Dr Tracey Young
BSc (UEA), MSc (Southampton), PhD (Brunel), CStat, CSci
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor in Health Economics and Outcome Measurement
+44 114 222 0837
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined ScHARR in April 2004 and work as a health economist in HEDS. My work in ScHARR has included developing methodology for deriving condition-specific preference based measures from existing quality of life instruments. I am also involved in a number of economic evaluations alongside clinical trials.
- Research interests
- Methods for measuring uncertainty in economic evaluations
- Methods for developing preference-based measures from existing QOL measures
- Economic evaluations alongside clinical trials
- Censored costs
- Mapping
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Costs and advance directives at the end of life: a case of the ‘Coaching Older Adults and Carers to have their preferences Heard (COACH)’ trial. BMC Health Services Research, 15. View this article in WRRO
- Mapping Functions in Health-Related Quality of Life: Mapping from Two Cancer-Specific Health-Related Quality-of-Life Instruments to EQ-5D-3L. Medical Decision Making, 35(7), 912-926. View this article in WRRO
- Generalizability and Unaddressed Issues in Mapping. Medical Decision Making, 34(7), 824-825.
- Use of generic and condition-specific measures of health-related quality of life in NICE decision-making: a systematic review, statistical modelling and survey.. Health Technol Assess, 18(9), 1-224. View this article in WRRO
- Improving the measurement of QALYs in dementia: Developing patient- and carer-reported health state classification systems using Rasch analysis. Value in Health, 15(2), 323-333. View this article in WRRO
- The use of rasch analysis in reducing a large condition-specific instrument for preference valuation: the case of moving from AQLQ to AQL-5D.. Med Decis Making, 31(1), 195-210.
- An economic evaluation of pediatric small bowel transplantation in the United Kingdom.. Transplantation, 82(4), 508-515.
- Estimating mean total costs in the presence of censoring: a comparative assessment of methods.. Pharmacoeconomics, 23(12), 1229-1242.
- Midterm cost-effectiveness of the liver transplantation program of England and Wales for three disease groups.. Liver Transpl, 9(12), 1295-1307.
Conference proceedings papers
All publications
Journal articles
- Experiences of acceptance and commitment therapy for people living with motor neuron disease (MND): a qualitative study from the perspective of people living with MND and therapists. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 17.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy plus usual care for improving quality of life in people with motor neuron disease (COMMEND): a multicentre, parallel, randomised controlled trial in the UK. The Lancet. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy for people living with motor neuron disease, and their health-related quality of life. European Journal of Neurology. View this article in WRRO
- Outpatient paracentesis for the management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: study protocol for the STOP-OHSS randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 14. View this article in WRRO
- United States Value Set for the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General Eight Dimensions (FACT-8D), a Cancer-Specific Preference-Based Quality of Life Instrument. PharmacoEconomics - Open, 8(1), 49-63.
- The MAGIC trial: a pragmatic, multicentre, parallel, noninferiority, randomised trial of melatonin versus midazolam in the premedication of anxious children attending for elective surgery under general anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia. View this article in WRRO
- Acceptance and commitment therapy for people living with motor neuron disease: an uncontrolled feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9. View this article in WRRO
- A randomised controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy plus usual care compared to usual care alone for improving psychological health in people with motor neuron disease (COMMEND): study protocol. BMC Neurology, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review and critical methodological appraisal of community-based falls prevention economic models. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 20(1).
- A Qualitative Investigation of Older Adults’ Conceptualization of Quality of Life and a Think-Aloud Content Validation of the EQ-5D-5L, SF-12v2, Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, and Office of National Statistics-4.. Value in Health, 25(12), 2017-2027.
- The effect of a specialist paramedic primary care rotation on appropriate non-conveyance decisions (SPRAINED) study: a controlled interrupted time series analysis. British Paramedic Journal, 7(1), 9-18.
- An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT.. Health Technol Assess, 26(24), 1-152.
- An investigation of age-related differential item functioning in the EQ-5D-5L using item response theory and logistic regression.. Value in Health.
- The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a single-blind, parallel group, phase 3 trial. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(4), e276-e285.
- Economic evaluation of community-based falls prevention interventions for older populations: a systematic methodological overview of systematic reviews. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1).
