
The increasing demand on structures and civil infrastructure to adapt to our ever-changing environment and social landscape requires new and improved engineered materials and solutions to ensure optimised and sustainable use of our resources.


These environmental and sustainability issues, therefore, drive our research activities in this theme.

Our work aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the mechanical and fracture behaviour of traditional and novel engineering materials to meet today’s and future challenges, and enable their recovery and re-use in order to minimise waste and reduce raw materials consumption. This advanced knowledge is then injected into everyday engineering practice through the formulation, implementation, and experimental validation of advanced design techniques. These cutting-edge structural integrity paradigms are devised to enable the transformative technologies we need to meet current critical challenges in areas such as infrastructure, security, energy, ageing society, clean growth, and mobility.

Our research in this challenging field is further supported by multidisciplinary collaborations, not only with other academic research groups, but also with industry and other relevant stakeholders. This stimulating environment offers a rich, creative forum for the nurturing and training of future researchers.


Our department has been research-led for over 100 years and our academic staff are organised into four overarching disciplines, the main ones being Water Engineering and Structural Engineering and Materials.

Water Engineering

Structural Engineering & Materials

Geotechnical Engineering

Resources, Infrastructure Systems and Built Environments

Current Research

Multi-scale, circular economic potential of non-residential building stock (EPSRC)


Modelling size-dependent electro-magneto-mechanical coupling (Royal Society) 

Structural performance of 3D concrete printed composites (EPSRC)

PoroFrac - A high-fidelity isogeometric simulation methodology for fracture in porous media (CONCAWE)

FRGeo-Crete (Horizon 2020)

GRE.A.TE.R.S. (Horizon 2020)

Previous Research - last 5 years

Biomonitoring (South Staffordshire Water PLC)

Academics Involved

Name Other Research Themes
de Borst, Prof. René Infrastructure, Energy & Hazards
Bowman, Dr Elisabeth Infrastructure & Hazards
Burgess, Prof. Ian Infrastructure, Digital & Hazards
Clarke, Prof. Sam Infrastructure & Hazards
Davison, Prof. Buick Infrastructure & Hazards
Densley Tingley, Dr Danielle Infrastructure, Energy & Digital
Gilbert, Prof. Matthew Infrastructure, Digital & Hazards
Guadagnini, Dr Maurizio Infrastructure & Hazards
Hajirasouliha, Prof. Iman Infrastructure & Hazards
He, Dr. Linwei Infrastructure & Digital
Huang, Dr Shan-Shan Infrastructure & Hazards
Nichols, Dr Andy Infrastructure
Langdon, Prof. Genevieve Hazards
Liew, Dr Andrew Infrastructure & Digital
Mayfield, Prof. Martin Infrastructure, Energy & Digital
Nematollahi, Dr Behzad Infrastructure & Hazards
Ozdemir, Dr Zuhal Infrastructure & Hazards
Pilakoutas, Prof. Kypros Infrastructure & Hazards
Rigby, Dr Sam Infrastructure, Digital & Hazards
Schellart, Dr Alma Infrastructure & Hazards
Smith, Prof. Colin Infrastructure, Digital & Hazards
Smyl, Dr Danny Infrastructure, Digital & Hazards
Stovin, Prof. Virginia Infrastructure & Hazards
Thornton, Prof. Steve Hazards
Torelli, Dr Giacomo Infrastructure & Hazards
Tyas, Prof. Andrew Infrastructure, Digital & Hazards
Yun, Dr Xiang Infrastructure & Digital

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