Previous Grant Portfolio

Here is our list of grants that have been completed in the School of Computer Science.


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Grant titleAwarded toAwarding bodyStart dateEnd date
A Cloud-based computational resource for Clinical and educational Applications of Speech TechnologyPhil GreenLeverhulme01/01/201431/12/2017
A Joint Model of Spoken Language TranslationThomas HainIndustrial01/09/201131/12/2019
A Multimodal Speech and Graphical Interface for Hands-free Data Capture and Querying in MRORob GaizauskasEPSRC / Research England01/07/201931/03/2021
A provably secure modelling attack resilient PUF for hardware security of IoT devicesProsanta GopeCharity21/03/202220/09/2023
A smart automatic pronunciation assessment tool for second language learningWai Man NgThe University of Sheffield09/11/201523/02/2016
Accelerating Scientific Discovery with Accelerated ComputingPaul RichmondEPSRC01/02/201601/10/2021
Accoustic correlates of emotions for automatic recognitionThomas HainIndustrial01/10/201830/09/2019
ActiveAI: active learning and selective attention for robust, transparent and efficient AIMike ManganEPSRC01/11/201931/10/2024
AdMaLL: Advanced 3D mapping and long-term localisation with semantics understanding and terrain assessment for robot navigation in GPS-denied environmentsKevin SunUKRI01/04/202030/09/2021
AI-AMMS: AI coupled with Aerial iMaging and Mobile SensingPo YangSTFC05/09/202204/09/2023
Al-enabled cough sound analysis using distant microphones for tuberculosis screeningNing MaResearch England09/01/202331/08/2023
AI-enabled and Context-enhanced Mobile Intelligence for Sustainable Pest Management in Arable CropsPo YangResearch England27/03/202326/03/2024
AIPPN: Interpretable AI enabled Molecular Identification Pipeline for Plant-parasitic NematodesPo YangInnovate UK01/09/202329/02/2024
AirQoMike SmithIndustrial01/08/201931/07/2023
AirPROMAirway Disease Predicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational ModellingRod SmallwoodEU FP701/03/201130/06/2016
Algebras and Proof Automation for Algorithmic Game DevelopmentGeorg StruthRoyal Society01/01/201331/12/2013
AlproDiana MaynardCharity01/01/202131/12/2021
An Argument Workbench - extracting structured arguments from social mediaWim PetersEPSRC01/07/201431/08/2015
An Open Laboratories Programme for Trustworthy Autonomous SystemsTony PrescottRCUK01/05/202131/03/2022
AnnoMarket: Cloud-based Text Annotation MarketplaceHamish CunninghamEU FP701/06/201231/05/2014
APE-QUESTLucia SpeciaEC01/10/201830/09/2020
Arable NemaRecognition: An AI- and moleuclar-driven pipeline for throughoput plant parasitic nematode recognitionPo YangBBSRC01/05/202331/10/2023
Arcomem: ARchive COmmunities MEMoriesHamish CunninghamEU FP701/01/201131/12/2013
ATDPS: Adaptive Trojan Detection and Prevention Systems for Networks-on-Chips (NoCs)Prosanta GopeInnovate UK01/04/202231/07/2022
ATDPS: Adaptive Trojan Detection and Prevention Systems for Networks-onChips (NoCs) - Phase IIProsanta GopeInnovate UK26/09/202228/02/2023
ATM: Automated Threat Modelling for Enterprise AI-enabled AssetsProsanta GopeInnovate UK09/05/202308/09/2023
ATM-II: Automated Threat Modelling for Enterprise AI-enabled AssetsAryan PaskihaniInnovate UK16/10/202331/03/2024
Automatic Detection of Online MisinformationKalina BontchevaIndustrial01/05/201831/12/2020
Automatically mapping and assessing inequalities in public health researchMark StevensonCharity01/04/202131/12/2021
