Dr Sophie Whyte
MMath (Warwick), PhD (Birmingham)
School of Medicine and Population Health
Senior Research Fellow
+44 114 222 0859
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined the HEDS section of ScHARR as a mathematical modeller in September 2007. Previous to this, I obtained a Masters in Mathematics from the University of Warwick and a PhD in Pure Mathematics (Group Theory) from Birmingham University.
- Research interests
My broad research is focused on mathematical modelling within health economics. I have gained significant expertise and experience in two related areas:
- Bayesian calibration of cancer natural history models: This is my main methodological research theme, please see MDM publication http://mdm.sagepub.com/content/31/4/625 and Example Excel model using the Metropolis Hastings algorithm to calibrate a state transition model available to down load from the Downloads box)
- Early diagnosis of bowel cancer: I have substantial experience in early diagnosis of cancer generally having worked on more than 15 projects in this area of applied research. My main expertise lies in the modelling bowel cancer screening to inform national bowel cancer screening policy.
In addition to these main research themes I have undertaken research to inform policy making: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for NICE, and research as part of the Policy Research Unit in Economic Evaluation of Health and Care Interventions (EEPRU) for DH (http://www.eepru.org.uk/)
- Publications
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Featured publications
Journal articles
- Optimizing the design of a repeated fecal immunochemical test bowel cancer screening programme with a limited endoscopy capacity from a health economic perspective. Value in Health, 25(6), 954-964.
- British Society of Gastroenterology/Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland/Public Health England post-polypectomy and post-colorectal cancer resection surveillance guidelines. Gut, 69(2), 201-223. View this article in WRRO
- The association between long-term conditions and uptake of population-based screening for colorectal cancer: results from two English cohort studies. Cancer Management and Research, 10, 637-645. View this article in WRRO
- Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Care Programmes - A Methodological Case Study of the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Health Economics, 24(6), 742-754.
- Guaiac faecal occult blood test performance at initial and repeat screens in the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. British Journal of Cancer, 111(9), 1734-1741. View this article in WRRO
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an awareness campaign for colorectal cancer: a mathematical modeling study.. Cancer Causes Control, 25(6), 647-658. View this article in WRRO
- Bevacizumab for metastatic colorectal cancer: a NICE single technology appraisal.. Pharmacoeconomics, 30(12), 1119-1132.
- Reappraisal of the options for colorectal cancer screening in England.. Colorectal Dis, 14(9), e547-e561.
- Cost-effectiveness of population-based screening for colorectal cancer: a comparison of guaiac-based faecal occult blood testing, faecal immunochemical testing and flexible sigmoidoscopy.. Br J Cancer, 106(5), 805-816. View this article in WRRO
- Consistency between direct and indirect trial evidence: is direct evidence always more reliable?. Value Health, 14(6), 953-960. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor prophylaxis for febrile neutropenia in breast cancer in the United Kingdom.. Value Health, 14(4), 465-474.
- Bayesian Calibration of a Natural History Model with Application to a Population Model for Colorectal Cancer. Medical Decision Making, 31(4), 625-641.
- Bevacizumab in combination with fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.. Health Technol Assess, 14(Suppl. 2), 47-53. View this article in WRRO
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All publications
Journal articles
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- PP09 Fecal Immunochemical Tests For Patients With Symptoms Suggestive Of Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review And Multiple-Threshold Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 40(S1), S56-S57.
- OP15 Cost-Effectiveness Of Quantitative Fecal Immunochemical Tests For Detecting Suspected Colorectal Cancer In The Context Of Colonoscopy Capacity Constraints. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 40(S1), S7-S7.
- MT55 Faecal Immunochemical Tests for Patients in Primary Care With Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer: Systematic Review and Multiple-Threshold Meta-Analysis. Value in Health, 27(12), S496-S496.
- MSR67 Comparison of Multi-Cancer Early Detection Modelling Approaches: Appraisal of the Methods. Value in Health, 27(12), S450-S451.
- MA10.05 Model-based Evaluations of the Cost-effectiveness of Interventions for Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18(11), S134-S134.
- Optimizing the design of a repeated fecal immunochemical test bowel cancer screening programme with a limited endoscopy capacity from a health economic perspective. Value in Health, 25(6), 954-964.
- The costs and benefits of risk-stratification for colorectal cancer screening based on phenotypic and genetic risk: a health economic analysis. Cancer Prevention Research, 14(8), 811-822. View this article in WRRO
- Electronic clinical decision support tool for assessing stomach symptoms in primary care (ECASS): a feasibility study. BMJ Open, 11(3). View this article in WRRO
- Principles for Evaluation of Surveillance After Removal of Colorectal Polyps: Recommendations From the World Endoscopy Organization. Gastroenterology, 158(6), 1529-1533.e4.