- Economic models of community-based falls prevention: a systematic review with subsequent commissioning and methodological recommendations. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- Endometrial scratch to increase live birth rates in women undergoing first-time in vitro fertilisation : RCT and systematic review. Health Technology Assessment, 26(10), 1-211.
- Community Ageing Research 75+ (CARE75+) REMOTE study: a remote model of recruitment and assessment of the health, well-being and social circumstances of older people. BMJ Open, 11(11). View this article in WRRO
- Qualitative research to inform economic modelling : a case study in older people’s views on implementing the NICE falls prevention guideline. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1).
- A breakthrough series collaborative to increase patient participation with hemodialysis tasks : a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 16(7). View this article in WRRO
- The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Eight Dimension (FACT-8D), a Multi-Attribute Utility Instrument Derived From the Cancer-Specific FACT-General (FACT-G) Quality of Life Questionnaire: Development and Australian Value Set. Value in Health, 24(6), 862-873.
- Correspondence on "How can we estimate QALYs based on PHQ-9 scores? Equipercentile linking analysis of PHQ-9 and EQ-5D" by Furukawa et al. Evidence Based Mental Health. View this article in WRRO
- Delivery of nutritional management services to people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating alcohol intoxication management services: the EDARA mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 8(24). View this article in WRRO
- The importance of accounting for parameter uncertainty in SF-6D value sets and its impact on studies that use the SF-6D to measure health utility. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11). View this article in WRRO
- Use of a modified World Café process to discuss and set priorities for a Community of Practice supporting implementation of ReQoL a new mental health and quality of life Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM). Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 4(1). View this article in WRRO
- Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Journeying through Dementia (JtD) intervention compared to usual care. BMJ Open, 9(9). View this article in WRRO
- Health care professionals’ views on psychological factors affecting nutritional behaviour in people with motor neuron disease : a thematic analysis. British Journal of Health Psychology. View this article in WRRO
- Community ageing research 75+ study (CARE75+): an experimental ageing and frailty research cohort. BMJ Open, 9(3). View this article in WRRO
- An educational review about using cost data for the purpose of cost-effectiveness analysis. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Multicentre, double-blind, crossover trial to identify the Optimal Pathway for TreatIng neurOpathic paiN in Diabetes Mellitus (OPTION-DM): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 19(1), 578-578. View this article in WRRO
- Induced endometrial trauma (endometrial scratch) in the mid-luteal menstrual cycle phase preceding first cycle IVF/ICSI versus usual IVF/ICSI therapy: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.. BMJ Open, 8(5). View this article in WRRO
- Australian utility weights for the EORTC QLU-C10D, a multi-attribute utility instrument derived from the cancer-specific quality of life questionnaire, EORTC QLQ-C30. Phamacoeconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Sourcing and using appropriate health state utility values in economic models in health care. PharmacoEconomics, 35(Suppl 1), 7-9. View this article in WRRO
- Recommended Methods for the Collection of Health State Utility Value Evidence in Clinical Studies. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Rationale and design for SHAREHD: a quality improvement collaborative to scale up Shared Haemodialysis Care for patients on centre based haemodialysis. BMC Nephrology, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- Aquatic therapy for children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial and mixed-methods process evaluation. HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, 21(27). View this article in WRRO
- Aquatic therapy for boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): an external pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 3, 16-16. View this article in WRRO
- Sensitivity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D-3L in patients with uncontrolled focal seizures: an analysis of Phase III trials of adjunctive brivaracetam. Quality of Life Research, 26(3), 749-759. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of needs-based patient education on self-efficacy and health outcomes in people with rheumatoid arthritis: a multicentre, single blind, randomised controlled trial. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 75(6), 1126-1132. View this article in WRRO
- QLU-C10D: a health state classification system for a multi-attribute utility measure based on the EORTC QLQ-C30. Quality of Life Research, 25(3), 625-636.
- Using a discrete choice experiment to value the QLU-C10D: feasibility and sensitivity to presentation format. Quality of Life Research, 25(3), 637-649.
- Costs and advance directives at the end of life: a case of the ‘Coaching Older Adults and Carers to have their preferences Heard (COACH)’ trial. BMC Health Services Research, 15. View this article in WRRO
- Mapping Functions in Health-Related Quality of Life: Mapping from Two Cancer-Specific Health-Related Quality-of-Life Instruments to EQ-5D-3L. Medical Decision Making, 35(7), 912-926. View this article in WRRO
- Deriving a Preference-Based Measure for Myelofibrosis from the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the MF-SAF. Value in Health, 18(6), 846-855.
