Remembering the life of Dr John Laverack Taylor

It is with great sadness that we share news of the passing of Dr John Laverack Taylor.

sad flowers

It is with great sadness that we share news of the passing of Dr John Laverack Taylor.  John was a founder member of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (then Town and Regional Planning) at the University of Sheffield.  

John trained and qualified as an architect and, thereafter, as a planner.  He was part of the original team that set up the Department at the University of Sheffield.  John will be remembered by former staff and students of the Department for his infectious enthusiasm.  He was also a pioneer of gaming simulation as a teaching method.  

One of his notable appointments after leaving the University of Sheffield was as Principal of Bretton College, where he was central to the creation of Yorkshire Sculpture Park within the Bretton Hall grounds, now one the world's leading sculpture galleries and parks.

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