Dr Samantha Caton

BSc (Hons), M.Med.Sci, PhD

School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior Lecturer

Sam Caton ScHARR Black and White
Profile picture of Sam Caton ScHARR Black and White
+44 114 222 4198

Full contact details

Dr Samantha Caton
School of Medicine and Population Health
2037, 2nd Floor
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I am a biological Psychologist with an interest in the broad areas of obesity, appetite regulation and nutrition.  My first degree was in Psychology (University of Leeds) followed by a Masters degree in Human Nutrition (University of Sheffield).

I undertook my PhD at the University of Liverpool, studying the effects of alcohol on appetite regulation and energy balance.  My PhD allowed me to combine both Psychology and Human Nutrition.

I joined the Section of Public Health as a Lecturer in October 2013.  Prior to this I was a lecturer in Biopsychology and Neuroscience at the University of Bradford.

I have held post-doctoral positions both internationally and nationally; Germany (Ludwig Maximillians Universität, Munich, Department of Endocrinology), USA (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Department of Psychology) and most recently in the UK (University of Leeds, Institute of Psychological Sciences).

Research interests
  • Promotion of healthful eating in pre-school children.
  • Infant feeding behaviour.
  • Effect of alcohol on appetite and body weight regulation.

Current projects

  • Promotion of vegetable intake in pre-school children.  I am currently involved, via my honorary fellowship at the University of Leeds, in an EU (FP7) funded project, "HabEat: Determining factors and critical periods in food Habit formation and breaking in Early childhood: a multidisciplinary approach"  The work package that I am directly involved in is undertaken at the Human Appetite Research Unit Infant Lab, Institute of Psychological Sciences with Professor Marion Hetherington
  • Early prevention: responsive feeding in pre-school children.  This work is undertaken as part of an ESRC White Rose Collaborative studentship.

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Journal articles


  • Hetherington MM, Caton S & Nekitsing C (2017) sensory-specific satiation and satiety In Hort J, Kemp SE & Hollowood T (Ed.), Time-Dependent Measures of Perception in Sensory Evaluation (pp. 48-66). London: John Wiley & Sons. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nogueiras R, Wiedmer P, Perez-Tilve D, Caton SJ & Tschöp MH (2009) Gastrointestinal Signals: Stimulation, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (pp. 577-581). Elsevier RIS download Bibtex download

Theses / Dissertations

  • Caton SJ (2010) Acute effects of alcohol on appetite, energy intake and energy balance.. RIS download Bibtex download


Research group

PhD Students

  • Janet McNally (University of Leeds, co-supervised with Professor Marion Hetherington
Teaching interests
  • Supervision of Masters dissertations
  • Supervision of Postgraduate research students

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising Research Students in topics/areas such as Obesity, Nutrition and Infant feeding.

Teaching activities

Public Health teaching in Phase 1 of the Undergraduate Medical Degree (MBChB)

Professional activities and memberships
  • Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO)
  • Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviour (SSIB)
  • British Feeding and Drinking Group (BFDG)