- 185: The SPECIAL trial: exploring the place of early specialist palliative care in UK lung cancer management. Lung Cancer, 87, S69-S69.
- An Exploratory Study to Test the Impact on Three “Bolt-On” Items to the EQ-5D. Value in Health, 18(1), 52-60. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of General Population, Patient, and Carer Utility Values for Dementia Health States. Medical Decision Making, 35(1), 68-80. View this article in WRRO
- Deriving a preference-based utility measure for cancer patients from the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer's Quality of Life Questionnaire C30: a confirmatory versus exploratory approach. Patient Related Outcome Measures, 5, 119-129. View this article in WRRO
- Generalizability and Unaddressed Issues in Mapping. Medical Decision Making, 34(7), 824-825.
- 174. Effectiveness of Patient-Centred Education in Improving Self-Efficacy and Health Status in People with Rheumatoid-Arthritis. Rheumatology, 53(suppl_1), i124-i125.
- Use of generic and condition-specific measures of health-related quality of life in NICE decision-making: a systematic review, statistical modelling and survey.. Health Technol Assess, 18(9), 1-224. View this article in WRRO
- Development of DEMQOL-U and DEMQOL-PROXY-U: generation of preference-based indices from DEMQOL and DEMQOL-PROXY for use in economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 17(5), v-140.
- Association between body mass index and health-related quality of life, and the impact of self-reported long-term conditions - Cross-sectional study from the south Yorkshire cohort dataset. BMC Public Health, 13(1). View this article in WRRO
- A study evaluating the effect of Educational Needs Assessment Tool (ENAT) focused patient education, on health outcomes in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Protocol of an ongoing study. Open Journal of Nursing, 03(02), 287-292.
- Comparison of generic, condition-specific, and mapped health state utility values for multiple myeloma cancer.. Value Health, 15(8), 1059-1068.
- Improvement in nutritional status reduces the clinical impact of infections in older adults.. J Am Geriatr Soc, 60(9), 1645-1654.
- Developing and testing methods for deriving preference-based measures of health from condition-specific measures (and other patient-based measures of outcome).. Health Technol Assess, 16(32), 1-114.
- Response to Comments on Mulhern et al., "Improving the Measurement of QALYs in Dementia: Developing Patient- and Carer-Reported Health State Classification Systems Using Rasch Analysis".. Value Health, 15(5), 787-788.
- Improving the measurement of QALYs in dementia: Developing patient- and carer-reported health state classification systems using Rasch analysis. Value in Health, 15(2), 323-333. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating preference-based single index measures for dementia using DEMQOL and DEMQOL-proxy. Value in Health, 15(2), 346-356.
- It's all in the name, or is it? The impact of labeling on health state values.. Med Decis Making, 32(1), 31-40.
- Predicting gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN): Is urine hCG the answer?. GYNECOL ONCOL, 122(3), 595-599.
- Deriving a preference-based measure for cancer using the EORTC QLQ-C30.. Value Health, 14(5), 721-731. View this article in WRRO
- Predicting gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN): is urine hCG the answer?. Gynecol Oncol, 122(3), 595-599.
- Estimating a preference-based index for a 5-dimensional health state classification for asthma derived from the asthma quality of life questionnaire.. Med Decis Making, 31(2), 281-291.
- South Yorkshire Cohort: a 'cohort trials facility' study of health and weight - protocol for the recruitment phase.. BMC Public Health, 11, 640. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of adding an extra dimension to a preference-based measure.. Soc Sci Med, 73(2), 245-253.
- Using rasch analysis to form plausible health states amenable to valuation: The development of CORE-6D from a measure of common mental health problems (CORE-OM). Quality of Life Research, 20(3), 321-333. View this article in WRRO
- The use of rasch analysis in reducing a large condition-specific instrument for preference valuation: the case of moving from AQLQ to AQL-5D.. Med Decis Making, 31(1), 195-210.
- Developing preference-based health measures: using Rasch analysis to generate health state values.. Qual Life Res, 19(6), 907-917.
- Comparison of case note review methods for evaluating quality and safety in health care.. Health Technol Assess, 14(10), iii-144. View this article in WRRO
- Folate status and aberrant DNA methylation are associated with HPV infection and cervical pathogenesis.. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 18(10), 2782-2789.