AV-COGHEARTowards visually-driven speech enhancement for cognitively-inspired multi-modal hearing-aid devicesJon BarkerEPSRC01/10/201530/09/2018
BARISTA: Non-Parametic Models of Phase-based Machine TranslationTrevor CohnEPSRC01/03/201231/08/2013
Bayesian models of expression in the transcriptome for clinical RNA-seqJames HensmanBBSRC01/09/201331/12/2015
Beaming: Being in Augmented Multi-Modal Naturally-Networked GatheringsMatthias Harders EU FP701/01/201330/06/2014
BERGAMOT: Browser-based Multilingual TranslationLucia SpeciaEU H202001/01/201930/06/2022
BioPreDynNew Bioinformatics Methods and Tools for Data-Driven, Predictive Dynamic Modelling in Biotechnological ApplicationsNeil LawrenceEU FP701/10/201131/03/2015
BRAHMS: Breathing Resistance Assessment via Home Monitoring of SleepGuy BrownInnovate UK01/06/201928/02/2021
Brain Computer Interfaces for Computer Science TeachingJon BarkerThe University of Sheffield01/06/201630/06/2017
Brains on Board: Neuromorphic Control of Flying RobotsJames MarshallEPSRC30/12/201630/06/2022
Broker@CloudContinuous Quality Assurance and Optimisation for Cloud brokersTony SimonsEU FP701/10/201231/12/2015
Building Capability and Support in Research SoftwareMike CroucherEPSRC01/01/201614/04/2018
Causal Inference for Radiation DetectionMichael FosterCharity30/06/202215/09/2022
CausalXRL: Causal eXplanations in Reinforcement LearningEleni VasilakiEPSRC01/02/202131/07/2024
ChatBot: The development of a CHATBOT to support successful transition to adult care of young people with Type 1 Diabetes MellitusKalina BontchevaNIHR01/12/202031/05/2023
Clever-dREAMS: Using artificial intelligence to enhance the diagnosis of rare skeletal dysplasias in childrenVita LanfranchiMRC01/12/201930/04/2021
CloudVent: Cloud-based speech recognition for people with paralysis using ventilatorsHeidi ChristensenThe University of Sheffield01/10/201530/04/2016
COCOA: Computerised Cognitive AssessmentHeidi ChristensenMRC01/10/201831/03/2020
Code Defenders: Crowdsourcing Effective Software Tests with a Mutation Testing GameGordon FraserRoyal Society01/04/201730/09/2017
CognoSpeak-QMSHeidi ChristensenEPSRC01/01/202331/12/2023
CognoSpeak UXHeidi ChristensenResearch England01/06/202128/02/2022
COMPASS: COMPutational Assessment of Stroke SurvivorsHeidi ChristensenResearch England01/11/201930/06/2020
COMPASS: COMPutational Assessment of Stroke Survivors PrototypeBahman MirheidariFAST Healthcare Plus01/09/201930/06/2020
COMRADESCollective Platform for Community Resilience & Social Innovation During CrisesKalina BontchevaEU H202001/01/201631/12/2018
Connected MarketplaceMark StevensonIndustrial01/01/201431/08/2014
CONTESSA: COuNt data TimE SerieS Analysis: Significance tests and sequencing data applicationEleni VasilakiEU H202001/01/201631/07/2017
COSTAIN: Agent Based ModellingDaniela RomanoRoyal Academy of Engineering01/10/201230/09/2013
Cracker: Cracking the Language Barrier: Coordination, Evaluation and Resources for European MT ResearchLucia SpeciaEU H202001/01/201531/12/2017
Crowd4Sat: Crowdsourcing for Observations from SatellitesStuart WrigleyESA01/02/201531/03/2016
CSI-Cobot: Confident safety integration for CobotsJames LawCharity01/09/201930/06/2022
Cybersecurity and AI Skills DevelopmentJohn ClarkHEFCE01/02/201828/02/2019
CyberselvesHow Immersive Technologies will Impact our Future SelvesTony PrescottAHRC01/10/201730/09/2018
DAASEDynamic Adaptive Automated Software EngineeringJohn ClarkEPSRC01/04/201731/05/2019
Data AnalyticsMark StevensonCharity18/09/201717/09/2021