- British Society of Gastroenterology/Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland/Public Health England post-polypectomy and post-colorectal cancer resection surveillance guidelines. Gut, 69(2), 201-223. View this article in WRRO
- External Validation of a Colorectal Cancer Model Against Screening Trial Long-Term Follow-Up Data. Value in Health, 22(10), 1154-1161. View this article in WRRO
- The association between long-term conditions and uptake of population-based screening for colorectal cancer: results from two English cohort studies. Cancer Management and Research, 10, 637-645. View this article in WRRO
- Virtual chromoendoscopy for the real-time assessment of colorectal polyps in vivo: a systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technology Assessment, 21(79), 1-308. View this article in WRRO
- A New Approach for Sampling Ordered Parameters in Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Degarelix for Treating Advanced Hormone-Dependent Prostate Cancer: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 35(7), 717-726. View this article in WRRO
- How to Invest in Getting Cost-effective Technologies into Practice? A Framework for Value of Implementation Analysis Applied to Novel Oral Anticoagulants. Medical Decision Making, 37(2), 148-161.
- Erratum to: Cost-effectiveness of screening for ovarian cancer amongst postmenopausal women: a model-based economic evaluation. BMC Medicine, 15(1).
- Cost-effectiveness of screening for ovarian cancer amongst postmenopausal women: a model-based economic evaluation. BMC Medicine, 14(1), 200-200. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating a computer aid for assessing stomach symptoms (ECASS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 17(1). View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness of Implementation: Is Sufficient Evidence Available?. Value in Health, 19(2), 138-144. View this article in WRRO
- Factors associated with completion of bowel cancer screening and the potential effects of simplifying the screening test algorithm. British Journal of Cancer, 114(3), 327-333. View this article in WRRO
- Eliciting Societal Preferences for Weighting QALYs for Burden of Illness and End of Life. Medical Decision Making, 36(2), 210-222.
- Modelling the cost-effectiveness of public awareness campaigns for the early detection of non-small-cell lung cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 113(1), 135-141. View this article in WRRO
- Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Care Programmes - A Methodological Case Study of the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Health Economics, 24(6), 742-754.
- Guaiac faecal occult blood test performance at initial and repeat screens in the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. British Journal of Cancer, 111(9), 1734-1741. View this article in WRRO
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an awareness campaign for colorectal cancer: a mathematical modeling study.. Cancer Causes Control, 25(6), 647-658. View this article in WRRO
- Using resource modelling to inform decision making and service planning: the case of colorectal cancer screening in Ireland.. BMC Health Serv Res, 13, 105. View this article in WRRO
- Reply: cost-effectiveness of population-based screening for colorectal cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 108(5), 1211-1212.
- Bevacizumab for metastatic colorectal cancer: a NICE single technology appraisal.. Pharmacoeconomics, 30(12), 1119-1132.
- Reappraisal of the options for colorectal cancer screening in England.. Colorectal Dis, 14(9), e547-e561.
- Cost-effectiveness of population-based screening for colorectal cancer: a comparison of guaiac-based faecal occult blood testing, faecal immunochemical testing and flexible sigmoidoscopy.. Br J Cancer, 106(5), 805-816. View this article in WRRO
- Cost of care for colorectal cancer in Ireland: A health care payer perspective. European Journal of Health Economics, 13(4), 511-524.
- Consistency between direct and indirect trial evidence: is direct evidence always more reliable?. Value Health, 14(6), 953-960. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor prophylaxis for febrile neutropenia in breast cancer in the United Kingdom.. Value Health, 14(4), 465-474.
- Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors for febrile neutropenia prophylaxis following chemotherapy: Systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer, 11. View this article in WRRO
- Bayesian Calibration of a Natural History Model with Application to a Population Model for Colorectal Cancer. Medical Decision Making, 31(4), 625-641.
- Bevacizumab in combination with fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.. Health Technol Assess, 14(Suppl. 2), 47-53. View this article in WRRO
- Should colorectal cancer screening start at different ages for men and women? Cost‐effectiveness analysis for a resource‐constrained service. Cancer Reports. View this article in WRRO
- Bevacizumab in combination with fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Health Technology Assessment, 14(Suppl 2), 47-53.
Conference proceedings papers
- The value of investing implementation activities: A case study in natriuretic peptide testing for diagnosing suspected heart failure (2014)
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- Optimizing the design of a repeated fecal immunochemical test bowel cancer screening programme with a limited endoscopy capacity from a health economic perspective. Value in Health, 25(6), 954-964.
- Research group
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD which may fit with my research areas described above please contact me regarding PhD supervision.
- Teaching interests
I am module lead for the Dissertation on the MSc in Health Economics and Decision Modelling.