- A paediatric telecardiology service for district hospitals in south-east England: an observational study. ARCH DIS CHILD, 94(4), 273-277.
- Healthcare provided by a homeopath as an adjunct to usual care for Fibromyalgia (FMS): results of a pilot Randomised Controlled Trial.. Homeopathy, 98(2), 77-82.
- Valuing condition-specific health states using simulation contact lenses.. Value Health, 12(5), 793-799.
- The first stage of developing preference-based measures: constructing a health-state classification using Rasch analysis.. Qual Life Res, 18(2), 253-265.
- Trends in healthcare incident reporting and relationship to safety and quality data in acute hospitals: results from the National Reporting and Learning System.. Qual Saf Health Care, 18(1), 5-10.
- Use of classical and novel biomarkers as prognostic risk factors for localised prostate cancer: a systematic review.. Health Technol Assess, 13(5), iii.
- Can CORE assessment data identify those clients less likely to benefit from brief counselling in primary care?. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 8(4)(2008), 223-230.
- Cost implications of introducing a telecardiology service to support fetal ultrasound screening. J TELEMED TELECARE, 14(8), 421-426.
- Costs of NHS maternity care for women with multiple pregnancy compared with high-risk and low-risk singleton pregnancy. BJOG-INT J OBSTET GY, 114(9), 1104-1112.
- An economic evaluation of pediatric small bowel transplantation in the United Kingdom.. Transplantation, 82(4), 508-515.
- Using categorisations of citations when assessing the outcomes from health research. SCIENTOMETRICS, 65(3), 357-379.
- An assessment of the impact of informative dropout and nonresponse in measuring health-related quality of life using the EuroQol (EQ-5D) descriptive system.. Value Health, 8(1), 53-58.
- Determining priority for liver transplantation: a comparison of cost per QALY and discrete choice experiment-generated public preferences.. Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 4(4), 249-255.
- Estimating mean total costs in the presence of censoring: a comparative assessment of methods.. Pharmacoeconomics, 23(12), 1229-1242.
- The importance of accounting for the uncertainty of published prognostic model estimates.. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 20(4), 481-487.
- Midterm cost-effectiveness of the liver transplantation program of England and Wales for three disease groups.. Liver Transpl, 9(12), 1295-1307.
- Survival gain after liver transplantation for patients with alcoholic liver disease: A comparison across models and centers. TRANSPLANTATION, 76(10), 1479-1486.
- Assessing health-related quality of life pre- and post-liver transplantation: a prospective multicenter study.. Liver Transpl, 8(3), 263-270.
- A simulation modelling approach to evaluating alternative policies for the management of the waiting list for liver transplantation.. Health Care Manag Sci, 4(2), 117-124.
- Circadian variation in witnessed out of hospital cardiac arrest.. Heart, 84(4), 370-376.
- Comparison of the SF-36 health survey questionnaire with the Nottingham Health Profile in long-term survivors of a myocardial infarction.. J Public Health Med, 22(2), 167-175.
- Outcome and use of health services four years after admission for acute myocardial infarction: case record follow up study.. BMJ, 319(7204), 230-231.
- Relevance of clinical trial results in myocardial infarction to medical practice: comparison of four year outcome in participants of a thrombolytic trial, patients receiving routine thrombolysis, and those deemed ineligible for thrombolysis.. Heart, 81(6), 598-602.
- Influence of ambulance crew's length of experience on the outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.. Eur Heart J, 20(7), 535-540.
- Quality of life four years after acute myocardial infarction: short form 36 scores compared with a normal population.. Heart, 81(4), 352-358.
- Resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: is survival dependent on who is available at the scene?. Heart, 81(1), 47-52.
- Outcome following myocardial infarction — a comparison of patients receiving thrombolysis routinely, within a clinical trial or deemed ineligible for thrombolysis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 31, 232-232.
- Inpatient deaths from acute myocardial infarction, 1982-92: analysis of data in the Nottingham heart attack register.. BMJ, 315(7101), 159-164.
- A national evaluation of Project Cautioning And Relationship Abuse (‘CARA’) awareness raising workshops for first time offenders of domestic violence and abuse: protocol for a concurrent mixed-methods evaluation design. NIHR Open Research, 4, 43-43.
