Current Grant Portfolio

Below is a list of grants that are currently active in The School of Computer Science.

Grant TitleAwarded toAwarding BodyStart DateEnd Date
Accelerating Software Development and Improving Test Quality using GamificationJosé Miguel RojasEPSRC22/01/202431/10/2025
Adaptive AI-enabled and Context-enhanced Mobile Intelligence for Climate-smart Pest Management to Optimise Sustainable and Resilient FarmingPo YangInnovate UK01/04/202331/03/2025
AdSoLve: Addressing socio-technical limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) for medical and social computingNikos AletrasRAI (EPSRC)01/05/202431/03/2028
Advancing Acoustic AI Technology for Low-cost Tuberculosis ScreeningNing MaEPSRC02/04/202430/06/2025
Advancing Cardiac Care through Multi-Modal Data Integration for Precise Scar MappingChen ChenRoyal Society01/10/202430/09/2025
Advancing lung health in Zambia through increasing access to integrated and comprehensive screening, diagnosis and management of TB and other chronicrespiratory diseases at community and primary care levelsNing MaCharity01/10/202431/05/2026
AI-CARE: Prostate Cancer Digital TwinDaniele TartariniEPSRC01/04/202431/03/2025
AI-enhanced Climate-Smart Fertiliser Management for Sustainable and Resilient FarmingPo YangInnovate UK01/01/202430/06/2026
ASIMOV: AI-as-a-serviceXingyi SongInnovate UK01/01/202431/03/2025
ATRIUM: Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManitiesKalina BontchevaHorizon Europe01/01/202431/12/2027
Based Integration of ASR and MT in Spoken Language TranslationThomas HainIndustrial01/03/201431/12/2025
BOOM: A Digital Twin for Designing Bladder Treatment Informed By Bladder Outlet Obstruction MechanobiologyPaul WattonGovernment01/08/202331/07/2028
Bootstrap percolation in random graphsMaksim ZhukovskiiRoyal Society31/03/202430/03/2026
Capacity Building and Computing Technologies for Healthcare: An Application in Transforming Mental Health Research and Services in VietnamPaul WattonCharity25/03/202424/03/2025
CAVAA: Counterfactual Assessment and Valuation for Awareness ArchitectureTony PrescottHorizon Europe01/10/202230/09/2026
Challenges to Revolutionise Hearing Device ProcessingJon BarkerEPSRC01/10/201931/10/2025
CITCoM: Casual Inference for Testing of Computational ModelsNeil WalkinshawEPSRC01/01/202128/02/2025
Cyclic Reasoning Mechanisms for Interactive Theorem ProvingAndrei PopescuCharity01/08/202101/03/2025
Data-driven Visions for the Future of AI Skills and Training in the UKDenis Newman-GriffisCharity01/10/202430/09/2025
Deep learning of articulatory-based representations of dysarthric speechHeidi ChristensenIndustrial01/03/201631/12/2025
Design and development of CognoMNDHeidi ChristensenLifeArc01/07/202430/06/2027
Development of an AI-driven Imaging Analysis System with Low-cost Equipment for Fast Onsite Quantification of Plant-parasitic NematodesPo YangInnovate UK01/09/202428/02/2025
Digital Twin Energy GridsEdwin BrownInnovate UK01/10/202430/09/2025
Distinguishing Common and Proper NounsMark StevensonIndustrial01/03/201131/12/2025
Efficient Deployment of Large Language Models for Industrial ApplicationsNikos AletrasIndustrial01/07/202431/07/2025
Electric Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and machine learning-based decision support system for early diagnosis of oral cancerDawn WalkerCharity01/03/202428/02/2027
EnhanceMusic: Machine Learning Challenges to Revolutionise Music Listening for People with Hearing LossJon BarkerEPSRC01/06/202230/11/2026
ESPERANTO: Exchanges for SPEech ReseArch aNd TechnOlogiesNikos AletrasEU H202001/01/202131/12/2025
ExU: AI Models for Examining Multilingual Disinformation Narratives and Understanding their SpreadCarolina ScartonEU01/11/202330/05/2025
Geometric Representations of Uncertainty for Foundation ModelsNafise Sadat MoosaviCharity31/03/202530/03/2028
GRAIL: Getting Responsible about AI and Machine Learning in Research Funding and EvaluationDenis Newman-GriffisCharity01/04/202331/07/2025