DecarboNETA Decarbonisation Platform for Citizen Empowerment and Translating Collective Awareness into Behavioural ChangeKalina BontchevaEU FP701/10/201330/11/2016
Deep Probabilistic Models for Making Sense of Unstructured DataMauricio AlvarezEPSRC01/01/201630/09/2019
Defining TILRR regulation of distinct IL-1RI responses using systems biologyMike HolcombeBBSRC03/09/201202/09/2015
Design, modelling and analysis for longitudinal population studies involving high-dimensional molecular measurementsMauricio AlvarezCharity01/10/202031/03/2022
Developing a machine learning tool to improve prognostic and treatment response assessment on cardiac MRI dataHaiping LuCharity01/10/201930/09/2023
Development of a Novel Diagnostic Model of Urinary DysfunctionRichard ClaytonINSIGNEO01/03/201409/08/2014
Digital Sensitivity ReviewMark StevensonIndustrial01/11/201831/03/2019
Digital Twin KEJames LawResearch England01/08/202231/07/2023
Digital twinning for safety assurance and knowledge exchangeJames LawEPSRC01/07/202331/07/2024
Digital Twinning ProjectPaul RichmondIndustrial01/01/202330/06/2023
DILiGENtDomain-Independent Language GenerationAndreas VlachosEPSRC01/12/201528/02/2018
DiODe: Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Decision-MakingJames MarshallERC01/08/201530/11/2020
DiSARM: Digital Speech Recovery from Articulator MovementPhil GreenNIHR01/10/201130/06/2015
Distance Learning for Robotics and Autonomous SystemsTony PrescottResearch England01/07/202030/06/2021
DotRural: A Text Analytic Approach to Rural and Urban Legal HistoriesWim PetersEPSRC01/03/201431/08/2014
Early detection of Papilloedema and Diabetic RetinopathyVitaveska LanfranchiInnovate UK01/11/201830/06/2020
EASELExpressive Agents for Symbiotic Education and LearningRoger MooreEU FP701/11/201331/10/2016
Ecosystem skillsJohn ClarkResearch England01/12/201930/09/2021
ELEKalina BontchevaEU H202001/01/202130/06/2022
ELGEuropean Language GridKalina BontchevaEU H202001/01/201930/06/2022
eNeMILPNon-Monotonic Incremental Language ProcessingAndreas VlachosEPSRC01/01/201830/09/2018
Enhancing the Anchor role of Higher Education in the Sheffield City RegionMike HolcombeHEFCE01/11/201331/10/2016
EPSRC Centre for Multiscale Soft Tissue Mechanics - with application to heart & cancerPaul WattonEPSRC01/04/201631/03/2020
Erasysbio: Systems approach to gene regulation biology through nuclear receptorsNeil LawrenceBBSRC01/01/201131/08/2013
Evaluating Robotic Interventions in STEM Education (ERISE)Tony PrescottResearch England / RCUK01/02/2023 31/02/2024
Exemplar-based Expressive Speech SynthesisAnton RagniRCUK01/06/202130/11/2023
EXPERTEXPloiting Empirical appRoaches to TranslationLucia SpeciaEU FP701/10/201230/09/2016
Exploitation of High Performance Computing in the FLAME Agent-Based Simulation FrameworkMike HolcombeEPSRC01/06/201131/05/2013
Exploiting deep learning to improve speech intelligibility for hearing-impaired listenersNing MaMRC01/01/201730/09/2017
Explorative Test Oracle GenerationGordon FraserEPSRC01/10/201331/03/2015
Farmer-centred Interoperable Mobile-Cloud System: Integrating Data from Farming Activities and Environmental Information for Sustainable Fertiliser ManagementPo YangInnovate UK01/03/202129/02/2024
Ferromone Trails ConceptAnthony SimonsGovernment07/02/201714/06/2017
F2DR: Fit2Drive, Piloting new technology and processes to optimise fitness to drive assessments and improve safetyVita LanfranchiCharity01/10/202131/12/2023
Flake-It: Search-Based Inducement and Repair of Latent Test FlakinessPhil McMinnIndustrial01/01/202030/09/2023
