Dr Anthony Simons


School of Computer Science

Senior Lecturer

Deputy Director of UG Admissions

Member of the Testing research group

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+44 114 222 1838

Full contact details

Dr Anthony Simons
School of Computer Science
Regent Court (DCS)
211 Portobello
S1 4DP

Dr Anthony J H Simons is an academic software engineer in the Department of Computer Science. He has an MA in Modern Languages from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Sheffield. After graduating he joined Sheffield as a Research Associate in the Speech and Hearing Research Group to build speech recognition systems.

Later, in the Verification and Testing Research Group, he developed the type theory of object-oriented programming languages for his PhD. Subsequently becoming a Lecturer, he was active in developing object-oriented software engineering methods, and became the UK respondent for an OPEN ISO standard.

As a Senior Lecturer, he investigates the area of Model-Based Testing and Model-Driven Engineering, with application to Cloud Computing.

Research interests

Dr Simons' research focuses on turning formal results from verification and testing into practical benefits for software engineering. His current research areas include model-based testing and model-driven engineering, with applications to Cloud computing.

He has also published widely in object-oriented software engineering, including type theory and software development methods. He is inventor of the JWalk automatic software testing tool for Java; and the JAST library for processing XML in Java. He is co-author of the OPEN Toolbox of Techniques.


Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers


Professional activities and memberships
  • Member of the Testing research group
  • Research Track Director for the South-East European Research Centre
  • Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Department of Computer Science
  • Sheffield International College Liaison Officer
  • Previous Director of Teaching, Department of Computer Science
  • Previous European Liaison Officer, Department of Computer Scienc