice and their influence on those concerned.
The School Curriculum
I am interested in school Humanities subject knowledge, particularly Geography. The rises and falls in Geography´s status in the curriculum make it an exciting area of research in terms of the kind of knowledge that may or may not be made available to students. I investigate how meaning about Geography arises and the process by which frameworks of meaning become institutionalised. I am interested in developing new ways of knowing, learning and teaching school curriculum subjects, for example, through sculpture and fiction.
Globalisation is highly significant for educationalists at all levels. My main interest lies in the relationship between globalisation and curriculum policy and practice. I pay attention to debates around curriculum policy divergence, convergence and `migration´ related to globalisation. I am interested in how national identity is conceptualised in school texts and policies during contemporary globalised times.
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
- Critiquing ‘powerful knowledge’ in school geography through a decolonial lens. Geography, 109(2), 67-78.
- The geography GCSE curriculum in England: a white curriculum of deceit. Whiteness and Education.
- A moral education? British values, colour-blindness, and preventing terrorism. Critical Social Policy, 42(1), 85-106. View this article in WRRO
- The Psy-Security-Curriculum ensemble: British Values curriculum policy in English schools. Journal of Education Policy, 35(1), 46-67. View this article in WRRO
- Disrupting colonial discourses in the Geography curriculum during the introduction of British Values policy in schools. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 50(4), 456-475. View this article in WRRO
- Curriculum policy reform in an era of technical accountability: ‘fixing’ curriculum, teachers and students in English schools. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 49(1), 55-74. View this article in WRRO
- Curriculum knowledge, justice, relations: The schools white paper (2010) in England. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 48(2), 276-292. View this article in WRRO
- Geography and education III: Update on the development of school geography in England under the Coalition Government. Progress in Human Geography, 37(3), 442-451.
- Creating spaces. Ethics and Education, 7(3), 207-210.
- Enframing geography: Subject, curriculum, knowledge, responsibility. Ethics and Education, 7(3), 277-290.
- Spaces and places for disrupting thinking about inclusive education in Hard Times. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(5-6), 551-565.
- Geography and education II: Policy reform, humanities and the future of school geography in England. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), 254-262.
- School curriculum, globalisation and the constitution of policy problems and solutions. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION POLICY, 27(3), 295-314.
- Curriculum knowledge and justice: Content, competency and concept. Curriculum Journal, 22(3), 337-364.
- Geography and education I: the state of health of Geography in schools. PROG HUM GEOG, 33(5), 667-676.
- Just maps: the geography curriculum in English schools. OXFORD REV EDUC, 33(3), 349-366.
- Knowledge about Education for Sustainable Development: Four case studies of student teachers in English secondary schools. Journal of Education for Teaching, 33(3), 341-358.
- Education for sustainable development and the secondary curriculum in English schools: Rhetoric or reality?. Cambridge Journal of Education, 37(3), 337-354.
- Doing justice to geography in the secondary school: Deconstruction, invention and the National Curriculum. BRIT J EDUC STUD, 54(2), 212-229.
- The state steers by remote control: Standardising teacher education. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 10(2), 153-175.
- Teacher professionalism and the changing discourse of the humanities curriculum. Teacher Development, 1(2), 191-205.
- Autonomy, relevance and the National Curriculum: a contextualized account of teachers’ reactions to an intervention. Research Papers in Education, 11(2), 151-172.
- Challenging the Dominant Paradigm in the Geography National Curriculum: reconstructing place knowledge. Curriculum Studies, 4(3), 367-384.
- 'Best Friends': A case-study of girls' reactions to an intervention designed to foster collaborative group work. Gender and Education, 7(3), 259-282.
- Labelling and learning: An interactionist perspective. Support for Learning, 9(1), 16-21.
- Teaching the Language of Learning: towards a metacognitive approach to pupil empowerment. British Educational Research Journal, 20(4), 429-445.
- Education, Cooperation and the Cultural Practices of Assertive Girls. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 4(2), 173-190.
- Pupils in Control: Sex Talk as an Educational Resource. Pastoral Care in Education, 12(3), 24-30.
- ‘Derrida applied’, Social Theory and Education Research (pp. 236-255). Routledge
- 6.3 Language, Meaning, and the Other in Curriculum Research, International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research (pp. 1077-1092). Springer Netherlands
- Introduction to Re-Imagining Relationships in Education In Griffiths M, Hoveid H, Todd S & Winter C (Ed.), Re-Imagining Relationships in Education (pp. ix-xi). Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.
- Curriculum Knowledge, Justice, Relations: The Schools White Paper (2010) in England, Re-Imagining Relationships in Education (pp. 107-125). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Social Theory and Education Research Routledge
- Critiquing ‘powerful knowledge’ in school geography through a decolonial lens. Geography, 109(2), 67-78.
- Teaching interests
My teaching is research-led. My research interest is curriculum studies, education policy and globalisation and most of my teaching focuses on these areas. As a former Geography teacher, I relish teaching students from different countries. International, EU and home students bring a wealth of knowledge and experience of curriculum systems to share with their classmates and with me.
My teaching strategies are founded on these principles:- Making connections with students based on their existing knowledge and experience
- Building students’ confidence and skills as thinkers and writers
- Encouraging critical engagement with knowledge on the basis of robust evidence
- Enthusing students about the contribution they can make to education for a just society through curriculum study
- Supporting students regarding academic and pastoral concerns
- Professional activities and memberships
- Member of the Geography editorial board and referee for: Cambridge Review of Education, The Curriculum Journal, Journal of Curriculum Studies, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Journal of Education Policy, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Compass, ESRC.
- Co-Convenor EERA European Conference in Educational Research Early Career Group network and Policy and Politics of Education network.
- Deputy Director White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership Education Childhood and Youth Pathway.
- Co-Director of Centre for Critical Psychology and Education.