Foraging distances and nest locations of bumblebees Bombus spp. and other bee generationsMike SmithCharity01/04/201931/03/2020
Forecasting personal health in an uncertain environmentRichard ClaytonEPSRC01/01/201330/09/2017
ForgetITConcise Preservation by combining Managed Forgetting and Contextualized RememberingHamish CunninghamEU FP701/02/201331/01/2016
From Stochasticity to Functionality: Probabilistic Computation with Magnetic NanowiresEleni VasilakiEPSRC01/04/201930/11/2023
Fully Automated Software Testing for Natural User InterfacesGordon FraserIndustrial01/06/201331/12/2018
Fujitsu KEPaul RichmondRCUK01/07/202331/12/2023
Future Engineering System: ATIAnthony SimonsInnovate UK01/04/201631/03/2019
Games Software EngineeringSteve MaddockCharity27/09/202108/06/2024
GraphComCommunication Complexity of Graph AlgorithmsSagnik MukhopadhyayRCUK01/12/202331/07/2024
GReaTest: Growing Readable Software TestsGordon FraserEPSRC01/03/201631/08/2017
Green Brain: Computational Modelling of the Honeybee BrainJames MarshallEPSRC01/10/201231/08/2016
HealTex: UK Healthcare Text Analytics Research NetworkRob GaizauskasEPSRC01/06/201631/05/2019
HiDE: A Tool for Unrestricted Literature Based DiscoveryMark StevensonGovernment05/01/201630/06/2016
Human Brain ProjectTony PrescottEC H202001/04/201631/03/2018
Human Brain Project IITony PrescottEC H202001/04/201831/03/2020
Human Brain Project IIITony PrescottEC H202001/04/202030/09/2023
Imagining Technologies for Disability FuturesTony PrescottCharity01/01/202031/12/2024
ImAppNIO: Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and PracticeDirk SudholtEU COST Action01/01/201631/12/2019
Information Processing and Sensemaking: An Exploratory Search System for Document CollectionsMark StevensonGovernment01/09/201430/08/2015
InfoTestSS: Information theory and Test Suite SelectionRob HieronsRCUK01/09/201830/06/2021
InPuT: Individual Profiling using Text AnalysisMark StevensonGovernment15/09/201414/09/2015
Information Retrieval FacilityHamish CunninghamIndustrial01/01/200931/12/2021
INSPIREInvestigating Speech Processing In Realistic EnvironmentsJon BarkerEU FP701/01/201231/12/2015
Institute of CodingPhil McMinnHEFCE08/11/201731/03/2020
Integrating Visual and Context Information into a Mobile Intelligence Solution for Sustainable Management of Wheat Pests and Soil HealthPo YangInnovate UK01/09/202131/03/2023
Integrative In vitro and In silico Modelling of Arterial Mechanobiology for Health and Disease: UK-India Education and Research InitiativePaul WattonCharity15/03/201431/12/2016
Interdisciplinary project on COMPutational Assessment of Stroke Survivors (COMPASS)Heidi ChristensenCharity01/02/202031/08/2024
International Exchanges SchemeJames MarshallCharity16/03/201515/03/2017
Investigating AI-enabled Mobility Network Models for Explaining Economic Inequities and Forecasting RecoveryPo YangResearch England21/02/202231/07/2022
Investigating Deep Learning enabled UAV Image Analysis Models for Crop Disease Detection and MonitoringPo YangRCUK01/07/202331/08/2024
Investigating Spoken Dialogue to Support Manufacturing ProcessesRob GaizauskasEPSRC - Network Plus20/03/201729/06/2018
Invitro: A combined in vitro and in virtuo multi-scale approach to understanding calcium signalling as a signature and integrator of cellular responseDawn WalkerCharity20/09/201019/09/2013
Ireland HubKalina BontchevaEC01/09/202129/02/2024
Isolation-Care Tele-Robotic System and its Efficient Utilization for the Prevention of Nosocomial Infection of the COVID-19Po YangCharity22/06/202030/06/2021
