Dr Sarah Barnes
BA(hons), PgDip, PhD
School of Medicine and Population Health
Public Health Section Director
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
+44 114 222 0727
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Room 2037
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined the University of Sheffield in 2000 as a Research Associate in Sheffield Institute for Studies in Ageing (SISA). Here I worked on the multi-disciplinary EPSRC-funded project Design in Caring Environments (DICE), a study of quality of life and building design in residential and nursing care homes for older people. Following on from this I successfully managed a three year, multi-method, longitudinal study identifying the need for end of life care among older people with heart failure and their families, funded by the Department of Health.
In January 2007 I joined ScHARR and am currently working as a Senior Lecturer in Public Health where I have retained my commitment to interdisciplinary/cross departmental research collaboration.
In September 2018 I took on the role of Section Director for Public Health, ScHARR.
- Research interests
My primary research interest is in 'improving the quality of life of older people'. Key research areas arising from this are:-
- The impact of the physical environment on the quality of life of older people
- Evaluating the housing needs of older people
- Improving hospital environments for the end of life care of older people
- Assessing the palliative care needs of older people with life-limiting illnesses
- Improving communication between patients with life-limiting conditions and their health care professionals
Research projects
- Roche Products Limited: Patient perspectives in geographic atrophy (GA), Carlton J, Barnes S, Haywood A. £38,500. May to December 2017.
- Sheffield Wildlife Trust: Evaluation of Wild at Heart, Barnes S and Jordan H, £14,000, May 2015 -December 2016.
- EPSRC; ESRC; AHRC: Design for Well-being programme. How better design can facilitate mobility, connectivity and well-being for older people. A participatory approach to design research. Wigglesworth S, Barnes S, Tait M, Crookes L. £642,082. October 2013 to October 2016.
- NIHR Physical Environment Research Programme. Built environment in acute care for older people. Parker S G (PI), Barnes S, Nolan M, Booth A, Deardon A. £274,440. February 2011 - March 2013.
- BUPA Foundation: Phillip Poole-Wilson Seed Corn fund. Pre-protocol work to develop a Randomised Control Trial to enhance patient-professional communication about end of life issues in life limiting conditions other than cancer. Barnes S (PI), Gott M, Payne S, Gardiner C, Small N, Seamark D, Halpin D. £19923. February 2010 - February 2011.
- Supportive and Primary Care Oncology Research Group (SPORG). Improving hospital environments for the end of life care of older people dying of malignant disease. Gardiner C (PI), Barnes S, Ingleton C, Gott M. £3960. January 2010 - December 2010.
- Dunhill Medical Trust. A pilot study to explore the palliative care needs of older patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Gott M (PI), Barnes S, Payne S, Small N, Seamark D, Halpin D, Ruse C. £56890. January 2008 - January 2009.
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Design evaluation of older people's extra care housing: development and testing of as assessment tool (EVOLVE). Torrington J (PI), McKee K, Barnes S, Netten A, Darton R. £658000. October 2007 - October 2010
- Publications
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Journal articles
- Strabismus Surgery for Psychosocial Reasons—A Literature Review. British and Irish Orthoptic Journal, 20(1), 107-132.
- Mapping competencies taught in public health – Experience of the Europubhealth Consortium. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2), ckad160.1477.
- Informal carers' experiences of caring for a person with heart failure in a community setting. Health and Social Care in the Community. View this article in WRRO
- Patient perspectives in geographic atrophy (GA) : exploratory qualitative research to understand the impact of GA for patients and their families. British and Irish Orthoptic Journal, 15(1), 133-141. View this article in WRRO
- Capturing the carer's experience: a researcher's reflections.. Nurse Researcher, 23(5), 31-35. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of volunteer befriending services for older people at the end of life: Mechanisms supporting wellbeing. Progress in Palliative Care, 24(3), 159-164. View this article in WRRO
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- Food provision for older people receiving home care from the perspectives of home-care workers.. Health Soc Care Community, 22(5), 553-560. View this article in WRRO
- Tools to measure quality of life and carer burden in informal carers of heart failure patients: A narrative review. PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 27(7), 596-607.
- Exploring the mealtime experience in residential care settings for older people: an observational study.. Health Soc Care Community, 21(4), 442-450.
- The relationship between building design and residents’ quality of life in extra care housing schemes. Health & Place, 21, 52-64.
- "You get old, you get breathless, and you die": Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Barnsley, UK.. Health and Place.
- Enhancing patient-professional communication about end-of-life issues in life-limiting conditions: a critical review of the literature.. J Pain Symptom Manage, 44(6), 866-879.
- Does the design of extra-care housing meet the needs of the residents? A focus group study. Ageing and Society, 32(7), 1193-1214.
- The hospital environment for end of life care of older adults and their families: an integrative review.. J Adv Nurs, 68(5), 981-993.
- Exploring health professionals' views regarding the optimum physical environment for palliative and end of life care in the acute hospital setting: a qualitative study.. BMJ Support Palliat Care, 1(2), 162-166.
- Older people with heart failure and general practitioners: temporal reference frameworks and implications for practice.. Health Soc Care Community, 19(4), 412-419.
- Using a prediction of death in the next 12 months as a prompt for referral to palliative care acts to the detriment of patients with heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Palliat Med, 24(7), 740-741.