- Incorporating frailty to address the key challenges to geriatric economic evaluation. BMC Geriatrics, 24(1).
- Economic model of community-based falls prevention: seeking methodological solutions in evaluating the efficiency and equity of UK guideline recommendations. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1).
- Optimal pharmacotherapy pathway in adults with diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain: the OPTION-DM RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(39), 1-100.
- Symptom burden according to dialysis day of the week in three times a week haemodialysis patients. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0274599-e0274599.
- The nutritional management of people living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): A national survey of dietitians. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
- Needs and preferences for psychological interventions of people with motor neuron disease. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration. View this article in WRRO
- Controlled observational study and economic evaluation of the effect of city-centre night-time alcohol intoxication management services on the emergency care system compared with usual care. Emergency Medicine Journal.
Conference proceedings papers
- F19 The cost of juvenile onset huntingdon’s disease (JOHD) in the uk. Clinical studies
- Proceedings of Patient Reported Outcome Measure’s (PROMs) Conference Oxford 2017: Advances in Patient Reported Outcomes Research. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Vol. 15(S1) View this article in WRRO
- Two New Cancer-Specific Multi-Attribute Utility Instruments: EORTC QLU-C10D and FACT-8D. Value in Health, Vol. 19(7) (pp A807-A807)
- OP0203-HPR Does Enat-Focused Education Improve Health Outcomes in Ra? A Randomised Controlled Trial: Table 1. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, Vol. 73(Suppl 2) (pp 139.2-139)
- Relationship between plasma zinc and antibacterial innate immune function in the elderly. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Vol. 67(OCE8)
- Discussion of issues concerning the quality of life in cancer patients. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine, Vol. 14(2) (pp 95-97)
- View this article in WRRO
- Erratum to: Using a discrete choice experiment to value the QLU-C10D: feasibility and sensitivity to presentation format. Quality of Life Research, 26(8), 2247-2248. View this article in WRRO
- Erratum to: Using a discrete choice experiment to value the QLU-C10D: feasibility and sensitivity to presentation format. Quality of Life Research, 25(9), 2401-2401.
- Erratum to: QLU-C10D: a health state classification system for a multi-attribute utility measure based on the EORTC QLQ-C30. Quality of Life Research, 25(10), 2683-2683.
- Combining causal inference and within-trial economic evaluation methods to assess comparative cost-effectiveness using real-world data: a tutorial with recommendations based on the quasi-experimental ADAPT study of a redesigned mental health service.
- Economic Models of Community-Based Falls Prevention: A Systematic Review With Subsequent Commissioning And Methodological Recommendations.
- Economic Evaluation of Community-Based Falls Prevention Interventions: A Systematic Methodological Overview of Systematic Reviews, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Qualitative Research to Inform Economic Modelling: Older People’s Views on Implementing the Nice Falls Prevention Guideline in English Community Context., Research Square Platform LLC.
- Economic Evaluation of Community-based Falls Prevention Interventions: a Systematic Methodological Overview of Systematic Reviews, Research Square Platform LLC.
- The effect of a specialist paramedic primary care rotation on appropriate non-conveyance decisions (SPRAINED) study: a controlled interrupted time series analysis.
- Costs and advance directives at the end of life: a case of the ‘Coaching Older Adults and Carers to have their preferences Heard (COACH)’ trial. BMC Health Services Research, 15. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
I am an active PhD supervisor with 2 current PhD students
- Teaching interests
My teaching interests lie in statistical issues in Economic Evaluations, Medical Statistics and Evidence Synthesis and Methods for Developing Preference-Based Measures.
I am module coordinator for the Economic Evaluation module on the HEDM and E&HE MSc's.
My teaching interests are:
- Health Economics
- QALYs, Utilities and outcome measures
- Medical Statistics
- Teaching activities
- Director of Postgraduate research for ScHARR
- Acting lead for the Health Economics and outcome measurement (HEOM) theme for CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber
- Health Economist on the endometrial trauma in women undergoing first time IVF (SCRATCH) trial.
- Health Economist on the journeying through dementia study
- Health Economist on an NIHR programme grant to develop and evaluate a complex intervention to improve nutritional management for people with ALS (HighCALS)
- Professional activities and memberships
- Health Economic advisor for NIHR Yorkshire and Humber RDS
- Editorial Board for Medical Decision Making