Iterative: An iterative pipeline of computational modelling and experimental design for uncovering gene regulatory networks in vertebratesNeil LawrenceBBSRC01/10/201028/02/2014
ItsLanguageThomas HainIndustrial01/11/201231/12/2014
JBC Data and Data SciencePaul RichmondGovernment01/01/202130/06/2021
Journalist-in-the-Loop Machine Learning as a Service for Rumour AnalysisKalina BontchevaIndustrial01/11/201831/12/2019
KConnectKhresmoi Multilingual Medical Text Analysis, Search and Machine Translation Connected in a Thriving Data-Value ChainAngus RobertsEU H202001/02/201531/01/2018
Knowledge Distillation Empowered Mobile Intelligence Solution for Sustainable Management of Crop Pests and Soil HealthPo YangInnovate UK01/02/202431/01/2025
KNOWMAK: Knowledge in the making in the European societyDiana MaynardEU H202001/01/201731/12/2019
Language Processing for Literature Based Discovery in MedicineMark StevensonEPSRC01/06/201231/05/2015
Linking recombinant gene sequence to protein product manufacturability using CHO cell genomic resourcesNeil LawrenceBBSRC01/03/201329/02/2016
Learning Sparse Features from 4D fMRI Data for Brain Disease DiagnosisHaiping LuEPSRC01/01/201730/06/2019
Learning to move as a human: one-shot learning of human motionMauricio Alvarez-LopezEPSRC01/08/201830/09/2020
LodieWeb Scale Information Extraction via Linked Open DataFabio CiravegnaEPSRC01/09/201230/11/2015
Logical approach to quantum mechanics and contextualityJonni VirtemaDFG06/09/202131/10/2024
Low cost screening for sleep disorders based on smart phone recordingsGuy BrownIndustrial03/01/201723/06/2017
Low-cost screening for sleep disorders based on smartphone recordingsGuy BrownThe University of Sheffield01/11/201631/03/2017
Low Resource Aquaponic Agriculture in NepalHamish CunninghamEPSRC01/10/201731/03/2018
MAI: Musical Artificial IntelligenceGuy BrownResearch England01/01/201931/05/2020
Machine Learning Methods for Personalised, Abstractive Summarisation of Consumer-Generated MediaKalina BontchevaEPSRC01/10/201031/05/2018
Machine Verification Of First-Order Relativity TheoriesMike Stannet & Marian GheorgheRoyal Society01/01/201231/12/2013
Making ElektraGuy BrownResearch England01/02/202130/04/2021
MAUDIE: Multimedia Analysis for Unsupervised Dubbing In EntertainmentThomas HainInnovate UK01/05/201831/07/2021
Meeting the challenge of simultaneous talk for cochlear implant usersGuy BrownAHRC03/03/201402/03/2015
MLiTowards a MultiLingual Data Services infrastructureHamish CunninghamEU FP701/11/201331/10/2015
MLPMMachine Learning for Personalised MedicineNeil LawrenceEU FP701/01/201331/12/2016
MMVC: Multimodal And Multilingual Framework For Video CaptioningLucia SpeciaBritish Council12/02/201830/09/2018
Mobilise D: Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsementVita LanfranchiEU H202001/04/201930/06/2024
Mobility for Life: Traveller Focused Integrated Multi-Modal Transport ModelPaul RichmondIndustrial18/07/201617/01/2017
Modelling Discourse in Statistical Machine TranslationLucia SpeciaEPSRC01/12/201331/05/2015
Modelling Idiomaticity in Human and Artificial Language ProcessingAline VillavicencioEPSRC01/12/202030/11/2024
Modelling the link between working memory and language deficits in schizophreniaAline VillavicencioCharity01/12/202030/09/2024
Monitoring sleep disordered breathing of long-Covid patients at home using acoustic AI TechnologyGuy Brown / Ning MaResearch England05/01/202231/07/2022
MoveMoreFabio CiravegnaGovernment01/05/201631/01/2017
