Dr Shoba Dawson

BA, MSc, PhD

Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior Research Fellow

Shoba Dawson
Profile picture of Shoba Dawson

Full contact details

Dr Shoba Dawson
Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health

She co-leads the Trial Forge Inclusive Research Centre (Sheffield) which aims to increase evidence base for methodological approaches to improve inclusivity in trials therefore improving trial decision making, relevance and generalisability.

From 2013-2017, Shoba held an NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre Studentship that explored how patient and public involvement in health research can be made more inclusive. 

She co-leads the GPs at the Deep End Network, Bristol, which aims to reduce health inequalities through peer support, advocacy, training and research for primary care clinicians working in disadvantaged areas. 

Shoba is currently a co-Principal Investigator on a NIHR SPCR-funded study focusing on improving communication about menopause for women from South Asian backgrounds

She is also a co-Principal Investigator on a mixed-methods study exploring prescription medication sharing in the UK.

Shoba is happy to supervise MSc and PhD students and welcomes enquiries from potential students on projects in her areas of interest.

Research interests

My research focuses on addressing health inequalities through primary research and evidence synthesis. My research interests include inclusivity in trials, participatory research, patient and public involvement and engagement and evidence synthesis.


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers


  • Dawson S, Imison C & Kaur M (2022) Supporting equity and tackling inequality: how can NIHR promote inclusion in public partnerships? A themed review RIS download Bibtex download