- Reconciling informed consent and 'do no harm': ethical challenges in palliative-care research and practice in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Palliat Med, 24(5), 469-472.
- Exploring the care needs of patients with advanced COPD: an overview of the literature.. Respir Med, 104(2), 159-165.
- EVOLVE: A tool for evaluating the design of older people's housing. Housing, Care and Support, 13(3), 36-41.
- The effect of the Shipman murders on clinician attitudes to prescribing opiates for dyspnoea in end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in England. Progress in Palliative Care, 18(2), 79-84.
- Living with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: patients concerns regarding death and dying.. Palliat Med, 23(8), 691-697.
- Barriers to advance care planning in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Palliat Med, 23(7), 642-648.
- Dying, death and bereavement: A qualitative study of the views of carers of people with heart failure in the UK. BMC Palliative Care, 8. View this article in WRRO
- Older people's views of a good death in heart failure: implications for palliative care provision.. Soc Sci Med, 67(7), 1113-1121.
- Predicting mortality among a general practice-based sample of older people with heart failure.. Chronic Illn, 4(1), 5-12.
- Patient views of social service provision for older people with advanced heart failure.. Health Soc Care Community, 15(4), 333-342.
- Dying trajectories in heart failure.. Palliat Med, 21(2), 95-99.
- Communication in heart failure: perspectives from older people and primary care professionals.. Health Soc Care Community, 14(6), 482-490.
- Space, choice and control, and quality of life in care settings for older people. ENVIRON BEHAV, 38(5), 589-604.
- Prevalence of symptoms in a community-based sample of heart failure patients.. J Pain Symptom Manage, 32(3), 208-216.
- Characteristics and views of family carers of older people with heart failure.. Int J Palliat Nurs, 12(8), 380-389.
- Predictors of the quality of life of older people with heart failure recruited from primary care.. Age Ageing, 35(2), 172-177.
- Recruiting older people into a large, community-based study of heart failure.. Chronic Illn, 1(4), 321-329.
- Quality of life and building design in residential and nursing homes for older people. AGEING SOC, 24, 941-962. View this article in WRRO
- The influence of building design on the quality of life of older people. Architectural Science Review, 47(2), 193-197.
- The design of caring environments and the quality of life of older people. AGEING SOC, 22, 775-789. View this article in WRRO
- Methods for assessing quality of life and well-being in frail older people. PSYCHOL HEALTH, 17(6), 737-751.
- Patient perspectives on their outcomes from strabismus surgery undertaken for psychosocial reasons. Eye.
- View this article in WRRO
- International Handbook of Positive Aging Routledge
Conference proceedings papers
- View this article in WRRO
- P40 Wild at Heart: A mixed method evaluation of a wildlife-related intervention for older people. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, Vol. 70(Suppl 1) (pp A71-A71), 14 September 2016 - 16 September 2016. View this article in WRRO
- Patient perspectives on their outcomes from strabismus surgery undertaken for psychosocial reasons, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Strabismus Surgery for Psychosocial Reasons—A Literature Review. British and Irish Orthoptic Journal, 20(1), 107-132.
- Research group
Current PhD Students
- Sarah Alasamri: Bridging the gap between a mother’s need to breastfeed and institutional policies: A mixed methods study exploring factors Influencing breastfeeding (started May 2019)
- Rami Cosulich, Wellcome Trust: Unmet needs among the older people in England: determinants and effects (started October 2020)
- Sin Rou Fu: The role of smell in the natural world: Exploring the impact of natural smells on wellbeing among older people (started October 2020)
- Neslihan Tunc: Dietary pattern, social support and health related quality of life (started October 2022)
- Emine Akbayrak: How the experience of the environment (rural, urban place or nursing home) affects older adults current cognitive functions (started October 2022)
Previous PhD students
- Gemma Arblaster: Investigating the outcomes of adult strabismus surgery undertaken for psychosocial reasons (completed December 2021)
- Bruce Moore: Preferences, positions and priorities of residents of extra care and retirement housing (completed March 2021)
- Eiman Alkhezi: Perceptions of physical activity among Kuwaiti older people (completed March 2019)
- Katharine Whittingham: The effect of a Carer Support Plan on reducing burden in carers of heart failure patients (completed July 2018)
- Ameerah Qattan: The Effect of Work-Related Stress and Burnout on Nursing Performance and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Saudi Arabia Hospitals (completed April 2018)
- Noura Abouammoh: Understanding the role of expatriate health care providers in caring for type 2 diabetes patients in Saudi Arabia (completed April 2015)
- Teaching interests
I gained my Certificate in Learning and Teaching (CiLT) in 2009. I am a Module Leader for Dissertations and since working as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Public Health I have also led modules in Research Methods, Health Needs Assessment and International Health Policy.
I also contribute to the public health components of the Undergraduate Medical Degree (MBChB) and supervise several MPH dissertations each year.
I am interested in supervising PhD Students using qualitative and mixed methods approaches and am particularly interested in aspects of environmental gerontology and palliative care.
- Professional activities and memberships
- School Dissertation Co-ordinator (2017-)
- Lead for ScHARR's Health and Environment research theme (2013-)
- ScHARR Postgraduate Admissions Officer (2012-2015)
- Member of the Research for Patient Benefits (RfPB) Advisory Committee (2015-)
- Member of the British Society of Gerontoloty (2012-)
- Academic reviewer for a wide range of journals and funding bodies