MultiMT: Multimodal Machine TranslationLucia SpeciaERC01/07/201630/09/2018
NAMASENNeuroelectronics and nanotechnology: towards a Multidisciplinary Approach for the Science and Engineering of Neuronal NetworksEleni VasilakiEU FP701/10/201130/09/2015
Natural Language Processing for Automated Requirements FormalisationChenghua LinMDENet01/04/202231/07/2022
Natural Speech TechnologyThomas HainEPSRC01/05/201131/07/2016
Network: POEMS: Predictive mOdelling for hEalthcare technologies through MathSRichard ClaytonEPSRC11/03/201331/03/2017
Neurocardiac Interaction In Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias And Sudden Cardiac DeathRichard ClaytonCharity01/07/201731/03/2023
NeuTouch: Understanding neural coding of touch as enabling technology for prosthetics and roboticsTony PrescottEU - H202001/03/201928/02/2023
New approach for immediate pain free diagnosis of oral cancersDawn WalkerIndustrial01/01/202030/09/2021
Online Abuse towards Public Figures, Government Officials, and Scientists During the COVID-19 CrisisKalina BontchevaResearch England01/07/202031/03/2021
OpenDreamKitOpen Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of MathematicsGuy Brown / Mike CroucherEC H202001/09/201530/04/2018
OpenMintedOpen Mining INfrastructure for TExt and DataKalina BontchevaEC H202001/06/201531/05/2018
Open Epidemiology for pandemic modelling: a transparent, traceable, reusable, open source pipeline for reproducible sciencePaul Richmond / Bob TurnerSTFC01/01/202130/06/2022
OptimisationPaul RichmondIndustrial17/10/201530/06/2016
Path AnalyseMarie-Cruz Villa-UriolCharity01/09/201931/03/2021
PATHS: Personalised Access to Cultural Heritage SpacesMark StevensonEU FP701/01/201131/12/2013
PestGPT: Integrating Visual Intelligence and ChatGPT into a Mobile Solution for Sustainable Pest ManagementPo YangInnovate UK01/09/202329/02/2024
PHEME: Computing Veracity Across Media, Languages, and Social NetworksKalina BontchevaEU FP701/01/201431/03/2017
Physically-informed probabilistic modelling of air pollution in Kampala using a low cost sensor networkMauricio AlvarezRCUK01/10/201931/03/2022
Pitch-In: Promoting the Internet of Things va Collaborations between HEIs & IndustryJohn ClarkeResearch England01/04/201830/09/2021
Participatory co-design of a platform for collecting atypical speech dataStefan GoetzeResearch England01/03/202231/07/2022
Predicting Relevance and Quality of Machine Translation for Product ReviewsLucia SpeciaIndustrial01/09/201730/09/2018
Premonition: Preventative & Predictive Modelling of Community Fire Risk BehavioursDaniela RomanoCharity01/05/201430/06/2017
PRIMAGE: PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkersDawn WalkerEU H202001/12/201831/05/2023
Proctor and GambleRod SmallwoodIndustrial01/01/201131/03/2013
Profiling of Saturn against significant modelsPaul RichmondIndustrial17/10/201531/03/2017
PROWESSProperty-based Testing for Web ServicesJohn DerrickEU FP701/10/201231/10/2015
PUBLIC: Powering Urban Smart Mobility with Data AnalyticsMauricio AlvarezInnovate UK01/09/201830/11/2020
PUMP: Developing a Data Set of Textual and Visual Topic LabelsMark StevensonEPSRC01/09/201331/10/2013
QT21: Quality Translation 21Lucia SpeciaEU H202001/02/201531/01/2018
QTLaunchPad: Preparation and launch of a large-scale action for quality translation technology   Lucia SpeciaEU FP701/07/201230/06/2014
RADIANTRapid development and distribution of statistical tools for high-throughput sequencing dataNeil LawrenceEU FP701/12/201231/11/2015
React to RedMarie-Cruz Villa-UriolCharity01/01/201931/03/2019