Home Monitoring of Paediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing with Unobtrusive SensorsNing MaMRC01/05/202430/04/2025
In-Procedure Personalized Atrial Digital Twin to Predict Outcome of Atrial FibrillationRichard ClaytonEPSRC01/04/202231/03/2026
iNavigate: Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobilityTony PrescottEU H202001/12/201931/05/2025
Influencing policy work on human rights violations against journalistsDiana MaynardResearch England01/09/202430/06/2025
Learning Representations of Higher-Order Structures for Networks via Tensor EmbeddingHaiping LuIndustrial01/04/201931/12/2025
Measuring Human Attribution of Awareness to RobotsTony PrescottCharity01/12/202330/11/2025
Modeling probabilistic reinforcement learning and variable behaviour in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogasterEleni VasilakiIndustrial01/05/201831/12/2025
Modelling Cartilage Chemo-Mechanobiology with Application to Predicting Osteoarthritis Progression and TreatmentPaul WattonRoyal Society31/03/202430/03/2026
Networks of Cardiovascular Digital Twins (CVD-Net)Richard ClaytonEPSRC01/10/202430/09/2029
PestGPT 2.0: Enhancing Mobile Intelligence with Knowledge Guided ChatGPT for
Sustainable Pest Management
Po YangInnovate UK01/08/202431/03/2025
PPNMix: Knowledge Distillation empowered Automatic Molecular Identification Pipeline for
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Complex Mixtures
Po YangInnovate UK01/08/202431/03/2025
Quantitative verification of software families based on coalgebraic modal logic and gamesHarsh BeoharEPSRC01/04/202330/04/2025
Real-time Reservoir Computing on Prosthetic DevicesLuca ManneschiCharity31/03/202315/12/2025
RoarQ: Robust and Reliable Quantum ComputingPhil McMinnRCUK03/05/202331/03/2026
Safe and secure COncurrent programming for adVancEd aRchiTectures (COVERT)John DerrickEPSRC01/07/202330/11/2026
Security of Digital Twins in ManufacturingJohn ClarkEPSRC07/10/202131/05/2025
SimpliFaiS: Simplification of Failure Scenarios for Machine Learning-enabled Autonomous SystemsDonghwan ShinEPSRC01/01/202430/06/2026
SoBigData PPP: SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase ProjectKalina BontchevaHorizon Europe01/10/202230/09/2025
Spintronic Reservoir Fusion: connecting heterogeneous magneticnano-devices for energy-efficient computingMatt EllisEPSRC01/01/202531/12/2027
Synthesising characteristic formulae and apartness proofs for coalgebrasHarsh BeoharCharity31/03/202330/03/2025
TENACITy: Travelling Intelligence Against Crime and TerrorismVita LanfranchiHorizon Europe01/10/202230/09/2025
Test FLARE: Test Flakiness Automated Reproduction and ExplanationPhil McMinnRCUK02/10/202301/02/2027
Toolkit for Analysing and Visualising Online Violence Against Female JournalistsDiana MaynardEPSRC01/04/202431/03/2025
The SofTMech Statistical Emulation and Translation HubRichard ClaytonEPSRC01/03/202128/02/2025
Transforming Parkinson's disease clinical management with integrated digital health technologiesVita LanfranchiEPSRC10/01/202330/06/2025
UK Open Multimodal AI Network (UKOMAIN)Haiping LuEPSRC01/01/202531/12/2027
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their ApplicationsThomas HainUKRI01/04/201930/07/2027
Using Data Driven Artificial Intelligence to Reveal Pesticide Induced Changes in Pollinator BehaviourMike SmithBBSRC14/02/202413/08/2025 VERification Assisted by Artificial IntelligenceKalina BontchevaHorizon Europe01/09/202231/08/2025
VIGILANT: Vital IntelliGence to Investigate ILlegAl DisiNformaTionCarolina ScartonHorizon Europe01/11/202231/10/2025
VIM: towards a Vision based System for Inventory Management with Deep LearningZhixiang ChenEPSRC15/01/202414/01/2026
VoiceBase CentreThomas HainIndustrial01/04/201831/03/2026
XAI-PPN: Interpretable AI-enabled Automatic Identification Pipeline for Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Complex MixturesPo YangEPSRC01/04/202431/03/2025

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