Real Time Analysis of Digital Media StreamsFabio CiravegnaEPSRC01/05/201230/04/2013
RE-COST: REducing the Cost of Oracles for Software TestingPhil McMinnEPSRC03/01/201102/01/2014
Recommendation AlgorithmMark StevensonIndustrial19/04/201731/10/2017
ReDites: Real Time, Detection, Tracking, Monitoring and Interpretation of Events in Social MediaFabio CiravegnaEPSRC01/11/201307/07/2014
RE-PRESENT: Automatic Repair of Presentation Failures in Web ApplicationsPhil McMinnEPSRC01/08/202031/03/2023
Responsible AI for Inclusive, Democratic Societies: A cross-disciplinary approach to detecting and countering abusive language onlineKalina BontchevaESRC01/02/202031/01/2024
Rigorous Runtime Analysis of Bio-Inspired ComputingPietro OlivetoEPSRC31/03/201530/09/2020
RISIS 2: European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2Diana MaynardEU H202001/01/201931/12/2023
ROADBLOCK: Towards Programmable Defensive Bacterial Coatings & SkinsMarian GheorgheEPSRC29/03/201231/12/2015
RoboTest: Systematic Model-Based Testing and Simulation of Mobile Autonomous RobotsRob HieronsEPSRC01/09/201831/08/2024
Rosie2James LawResearch England01/04/202030/06/2021
S2AM - Advanced Multi Modal Transport ModelPaul RichmondIndustrial01/02/201731/08/2017
SAGESpeed of Adaptation in Population Genetics and Evolutionary ComputationDirk SudholtEU FP701/01/201431/12/2016
SAI: Social Explainable Artificial IntelligenceNikos AletrasEPSRC01/02/202131/01/2024
Samulet: Strategic Affordable Manufacturing in the UK with Leading Environmental TechnologyFabio CiravegnaIndustrial05/11/200931/12/2013
SatGPUPaul RichmondIndustrial30/05/201730/11/2017
SENSEI – Building the business caseRob GaizauskasThe University of Sheffield05/12/201631/03/2017
Sensei: Making Sense of Human-Human Conversation DataRob GaizauskasEU FP701/11/201331/10/2016
SERAS: Skills and Education in Robotics and Autonomous SystemsTony PrescottRCUK01/03/202030/06/2022
SETAAn open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areasFabio CiravegnaEU H202001/02/201631/01/2019
Silent Speech: restoring the power of speech to people whose larynx has been removedJose Gonzalez-LopezWhite Rose01/03/201631/07/2017
SIMPATICOSIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and cOmpaniesLucia SpeciaEU H202001/03/201628/02/2019
SkyEye: Feasibility Study of Vision Based Localisation in GPS-compromised EnvironmentsMike ManganRCUK01/10/202031/03/2022
SLatR: A Joint Model of Spoken Language TranslationThomas HainIndustrial01/09/201131/12/2016
SoBigData: SoBigData Research InfrastructureKalina BontchevaEU H202001/09/201531/12/2019
SoBigData ++: An Integrated Infrastructures for Social Mining and Big Data AnalyticsKalina BontchevaEU H202001/01/202031/12/2024
Social foundations of cryptographyBen DowlingRCUK01/10/202331/07/2024
SOMNUS: Sleep disOrder MoNitoring by Unobtrusive SensorsGuy BrownInnovate UK05/07/202110/11/2023
Sound Source Separation Based on Deep LearningThomas HainIndustrial01/05/201930/04/2020
Sparse linear models: Their existence and stabilityJoab WinklerRCUK19/09/202218/07/2023
SRAM: Speech Rehabilitation from Articulator MovementPhil GreenCharity01/01/201630/09/2018
Status II: Speech Technology and Translation Universal SurveyThomas HainGovernment01/12/201331/05/2014
Status III: Speech Technology and Translation Universal SurveyThomas HainGovernment01/01/201530/06/2016
Status IV: Tactical Language Recognition and TranslationThomas HainGovernment01/01/201731/10/2017
STriTuVaD: In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine DevelopmentPaul RichmondEU - H202001/02/201831/01/2023
Studying the spread and impact of COVID-19 anti-vaccine disinformation in the UKKalina BontchevaResearch England01/12/202031/03/2021
SUMMAScalable Understanding of Multilingual MediaAndreas VlachosEU - H202001/02/201631/01/2019
SUMO2: Systems understanding of Microbial Oxygen-Dependent and Independent CatabolismMike HolcombeBBSRC01/07/201009/02/2014
Sustained Process Excellence through Embedding of Analytics and Knowledge Management into Process ChainsFabio CiravegnaInnovate UK01/10/201431/03/2016
Swarm AwarenessJames MarshallGovernment13/08/201831/08/2021
Taas: Terminology as a ServiceRobert GaizauskasEU FP701/06/201230/05/2014
TAPAS: Training Network on Automatic Processing of PAthological SpeechHeidi ChristensenEU - H202001/11/201731/10/2021
Test AmplificationGordon FraserIndustrial10/04/201231/08/2017
The automated coding of expressed emotion to enhance clinical and epidemiological mental health research in adolescenceHeidi ChristensenRCUK01/11/202231/12/2024
The cortical representation of low-probability stimuli and its neuromorphic implementationEleni VasilakiCharity05/09/201605/06/2021
The Intelligent Automation of Contract Analysis of Collateral WarrantiesDiana MaynardInnovate UK01/03/201931/08/2020
Towards long-term mapping and semantic guided robot navigation in changing environmentsKevin SunRoyal Sociey01/10/202030/09/2021
Towards Turing 2.0Shuo ZhouRCUK11/07/202211/01/2023
Translating digital healthcare to enhance clinical management: evaluating the effect of medication on mobility in people with PD through remote monitoring toolsFabio CiravegnaMRC01/04/202131/03/2022
TRIG: Accelerating Transport Microsimulation: Demonstrating the impact of future many core simulationsPaul RichmondGovernment16/09/201631/01/2017
Turing NetworkHaiping LuRCUK01/02/202331/07/2023
Tuto: Reading skills tutoring systemThomas HainIndustrial01/09/201631/08/2017
Tuto II: Reading skills tutoring systemThomas HainIndustrial01/08/201731/08/2018
TWO!EARSGuy BrownEU FP701/12/201330/11/2016
uCompEmbedded Human Computation for Knowledge Extraction and EvaluationWim PetersEPSRC15/11/201214/05/2016
Uncertainty Quantification in Prospective and Predictive Patient Specific Cardiac ModelsRichard ClaytonEPSRC01/05/201730/04/2022
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in VerifiabilityRob HieronsUKRI01/11/202031/10/2024
Understanding end-users’ views of digital technologies for diagnosis of heart diseaseVita LanfranchiResearch England15/01/202231/07/2022
Verifiably correct concurrency abstractionsJohn DerrickEPSRC01/03/201829/02/2020
Verifiably Correct Transactional MemoryJohn DerrickEPSRC01/10/201831/08/2022
Verifying concurrent algorithms on Weak Memory ModelsJohn DerrickEPSRC31/05/201530/11/2018
Verifying Concurrent Lock-free AlgorithmsJohn DerrickEPSRC19/04/201218/10/2015
Visualising the environmental impacts of plant-based recipes in EuropeDiana MaynardResearch England01/12/202131/07/2022
VisualSenseRob GaizauskasEPSRC01/01/201330/06/2016
VoiceBaseThomas HainIndustrial01/09/201731/08/2018
WeSenseItCitizen Water ObservatoriesFabio CiravegnaEU FP701/10/201230/09/2016
WeVerifyWider and enhanced Verification for youKalina BontchevaEU H202001/12/201830/11/2021
XAIvsDisinfo: eXplainable AI Methods for Categorisation and Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Disinformation and Online DebatesKalina BontchevaUKRI16/06/202131/01/2023

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